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Increasing food demands are causing rapid transitions in farming systems, often involving intensified land and resource use. While transitioning has benefits regarding poverty alleviation and food outputs, it also causes environmental and social issues over time. This study aims to understand the transitions in farming systems in a region in Telangana, from 1997 to 2015, and their effect on livestock rearing and smallholder livelihoods. We also examine the impact of the transitions on lower caste groups and women in particular. We collected data using a combination of methods, i.e., a household survey, focus group discussions, and secondary data sources, to build a comprehensive picture of the transitions in the region. We found that subsistence mixed farming systems transitioned to market-orientated specialized systems over a short time span. As the transition process gained momentum, households either intensified their production or got marginalized. Technological interventions, development programs with integrated approaches, and market demand for certain agricultural produce triggered increased regional production but also led to the scarcity of water, land, and labor. The transitions marginalized some of the households, changed the role of livestock in farming, and have been inclusive of both lower caste groups and women in terms of increased ownership of large ruminants and access to technologies. However, for women specifically, further increase in workload in the context of farming is also found.  相似文献   
运用景观生态学原理、GIS技术和Fragstats软件,选取了斑块类型水平和景观水平的指数对泰安城区绿地景观格局进行分析。结果表明,研究区绿地景观结构比较单一,绿地空间布局不均衡,破碎度较高;景观指数主成分分析表明,斑块特征指数和空间结构指数为第一主成分指标,LPI和D为第二主成分指标,各类型绿地的综合评价得分,以附属...  相似文献   
Periodic anaerobic baffled reactor (PABR) is a novel reactor based on the design concept of anaerobic baffled reactor (ABR). Residence time distribution (RTD) studies on both clean and working reactors at the same hydraulic residence time (HRT) of 2 d were carried out to investigate the dead spaces and mixing patterns in PABRs at different organic loading rates (OLRs) in various switching manners and frequencies.The results showed that the fraction of dead space in PABR was similar to that in ABR,which was low in comparison with other reactor designs.Dead space may be divided into two categories,hydraulic and biological.In RTD studies without biomass,the hydraulic dead space in the PABR run in an"every second"switching manner with T=2 d was the lowest whereas that in the PABR run in a T=∞(ABR) switching manner was the highest.The same trend was obtained with the total dead space in RTD studies with biomass no matter what the OLR was.Biological dead space was the major contributor to dead space but affected decreasingly at higher OLR whichever switching manner the PABR run in.The flow patterns within the PABRs were intermediate between plug-flow and perfectly mixed under all the conditions tested.  相似文献   
我国沙区防沙治沙的区域模式   总被引:23,自引:11,他引:23  
回顾了我国防沙治沙的经验和成就,论述了目前防沙治沙工作存在的不足,提出了今后防沙治沙应遵循的生态建设原则,即:水分平衡原则、景观和生物多样性原则、沙区土地利用的优化配置原则、防沙治沙“以保为主,先保后治”原则以及治沙与治穷并重的原则。根据不同的自然地理条件和社会神经发展水平,将我国沙区划分为4类防沙治沙区域生态建设和产业发展模式,它们分别是首都圈模式,农牧交错带模式,草原区模式和荒漠绿洲模式。对沙  相似文献   
