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This paper presents 2 musculoskeletal disorders questionnaire surveys in 10 different Chinese occupational groups. Data collected from 1,603 workers using a modified Nordic musculoskeletal disorders symptom questionnaire showed that the 12-month prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders, particularly in the low back and shoulder-neck regions, was high at many Chinese workplaces. Significant differences existed between occupational groups. Assembly workers usually had higher neck-shoulder complaints compared to workers in most other occupations. However, the nature of assembly seemed also to influence the prevalence rate. Workers at a cassette recorder and a TV set assembly plant appeared to have more neck complaints compared with a group of thermos flask assemblers.  相似文献   
建筑企业安全文化对安全绩效影响的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于安全文化在建筑业安全管理中的重要性越来越突出,因此安全文化对于提高安全绩效,减少建筑业事故发生率的作用日益得到重视。文中进行实证研究,探讨建筑企业安全文化对安全绩效的影响。安全文化的维度为安全制度文化、安全物质文化和安全观念文化,研究结果表明,安全制度文化、安全物质文化和安全观念文化均有助于安全绩效提高,研究结果可在一定程度上促使建筑企业重视并自觉改善安全文化,有助于减少建筑业安全事故发生率,提升安全绩效。  相似文献   
In order to develop better process hazard analysis (PHA) approaches, weaknesses in current approaches first must be identified and understood. Criteria can then be developed that new and improved approaches must meet. Current PHA methods share common weaknesses such as their inability specifically to address multiple failures, their identification of worst-consequence rather than worst-risk scenarios, and their focus on individual parts of a process. There has been no comprehensive analysis of these systemic weaknesses in the literature. Weaknesses are identified and described in this paper to assist in the development of improved approaches. Knowledge of the weaknesses also allows PHA teams to compensate for them to the extent possible when performing studies.Key criteria to guide the development of improved methods are proposed and discussed. These criteria include a structure that facilitates meaningful brainstorming of scenarios, ease of understanding and application of the method by participants, ability to identify scenarios efficiently, completeness of scenario identification, exclusion of extraneous scenarios, ease of updating and revalidating studies, and ease of meeting regulatory requirements. Some proposals are made for moving forward with the development of improved methods including the semi-automation of studies and improvements in the training of team members.  相似文献   
系统比较中国现行职业接触限值标准GBZ2.1-2007与德国职业接触限值MAK在定义、制定原则和具体数值方面的差异,为中国GBZ2.1的修订提供建议和依据。将 GBZ2.1中规定的OELs与德国MAK于2015年公布的化学有害因素 OELs ,按不同类型建立比较分析数据库,并进行比较分析,分析结果表明:中德2国在职业接触限值的制定原则,化学有害因素的来源、数量与标识等方面有显著差异。 因此,我国应加强对化学性有害因素孕期毒性接触限值的研究和应用。中德在选择化学性有害因素制定OELs时各有侧重,我国在重金属方面制定的OELs,如:钴、钼、铍、铊等,是德国MAK以及美国ACGIH中所未有的,而德国则不再为致癌物质制定OELs。中、德均制定有OELs的化学性有害因素在数值上差异较大,中国有部分OELs同时高于德国MAK和美国ACGIH。我国的职业接触限值更新频率较慢,应缩短OELs更新周期,在对现行的GBZ2.1进行制修订时,可将发达国家OELs作为1项参考。德国风险分级评估方法对致癌物质的管理和评估值得进一步探讨及研究。  相似文献   
矿化垃圾作回灌型准好氧填埋场日覆盖材料的适宜性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在对矿化垃圾的基本性质进行测定的基础上,将其作为填埋场覆盖材料进行室内模拟实验.结果显示:经过筛分后的矿化垃圾细料可作为回灌型准好氧填埋场的日覆盖材料,除了具有日覆盖材料的常规功能外,还有净化渗滤液的能力;矿化垃圾对渗滤液中污染物的净化能力优于普通砂土;矿化垃圾作日覆盖材料的最佳粒度为d≤3mm,最优厚度为13cm,双层结构对污染物的净化能力优于单层结构.所以矿化垃圾是一种性能良好的日覆盖替代材料.  相似文献   
