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Goals, Scope and Background It has been observed that hydrocarbon treated wastewaters still contain high COD and a number of intermediates. This suggests that the required catabolic gene pool for further degradation might be absent in the system or, that its titer value is not significant enough. By providing the desired catabolic potential, the overall efficiency of the treatment system can be improved. This study aims to demonstrate this concept by bioaugmentation of a lab-scale reactor treating refinery wastewater with a consortium having the capacity to complement the alkB genotype to the available microbial population. Methods Two reactors were set up using activated biomass collected from a refinery treatment plant and operated at a continuous mode for a period of 8 weeks. The feed to both reactors was kept constant. Crude oil was spiked regularly. One reactor was bioaugmented with a consortium previously described for crude oil spill remediation. The efficiency of the bioaugmented reactor was demonstrated by reduced COD. The changes in the microbial population over a period of time were analyzed by RAPD. Catabolic activity of the biomass in both reactors was monitored by PCR. The presence of the catabolic loci was confirmed by Southern Hybridization. Results and Discussion 52.2% removal of COD was observed in the bioaugmented reactor while only 15.1% reduction of COD was observed in the reactor without bioaugmentation. The change in microbial population can be seen from the 4th week, which also corresponds to improved catabolic activity. The presence of the bedA locus was seen in all samples, which indicates the presence of aromatic degraders, but the appearance of the alkB locus, from the 6th week onwards, which was observed only in the samples from the bioaugmented reactor. The results suggest that the gene pool of the bioaugmented reactor has catabolic loci that can degrade accumulated intermediates, thus improving the efficiency of the system. Conclusions In this study, improvement of efficiency of bioremediation was demonstrated by addition of catabolic loci that are responsible for degradation. Bioaugmentation was carried out in biomass that was collected from an ETP (effluent treatment plant) treating hydrocarbon containing wastewater to study the strategies for improvement of the treatment system. Biostimulation, only marginally improved the efficiency, when compared to bioaugmentation. The improved efficiency was demonstrated by COD removal. The presence of the alkB locus suggests the importance of a catabolic gene pool that acts on accumulated intermediates. It is well documented that straight chain aliphatics and intermediates of aromatic compounds after ring cleavage, accumulate in refinery wastewater systems, thereby hindering further degradation of the wastewater. Supplementation of a catabolic gene pool that treats the lower pathway compounds and alkanes will improve the overall efficiency. In this study, results suggest that the alkB locus can also be used to monitor the degradative mode of the activated biomass. Recommendations and Perspective . Pollution from petroleum and petroleum products around the globe are known to have grave consequences on the