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采用自制微电解集成设备研究不同反应条件下对成都市长安垃圾场垃圾渗滤液的处理效果。试验主要条件为1∶1铁碳体积比填料、停留时间、极板电压、电极正负交换周期和曝气量等动态单因素。在垃圾渗滤液的初始p H条件下试验得到最佳反应参数:停留时间为120 min、电压为25 V、电极正负交换周期30 s、曝气量2 000 L/h时,对垃圾渗滤液COD、NH3-N和色度的初始去除率分别41.38%、24.52%和60.00%。经重复试验,该微电解集成设备对垃圾渗滤液有较为稳定的处理能力,可为垃圾渗滤液的预处理工程设计提供选择性参考。  相似文献   
安全阀整定压力是安全阀重要的技术指标之一。国内安全阀检验机构主要通过压力曲线拐点法或听声音法判定安全阀整定压力,国内外型式试验机构通过开高位移判定安全阀整定压力。通过比对试验发现:压力曲线拐点法或听声音法容易受到安全阀结构形式、是否有前泄及安全阀校验台试验容器和储气罐容积不能满足法规要求等因素影响检验的准确性;开高位移判定更为客观、准确。  相似文献   
Highway stormwater runoff quality data were collected from throughout California during 2000-2003. Samples were analyzed for conventional pollutants (pH, conductivity, hardness, and temperature); aggregates (TSS, TDS, TOC, DOC); total and dissolved metals (As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn); and nutrients (NO(3)-N, TKN, total P, and ortho-P). Storm event and site characteristics for each sampling site were recorded. A statistical summary for chemical characteristics of highway runoff is provided based on statewide urban and non-urban highways. Constituent event mean concentrations (EMCs) were generally higher in urban highways than in non-urban highways. The chemical characteristics of highway runoff in California were compared with national highway runoff chemical characterization data. The results obtained in California were generally similar to those found in other states. The median EMC for Pb measured in studies conducted in previous decades was much higher than the current median Pb EMC in California. The lower Pb EMC in California compared to previous highway runoff monitoring is believed to be due to the elimination of leaded gasoline. An attempt was also made to identify surrogate constituents within a general family of water quality categories using Spearman correlations and selected pairs with Spearman coefficients greater than 0.8. The strongest correlations were observed among parameters associated with dissolved minerals (EC, TDS, and chloride); organic carbon (TOC and DOC); petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH and O & G); and particulate matter (TSS and turbidity). Within the metals category, total iron concentration was highly correlated with most total metal concentrations. The correlations between total and dissolved concentrations were all less than 0.8, even between total and dissolved concentrations of the same metals. Multiple linear regression (MLR) analyses were performed to evaluate the impact of various site and storm event variables on highway runoff constituent EMCs. Parameters found to have significant impacts on highway runoff constituent EMCs include: total event rainfall (TER); cumulative seasonal rainfall (CSR); antecedent dry period (ADP); contributing drainage area (DA); and annual average daily traffic (AADT). Surrounding land use and geographic regions were also determined to have a significant impact on runoff quality. The MLR model was also used to predict constituent EMCs. Model performance determined by comparing predicted and measured values showed good agreement for most constituents.  相似文献   
A process has been developed to select watersheds that are representative of terrestrial ecoregions and that are relatively undisturbed by human activity. Using an existing land classification system at two hierarchical levels of resolution, representative subsets (ecodistricts) of large-scale ecoregions were selected, on the basis of their physiographic, biological, and climatological attributes, to represent the ecoregions. This was achieved using a frequency distribution analysis of existing attribute data and choosing the ecodistrict most closely resembling the most common set of conditions for that ecoregion. Within each ecodistrict, river basins were selected through a best-judgement evaluation of land use, coupled with an assessment of the size and location of each river basin, in order to meet the condition of minimal human impact. Preliminary assessment of water quality data collected from six watersheds selected in this way suggests that the process is effective in targeting regional scale river basins exhibiting the desired characteristics.  相似文献   
The potential to capture carbon from industrial sources and dispose of it for the long-term, known as carbon capture and sequestration (CCS), is widely recognized as an important option to reduce atmospheric carbon dioxide emissions. Specifically, CCS has the potential to provide emissions cuts sufficient to stabilize greenhouse gas levels, while still allowing for the continued use of fossil fuels. In addition, CCS is both technologically-feasible and commercially viable compared with alternatives with the same emissions profile. Although the concept appears to be solid from a technical perspective, initial public perceptions of the technology are uncertain. Moreover, little attention has been paid to developing an understanding of the social and political institutional infrastructure necessary to implement CCS projects. In this paper we explore a particularly dicey issue--how to ensure adequate long-term monitoring and maintenance of the carbon sequestration sites. Bonding mechanisms have been suggested as a potential mechanism to reduce these problems (where bonding refers to financial instruments used to ensure regulatory or contractual commitments). Such mechanisms have been successfully applied in a number of settings (e.g., to ensure court appearances, completion of construction projects, and payment of taxes). The paper examines the use of bonding to address environmental problems and looks at its possible application to nascent CCS projects. We also present evidence on the use of bonding for other projects involving deep underground injection of materials for the purpose of long-term storage or disposal.  相似文献   
