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青岛近海夏冬季颗粒有机碳的分布特征   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
于2006年夏季(8月)和2006年冬季(12月)对青岛近海的悬浮体(TSM)、颗粒有机碳(POC)进行采样并测定。结果表明,青岛近海夏季POC的质量浓度范围为0.15~1.04 mg/L,平均值为0.31 mg/L,冬季POC的质量浓度范围为0.089~0.88 mg/L,平均值为0.27 mg/L。夏季高于冬季,但变化不大。青岛近海夏季POC质量浓度的平面分布具有东北部海域高,西南部海域低的分布趋势,其平面分布与叶绿素a的平面分布基本相似,夏季POC由生物活动控制。冬季POC质量浓度的平面分布呈现近岸高,远岸低,等值线基本与海岸线平行的分布特征,其平面分布与TSM的平面分布相似,冬季POC由TSM控制。夏季和冬季,浮游植物对POC的贡献分别为26.9%和4.10%,青岛近海以碎屑有机碳为主。POC的周日变化明显,夏季由生物活动控制,冬季由潮汐控制。  相似文献   
南京大气中多环芳烃的相分布   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用玻璃纤维滤膜(GF)和聚氨基甲酸乙酯泡膜(PUF)同时采集南京大气中颗粒态和气态上的多环芳烃(PAHs),用气质联用仪分析了16种优先控制的PAHs,研究了PAHs在南京大气中的相分布,研究结果表明,颗粒态和气态样品中16种PAHs的平均浓度值分别为20.49ng/m3和182.45ng/m3,2~3环的PAHs主要分布在气态中,而>4环的PAHs主要分布在颗粒态中。  相似文献   
Zn、Cu和Pb在无齿相手蟹体内的积累和分布   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
以长江河口湿地生态系统中一种习见的大型底栖动物无齿相手蟹Sesarm dehaani为研究对象,分析了Zn、Cu和Pb在该动物体内的积累和分布特性。结果表明,无齿相手蟹对这3种重金属的积累在不同部位间均存在着显著的差异,而在不同样点间差异都不显著。动物对Zn和Cu积累能力最强的部位都是鳃,最弱的部位分别是内脏和螯肢。无齿相手蟹各部位对和Pb的积累均很低,且对Pb的排泄明显大于吸收。污染评价表明,本研究所有样点的无齿相手蟹均还没有受到Zn、Cu和Pb的污染。  相似文献   
采用SBR反应器,在交替缺氧/好氧模式下处理低C/N生活污水,考察曝气量、盐度对短程硝化好氧颗粒污泥脱氮速率及粒径分布的影响.结果表明,在25℃、pH为7.5~8.0条件下,当进水NH4+-N为65 mg·L-1时,控制曝气量分别为8.75、12.50和16.25 L·h-1·L-1,在第35、24和23个周期时NH4...  相似文献   
土壤盐渍化是滨海地区生态保护修复的重要影响因素。为了解天津平原地区土壤盐渍化程度,沿永定新河、海河干流和独流减河3条入海河流海陆方向开展堤外土壤盐分采样调查,结合地统计学和GIS技术,分析海陆方向土壤盐分的空间梯度和变异特征,以期为天津生态保护修复和陆海统筹提供科学依据。结果表明:土壤水溶性盐含量和碱化度整体呈自东南向西北递减的趋势;重度及以上盐渍化土主要分布在海岸线向陆地纵深15 km的滨海新区,其中盐土、重度碱化土主要分布在大港距海10 km内、塘沽与汉沽距海5 km内;中度盐渍化土主要分布在独流减河沿线距海15~60 km内;轻度盐渍化土主要分布在海河干流沿线距海10~60 km内。土壤阳离子以Na+为主;从海岸线向陆域方向,土壤阴离子从以Cl-、 SO 4 2 - 为主逐步过渡到以 SO 4 2 - 、 CO 3 2 - + HCO 3 - 为主。独流减河一线盐渍土类型以硫酸盐-氯化物和氯化物-硫酸盐为主;海河干流中部平原区盐渍土类型以硫酸盐-苏打为主;永定新河一线盐渍土类型以硫酸盐-氯化物和苏打-硫酸盐为主。  相似文献   
汞(Hg)和铅(Pb)是2种典型的重金属污染物,对水生生态系统具有较强的毒害作用,是环境管理的重要指标。2015年11月的陇星锑业尾矿库泄露事件,造成嘉陵江流域约346 km长河段受到重金属污染,尾矿砂中高含量Hg和Pb主要归宿在污染团经过的河道沉积物中,引起的嘉陵江流域生态风险尚未被全面评估。为解决沉积物中污染物对水生生物的毒性效应数据较少的问题,采用相平衡分配法,利用大量的水生生物毒理试验数据,将其转化为相应的沉积物毒性效应数据;采用基于非参数核密度估计的物种敏感度分布(SSD)法,对嘉陵江沉积物中2种重金属(Hg和Pb)进行生态风险评价,并与其他分布模型(Normal、Logistic和Weibull)进行对比。结果表明:Hg的非参数核密度估计模型的K-S检验统计量、均方根误差(RMSE)和误差平方和(SSE)分别为0.111 1、0.025 04和0.000 627,相较其他分布模型为最小;Pb的非参数核密度估计模型的K-S检验统计量为0.125 0,相较其他分布模型为最小,RMSE和SSE分别为0.028 42和0.000 807,为较优。非参数核密度估计模型对2种重金属毒性数据有很好的适应性,可获得较优的模拟效果。嘉陵江流域15个采样点沉积物中Pb浓度显著高于Hg,但沉积物中Hg的生态风险水平远高于Pb。  相似文献   
