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A psychrotolerant denitrifying bacterial strain, DBP-3, was isolated from a eutrophic body of water by low-temperature-oriented acclimation culture. Based on its morphologicalandbiochemicalcharacteristics and 16S rDNA gene sequence, the bacterium was identified as belonging to the genus Acinetobacter and closely related to A. johnonii. The satisfactory growth of DBP-3 was observed at 10–30°C and pH 7–9. Strain DBP-3 was able to utilize three types of carbon sources (sodium acetate > sodium citrate > glucose) to support growth and denitrification. DBP-3 grew faster, but with lower nitrate removal efficiency and higher nitrite accumulation, under aerobic conditions than under anoxic conditions. DBP-3 was extremely susceptible to tetracycline and rifampicine and less sensitive to ampicillin and penicillin. The growth of DBP-3 was significantly affected by Hg (II), Cr (VI), Pb (II), Cd (II), and As (III) at 0.32, 0.63, 1.25, 2.5, and 25.0 mg L?1, respectively. Interestingly, chromium (VI) significantly promoted DBP-3 growth at concentrations lower than 0.32 mg L?1. These data may be helpful to support the use of strain DBP-3 in the purification of eutrophic water bodies at low temperatures.  相似文献   
The aim of the present work was to establish the kinetics for the degradation of doxycycline in the aquatic environment with a view to arriving at a kinetic model that can be used to predict the persistence of antibiotic with confidence. The degradation of doxycycline in both water and sediment phases of aquatic microcosm experiments, as well as in distilled water control experiments, was studied over a period of 90 days. An initial 21% loss due to adsorption by the sediment was observed in the microcosm experiment soon after charging. Biphasic zero-order linear rates of degradation, attributed to microbial degradation of the free and sediment or colloidal particle-adsorbed antibiotic, were observed for both water phase (2.3 × 10?2 and 4.5 × 10?3 μgg?1 day?1) and sediment phase (7.9 × 10?3 and 1.5 × 10?3 μgg?1 day?1) of the microcosm experiment. The covered distilled water control experiment exhibited a monophasic zero-order linear rate (1.9 × 10?3 μgg?1 day?1) attributed to hydrolysis, while the distilled water experiment exposed to natural light exhibited biphasic liner rates attributed to a combination of hydrolysis and photolysis (2.9 × 10?3 μgg?1 day?1) and to microbial degradation (9.8 × 10?3 μgg?1 day?1). A kinetic model that takes into account hydrolysis, photolysis, microbial degradation as well as sorption/desorption by colloidal and sediment particles is presented to account for the observed zero-order kinetics. The implications of the observed kinetics on the persistence of doxycycline in the aquatic environment are discussed.  相似文献   
主要针对外来入侵植物紫茎泽兰的快速杀灭新技术进行研究。利用植物对某些营养元素的敏感性特点,研制出紫茎泽兰专用生长抑制剂。采用喷洒紫茎泽兰生长抑制剂的方式,达到抑制紫茎泽兰生长直至杀灭的目的,以及采用在原地种植替代植物的方式防止土地再次被紫茎泽兰侵占。  相似文献   

Sensitivity of 24 isolates of Colletotrichum destructivum O’Gara, collected from alfalfa plants in Serbia, to eight selected fungicides, was investigated in this study. Molecular identification and pathogenicity test of isolates tested were also performed. Fungicide sensitivity was evaluated in vitro, using mycelial growth assay method. All isolates exhibited significant pathogenicity, causing necrosis at the alfalfa seedling root tips two days after inoculation. Using the primer pair GSF1-SR1 and by comparing the amplified fragments of the tested isolates with the marker (M), the presence of the amplicon of the expected size of about 900?bp was determined for all isolates. The isolates tested in this study showed different sensitivity towards fungicides in vitro. Mycelial growth was highly inhibited by QoI (quinone outside inhibitors) fungicide pyraclostrobin (mean EC50=0.39?µg mL?1) and by DMI (demethylation-inhibiting) fungicide tebuconazole (mean EC50=0.61?µg mL?1), followed by azoxystrobin (mean EC50=2.83?µg mL?1) and flutriafol (mean EC50=2.11?µg mL?1). Multi-site fungicide chlorothalonil and MBC (methyl benzimidazole carbamate) fungicide thiophanate-methyl evinced moderate inhibition with mean EC50=35.31 and 62.83?µg mL?1, respectively. Thirteen isolates were sensitive to SDHI (succinate dehydrogenase inhibitors) fungicide boscalid and fluxapyroxad, (mean EC50=0.49 and 0.19?µg mL?1, respectively), while the rest of isolates were highly resistant.  相似文献   
