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简易柱式无土栽培法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在立柱栽培技术发展过程中 ,简易柱式法最先是在 1994~ 1995年初发展起来的 ,并在当年推广到江苏张家港市和河北遵化市 ,后来在此基础上发展了现被广泛推广应用的标准型柱式无土栽培法[1~ 3] ,但该方法中的盆钵是由高强度抗老化的ABS工程塑料铸塑而成 ,价格贵 ,安装 1亩 ( 6 6 6 .7m2 )约需6万元人民币 ,在中小城市及农村推广使用不易 ,因此简易柱式无土栽培技术的优点值得重视 ,讨论如下 :1 简易立柱的组装简易柱是由包裹材料柱壁、柱体和栽培基质构成 .柱壁是新制丙烯 (polypropyrene)编织材料 (俗称“蛇皮”带 ) ,裁…  相似文献   
岷江上游地区旅游资源类型多样、地域组合良好,旅游资源的特色突出、品位高,区位条件优越,旅游业的发展有一定的社会经济基础.针对旅游业的发展现状与存在问题,提出该区旅游资源合理利用和旅游业持续发展的对策:充分发挥人文旅游资源优势,推动民族文化旅游的发展;挖掘旅游资源潜力,加强资源的综合利用;加快基础设施建设,提高旅游资源的吸引力;搞好生态环境建设,大力发展生态旅游.  相似文献   
甘孜州非物质文化遗产旅游开发对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以国内外学者对非物质文化遗产的研究理论为依据,结合甘孜州非物质文化遗产实情、旅游现状,提出非物质文化遗产旅游开发的观念、“YON”评价指标、原则、基础设施建设、传承人利益保障体制和产品开发对策,为地区文化旅游事业的发展提供参考依据,对同质旅游区域具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   
This meta‐analysis investigates the direction and strength of the relationship between diversity in culturally diverse teams and team creativity/innovation. We distinguish the effects of two diversity levels (i.e., surface level vs. deep level) in culturally diverse teams and examine the moderators suggested by the socio‐technical systems framework (i.e., team virtuality and task characteristics in terms of task interdependence, complexity, and intellectiveness). Surface‐level diversity in culturally diverse teams is not related to team creativity/innovation, whereas deep‐level diversity in culturally diverse teams is positively related to team creativity/innovation. Moreover, surface‐level diversity in culturally diverse teams and team creativity/innovation are negatively related for simple tasks but unrelated for complex tasks. Deep‐level diversity in culturally diverse teams and team creativity/innovation is positively related for collocated teams and interdependent tasks but unrelated for noncollocated teams and independent tasks. We discuss the theoretical and practical implications.  相似文献   
通过对相关文献资料的梳理和分析,以安徽省财政支持公共文化服务体系建设为例,运用定量和定性研究相结合的方法,在充分的问卷调查及实地调研的基础上,总结了我国公共文化建设资源投入机制的实践与制度经验,指出了公共文化建设在资源投入及管理方面所存在的主要问题:财政投入的实际效益低下、资源保障机制不科学、公共文化服务软件投入不足、公共文化服务资源管理体制的结构性矛盾等.有鉴于此,文章分别从宏观与微观层面探讨了如何构建公共文化服务良性运行的资源管理机制,基于宏观政策与制度设计层面提出:创新公共文化建设资源管理的政策支持方式,建立基层公共文化服务的长效机制,构筑公共文化环境建设的资源分级保障机制,完善公共文化建设的人才环境,创设公共文化环境建设的资源整合机制,实施公共文化服务的运行评估与绩效评价机制.基于微观对策与措施层面提出:科学地确定现阶段公共文化建设的资源保障重点并明确各级财政的投入范围和基本保障的支出责任,转变公共文化财政资金的投入方式,改变公共文化环境建设的资源投入结构,完善公共文化建设的资金管理方式,等等.  相似文献   
文化意象是一种文化符号,承载着独特、广阔、深沉的文化内涵,不同民族的文化差异导致的文化意象的空缺与错位往往使译者处于两难的境地.本文阐述了翻译文化意象应遵循的首要原则,即采取异化的方法直接移植原文文化意象.但这一原则的使用又必须受到译文读者审美意识的制约.  相似文献   
Natural disasters are inevitably the outcome of cultural agonisms. The cultural politics of natural disasters are shaped by competing claims and conceptions of ‘nature’. Recent disasters in Indonesia are directly linked to these contending conceptions and the ways in which different social groups imagine risk and reward. The Sidoarjo volcanic mudflow of 2006 represents a volatile and violent exemplar of contending cultural and economic claims. Like other disasters in Indonesia and elsewhere in the developing world, this ‘natural’ disaster is characterised by differing conceptions of ‘nature’ as cultural tradition, divine force, and natural resource. A new extractive project in East Java is exhibiting similar economic and cultural agonisms, particularly around the notion of development, environment, self‐determination, and tradition. This paper examines the ‘disputes over meaning’ associated with natural disasters in contemporary societies, and the ways in which they are related to human culture, social organisation, and hierarchical systems of violence.  相似文献   
妈祖文化作为亚太地区人口众多的华裔文脉之源,对促进亚太民族间的文化交流与文化交融合作具有广泛影响力。虽然亚太各国的社会制度和经济发展存在一定的差异,但妈祖文化有望成为维系亚太地区的精神纽带,促进亚太合作发展。基于文化地理学的层次深入分析妈祖的精神文化内涵、制度文化内涵、物质文化内涵,提出了妈祖文化内涵的再认识。结合亚太合作发展现状,提出以推动亚太合作发展为最终目标,阐述妈祖文化是亚太合作发展的感情交融的纽带、转型促商的催化剂、和谐的基石和诚信的保障。  相似文献   
This paper analyses how discourses of “new nature” have been implemented in the Dutch context – as a front runner of broader “rewilding” processes throughout Europe – frequently tied to imperatives of water safety. Drawing on the specific case of the Millingerwaard, we first examine how such discourses have materially, as well as socially, transformed the landscape in question. The paper then explores how these transformations have erstwhile affected those living in the area – in ways that are perceived, positively or negatively – according to varied groups of residents and users. In doing so, we critically reflect not only on “new nature” as it has been conceived within planning processes, and empirically practiced, in the Netherlands, but also how it is described and experienced by those whose lives are intimately tied to the landscape.  相似文献   
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