Conservation programs often manage populations indirectly through the landscapes in which they live. Empirically, linking reproductive success with landscape structure and anthropogenic change is a first step in understanding and managing the spatial mechanisms that affect reproduction, but this link is not sufficiently informed by data. Hierarchical multistate occupancy models can forge these links by estimating spatial patterns of reproductive success across landscapes. To illustrate, we surveyed the occurrence of grizzly bears (Ursus arctos) in the Canadian Rocky Mountains Alberta, Canada. We deployed camera traps for 6 weeks at 54 surveys sites in different types of land cover. We used hierarchical multistate occupancy models to estimate probability of detection, grizzly bear occupancy, and probability of reproductive success at each site. Grizzly bear occupancy varied among cover types and was greater in herbaceous alpine ecotones than in low‐elevation wetlands or mid‐elevation conifer forests. The conditional probability of reproductive success given grizzly bear occupancy was 30% (SE = 0.14). Grizzly bears with cubs had a higher probability of detection than grizzly bears without cubs, but sites were correctly classified as being occupied by breeding females 49% of the time based on raw data and thus would have been underestimated by half. Repeated surveys and multistate modeling reduced the probability of misclassifying sites occupied by breeders as unoccupied to <2%. The probability of breeding grizzly bear occupancy varied across the landscape. Those patches with highest probabilities of breeding occupancy—herbaceous alpine ecotones—were small and highly dispersed and are projected to shrink as treelines advance due to climate warming. Understanding spatial correlates in breeding distribution is a key requirement for species conservation in the face of climate change and can help identify priorities for landscape management and protection. Patrones Espaciales del Éxito Reproductivo de Osos Pardos, Derivados de Modelos Jerárquicos Multi‐Estado  相似文献   
Understanding the social dimensions of conservation opportunity is crucial for conservation planning in multiple‐use landscapes. However, factors that influence the feasibility of implementing conservation actions, such as the history of landscape management, and landholders’ willingness to engage are often difficult or time consuming to quantify and rarely incorporated into planning. We examined how conservation agencies could reduce costs of acquiring such data by developing predictive models of management feasibility parameterized with social and biophysical factors likely to influence landholders’ decisions