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The process of eutrophication in form of intense plant growth has been observed in some lakes and water streams at the Plitvice Lakes National Park in central Croatia. Here we investigate whether this phenomenon is a consequence of anthropogenic pollution or due to naturally produced organic matter in the lakes. We applied chemical analysis of water at two springs and four lakes (nutrients, dissolved organic carbon (DOC), trace elements) and measurements of surface lake sediments (mineral and organic fraction analyses, trace elements) in four different lakes/five sites. The chemical composition of water does not indicate recent anthropogenic pollution of water because the concentrations of most trace elements are below detection limits. The concentrations of DOC and nutrients are slightly higher in the area of increased eutrophication-plant growth. Also the content of organic matter in the sediment is at the highest level in areas with highest C/N ratio indicating that the organic fraction of this sediment is mainly of terrestrial origin. There is no significant difference among the trace element concentration in the upper segment of all cores, deposited approximately during last 50 years when higher anthropogenic influence is expected due to development and touristic activity, and the lower part of the cores, corresponding to the period approximately 100–200 years before present. The content of trace elements and organic matter in sediments decreases from the uppermost lake downstream. According to our results there is no indication of recent anthropogenic pollution in water and sediment. Higher concentrations of DOC in water as well as phosphorus and some other elements in the lake sediment can be a consequence of input of natural organic matter to the lake water.  相似文献   
我国湖泊富营养化问题及防治对策   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
史丹 《资源开发与市场》2005,21(1):17-18,27
富营养化是我国湖泊的主要问题,它不但制约了湖泊资源的可利用性,而且直接影响到人类的健康生存与社会经济的持续发展.分析了我国湖泊富营养化的现状、危害、产生的原因,提出了防治对策.  相似文献   
阐述了旅游区域联动发展战略的内涵、类型、原则及意义,分析了安徽省"两山一湖"地区实施旅游区域联动战略的必要性、可能性和发展现状,提出了若干对策.  相似文献   
Sedimentation rates and sediment provenance were examined for lacustrine sediments deposited in Fairfield Lake, western North Carolina, during the past 111 years. Stratigraphic, radionuclide, and cartographic data indicate that sedimentation rates have increased several fold during the past three decades in response to localized development. The magnitude of increased sedimentation was surprising given limited development within the basin: 0.12 to 0.68 buildings/ha in 2000 in those parts directly delivering sediment to the dated cores. Thus, the analysis illustrates the potential sensitivity of watersheds in the southern Appalachians to changes in land cover. An approach that combined geochemical fingerprinting with sediment mixing models was subsequently evaluated to determine its ability to accurately estimate the contribution of sediment from (1) major bedrock formations that underlie the