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Radiation fog is an important modifier of atmosphericcompounds in the planetary boundary layer. In vegetated areas effects are especially pronounced due to the enlarged surface area. Besides affectingthe lower boundary of atmospheric models fog acts as amulti-phase reaction chamber leading to acid deposition. Here we present the 1-dimensional radiation fog modelCHEMIFOG_V to simulate regional radiation fogevents. The key feature of the fog model is thedetailed microphysics, where the aerosol/dropletspectrum is describedwith a joint 2-dimensional distribution, but also thedynamics, thermodynamics, and radiative transfer are calculated. Toinvestigate the interaction between fog and the biosphere amulti-layer vegetation module, including a soil module as well as a drydeposition module were coupled. Vegetation influences thedynamics, thermodynamics, and the radiation field of the lowestatmospheric layers. With CHEMIFOG_V, numerical case studieson dry and moist deposition processes on vegetation surfaces wereperformed. Hereby multi-phase chemistry and the processing of aerosolswere considered. The results show that the chemical composition of thedeposited fog droplets is mainly determined by the aerosol composition. Dry deposition fluxes are dependent on the incoming radiation and the leaves' surface conditions with respect to water coverage.Due to chemical aerosol processing and deposition, the aerosol spectrumis significantly modified in the planetary boundary layer.  相似文献   
利用2019年和2020年夏季沈阳市工业区大气挥发性有机物(VOCs)的观测数据,研究沈阳市夏季工业区大气VOCs的组成特征并初步判断其来源,并利用最大增量反应活性(MIR)和气溶胶生成系数(FAC)法分别估算该地大气VOCs的臭氧生成潜势(OFP)及二次有机气溶胶生成潜势(AFP).结果表明,观测期间沈阳市工业区ρ(总VOCs)平均值为41.66μg·m-3,烷烃、烯烃、芳香烃和乙炔分别占总VOCs浓度的48.50%、 14.08%、 15.37%和22.05%.浓度排名前10的物种累计占总VOCs浓度的69.25%,其中大部分为C2~C5的烷烃,还包括乙炔、乙烯和部分芳香烃.总VOCs整体上呈现出早晚浓度高、中午浓度低的日变化特征,峰值分别出现在06:00和22:00,11:00~16:00处于较低水平.由甲苯/苯(T/B)和异戊烷/正戊烷的比值判断工业区主要受机动车尾气排放、溶剂使用、燃烧源和LPG/NG的影响.工业区大气VOCs的总AFP为41.43×10-2μg·m-3,其中芳香烃的贡献最大;总OFP贡献值为1...  相似文献   
利用米散射激光雷达ALS300系统在北京城区开展了为期近1年的观测,观测时间为2009年6月~2010年5月份.先将观测数据划分为春(3~5月份)、夏(6~8月份)、秋(9~11月份)、冬(12~2月份)四个季节,再对数据进行质量控制.研究了气溶胶后向散射系数、消光系数以及气溶胶光学厚度AOT和大气边界层的日均值变化特征,以及这些要素的季节和全年特征统计值.结果表明,气溶胶消光系数和后向散射系数的日平均变化形态趋于相同,数量上消光系数是后向散射系数的约10倍.它们的季节平均值廓线形态结构也并没有呈现出明显的季节性结构特征差异,2个系数最大递减均发生在1km高度范围内.在0.15~3.0km高度范围做垂直平均,夏季的后向散射系数和消光系数有最大平均值(分别为31.2Mm-1·sr-1和517.0Mm-1),说明夏季有较强对流.冬季后向散射系数和消光系数最低.对于冬、春2个季节,700m高度是2个量大小分化的高度.700m高度以上,春季的后向散射系数和消光系数均大于冬季.AOT和大气边界层高度的日均值波动特性明显,日均值最大振幅出现在春季.月平均来说,在春季,气溶胶层高度和边界层高度最高(分别为3450m和970m),冬季最低(分别为2970m和712m).春、夏季节AOT波动变化大,而在秋季和冬季变化比较平缓.春夏秋冬4个季节的平均气溶胶光学厚度分别是0.689、0.699、0.571和0.647.  相似文献   
