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以Fe3O4磁流体为磁核,经微乳液聚合包覆聚苯胺后制成催化剂载体,再采用低温水热法合成TiO2并使其负载于载体表面,不经过烘干、研磨等步骤,在全程流态的情况下制备出具有复合结构的TiO2/PANI/Fe3O4光催化磁流体。用X射线衍射仪(XRD)、透射电子显微镜(TEM)、扫描电子显微镜(SEM)、傅里叶红外分光光度计(FT-IR)、振动样品磁强计(VSM)对样品的物相组成、形貌、表面性质和磁学性质进行了表征。以苯酚为模拟污染物,评价其光催化活性;通过自制的磁回收装置,考察其磁回收特性。结果表明:在表面活性剂以及微乳液聚合法的作用下,合成反应过程中的团聚现象得到有效的抑制。在不经过烘干、研磨的条件下,制备出了颗粒均匀、催化活性和磁回收性能良好的TiO2/PANI/Fe3O4光催化磁流体。不仅简化了合成的步骤,同时也避免了研磨等物理作用对催化剂结构的破坏,为光催化磁流体的合成提供了新的思路。  相似文献   
The study concerning carbon dioxide measurements taken during the 1997, 1998 and 1999 summer campaigns at two different altitude stations and biospheric conditions are presented. The higher station (Mt. Cimone, 2165 m a.s.l.) is characterised by 360° free horizon and is located on a rocky mountain while the lower (Ninfa lake, 1550 m a.s.l.) is located inside the red spruce and beech forest. The different behaviour of CO2 at the two mountain stations has been registered. It shows the strong effect of nighttime soil emission and vegetation respiration on CO2 mixing ratio increases and of diurnal vegetative activity on CO2 concentration decreases at the lower measurement site. The baseline character of the higher measurement site has been confirmed by comparison of CO2 diurnal amplitudes recorded at the two stations.  相似文献   
介绍了二氧化钛系和银系无机抗菌剂在国内外的研究现状、杀菌机理以及存在的问题,论述了二氧化钛载银改性杀菌材料的最新进展,并就其研究开发亟需解决的关键问题提出了可行性建议。  相似文献   
论述了中国燃煤工业锅炉SO2污染防治技术的选择及评价,其中主要包括:《中国燃煤工业锅炉SO2污染综合防治对策》的产生、主要内容、特点、选择、评价及其实施的意义。  相似文献   
深度氧化技术处理有机废水的研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用深度氧化技术处理有机废水是目前国内外废水处理的新技术,在美国和欧洲等发达国家,该技术已应用于各种废水和饮用水处理过程。针对我国石油、石化企业在外排废水中所含有毒有害有机物质大多难以降解的特点,经过调研,详细介绍了深度氧化技术处理有机废水的研究进展,并着重探讨了在光催化氧化技术、超声降解技术、超临界水氧化技术、湿式氧化技术等方面所做的工作及深度氧化过程除去水中有机污染物的原理。  相似文献   
本文对国内外ClO2的发生技术进行了综合评述,详尽地介绍了作者自行研制的ClO2发生技术和装置,认为我国推广应用ClO2消毒处理饮用水的时机已经成熟。  相似文献   
以煤矸石酸浸液为原料,经过钛掺杂、聚合、熟化和浓缩干燥等过程,制备了高效无机高分子混凝剂聚合氯化铝铁钛(PTAFC)。分别考察了钛投加量、pH、聚合温度、聚合时间对PTAFC混凝性能的影响,同时研究了PTAFC对城镇污水处理厂二沉池出水浊度、COD、总磷和氨氮的去除效果,并与聚合氯化铝铁(PAFC)进行了对比。结果表明:在钛铁摩尔比0.3、pH=1.5、聚合温度60 ℃、聚合时间3 h、常温熟化24 h时,所制得的PTAFC性能最佳;在投加量70 mg·L−1、pH=7、反应温度20 ℃、慢速搅拌速度40 r·min−1的混凝条件下,对自配水的浊度、COD和UV254的去除效果最好,去除率分别为99.13%、37.25%和39.9%。PTAFC对城镇污水处理厂二沉池出水的浊度和总磷有极好的去除效果,同时对COD和氨氮有一定去除能力,污染物去除能力明显优于PAFC。上述研究成果对有效减少煤矸石的堆存量、拓宽煤矸石利用渠道,实现混凝剂的低成本、高效率工业化生产和应用具有重要的意义。  相似文献   
反渗透海水淡化是解决水资源危机的一项重要技术。反渗透海水淡化水在饮用水生产过程中需进行消毒以解决微生物污染问题。采用次氯酸钙、二氧化氯和紫外线3种消毒方法,考察了反渗透海水淡化水和自来水的消毒效果,比较了对主要水质指标如pH、硬度和碱度的影响及余氯和余ClO2的衰减性。结果表明,二氧化氯消毒速率最快,次氯酸钙消毒对水质的影响最大,而紫外线的消毒效果最为稳定。可为反渗透海水淡化水的进一步利用提供依据。  相似文献   
Goal, Scope and Background Chlorite (ClO2ˉ) is a primary decomposition product when chlorine dioxide (ClO2) is added during water treatment; therefore the toxic effects of both compounds on aquatic organisms are possible. Limited data are available concerning their toxicity to fish. The aim of this study was to investigate sensitivity of rainbow trout to acute and chronic toxicity of chlorine dioxide and chlorite, and to estimate the Maximum-Acceptable-Toxicant-Concentration (MATC) of those compounds