watershed and (2) potential sources associated with four land cover categories. Sediment sources in both analyses proved difficult to geochemically fingerprint to greater than 90 percent accuracy using data on acid‐soluble metals and selected isotopes of lead (Pb). The relative contributions of sediment from delineated sources, estimated by the mixing models, generally corresponded with known temporal and spatial patterns of land cover. However, the models were plagued by two significant problems — the chemical alteration of sediments as they were transported through upland streams to depositional sites within the lake and the loss of elemental mass. Thus, future investigations using the fingerprinting approach in this area of intense weathering, and presumably others, will need to modify the existing methods to more accurately elucidate changes in sediment provenance related to development.  相似文献   
典型湖泊水华特征及相关影响因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过2011-2015年对太湖、巢湖和滇池水华高发季节的连续监测,以藻类密度和水华面积为判据评价了3个湖体的水华情况及变化趋势,探讨了水华发生的主要影响因素。结果表明:太湖水华程度以"轻度水华"为主,巢湖水华程度以"轻微水华"为主,滇池水华程度以"中度水华"为主;太湖、巢湖和滇池水华规模均以"零星性水华"为主;太湖和巢湖藻类密度与水温、pH、溶解氧、总氮、总磷和高锰酸盐指数均呈显著正相关,与透明度呈显著负相关,与氨氮无显著相关性;滇池藻类密度与水温、总磷和高锰酸盐指数均呈显著正相关,与透明度和氨氮呈显著负相关,与pH、溶解氧和总氮无显著相关性。  相似文献   
滇池浮游藻类群落构成调查   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
对滇池浮游藻类群落组成和空间分布开展了2次调查,鉴定出藻类8门66属159种及变种,绿藻种类最多,蓝藻次之。5、12月滇池全湖平均藻类密度分别为1.398×108、2.180×108个/升,蓝藻门微囊藻属为优势藻类。5月的调查中滇池外海藻类生物量呈北高南低的格局,而12月则呈现南部和中部高,北部低。外海的藻类生物量明显高于草海,草海藻类群落构成与外海明显不同,主要表现为绿藻门藻类所占比例较高。12月滇池外海及全湖藻类生物量都显著高于5月。与上一次(2006—2007年)滇池浮游藻类的系统调查相比,滇池(主要是外海)浮游藻类在物种数量、常见藻类、优势藻类及生物量水平方面与之接近。  相似文献   
自"十五"以来,为改善水质,我国许多城市湖泊均先后采取了水环境治理措施.为了解这些措施对富营养化城市湖泊水质改善成效,根据中国科学院太湖湖泊生态系统研究站对蠡湖的长期监测数据和本课题组2017年对蠡湖的两次调查结果进行汇总分析,探讨了无锡蠡湖综合整治前后近30年来水环境质量变化情况.结果表明:①TN、TP、高锰酸盐指数和Chl-a等水质指标的浓度从20世纪90年代初开始呈现快速上升的趋势,1997~2003年间处于最差状态,2003年经过综合整治后呈现逐年递减趋势,但近两年略有反弹;水体透明度整治前后无明显改善.②从季节上看,综合整治之前,水质波动较大;综合整治之后,蠡湖各项指标出现显著差异,冬季水质明显好于夏季.③从区域上来看,蠡湖西部水质明显优于东部湖区.综合其他城市湖泊治理情况,研究表明水环境治理可以改善湖泊水质,但在水质改善后需要恢复草型生态系统,推进以生物调控为主的生态修复,逐步提升物种多样性,真正恢复湖泊生态系统服务功能.  相似文献   
由于城市水资源严重紧缺,再生水作为补给城市河湖景观水体的重要水源,用量逐年加大,随之带来的水环境问题也引起关注,往往需要采用适宜的技术和工程改善水质。然而对于现有的生态修复技术和工程,缺少相应的评价方法和指标体系对其修复效果和工程技术进行综合有效的评估。通过大量的文献及实地调研,结合再生水补给型城市河湖的特点,构建了包含环境效益、技术管理与维护及社会经济功能3个系统、7个准则和19个指标的再生水补给型城市河湖水生态修复技术评价指标体系,采用群组决策的层次分析法(AHP)确定各指标的权重,重要性排序前5位的指标依次是:藻类多样性、水生植物覆盖度、DO、TLI、PI(COD)。以北京市陶然亭湖水生态修复工程为例进行综合评价,研究结果表明,现阶段陶然亭湖水生态修复工程综合评分为3.35分,评价结果属于良。陶然亭湖经过水体生态修复后,水生态系统结构较好恢复;所选工程技术适宜;人员及经济投入适中;对周边环境产生较大正面影响;工程可优后进行推广  相似文献   
滇池治理的核心任务与策略思考   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为有效治理滇池的富营养化,应把控制氮磷明确作为核心任务。入湖水的水质应全部按地表水Ⅲ一Ⅳ类的标准控制,对内源要实行清除或钝化,这些在技术和经济上已越来越接近可能,关键是认识要清晰,要建立合理的机制,保证决策的科学性、系统性和连续性,并狠抓落实。  相似文献   
武汉市浅水湖泊生态系统健康评价   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
采用指标体系法对武汉市14个浅水湖泊生态系统健康状态进行综合评价,评价指标包括系统外的压力指标和系统内的响应指标,综合反映了湖泊生态系统的活力、组织力和恢复力;同时用湖泊综合健康指标来反映不同湖泊的健康状况。研究表明该评价方法不仅能反映不同湖泊的不同健康状况,并能较准确地反映出影响湖泊健康的主要因素,对进一步进行多个湖泊生态系统健康评价指标阈值及评价方法研究具有重要的参考意义,为武汉市湖泊生态系统地管理及修复提供重要依据。  相似文献   
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