Site selection is a key activity for quarry expansion to support cement production, and is governed by factors such as resource availability, logistics, costs, and socio-economic-environmental factors. Adequate consideration of all the factors facilitates both industrial productivity and sustainable economic growth. This study illustrates the site selection process that was undertaken for the expansion of limestone quarry operations to support cement production in Barbados. First, alternate sites with adequate resources to support a 25-year development horizon were identified. Second, technical and socio-economic-environmental factors were then identified. Third, a database was developed for each site with respect to each factor. Fourth, a hierarchical model in analytic hierarchy process (AHP) framework was then developed. Fifth, the relative ranking of the alternate sites was then derived through pair wise comparison in all the levels and through subsequent synthesizing of the results across the hierarchy through computer software (Expert Choice). The study reveals that an integrated framework using the AHP can help select a site for the quarry expansion project in Barbados.  相似文献   
The investigation of contaminated sites is usually a long and expensive process. It is therefore desirable to use a combination of methodologies in an integrative approach that can reduce redundant information gathering. The objective of this study was to examine the usefulness of 2 non-intrusive exploration techniques in a contaminated site investigation. Borehole positioning based on geophysical measurements was compared to positioning based on the Bayesian expert system for flow-field modeling. The goal set at the field site was the assessment of the type and load of contaminants transported from the landfill site to the adjacent aquifer and the extent of leachate plumes within the groundwater. The two methods made different demands on information gathering and were found to be complementary. The geophysical approach focused attention on the waste compartments at the site and on mixing plumes in the adjacent aquifer but could not, without prior information, provided information on the flow field. The Bayesian approach to flow-field modeling determined areas of greatest model uncertainty at the model boundaries. The model highlighted areas of greatest uncertainty that might otherwise have been overlooked and provided information on the most likely mean direction of the leachate plumes. It was concluded that both methods contribute to a site investigation and should be used before additional drilling is carried out.  相似文献   
人类的起源与演化一直是考古学及其他学科研究的重点。泥河湾盆地,是我国古人类文化的重要组成部分,在泥河湾盆地的许家窑-侯家窑遗址,正处于现代人起源、扩散的关键时期,为解决我国甚至东亚的现代人起源问题具有举足轻重的作用。前人对遗址进行过多次系统挖掘,开展了一系列不同方法的年代学工作,然而其文化层年代却有较大的争议。本文对许家窑-侯家窑遗址文化层的年代进行系统总结,通过对前人用不同测年方法获得年代进行综合对比。结果表明:不同方法测定的许家窑-侯家窑遗址文化层的年代差距过大,难以确定文化层的年代。许家窑-侯家窑遗址文化层的年代的不确定,严重影响了众多学者对于我国现代人起源的进一步研究。年代测量方法虽然众多,但是不同测年方法,有着不同的测年区间,因此后期需要根据许家窑-侯家窑遗址的年代区间来选择适合的测量方法,并使用不同材料来进行对比分析获得最为准确的年代。  相似文献   
垃圾填埋场区域氨氮污染地下水的修复方案比选   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
早期建设的简易生活垃圾填埋场的防渗措施不足,易发生渗漏,造成填埋场周围地下水的氨氮浓度升高。文章针对华中地区某垃圾填埋场区域氨氮污染地下水,提出抽取处理加异位生物修复、空气注入加原位生物修复两种修复方案,并采用AHP-TOPSIS(层次分析法-逼近理想排序)方法进行方案的比选。在建立合适的比选指标体系基础上,采用AHP-TOPSIS方法进行综合比选研究。结果表明,空气注入+原位生物修复技术更适合于该区域地下水的修复。TOPSIS方法由于缺乏确定评价指标权重的过程,在层次多元分析中的应用受到限制,而AHP是多层次多因素权重确定的有效工具,将二者结合起来,先由AHP确定指标权重,再运用TOPSIS对备选地下水修复方案进行排序,从而弥补了二者各自的不足。AHP-TOPSIS方法可作为环境工作者进行场地修复方案比选的有效工具。  相似文献   
Trace element contamination of post-industrial sites represents a major environmental problem and sustainable management options for remediating them are required. This study compared two strategies for immobilizing trace elements (Cu, Pb, Zn, and As) in mine spoil: (1) co-composting contaminated soil with organic wastes and (2) conventional incorporation of mature compost into contaminated soil. Sequential chemical extraction of the soil was performed to determine temporal changes in trace element fractionation and bioavailability during composting and plant growth. We show that mine spoil can be co-composted successfully and this action causes significant shifts in metal availability. However, co-composting did not lead to significant differences in metal partitioning in soil or in plant metal uptake compared with simply mixing mine spoil with mature compost. Both treatments promoted plant growth and reduced metal accumulation in plants. We conclude that co-composting provides little additional benefit for remediating trace-element-polluted soil compared with incorporation of compost.  相似文献   
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