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进入“十一五”规划期,中国的大城市正面临着“建构资源节约型、环境友好型和谐社会”的重大战略转型。城市地下空间资源的综合开发利用是实现这一伟大战略目标的重要保障之一。作者在研究总结国外大城市地下空间资源综合开发利用成功经验与教训的基础上,分析未来中国城市发展趋势,论述城市地下空间资源综合开发利用的发展方向与战略目标,创造性的提出了实现这一伟大战略目标应该创建的中国式综合管理的体制、机制与法制。本文可供政府决策参考。  相似文献   
重大冰雪灾害应急管理能力的评价——以湖南省为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐选华  李芳 《灾害学》2011,26(2):130-137
针对重大冰雪灾害应急管理的复杂性,基于湖南冰雪灾害案例以及国内外自然灾害及其应急管理的相关文献,提出了重大冰雪灾害应急管理能力评价指标结构。运用熵权法和群决策方法确定指标综合权重,采用群决策方法获得专家群体对一级评价指标的综合偏好,形成评价城市的综合评价矩阵,运用灰色综合评价模型求出各个评价城市应急管理能力的排序向量。最后以湖南省冰雪灾害为案例进行了应用。  相似文献   
A lack of resources for post-disaster housing reconstruction significantly limits the prospects for successful recovery. Following the earthquake in Wenchuan, China, in May 2008, housing reconstruction was not immune to resource shortages and price inflation. Difficulties in sourcing materials and labour considerably impeded recovery. This paper provides evidence of the resourcing bottlenecks inherent in the post-Wenchuan earthquake reconstruction process. Its aim is to present an integrated planning framework for managing resources for post-disaster housing rebuilding. The results are drawn from in-field surveys that highlight the areas where stakeholders need to concentrate effort, including revising legislation and policy, enhancing capacity for rebuilding in the construction industry, strengthening the transportation network, restructuring market mechanisms, and incorporating environmental considerations into overall planning. Although the case study presented here is country-specific, it is hoped that the findings provide a basis for future research to identify resourcing constraints and solutions in other disaster contexts.  相似文献   
Abstract: The intensely regulated Murray‐Darling Basin in southeastern Australia is the nation's most extensive and economically important river system, and it contains fragmented populations of numerous fish species. Among these is the Murray hardyhead (Craterocephalus fluviatilis), a species listed as endangered (International Union for Conservation of Nature Red List) in the mid‐1990s prior to its acute decline with the progression of a severe drought that began in 1997. We compared the genetic structure of Murray hardyhead with 4 congeneric species (Darling hardyhead[C. amniculus], Finke hardyhead[C. centralis], Lake Eyre hardyhead[C. eyresii], and unspecked hardyhead[C. stercusmuscarum]), selected on the basis of their taxonomic or biological similarity to Murray hardyhead, in order to affirm species boundaries and test for instances of introgressive hybridization, which may influence species ecology and conservation prospects. We used allozyme (52 loci) and mtDNA markers (1999 bp of ATPase and cytochrome b) to provide a comparative genetic assessment of 139 Murray hardyhead, which represented all extant and some recently extirpated populations, and 71 congeneric specimens from 12 populations. We confirmed that Murray hardyhead and Darling hardyhead are taxonomically distinct and identified a number of potential conservation units, defined with genetic criteria, in both species. We also found allozyme and mtDNA evidence of historic genetic exchange between these 2 allopatric species, apparently involving one population of each species at the geographic edge of the species’ ranges, not in the most proximate populations sampled. Our results provide information on species boundaries and offer insight into the likely causes of high genetic diversity in certain populations, results which are already being used to guide national recovery planning and local action. Given the prevalence of incorrect taxonomies and introgression in many organismal groups, we believe these data point to the need to commence genetic investigations of any threatened species from an initially broad taxonomic focus.  相似文献   
基于洪水灾害快速评估的承灾体易损性信息管理系统   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
洪水灾害易损性信息管理系统是为了开展洪水灾害快速评估,对不同洪水灾害流域和同一洪水灾害流域中的不同地区、不同承灾体(财产分类)、不同致灾因子(水深和历时等)条件,以财产的损失率为核心的综合信息管理系统。本文介绍了洪水灾害易损性信息管理系统的开发与设计的基本原理,阐述了系统的总体结构框架和功能模块划分,并且在系统数据流程图的基础上,对损失率数据库等几个重要的模块进行了详细的分析与设计,给出了系统的部分运行结果。本系统在与GIS、遥感等空间技术结合后,能够高效地完成各种洪水灾害损失的快速评估与预测分析工作,同时,本系统亦可独立作为对区域洪水灾害易损性研究的数据基础和理论支撑。  相似文献   
新沂地震台依据《中华人民共和国防震减灾法》和中国地震局《地震及前兆数字化技术规范》,向新沂市政府提出建立地震监测保护区的建议,经过积极努力,征得地方政府的批准,最终成功地划定了台站监测保护区范围,并制定了保护区管理方案。  相似文献   
长江三峡云阳-巫山段是三峡库区滑坡分布密集灾情严重的一个区域,随着库水位抬升到135 m以及今后的175 m,势必会加剧原有滑坡以及危险斜坡的不稳定性.本研究是在前期工作的基础上,开发出用以管理研究区数量繁多灾害点的管理系统.  相似文献   
基于GIS的地震构造信息系统   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
本文讨论了地震构造信息系统的建造和信息管理。系统是以GIS工具软件ARC/INFO为开发平台建造的,原始资料复盖华北地区的大部,约北纬35~41度,东经109~120度。系统包括活动断裂、破坏性地震、仪器记录地震等信息。本文深入研究了GIS做为信息管理工具的能力,探讨了GIS在地震区划图编制中可能起到的作用。系统能使地震危险分析中信息管理方式、信息管理效率和利用率有质的改进,在某种程度上减小资料利用不充分和人为任意性引起的不确定性。作为一种探索,本文进行了一系列的空间操作和分析,以研究空间特征之间的相关性,并产生新的数据集合。  相似文献   
城市地下空间开发中的弃土管理和处置对策   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
城市地下空间的大规模开发利用将产生大量弃土。简要分析了弃土对环境的影响,介绍了弃土管理和处置的现状以及存在的问题,提出了加强立法和管理、优化施工方法和技术、对弃土进行资源化利用、妥善处置已污染的弃土等对策。  相似文献   
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