in fish. Methods The acute and chronic toxicity of chlorine dioxide and chlorite to larval and adult rainbow trout was investigated in 96-hour to 20-day laboratory exposures evaluating the wide range spectrum of biological indices under semi-static conditions. Results and Discussion Median lethal concentration (96-hour LC50) values derived from the tests were: 2.2 mg/l for larvae; 8.3 mg/l for adult fish and 20-day LC50 for larvae was 1.6 mg/l of chlorine dioxide, respectively. Chlorite was found to be from 48 to 18 times less acutely toxic to larvae and adult fish, correspondingly. Both chemical compounds induced similar toxic effects in rainbow trout larvae during chronic tests (they affected cardio-respiratory and growth parameters), but chlorine dioxide had a higher toxic potency than chlorite. A significant decrease in the heart rate and respiration frequency of larvae was established. However, within an increase in exposure duration recovery of cardio-respiratory responses was seen to have occurred in larvae exposed to chlorite. Meanwhile, in larvae exposed to chlorine dioxide, a significant decrease in cardio-respiratory responses remained during all 20-day chronic bioassays. Chlorine dioxide also more strongly affected growth parameters of rainbow trout larvae at much lower test concentrations. Decreased rate of yolk-sack resorption occurred only in the tests with chlorine dioxide. Conclusions Maximum-Acceptable-Toxicant-Concentration (MATC) of 0.21 mg/l for chlorine dioxide and of 3.3 mg/l for chlorite to fish was derived from chronic tests based on the most sensitive parameter of rainbow trout larvae (growth rate). According to substance toxicity classification accepted for Lithuanian inland waters, chlorine dioxide and chlorite can be referred to substances of \moderate\ toxicity to fish. Recommendations and Outlook Due to its very reactive nature, chlorine dioxide is rapidly (in a few hours) reduced to chlorite, which is persistent also as a biocide but 16 times less toxic to fish, according to MATC. Therefore, it is much more likely that fish will be exposed to chlorite than to chlorine dioxide in natural waters. Presently accepted, the Maximum-Permitted-Concentration of total residual chlorine (TRC) in waste-water discharging into receiving waters is 0.6 mg/l. If this requirement will not be exceeded, it is unlikely that fish would be exposed to lethal or even to sublethal concentrations of chlorine dioxide or chlorite. Furthermore, chlorine dioxide does not generate toxic nitrogenous (chloramines) or carcinogenic organic residuals (trihalomethanes). All these properties make chlorine dioxide a more promising biocide than chlorine.  相似文献   
新型二氧化铅电极处理有机染料废水的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
研究了高压塑片法制备新型二氧化铅电极的工艺,通过循环伏安、X衍射和扫描电镜等手段对电极性能的考察表明,该电极不仅具有高电催化活性,还有很好的抗腐蚀性能.通过与普通石墨电极的对比实验,进一步探讨了该电极降解中性枣红染料的机制和工艺条件.结果表明,该电极在脱色和COD降解方面都有明显的优越性.在含磷酸盐和氯离子的体系中,降解效率尤为突出.  相似文献   
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