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四川及重庆蕨类植物区系组成、特有现象和珍稀种类   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
四川及重庆为我国蕨类植物最丰富的区域之一,总计有52科,141属,约880种。鳞毛蕨科、蹄盖蕨科和水龙骨科是最重要的3个科,其种数占本区种数的50.5%,金星蕨科、中国蕨科和铁角蕨科在本区也有较多的种类分布。在本区主要的属为耳蕨属、鳞毛蕨属和蹄盖蕨属,它们的种数都超过50种,合计占本区种数的22.8%,其次有铁角蕨属、瓦韦属和毛蕨属,其种数都逾25种,而有近85%的属不足10种。热带成分的属在本区占53.9%,但它们的区系存在度不大;东亚分布的属占16.3%,其区系存在度相对较大;温带分布的属占12.7%。本区无特有科;仅光叶蕨属1个特有属,还有6个中国特有属;有387种为中国特有种,约占本区种数的44%。特有种的32%为本区特有,其余以与中国西南片区(占22.5%)和整个南方片区(占26.1%)共有为主。本区被列入国家重点保护的珍稀濒危蕨类植物有10种,其中1级3种,2级7种。  相似文献   
月湖底栖动物的空间格局及其对水草可恢复区的指示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
底质适宜是富营养湖泊恢复沉水植物(水草)的重要前提。大型底栖动物可综合指示底质的污染程度,于2002~2003年在武汉月湖开展了底栖动物水平分布对水草可恢复区指示作用的研究。首先通过月湖底栖动物与环境的相关分析,选择颤蚓科寡毛类作为底质营养状况的指示类群,然后利用同类湖泊群颤蚓与水草数据分析阈值,初步确定颤蚓密度≤100 ind/m2的底质适合水草生长,最后绘制月湖颤蚓分布的水平等值线,显示水草恢复的合适区域。在此基础上构建了应用底栖动物空间格局指示水草恢复区的技术原理框架。  相似文献   
鱼洞河是乌江水系的一个小支流,为下游贵阳市提供饮用水水源。在鱼洞河上下游之间建立生态补偿机制,理论上需要知道上游治理污染和维护生态环境的费用,以及下游对上游提供的生态环境服务的支付意愿。只有下游的支付意愿大于上游的费用,上下游之间的生态补偿机制才有理论可能性。在对上游龙里县汇水区进行实地调研后,重点评估了当地安装沼气系统、坡耕地(≥25°)退耕还林、其他地区的土壤侵蚀防治以及点源污染治理费用,得出上游治理投资费用为199万元,年度费用每年89.2万元-168万元。采用意愿调查法(CVM)对贵阳市自来水用户对上游环境服务的支付意愿进行了评估。采用简单随机抽样方法在贵阳3个区内选取了900户作为样本,结果表明,有62.7%的人愿意为生态补偿付费。采用PROBIT模型,可以计算出为避免鱼洞河水质恶化的支付意愿均值为0.37元/m3,贵阳市自来水用户总的支付意愿每年达847万元。结果表明在鱼洞河水源地进行上下游生态补偿理论上是可能的,补偿标准介于上游费用与下游支付意愿之间。  相似文献   
资源利用与经济增长之间的关系是资源与环境经济学研究的重要领域。以安徽省铜陵市为例,尝试运用物质流分析方法以及最新发展的自回归分布滞后模型(ARDL)对铜陵市1990~2008年资源利用和实际GDP二者关系进行检验和分析。采用了物质流分析指标中直接物质投入来表征区域资源利用量。ARDL边界检验结果表明了资源利用和经济增长间存在稳定的长期均衡关系。进一步通过ARDL-ECM模型分析了区域经济增长对资源利用长期弹性系数和短期弹性系数,并揭示出资源利用对经济增长的短期和长期因果关系。研究结果表明当前资源投入在一定程度上拉动了铜陵经济增长。同时还对铜陵经济增长和资源保护战略提出了政策建议  相似文献   
随着经济的快速发展,机动车排气污染已成为我国城市空气污染的重要来源,而且在一定时段,机动车排气污染已成为空气污染最主要的污染源之一。以济南市经十路为例,采用实地调查的方法,得出各时段的车流量,选用大气环评助手EIAA中的CALINE4模式对机动车尾气中的主要污染物CO、NOx、THC的排放浓度进行估算,得出3种污染物CO、NOx、THC最大值均出现在7:00—8:00之间,最小值均出现在12:00-13:00之间,排放强度由大到小为:CO、THC、NOx。  相似文献   
用蚕豆根尖细胞微核技术检测乌鲁木齐河水质   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
应用蚕豆根尖细胞微核技术对乌鲁木齐水质进行检测,测定各样点水样诱导的蚕豆根尖微核千分率及综合污染指数,并进行F检验,结果表明,各样点MCN‰有显著性差异,20个样点中有11个样点 的综合污染指数大于2,4个样点水样的综合污染指数大于3.5,和对照组相比有显著差异。所获得数据表明乌鲁木齐河水质受到较为了严重的致突变性污染。  相似文献   
Foran  J.  Brosnan  T.  Connor  M.  Delfino  J.  DePinto  J.  Dickson  K.  Humphrey  H.  Novotny  V.  Smith  R.  Sobsey  M.  Stehman  S. 《Environmental monitoring and assessment》2000,62(2):147-167
The International Life SciencesInstitute (ILSI) Risk Science Institute (RSI) convenedan expert panel of scientists to developrecommendations for a comprehensive monitoring programfor the Croton and Catskill/Delaware watersheds, whichprovide drinking water to New York City's residents. This effort was conducted as part of efforts topreserve and enhance the quality of New York City'sreservoir system through a watershed protectionprogram. The panel developed recommendations for astrategic framework on which to construct a monitoringprogram. As part of this activity, the paneldetermined whether existing monitoring activities weredeficient and, where activities were deficient, thepanel developed recommendations for additionalinformation that should be collected.The panel recommended the development and use of anintegrated approach to watershed monitoring, whichdraws on modeling, risk-based planning and analysis,statistical sampling and design, and basic compliancemonitoring. The approach should be designed toprovide an assessment of natural and anthropogenicsources of stress to the system as well as anassessment of water quality trends in response tostresses acting in concert, both over the long termand over the five-year New York City Memorandum ofAgreement (MOA) assessment time frame. It should alsoprovide an assessment of the human health andenvironmental risks posed by a variety of stressors,and the impact of management actions implemented toameliorate stressors.  相似文献   