The impact of air masses motion on marine aerosol properties was investigated using an on-board single particle mass spectrometer(SPAMS) deployed for the determination of single particle size resolved chemical composition over Southeast China Sea. Two aerosol blooms(E1 and E2) were observed during the cruise. High average particle number count occurred in E1(7320), followed by E2(5850), which was more than 100–150 times of the average particle number count during normal periods. Particles were classified as four major sources, including continental source, shipping source, marine source, and transport source based on the mass spectral similarity. Transport source was identified as those particles with high particle number count occurred only during aerosol bloom period. Three sub-types of EC-Ca, OC-Ca, and Al-rich were classified as transport source.EC-Ca was the dominant particles of the transport source, accounting for more than 70%of the total particles in aerosol bloom events. A uni-modal size distribution in the size range of 0.1–2.0 μm was observed during normal period, while a bimodal distribution with a tiny mode(0.3 μm) and a coarse mode between 0.4 and 0.6 μm was present during aerosol bloom. The variation of aerosol source is consistent with air masses back trajectories, for the reason that most of the long-range air trajectories are from the ocean,while short air trajectories originate in the continental regions, which means that air masses have a significant impact on the aerosol physical–chemical properties along their tracks.  相似文献   


We applied statistical methods to the data of a 5-year sampling period to characterize the features of trace elements in airborne particulate matter at the South Adriatic Coast. The analysis of surface soil samples was also performed. The data were processed by cluster analysis, enrichment factor determination and receptor rose statistics. It is shown that the principal element association consists of Fe, Mn and Ti originating from surface material resuspension. Hg and Se were shown to originate from more complex natural and anthropogenic processes. A strong emission source of Cd and Se was identified in the SSE direction.Selected article from the Regional Symposium on Chemistry and Environment Krusevac, Serbia, June 2003, organized by Dr. Branimir Jovancicevic.  相似文献   
在简要阐述了县域社会经济发展综合评价原则的基础上,建立了悬域社会经济发展综合评价的指标体系,利用层次分析法确定了各评价因子的权重。接着以乌江流域为例,对流域内40个县域的社会经济发展水平进行了定量评价,指出了流域内县域社会经济发展中存在的问题,并提出了相应的对策,旨在为促进乌江流域的县域社会经济协调发展提供某些科学依据。  相似文献   
AMS方法在大气气溶胶来源研究中的应用   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
在我国自己建立的加速器质谱计(AMS)技术的基础上,利用^14C的特征的生物来源示踪性能,将AMS技术运用于我国大气气溶胶来源的研究,我们建立了大气气溶胶采样--石墨碳制备-AMS测定的全部样品处理过程,对北京市中关村地区、东单地区在采暖期和非采暖期的气溶胶样品和湖南南岳、山东青岛的气溶胶及这些地区的地表土进行了AMS测定,将多元统计方法与AMS方法相结合,从中分析这些样品中微量元素组分和含碳 分  相似文献   
澳门大气气溶胶中多环芳烃研究   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
通过1995年和1998年澳门大气气溶胶中多环芳烃分析表明,1998年的有机污染程度是1995年的1.36~4.36倍,大气气溶胶中多环芳烃白天高于夜间,说明主要污染物为居民的工作、生活、商业、交通所排放。澳门商业交通功能区有机毒害污染较为严重,苯并(a)芘和苯并(a)蒽分别为1.56~8.10ng/m3和0.85~4.68ng/m3。   相似文献   
通过应用信息化网络技术,建立了作业场所职业病危害因素检测与评价数据库,实现了用人单位作业场所有害因素检测与评价数据的申报、传递、编制、审核、报告打印、统计等功能。信息化模板的建立,降低了职业卫生学调查工作难度,方便了检测方案和报告编辑,统一了作业场所职业病危害因素检测与评价报告书生成格式,并自动生成职业病危害因素检测与评价报告书,提高了作业场所职业病危害因素检测与评价工作的质量。本系统具有操作简易、处理功能强大、内部监督管理完善等特点,实现作业场所职业病危害因素检测与评价信息管理科学化、规范化、信息化,降低了劳动强度,提高了工作效率,有很好的应用价值,尤其适合现阶段基层职业卫生工作的需要。  相似文献   
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