environment. Bioremediation, using activated sludge, is one option for the treatment of such wastes. Effluent treatment plants are usually unable to completely degrade the wastewater being treated in the biological unit (the aerator chambers). The efficiency of degradation can be improved by biostimulation and bioaugmentation. This study demonstrates the improved efficiency of a treatment system for wastewater containing hydrocarbons by bioaugmentation of a consortium that supports degradation. Further experiments on a pilot scale are recommended to assess the use of bioaugmentation on a large scale. The use of molecular tools, like DNA probes for alkB, to monitor the system also needs to be explored.  相似文献   
固定化微生物技术在印染废水处理方面的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从固定化方法、固定化载体以及固定化微生物的选择等方面全面系统地介绍了固定化微生物技术处理印染废水的研究进展及应用现状,并展望了固定化微生物技术应用前景。  相似文献   
采用两级膨胀颗粒污泥床(EGSB)反应器在微氧条件下处理焦化废水,分别考察了一级和二级EGSB反应器(EGSBⅠ和EGSBⅡ)对污染物的去除效果。结果表明,系统能够高效去除COD和NH3-N,EGSBⅠ主要用于去除COD,EGSBⅡ主要用于去除NH3-N。总水力停留时间(HRT)为24 h(EGSBⅠ12 h+EGSBⅡ12 h),系统对952 mg/L的COD、41.3 mg/L的NH3-N、34.55 mg/L的挥发酚、295.8 mg/L的硫氰化物和0.89 mg/L的氰化物的平均去除率分别为78.1%、81.3%、100%、98.1%和89.9%。出水COD、NH3-N、挥发酚、硫氰化物和氰化物的平均浓度分别为208、7.7、0、5.7和0.09 mg/L。出水NH3-N、挥发酚和氰化物浓度均低于《炼焦化学工业污染物排放标准》(GB 16171-2012)的直接排放限值。  相似文献   
钻井污水是一种棕黑色的多组分复杂体系,含有大量粘土粒子、电解质、少量浮油和油田处理剂,基本上属于胶体体系。ξ电势是胶体的一个重要性质,试验中研究测试了几种常用无机絮凝剂处理钻井污水时ξ电势的变化,根据ξ电势的大小及等电点时絮凝剂的用量对其进行了筛选。  相似文献   
污水处理厂传统的二级生化处理对药品及个人护理用品(Pharmaceutical and Personal Care Products, PPCPs)等新兴污染物的去除率较低, PPCPs随出水排放会给生态环境带来较大的风险,并会经过生物富集最终危害到人体健康,因此需要通过进一步的深度净化以削减其风险.本文综述了常见PPCPs在污水处理系统的分布特征及生态风险,阐述了高级氧化工艺(Advanced oxidation processes, AOPs)、生物活性炭工艺(Biological activated carbon, BAC)以及高级氧化联合生物活性炭工艺(AOPs-BAC)深度净化PPCPs的净化原理,在此基础上,综述了AOPs-BAC工艺对污水中PPCPs的深度净化效果及主要影响因素,并探讨了AOPs-BAC工艺对污水中PPCPs的风险削减能力,为污水中PPCPs深度净化工艺的研发及PPCPs的生态风险控制提供了参考.  相似文献   
P-SBR处理乙基胺废水的试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用加压曝气 序批式活性污泥反应器 (P SBR)处理乙基胺生产废水 ,进水CODCr2 6 0 0mg L ,出水CODCr≤15 0mg L ,CODCr容积负荷 3 0~ 8 0kg m3·d。该工艺具有降解有机物速度快 ,脱氮效率高 ,占地面积小等特点。  相似文献   
系统比较了β-PbO2/Ti-Ti和BDD/Si-Ti两种电极体系处理实际印染行业反渗透浓水(ROC)的性能,考察了同步去除化学需氧量(COD)和总氮(TN)的动力学,以及对废水可生化性的改善情况.结果表明,BDD/Si-Ti电极体系的析氧电位(2.45V)和析氯电位(1.90V),以及阳极氧化电位和阴极还原电位的绝对值均高于β-PbO2/Ti-Ti电极体系;两种电极体系对COD以及TN的去除符合拟一级动力学,其中BDD/Si-Ti电极体系对COD去除的表观速率常数和能量利用效率均优于β-PbO2/Ti-Ti电极体系;而β-PbO2/Ti-Ti电极体系对TN去除的表观速率常数和能量利用效率更优.β-PbO2/Ti-Ti电极体系在5mA/cm2的电流密度下电解15min,可使反渗透浓水BOD/COD从0.18升至0.42(提高1.33倍),而BDD/Si-Ti电极体系仅提升0.78倍.两者相比,BDD/Si-Ti电极体系适用于矿化污染物,β-PbO2/Ti-Ti电极体系适用于改善废水可生化性.  相似文献   
三维电极法深度处理维生素生产废水   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用三维电极法对维生素废水进行深度处理,分别以钛涂钌铱板、铁板和不锈钢板作为电极阳极,石墨板作为电极阴极,柱状活性炭作为粒子电极,结果表明,当以钛涂钌铱板作为阳极,以粒径为1 mm的柱状活性炭作为粒子电极时电解效果最好,COD和色度去除率最高。实验选择电解电压、电极板间距、电解时间和初始pH值作为主要影响因素进行正交实验,实验研究证明,各因素的影响大小为电解电压>电极板间距>电解时间>初始pH值,得到的最佳参数组合分别为:电解电压为10 V,电极板间距为8 cm,电解时间为20 min,初始pH值为4,得到COD和色度最大去除率分别为59.5%和93.57%。  相似文献   
目前全球面临巨大能源、水污染及资源危机,传统污水处理技术已无法满足可持续发展需求,实现能源自给、污水再生及资源回收的新型污水处理技术是未来水厂重要实施路径.污水处理厂实现能源自给的关键一是"开源",即高效回收污水中有机物化学能、低品位热能,并利用外源有机物厌氧共消化、太阳能、风能等技术开发能源;二是"节流",即利用高效...  相似文献   
城市污水处理厂污泥的综合利用探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市化进程加快,城市污泥排放量日益增多,污泥中含有大量的有机物质、病原菌、寄生卵、重金属及盐类等成分,污泥的综合利用主要利用污泥中的有效成分将污泥做成肥料、饲料、能源燃料、化工原料、建筑材料等,实现变度为宝,这也是城市污泥处理和资源化的主要发展趋势。  相似文献   
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