to engage in management. To test the utility of our best‐supported model, we developed 4 alternative investment scenarios based on different input data for conservation planning: social data only; biological data only; potential conservation opportunity derived from modeled feasibility that incurs no social data collection costs; and existing conservation opportunity derived from feasibility data that incurred collection costs. Using spatially explicit information on biodiversity values, feasibility, and management costs, we prioritized locations in southwest Australia to control an invasive predator that is detrimental to both agriculture and natural ecosystems: the red fox (Vulpes vulpes). When social data collection costs were moderate to high, the most cost‐effective investment scenario resulted from a predictive model of feasibility. Combining empirical feasibility data with biological data was more cost‐effective for prioritizing management when social data collection costs were low (<4% of the total budget). Calls for more data to inform conservation planning should take into account the costs and benefits of collecting and using social data to ensure that limited funding for conservation is spent in the most cost‐efficient and effective manner.  相似文献   
为研究天津冬季重污染天气过程中颗粒物水溶性离子的粒径谱分布及二次离子生成机制,于2014年1月利用Anderson撞击式分级采样器在中国气象局天津大气边界层观测站内采集颗粒物样品,并使用离子色谱仪分析Na~+、NH_4~+、K~+、Mg~(2+)、Ca~(2+)、Cl~-、NO_3~-、SO_4~(2-)等8种水溶性无机离子(TWSII).结果表明,采样期间PM_(2.5)和PM_(10)质量浓度均值分别为(138±100)μg·m~(-3)和(227±142)μg·m~(-3),粗、细粒子中TWSII的平均浓度分别为(34.07±6.16)μg·m~(-3)和(104.16±51.76)μg·m~(-3).细粒子中SO_4~(2-)、NO_3~-和NH_4~+这3种离子的浓度远高于其他离子,且相关性较好,粗粒子中NO_3~-、SO_4~(2-)、Cl~-浓度较高.随着污染程度加剧,细粒子中TWSII浓度增加明显,粗粒子中则变化不大.水溶性离子的粒径谱分布显示,SO_4~(2-)以单模态分布,优良天峰值出现在0.43~0.65μm,NO_3~-在优良日呈现三模态分布,峰值分别出现在0.43~0.65、2.1~3.3和5.8~9.0μm,NH_4~+呈双模态分布,优良日峰值出现在0.43~0.65μm和4.7~5.8μm,污染日3种二次离子峰值均以0.65~1.1μm的单模态分布为主,与三者之间的热动力平衡过程有关.细粒子中NH_4~+除与SO_4~(2-)和NO_3~-结合外,还与部分Cl~-结合,粗粒子中NH_4~+全部与NO_3~-和SO_4~(2-)结合后,剩余的NO_3~-和SO_4~(2-)与其他阳离子结合.  相似文献   
刘莹  于影  石宝友  刘书明  吴雪 《环境科学》2017,38(12):5090-5096
供水管网的铁释放问题近年来日益受到关注.影响供水管网铁释放的因素众多,本研究选取了pH、溶解氧(DO)、碱度(Alk)、硬度、氯离子(Cl~-)、硫酸根(SO_4~(2-))、温度(T)和水力停留时间(HRT)这8个影响因素,利用逐步回归和偏相关分析,建立了铁释放的非线性幂指数模型,并用标准化回归系数和偏相关系数比较了这些因素的相对重要性.结果表明,铁释放模型拟合效果良好;用标准化回归系数衡量影响因素相对重要性时,SO_4~(2-)、HRT、Cl~-和T是相对重要的因素,相对重要性排序为SO_4~(2-)≈HRTCl~-T;用偏相关系数衡量时,HRT、SO_4~(2-)、Alk、Cl~-和T是相对重要的因素,排序为HRTSO_4~(2-)AlkCl~-T.综合两种系数的分析结果,HRT、SO_4~(2-)和Cl~-是本研究条件下相对重要的因素,T和Alk的相对重要性视实际情况变动.  相似文献   
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