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宋啸凡  侯鹰  董一帆  杨勇  高镇  陈卫平 《环境科学》2024,45(6):3493-3501
城-郊区域类型众多的高强度人类活动导致土壤Pb累积过程复杂、时空异质性高,使得揭示该类区域土壤Pb累积过程的时空变化特征十分困难.以国内中部某大城市典型城-郊区域为研究区,构建土壤Pb累积过程单元模型,基于土地利用分类和模拟结果,建立土壤Pb累积过程时空模拟方法,模拟研究区2013~2040年土壤Pb累积含量,阐明土壤Pb含量未来时空变化特征.结果表明,研究区2013年Pb含量平均值约为其所在省份表层Pb含量背景值的1.77倍,土壤Pb污染较重.2013~2040年Pb含量将持续增加,增加量较低(0.53~2.25 mg·kg-1)的区域位于研究区西部、北部和南部,占总面积的25.46 %,增加量较高(3.98~5.70 mg·kg-1)的区域位于其东部,占总面积的17.14 %.研究区东部林地面积的增加、水域和草地面积的减少导致了该区域土壤Pb含量较大幅度地上升;此外,土壤Pb含量的空间分布还同重要工厂和交通设施的分布高度相关.通过突破以往研究中将土地利用视为静态不变的局限,能够在一定程度上反映区域土地利用变化对重金属累积过程的影响,可为城-郊区域土壤Pb累积过程模拟提供方法,并为该城市城-郊区域土壤Pb污染管控提供依据.  相似文献   
盆栽试验结果表明:Cd、Pb、Cu、Zn、As5种重金属复合胁迫对灯心草地上部生长有一定程度的抑制作用,在土壤环境质量二级标准上限值处灯心草地上部生物量减产9.15%,小于10%,生长在矿毒水和铅锌尾矿污染土壤中的灯心草地上部生物量分别减产28.23%和37.1%,但地下部生物量减产趋势不明显。以地上部生物量为参考指标,可初步将土壤环境质量二级标准上限值拟设定为土壤中各重金属的临界毒性效应值。在Cd、Pb、Cu、Zn、As复合胁迫条件下,各重金属在灯心草茎叶和根系中的积累和分布存在明显差异,且与土壤中各重金属含量间存在一定的相关性。  相似文献   
为了研究饲料中铜暴露对吉富罗非鱼幼鱼的毒性作用,将1 080条罗非鱼幼鱼暴露于6个浓度梯度的高铜日粮中,通过60 d的暴露试验,测定罗非鱼血红细胞微核变化和组织中铜的蓄积.结果表明,铜在各组织中积累量的顺序依次为:肝脏>脾脏>肠道>鳃>肌肉,与对照组相比,其中肝脏、脾脏、肠道中铜的含量随着时间和日粮中铜浓度的升高而逐渐升高,而鳃和肌肉中铜含量无显著差异;罗非鱼幼鱼血红细胞微核率、核异常率、总核异常率与日粮中铜的浓度存在一定的剂量—效应关系,并且核异常率高于微核率.  相似文献   
针对生产现场出现的“U”型采煤工作面上隅角瓦斯积聚问题 ,科学地分析了其形成的原因及目前解决上隅角瓦斯积聚的常用方法 ,提出了旋转脉冲法解决此问题的新途径 ,并进行了详细的理论分析。通过现场实验 ,验证了用旋转脉冲法解决上隅角瓦斯积聚是有效的、可行的。  相似文献   
The metal accumulation potential of Bacopa monnieri L. was assessed under simulated laboratory conditions. This study was carried out in mixed metals (Cu, Cd, Pb, Cr, Mn) condition and repeated exposures in artificial contaminated soil. The growing shoots were planted in garden subsoil containing 3, 16, 32, 64, 160 M each of the above metals. After 8 weeks, plants were refeeded to three times higher concentrations of each metal than initially used to assess the maximum accumulating potential of the metals. The accumulation of the metals by the root and shoot was concentration and duration dependent. The metal accumulation was considerably higher in the fine root than in the shoot and showed the following order : Mn > Cr > Cu > Cd > Pb. The plants showed high tolerance to the metals as no visible phytotoxic symptom was produced after 8 weeks. However, as a result of combined metal toxicity, chlorophyll content was reduced by 62% after 12 weeks. The highest metal concentration was lethal to the plant at 16 weeks. In view of their high tolerance, the plants of B. monnieri may be considered for the amelioration of industrially-polluted wetlands experiencing regular flushing of wastewaters.  相似文献   
Scirpus littoralis is a wetland plant commonly found in Yamuna flood plains of Delhi, India. The ability of Scirpus littoralis to take up and translocate five metals- Mn, Ni, Cu, Zn and Pb from fly ash dosed and metal spiked soils were studied under waterlogged and field conditions for 90 days. Scirpus littoralis accumulated Mn, Ni, Cu, Zn and Pb upto a maximum of 494.92, 56.37, 144.98, 207.95 and 93.08 ppm dry wt., respectively in below ground organs (BO) in 90 days time. The metal content ratios BO/soil (B/S) were higher than shoot/soil ratios (T/S) for all the metals, the highest being for Ni. Metal ratios BO/water (B/W) were also higher than shoot/water (T/W) ratios but the B/W ratio was maximum for Zn. The changes in nutrient status (N, P) in soil water and plants were also studied at interval of 30 days. The Pearson's correlation between metal uptake and N, P uptake were calculated. All the metals except Ni showed negative correlation with nitrogen but they were all non-significant. However, P uptake showed positive correlations with all the metals and all were significant at 1% confidence limit.  相似文献   
李俊凯  张丹  周培  刘群录 《环境科学》2018,39(8):3845-3853
为了筛选可用于修复土壤重金属污染的植物材料,测定了南京市某铅锌矿采矿场土壤及样地内14种优势植物中Cd、Cr、Cu、Mn、Pb、Zn的含量,并分析了采矿场土壤重金属的污染状况和14种植物对这6种重金属元素的富集和转运能力.结果表明,矿区土壤中Cd、Mn、Zn、Pb的污染最为严重,单因子污染指数分别达到了45.71、11.68、10.40和4.46;样地的内梅罗综合污染指数为33.45,也达到重度污染级别.尽管各种重金属的含量不同,14种优势植物均表现出了较强的重金属耐受能力,其中井栏边草(Pteris multifida)和络石(Trachelospermum jasminoides)对6种重金属均表现出很高的富集能力.所有植物体内Zn含量均超出了正常范围,但仅马唐(Digitaria sanguinalis)对Zn的生物富集系数大于1,其他植物的重金属生物富集系数均小于1.14种植物对重金属的生物转移系数较高,其中菊芋(Helianthus tuberosus)和野菊(Dendranthema indicum)对6种重金属的生物转移系数均大于1.根据植物对重金属的吸收机制,可将14种植物分为3类:富集型植物,如菊芋(H.tuberosus)、野菊(D.indicum)、垂序商陆(Phytolacca americana)、爵床(Justicia procumbens)、马唐(D.sanguinalis)、山莴苣(Sonchus brachyotus)、龙葵(Solanum nigrum)和狗尾草(Setaria viridis);根部囤积型植物,如井栏边草(P.multifida)和络石(T.jasminoides);规避型植物,如一枝黄花(Solidago decurrens)、蛇莓(Duchesnea indica)、青绿苔草(Carex breviculmis)和贯众(Cyrtomium fortunei).  相似文献   
采用生物滤池探究部分反硝化(NO3--N还原到NO2--N)工艺应用于城市污水厂深度脱氮的可行性.以实际二级出水为进水,考察滤速、碳氮比(C/N)等影响因素对滤池快速启动及稳定运行的影响,分析了滤池沿程水质变化和系统微生物群落结构.结果表明,控制高滤速和低C/N,3d可实现部分反硝化滤池的快速启动,滤池120d平均亚硝态氮累积率(NTR)为60.3%,最高可达82.1%,成功构建了连续流生物膜部分反硝化工艺.高滤速条件有助提高滤池的NO2--N积累率,C/N对NO2--N积累率的影响较小,C/N为2~4,部分反硝化滤池的NTR维持在62.0%.沿程数据表明底部40cm的滤料层是部分反硝化滤池NO3--N去除和NO2--N累积的主要反应区域.由于采用实际水厂二级出水进行研究,扫描电镜和高通量测序结果表明存在多种具有反硝化功能的微生物,系统的微生物多样性较高.  相似文献   
稀土元素通过植物吸收经食物链最终进入人体,并在人体中累积,进而影响食用人群的健康.水稻作为我国南方地区的主要粮食和经济作物,是人们生存的基础.本文通过南方花岗岩红壤侵蚀流域水稻植株根系土壤及其各部位稀土元素含量的调查,探究稀土元素在土壤-水稻系统中的迁移累积特征.结果表明:研究区土壤中稀土元素含量平均值为389.02 mg·kg~(-1),水稻土壤中呈现出重稀土元素相对富集的特点.土壤中稀土元素在Eu处呈亏损状态;除10号样点外,其他样点土壤的稀土元素在Ce处呈富集状态.水稻植株不同部位的稀土元素含量差异较大,水稻根、叶及稻谷中稀土元素含量的平均值分别为152.63、5.03和0.64 mg·kg~(-1),呈根叶稻谷的规律.稻谷中的稀土元素含量虽未超过日均稀土元素的摄入量(5.33μg·kg~(-1)·d~(-1)),但长期食用仍存在一定的健康风险.土壤稀土元素向水稻植株各部位的转移能力差异较大,呈根叶稻谷的规律.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: The records of the seasonal peaks in snow accumulation on 24 snow courses show that the relative variability (measured by the coefficient of variation) is inversely related to elevation in the San Juan Mountains, southwestern Colorado. Analysis on an annual basis shows that this is due to a tendency for the peak snowpack at high elevations to be closer to the long-term mean while that at low levels is further from the normal. This is true in both above-normal and below-normal accumulation seasons. Extrapolation of 20 annual elevation-accumulation trends suggests that mean accumulation is reached at 4107 ± 186 m elevation. This is approximately the height of the topographic harrier of the San Juan Mountains suggesting that the pattern of variability is a partial function of an atmospheric-topographic interaction.  相似文献   
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