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卢钧  陈泉源 《化工环保》2021,41(2):161-167
采用强化混凝和高级氧化法对制药废水生化出水进行深度处理,比较了不同混凝剂、不同氧化方法(包括Na2S2O8氧化、电化学氧化、Fenton/类Fenton氧化)的处理效果。实验结果表明:经聚合硫酸铁与聚丙烯酰胺强化混凝处理后,废水的COD去除率达18.5%;强化混凝与不同氧化方法联用均可使废水脱色至无色,COD去除率达70.1%~92.4%。强化混凝—电化学氧化组合工艺的出水COD为27.1 mg/L,达到GB 8978—1996《污水综合排放标准》一级标准限值要求,且成本较低,适于实际应用。  相似文献   
The degradation of fulvic acid(FA) by nanoparticle TiO2 in a submerged membrane photocatalysis(SMPC) reactor was studied. In this reactor, photocatalytic oxidation and membrane separation co-occured. The continuous air supplier provided O2 for the photocatalytical reaction and mixed the solution through an airflow controller. The particle TiO2 could automatically settle due to gravity without particle agglomeration so it could be easily separated by microfiltration(MF) membrane. It was efficient to maintain high flux of membranes. The effects of operational parameters on the photocatalytic oxidation rate of FA were investigated. Results indicated that photocatalyst at 0.5 g/L and airflow at 0.06 m^3/h were the optimum condition for the removal of fulvic acid, the removal efficiency was higher in acid media than that in alkaline media. The effects of different filtration duration on permeate flux rate of MF with P25 powder and with nanoparticle TiO2 were compared. Experimental results indicated that the permeate flux rate of MF was improved and the membrane fouling phenomenon was reduced with the addition of nanoparticle TiO2 catalyst compared with conventional P25 powder. Therefore, this submerged membrane photocatalysis reactor can faciliate potential application of photocatalytic oxidation process in drinking water treatment.  相似文献   
常压非平衡等离子体条件下CO2的转化   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
研究常温常压下,脉冲电晕等离子体对温室气体CO2的活经与轮,分别考究了纯CO2气体,CO2-H2,CO2-CH4体系中CO2的轮。纯CO2气体放电,CO2主要分解为CO和O2,CO的选择性在70%以上,随着脉冲电压峰值的增加,CO2转化率,CO2产率有所提高。  相似文献   
OMS-2 nanorod catalysts were synthesized by a hydrothermal redox reaction method using MnSO4 (OMS-2-SO4) and Mn(CH3COO)2 (OMS-2-AC) as precursors. SO42 −-doped OMS-2-AC catalysts with different SO42 − concentrations were prepared next by adding (NH4)2SO4 solution into OMS-2-AC samples to investigate the effect of the anion SO42 − on the OMS-2-AC catalyst. All catalysts were then tested for the catalytic oxidation of ethanol. The OMS-2-SO4 catalyst synthesized demonstrated much better activity than OMS-2-AC. The SO42 − doping greatly influenced the activity of the OMS-2-AC catalyst, with a dramatic promotion of activity for suitable concentration of SO42 − (SO4/catalyst = 0.5% W/W). The samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES), NH3-TPD and H2-TPR techniques. The results showed that the presence of a suitable amount of SO42 − species in the OMS-2-AC catalyst could decrease the Mn–O bond strength and also enhance the lattice oxygen and acid site concentrations, which then effectively promoted the catalytic activity of OMS-2-AC toward ethanol oxidation. Thus it was confirmed that the better catalytic performance of OMS-2-SO4 compared to OMS-2-AC is due to the presence of some residual SO42 − species in OMS-2-SO4 samples.  相似文献   