To design water distribution network infrastructure, water utilities formulate daily demand profiles and peaking factors. However, traditional methods of developing such profiles and peaking factors, necessary to carry out water distribution network modelling, are often founded on a number of assumptions on how top-down bulk water consumption is attributed to customer connections and outdated demand information that does not reflect present consumption trends; meaning infrastructure is often unnecessarily overdesigned. The recent advent of high resolution smart water meters allows for a new novel methodology for using the continuous ‘big data’ generated by these meter fleets to create evidence-based water demand curves suitable for use in network models. To demonstrate the application of the developed method, high resolution water consumption data from households fitted with smart water meters were collected from the South East Queensland and Hervey Bay regions in Australia. Average day (AD), peak day (PD) and mean day maximum month (MDMM) demand curves, often used in water supply network modelling, were developed from the herein created methodology using both individual end-use level and hourly demand patterns from the smart meters. The resulting modelled water demand patterns for AD, PD and MDMM had morning and evening peaks occurring earlier and lower main peaks (AD: 12%; PD: 20%; MDMM: 33%) than the currently used demand profiles of the regions’ water utility. The paper concludes with a discussion on the implications of widespread smart water metering systems for enhanced water distribution infrastructure planning and management as well as the benefits to customers.  相似文献   
为了研究不同天气形势和气象要素对不同粒径段的大气气溶胶质量浓度谱分布的影响,2010年秋季在北京市采用空气动力学粒径仪对0.5 ~20 μm的大气颗粒物进行了为期2个月的连续观测.结果表明,在不同天气形势和气团运动下,质量浓度谱分布差异明显.受到西北气流影响,在质量浓度较小的清洁天气,谱分布主要集中在粗粒径段(清洁天气).当天气以静稳为主,颗粒物质量浓度值中等偏高时,粗细粒径气溶胶分布中出现谱值相近的高峰(中等浑浊天气).在受到西南气流主要影响的高质量浓度的观测日中,细粒径气溶胶在谱分布中占主要地位(高浑浊天气).在相同气团影响的天气下,昼夜间质量浓度谱分布的谱型变化趋势一致.清洁天气保持了粗粒径段的单峰分布,中等浑浊和高浑浊天气呈双峰分布.清洁天气细粒径段谱值受光化学反应影响在日间略高于夜间.中等浑浊天气中质量浓度的谱值在夜间受相对湿度和温度变化影响有显著增加.高浑浊天气下,昼夜温湿差别小,谱分布未出现明显变化.  相似文献   
近期大气环境问题突出,严重损害人民群众身体健康。随着工业化、城镇化深入推进,能源资源消耗总量短期难以下降,而改善空气质量又需显著降低大气污染物排放量。因此,改善空气质量必须调整现有能源供应体系,提高能源利用效率,改善居民能源消费模式,使得经济发展、能源消耗和污染排放之间协调可持续发展。能源供应朝着进一步反映市场供求、资源稀缺以及环境损害的定价机制转变,显著提高清洁能源比例、电煤比例和使用效率;能源消费朝着节能、低碳、绿色消费模式转变,提高公共交通出行比例,推行节能建筑,显著降低人均能源消耗量。  相似文献   
基于2016—2019年空气质量监测数据、地面气象观测数据和中低层天气形势图,分析了广州市大气污染特征及其典型环流形势特征,揭示了不同环流形势与污染物浓度之间的关系.结果表明:(1)近年来广州市随着细颗粒物污染持续改善,空气质量优良率基本维持在80%及以上,但光化学污染问题逐渐凸显,O3已成为广州市大气污染的主要污染物.(2)广州市大气污染季节变化明显,主要表现为秋、冬季更易出现大气污染,且多为持续性(≥5 d)污染.(3)经过分型和统计,总结出10种典型500 hPa-850 hPa-地面环流型,分别为台风外围-台风外围-台风外围、副高边缘-反气旋环流-变形高压脊、副高边缘-反气旋环流-冷锋前、副高-偏南气流-均压场、副高-偏东气流-均压场、副高-反气旋环流-均压场、副高边缘-反气旋环流-冷高压脊、西风槽槽后-反气旋环流-变性高压脊、副高-偏南气流-冷锋前、副高边缘-偏南气流-冷锋前.个例分析表明,这10种典型环流型可以概述最主要的广州大气污染环流形势,对空气质量预报有一定的指导作用.  相似文献   
京津冀“生态系统服务转型”及其空间格局   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
以1980年、2000年、2015年土地利用类型、NPP和统计数据为基础,运用GIS和生态系统服务价值测算方法,分析京津冀食物生产与固碳释氧两种服务的变化及其空间格局,揭示“生态系统服务转型”的原因。结果表明:(1)35年来,京津冀土地利用变化以建设用地扩张和耕地减少为主。1980年和2000年,NPP的高值区主要位于山区,2015年NPP的高值区主要位于平原。(2)1980-2000年京津冀生态系统服务变化以食物生产服务增加与固碳释氧服务降低为主,2000-2015年京津冀以食物生产服务与固碳释氧服务同时增加为主。“生态系统服务转型”模式为“食物生产+固碳释氧–”→“食物生产+固碳释氧+”。(3)农业生产力提升、林地面积与质量和耕地质量、草地质量提升是“生态系统服务转型”的主要原因。  相似文献   
在分析建国以来广东省粮食生产历程及其阶段性特征的基础上,利用广东省1987~2004年分县统计数据,采用数理统计、区域差异定量分析与GIS空间分析等方法,研究了广东省近18年来粮食生产区域格局变化,并探讨了其影响因素,以期为进一步制定粮食宏观政策、保障广东省粮食安全提供参考依据。研究结果表明:1980年以来,广东省人均粮食占有量与全国人均粮食占有量之间的差距在逐渐增大;1987-2004年,广东省粮食生产中心逐渐北移;珠江三角洲粮食产量出现严重滑坡,粤东粤西地区处于低水平的相对稳定的粮食生产状态,而北部山区粮食产量经历了明显先升后降的过程,但在全省粮食生产的地位逐渐提升;珠江三角洲和粤东地区各县市区地域绝对差异和相对差异较大,18年间波动幅度也较大,而北部山区与粤西地区各县市区地域绝对差异和相对差异较小,变化幅度也较小;影响广东省粮食生产区域格局变化的主要因素包括工业化和城市化的迅速发展、种粮比较收益低下、粮食作物播种面积与产值构成的大幅下降以及经济体制的转型。  相似文献   
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