本文通过对绵竹市污染源现状调查及地表水环境现状评价,计算并分析了境内主要河流的水环境容量。绵竹市地表水环境污染较为严重,水环境容量短缺已成为绵竹市主要环境制约因素。为实现绵竹市水环境保护与经济社会的可持续发展,需及时采取污染物总量控制、工业污染防治、生活污水处理、控制农村面源污染等一系列措施。  相似文献   
Based on the China high resolution emission gridded data (1 km spatial resolution), this article is aimed to create a Chinese city carbon dioxide (CO2) emission data set using consolidated data sources as well as normalized and standardized data processing methods. Standard methods were used to calculate city CO2 emissions, including scope 1 and scope 2. Cities with higher CO2 emissions are mostly in north, northeast, and eastern coastal areas. Cities with lower CO2 emissions are in the western region. Cites with higher CO2 emissions are clustered in the Jing-Jin-Ji Region (such as Beijing, Tianjin, and Tangshan), and the Yangtze River Delta region (such as Shanghai and Suzhou). The city per capita CO2 emission is larger in the north than the south. There are obvious aggregations of cities with high per capita CO2 emission in the north. Four cities among the top 10 per capita emissions (Erdos, Wuhai, Shizuishan, and Yinchuan) cluster in the main coal production areas of northern China. This indicates the significant impact of coal resources endowment on city industry and CO2 emissions. The majority (77%) of cities have annual CO2 emissions below 50 million tons. The mean annual emission, among all cities, is 37 million tons. Emissions from service-based cities, which include the smallest number of cities, are the highest. Industrial cities are the largest category and the emission distribution from these cities is close to the normal distribution. Emissions and degree of dispersion, in the other cities (excluding industrial cities and service-based cities), are in the lowest level. Per capita CO2 emissions in these cities are generally below 20 t/person (89%) with a mean value of 11 t/person. The distribution interval of per capita CO2 emission within industrial cities is the largest among the three city categories. This indicates greater differences among per capita CO2 emissions of industrial cities. The distribution interval of per capita CO2 emission of other cities is the lowest, indicating smaller differences of per capita CO2 emissions among this city category. Three policy suggestions are proposed: first, city CO2 emission inventory data in China should be increased, especially for prefecture level cities. Second, city responsibility for emission reduction, and partitioning the national goal should be established, using a bottom-up approach based on specific CO2 emission levels and potential for emission reductions in each city. Third, comparative and benchmarking research on city CO2 emissions should be conducted, and a Top Runner system of city CO2 emission reduction should be established.  相似文献   
基于单位成本分析模型对2000—2009年西安市大气环境治理的价值量进行了系统核算,并从总量与结构两方面对核算结果进行了深入和全面的分析。结果表明,从西安市历年大气环境的实际治理成本(除2002、2006、2009年)来看,该市在大气环境治理方面的投资基本上逐年增加,但是增加幅度较小,而大气环境虚拟治理成本在一般年份(除2002、2006、2009年)总体上呈现先增加后减小的变化趋势。可见,西安市为改变环境污染状况,不断增加大气环境治理方面的投资,但在初期治理资金缺口仍在增加,而随着投资的持续增加,许多大气环境治理设施的建立与作用的发挥,大气环境污染状况逐渐减轻,治理资金缺口开始变小;在核算年份中,西安市工业大气环境污染治理的重点主要放在了烟尘方面,城镇生活SO2虚拟治理成本在生活废气总虚拟治理成本中所占比例最高。最后,针对发现问题,对该市今后大气环境治理工作的方向和措施给出了建议。  相似文献   
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