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Sludge is the by-product of wastewater treatment process. Multisource sludge can be defined as sludge from different sources. Based on the sludge properties of five typical cities in the Yangtze River basin, including Jiujiang, Wuhu, Lu'an, Zhenjiang and Wuhan, this study investigated and summarized the characteristic variations and distribution differences of multiple indicators and substances from municipal sludge, dredged sludge, and river and lake sediments. The results demonstrated pH of multisource sludge was relatively stable in the neutral range. Organic matter and water content among municipal sludge were high and varied considerably between different wastewater treatment plants. Dredged sludge had an obviously higher sand content and wider particle distribution, which could be considered for graded utilization depending on its size. The nutrients composition of river and lake sediments was usually stable and special, with lower nitrogen and phosphorus content but higher potassium levels. The sources of heavy metals and persistent organic pollutants in multisource sludge were correlated, generally much higher among municipal sludge than dredged sludge and river and lake sediments, which were the most important limitation for final land utilization. Despite various properties of multisource sludge, the final fate and destination have some overall similarities, which need to be supplemented and improved by standards and laws. The study provided a preliminary analysis of suitable technical routes for municipal sludge, dredged sludge, river and lake sediments based on their different characteristics respectively, which was of great significance for multisource sludge co-treatment and disposal in the future of China.  相似文献   
通过对四川省西昌市邛海沉积岩芯10种金属元素全量与表层沉积物7种重金属元素全量和赋存形态的分析,研究了近百年来重金属累积和污染的时空特征及其在表层沉积物中的潜在生态风险.20世纪70年代之前,沉积岩芯中金属元素含量均较为稳定;70年代沉积物中Al、Fe、K和Cr含量呈明显的峰值,与流域降水量增加及围湖造田和毁林开荒等导致的细颗粒表土侵蚀输入有关;90年代以来,随着流域土壤侵蚀强度降低,Al、Fe、K和Cr等含量总体呈下降趋势,而As、Cd、Cu、Pb和Zn含量逐渐升高或较为稳定.富集系数结果表明,沉积岩芯中Cd、Pb和Zn受到不同程度的人为污染;其中Cd污染最重,污染开始于20世纪60年代,90年代以来保持在中等污染水平.表层沉积物中,Cd在西北部湖区含量较高,其余重金属含量空间变化趋势不明显;Cd、Pb和Zn的有效态质量分数平均分别为95%、63%和48%,其中Cd以酸可提取态为主,Pb和Zn主要赋存于可还原态和可氧化态中;其余重金属有效态质量分数平均值小于27%.重金属全量与有效态含量结果均表明,表层沉积物中Pb和Zn为轻度污染或中度污染水平,Cd平均为中度污染水平,但在西北部湖区达到了重度污染水平.基于重金属全量与有效态含量分别估算的表层沉积物中人为源Cd、Pb和Zn的含量较为接近(P>0.05),说明人为输入的重金属在沉积物中主要赋存于有效态中.综合沉积物质量基准、潜在生态风险指数评价结果及重金属赋存形态,表层沉积物中Cd具有较强的潜在生态风险,其余重金属表现为低生态风险.  相似文献   