Growing concerns about the environment make a supply chains’ eco-footprint increasingly important, presuming that footprints are a more effective (policy) instrument than those currently in use. The eco-footprint comprises all kinds of environmental impact, but often is narrowed down to one aspect; e.g. the carbon footprint, material footprint, the water footprint, and so on. Although returns give rise to an additional goods flow from customers back to producers, it usually improves the eco-footprint due to the substitution effect. The reverse channel supplies high quality (recovered) products, components and materials to the forward channel thereby reducing the need for virgin sourcing and production. We refer to this as closed-loop recovery, as opposed to recovery for cascade markets which lacks substitution. To maximize substitution, the recovered items must re-enter the original supply chain. The feasibility of closed-loop recovery depends partly on the geographical proximity of forward and reverse facilities. We develop a decision framework for optimizing closed loop network configurations, i.e. the combined disposition and location–transport decision. We apply the framework to a single case study concerning one type of footprint (namely the carbon footprint) of a copier (closed-loop) supply chain. The main implication is that a regional network, with combined forward and reverse facilities per continent, proves most efficient and most robust in view of uncertain exogenous variables, but only when a full set of closed-loop options is available (including closed-loop recycling). As an embedded case, main contribution value of it lies in the discovery of a new phenomenon with generic implications; namely that not only the closed-loop supply chains footprint strongly depends on the substitution effect, but that in turn the feasibility of closed-loop recovery options depends heavily on the network design. From delineations of the study we derive issues for further research.  相似文献   
峨眉山资源植物研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
按资源植物的用途与相似有机化学物质类群,将峨眉山资源植物分为5大类11小类.统计表明,绝对数量最高的大类资源植物依次为药用植物、园林植物和食用植物,而药用植物、芳香植物在我国同类资源中占较大的相对比重;绝对数量最高的小类资源植物依次为纤维、鞣质、油脂与蛋白植物资源种类,而淀粉、维生素与色素资源种类比重达到或超过全国同类资源植物数量的1/2.峨眉山资源植物的特点是:种类丰富,蓄积量小;珍稀度高,特有性强;品类齐全,潜力巨大.围绕峨眉山资源植物的有效保护和利用,提出了建立长效的科技合作与资源共享机制,提高资源编目与监测水平,建立"峨眉山植物园",逐步树立"峨眉山"资源植物品牌等建议.  相似文献   
运用实验研究的方法分析了诱导排烟系统在地下车库中应用的可行性,研究了布置方式、诱导风速等敏感参数对排烟效果的影响,主要分析了火源上游不同位置处温度的变化。结果表明,诱导排烟系统能有效地抑制烟气向上游的逆流并能加强烟气的热对流,降低上游烟气的温度;另外,开启少于均匀布置诱导风机数目下,菱形布置诱导风机下的排烟效果优于均匀排列布置;在实验风速范围内,诱导排烟系统对上游烟气的控制和降温能力随着诱导风速的增加而提高,同时,在火源功率一定的条件下,增大诱导风速对控烟效果的改善存在临界值。  相似文献   
分析地震预报已取得的成就和面临的困境,根据国内外各相关学科的新进展,作者认为创建地震预报的应用基础学科是当务之急。一种可能的选择是,在现今地球动力学、动力大地测量学(地壳形变学)、实时大地构造学及系统科学、非线性动力学等前沿学科的交叉部位上,逐步建立板内现今地壳运动动力学(或板内现今构造微动态动力学、或板内地壳形变系统动力学)。它既是地震、火山、滑坡、泥石流等灾害预测的应用基础,又是立脚于中国的全球变化研究。对它的意义、研究对象、内容与方法作了探讨,最后提出了一批建议着手开展的应用基础研究课题。  相似文献   
提出了一种由废旧轮胎组成的拦石结构,该结构用钢丝绳将废旧轮胎进行合理的绑扎,使轮胎与轮胎之间紧密连接,然后将该结构绑扎在用废旧钢轨或钢筋混凝土制作而成的柱子上面.当拦石结构受到落石冲击时,利用废旧轮胎的弹塑性变形吸收冲击能量.为了考察这种由废旧轮胎组成的拦石结构的防护效果,设计了试验模型,采用20 kg的砝码模拟落石,...  相似文献   
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