探析施氏矿物在不同温度、pH下的溶解行为,对其在酸性煤矿废水(ACMD)重金属去除领域的应用具有重要的工程指导意义.本研究通过摇瓶实验,在0.16mol·L-1FeSO4·7H2O,初始pH为2.5的酸性体系中,采用氧化亚铁硫杆菌A.ferrooxidans催化合成施氏矿物.考察了15℃与30℃,pH为2.0$6.0环境条件下矿物的溶解行为,及生物合成施氏矿物对酸性体系Cu2+的吸附去除效果.研究结果表明,经过24h反应,施氏矿物合成体系pH从原始2.50降低至2.18,体系Fe2+氧化完全,27.3%的铁离子参与矿物的合成,矿物分子式可表示为Fe8O8(OH)4.22(SO4)1.89.生物合成施氏矿物在温度为15℃,pH分别为3.2、3.0、2.8、2.6、2.4、2.2与2.0液态体系中振荡72h,矿物溶解率分别为1.92%、3.34%、5.90%、13.09%、28.74%、44.53%与61.46%.在温度为30℃的上述酸度体系中,矿物溶解率在相应时间却达到2.04%、3.98%、8.34%、20.53%、43.50%、96.74%与99.92%.在pH≥3.5的不同温度液态体系中该矿物无溶解迹象.在15℃,pH为6.0、5.0、4.5、4.0与3.5,Cu2+浓度为40mg·g-1的液态体系中,生物合成施氏矿物对Cu2+的吸附量为(50.9±2.2)、(47.3±13.3)、(40.5±4.7)、(31.1±5.0)及(16.9±6.5)mg·g-1.体系酸度一定,施氏矿物在15℃与30℃条件下对Cu2+的吸附效果无显著差异.本研究结果对生物合成施氏矿物在ACMD重金属去除工程应用提供必要的参数支撑.  相似文献   
采用溶胶凝胶法制备了不掺杂、V 掺杂、Ce掺杂、V/Ce共掺杂纳米TiO2光催化剂,并将其分别负载于瓷砖上,利用X射线衍射分析(XRD)和扫描电镜分析(SEM)技术对薄膜样品的结构和形貌进行了表征。通过对甲醛的降解实验评价光催化剂的光催化活性。实验结果表明,光催化剂的负载量、共掺杂离子的掺杂量、掺杂配比、煅烧温度影响纳米TiO2的光催化活性。V/Ce共掺杂TiO2光催化剂产生了协同效应,其光催化活性优于纯TiO2和单掺杂TiO2样品。  相似文献   
The current acid deposition critical loads in Guangdong, China were calculated using the PROFILE model with a 3 km × 3 km resolution. Calculations were carried out for critical loads of potential acidity, actual acidity, sulfur and nitrogen, with values in extents of 0–3.5, 0–14.0, 0–26.0 and 0–3.5 kmol/(hm2·year), respectively. These values were comparable to previously reported results and reflected the influences of vegetation and soil characteristics on the soil acid buffering capacity. Simulations of S...  相似文献   
施用高效氮肥对农田N2O的减排效果及经济效益分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
收集高效氮肥N2O排放资料,利用整合分析法分析高效氮肥对N2O的减排效果.稳定性氮肥排放的N2O是普通肥料的0.66倍,减排效果显著;包膜缓释氮肥N2O排放量为普通氮肥的0.95倍,无显著减排效果.若将全国范围的普通氮肥替换为稳定性氮肥、且用N量不变时,稳定性氮肥在中国农田的N2O减排潜力均值为1.03×108 kgN/a,碳排放交易收入为16.86亿元/a;根据现有市场上稳定性氮肥的价格,每亩地每季补贴4.9元,碳排放交易收入和稳定性氮肥成本增加量相抵.由于稳定性氮肥能有效提高N利用率,保证农作物吸N总量不变时减少用N量,稳定性肥料N利用率提高8个百分点时,N2O减排经济效益(即碳排放交易收入-稳定性氮肥成本增加量)为94亿元/a.  相似文献   
以内分泌干扰物阿特拉津为模型污染物,研究了TiO2-Fe3+可见光催化H2O2降解阿特拉津的协同效应.结果表明,在H2O2存在条件下,金红石TiO2经可见光激发可持续稳定地产生.OH自由基,在Fe3+协同作用下,.OH自由基生成量急剧增加;TiO2能可见光催化H2O2降解阿特拉津,金红石TiO2显示出较锐钛矿TiO2及混晶TiO2(TiO2P25)更高的催化活性,反应60 min,阿特拉津的降解率可达40%;以Fe3+协同TiO2可见光催化H2O2降解阿特拉津时,反应效率显著加快,反应5 min即对阿特拉津的降解率达到100%,而金红石TiO2显示出更为明显的协同效应.  相似文献   
郝郑平  窦广玉  张鑫  曲思秋 《环境科学》2012,33(8):2909-2916
论述了石油流化催化裂化烟气中H2S气体的选择性催化氧化处理工艺和工艺中所使用的各种类型选择性氧化催化剂.目前已发展并投入使用的选择性氧化工艺主要有:Superclaus工艺、Euroclaus工艺、Clinsulf-Do工艺、BSR/Hi-Activity工艺、Selectox工艺和Modop工艺等,各工艺具有不同的特点和应用范围.H2S选择氧化催化剂主要包括以下几种体系:碳体系、SiC载体体系、分子筛体系、氧化物体系和柱撑黏土体系等.其中碳体系和氧化物体系的研究开展的较早较多,关于分子筛体系的研究近期有所减少,SiC是研究人员认为非常有潜力的一个载体体系,其相关体系研究也一直在进行之中,柱撑黏土体系还处于初步研究阶段,离实际应用尚有距离.  相似文献   
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