The submersed macrophytes Elodea canadensis, Myriophyllum spicatum and Potamogeton lucens were constantly exposed over a five-week period to environmentally relevant concentrations of atrazine, isoproturon, diuron, and their mixture in outdoor mesocosms. Effects were evaluated investigating photosynthetic efficiency (PE) of the three macrophytes and growth of M. spicatum and E. canadensis. Adverse effects on PE were observed on days 2 and 5 after application. M. spicatum was found to be the more sensitive macrophyte. E. canadensis and P. lucens were less sensitive to atrazine, diuron and the mixture and insensitive to isoproturon. PE of M. spicatum was similarly affected by the single herbicides and the mixture demonstrating concentration addition. Growth of E. canadensis and M. spicatum was not reduced indicating that herbicide exposure did not impair plant development. Although PE measurements turned out to be a sensitive method to monitor PSII herbicides, plant growth remains the more relevant ecological endpoint in risk assessment.  相似文献   
珠江三角洲潮土和水稻土对不同种类的酸具有一定的缓冲性,不同种类的酸对不同类型土壤的酸化趋势不同。大旺水稻土对酸的敏感性强于龙山潮土,龙山潮土属于稍易受害的稍敏感土壤,大旺水稻土属于易受害的敏感土壤;同一土壤对酸的缓冲能力比对碱的缓冲能力强;不同种类的酸对土壤的敏感性不同,土壤对硝酸的敏感性强于对硫酸的敏感性;土壤加酸后酸缓冲曲线和土壤中铝释放曲线的交点可以作为衡量土壤对酸敏感性的指标,交点越低,敏感性越强;加酸后土壤中铝的释放可以用模型y=nx+k来预测。  相似文献   
Effects of C60 nanoparticles (nominal concentrations 0, 15.4 and 154 mg/kg soil) on mortality, growth and reproduction of Lumbricus rubellus earthworms were assessed. C60 exposure had a significant effect on cocoon production, juvenile growth rate and mortality. These endpoints were used to model effects on the population level. This demonstrated reduced population growth rate with increasing C60 concentrations. Furthermore, a shift in stage structure was shown for C60 exposed populations, i.e. a larger proportion of juveniles. This result implies that the lower juvenile growth rate due to exposure to C60 resulted in a larger proportion of juveniles, despite increased mortality among juveniles. Overall, this study indicates that C60 exposure may seriously affect earthworm populations. Furthermore, it was demonstrated that juveniles were more sensitive to C60 exposure than adults.  相似文献   
虚拟水贸易是缺水地区从社会经济系统层面解决水资源短缺问题的一种策略选择,但由于长期的低水价,致使很多国家和地区的现实经济模式与虚拟水贸易战略的预期相悖.文章基于水资源投入产出分析方法,构建虚拟水贸易理论框架下的水价敏感性模型,分析水价上涨对各产业产品价格带来的影响.模型结果显示,区域水价提升对各产业产品价格的影响不仅在于该产业直接用水成本的上升,同时也不得不承受其他产业成本上升带来的间接影响,并且这两种影响作用是累加的.宁夏数据的实证得出,水价上涨对农业产品价格的影响最为强烈,批发和零售贸易餐饮业次之,对服务业产品价格的影响最弱.因此,可通过制定合理的水价调整策略,激励水资源极度缺乏的地区实施虚拟水贸易战略,避免过分强调传统的重农发展模式,促进产业结构向先进制造业和服务业转变,实现有限水资源更为合理的利用模式,达到经济发展与水生态的和谐局面.  相似文献   
中国并网光伏发电系统的经济性与环境效益   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
太阳能已成为世界各国公认的最为理想的替代能源,其应用规模不断扩大.但光伏发电系统高昂的成本,成为限制其发展的关键因素.本文应用净现值和单因素敏感性分析工具,建立了光伏发电成本的计算模型,以我国34个省会城市作为研究案例,对井网光伏发电系统进行了经济性和环境效益分析.结果显示:在目前政府初始投资补贴一半的情况下,并网光伏发电成本介于0.83-2.29元/kWh之间.即便在光照资源最丰富的地区,并网光伏发电仍无法与常规能源发电相竞争.在影响并网光伏系统发电成本的诸多影响因素中,政府初始投资补贴额度、水平面太阳能辐射量和投资密度的敏感性最强;CDM资金的注入对光伏发电成本的降低具有积极的作用.激励政策方面,出台合适的、稳定的上网电价对启动国内光伏市场最为有效.光伏发电系统的环境效益是指光伏发电的减排环境效益扣除系统发电环境成本的余额.经计算并网光伏发电具有显著的环境效益,其环境效益为0.0165元/kWh.本研究对于国家制定光伏发电的激励政策和成本分摊机制具有重要的参考价值.  相似文献   
三峡库区(重庆段)石漠化敏感性评价及空间分异特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以石漠化敏感性机理为基础,运用GIS与RS技术分别分析了喀斯特岩性因子、地形因子、植被覆盖因子、土壤类型因子的空间格局特征及其对研究区石漠化敏感性的影响程度。在此基础上,基于ArcGIS的空间叠加分析,完成单要素的叠加运算,实现研究区石漠化敏感性的综合评价。探讨了三峡库区(重庆段)这一特殊生态地理区域石漠化敏感性的高低分布规律及其在不同主导因子作用下的石漠化的空间分异特征。结果表明:(1)研究区石漠化敏感区面积为17 376.5 km2(3765%),以高度和极敏感类型为主。(2)空间分布具有明显水平地域差异特征,整体上呈现弧状 条带性分布。东北部和南部最为敏感,中西部基本为不敏感地区。(3)研究区石漠化现状与石漠化敏感性之间有着很好的对应关系,局部地区受人类不合理的干扰活动影响,石漠化现状与石漠化敏感性存在一定的差异  相似文献   
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