改良物质添加在改善土壤理化性质的同时也可能会导致土壤重金属累积.实验设置了对照(CK)、有机肥(OM)、聚丙烯酰胺+有机肥(PAM+OM)、秸秆覆盖+有机肥(SM+OM)、秸秆深埋+有机肥(BS+OM)和生物菌肥+有机肥(BM+OM)共6个处理方式,研究不同改良物质添加对滨海盐碱地土壤重金属和土壤酶活性的影响,以及二者之间的关系.结果表明,与CK处理相比,不同处理下土壤Cr、Cu、Ni和Pb含量呈现上升趋势,其中SM+OM和PAM+OM处理分别对Cr和Cu含量的影响最为显著,而BM+OM处理对Ni和Pb含量影响最为显著.与CK处理相比,改良物质添加后土壤蔗糖酶和脲酶活性显著上升,其中BM+OM处理效果最好;碱性磷酸酶活性呈现上升趋势,但上升程度较小;过氧化氢酶活性无显著变化.冗余分析表明前两轴累积可解释酶活性变异特征的70.3%,单一重金属对土壤酶活性影响的重要性大小依次为:Ni>Cu>Cr>Pb.  相似文献   
水质是岩溶区可持续发展中最重要的环境问题之一.为探讨铅锌矿周边岩溶流域重金属污染及健康风险,采集了思的河岩溶流域河水和地下水样品18组,测定了9种重金属的浓度(Cu、Pb、Zn、Cd、Mn、Fe、As、Cr和Sr),采用了主成分分析、相关分析、水质指数、内梅罗综合污染指数、危害商和危害指数进行分析.结果表明,思的河水呈微碱性,河水中Cu、Pb、Zn、Cd、Mn、Fe、As和Sr浓度距离尾矿库越远其浓度越低.主成分分析和相关分析表明,思的河岩溶流域的重金属主要来自矿山废水的排放(55.42%)、碳酸岩风化溶解(21.41%)和人类活动(14.72%).河水中82%的样品为优质水,地下水样均为优质水,河水中内梅罗综合污染指数为4.12,属于强污染级,所有危害指数均在1以下.Pb、Zn、As、Cd和Cr是思的河岩溶流域内有潜在威胁的金属.重金属进入岩溶管道后浓度发生了明显变化,表明岩溶含水层特有性质影响着重金属浓度的空间变化.研究结果可为思的河流域和类似岩溶水流域的水资源污染防治和人类健康保护提供数据参考.  相似文献   
为探讨冶炼废渣中重金属对土壤及地下水的影响,开展了90 d持续和间歇淋溶下锌挥发窑渣浸出液中重金属在场地剖面土柱的迁移模拟实验,分析淋出液Cd、 Cu、 Pb和Zn浓度及其在土壤剖面的累积、赋存形态和粒径分布特征,并探讨重金属在土壤剖面滞留机制.结果表明,土柱淋出液重金属浓度在淋溶初期达到峰值后迅速降低,Cd浓度超过《地下水环境质量标准》(GB/T 14848-2017)Ⅳ类水质限值(0.1 mg·L-1),地下水存在Cd污染风险.剖面土壤对废渣中重金属固持量大,Cd、 Cu、 Pb和Zn主要累积在浅层土壤(0~10 cm),分别为淋溶前土壤的237~429、 1.25~16.2、 1.38~2.31和1.79~3.17倍;持续淋溶下废渣重金属较间歇淋溶的迁移距离较长,Cd在土柱深层有明显累积.土壤粗颗粒(0.5~2.0 mm)对Cd、 Cu和Zn累积总量的贡献率较大,而Pb更易累积在<0.25 mm粒径.BCR顺序提取结果显示,浅层土壤累积的Cd、 Cu和Zn主要以弱酸提取态为主,占比分别高达62.4%~76.7%、 72.0%~95.8%和67.6%~8...  相似文献   
The technique of DGT (diffusive gradients in thin films) using three diffusive gel thicknesses was applied to estimate the mobility and bioavailability of heavy metals in sediments and porewater of Lake Taihu, China. The DGT results showed significantly positive correlations between Co, Pb, Cd and Mn, and Ni and Fe concentrations in porewater. Cu and Zn showed a significantly negative correlation with Mn, due to Cu combination with carbonates and Zn derived from agricultural pollution, respectively. The rank order of average concentrations of Co, Ni and Cd at each station was DGT1.92 > DGT0.78 > DGT0.39, suggesting stronger resupply from sediments to porewater when using thicker diffusive gels. Comparing centrifugation and DGT measurements, Co, Ni and Cd are highly labile; Mn and Fe are moderately labile; and Cu, Zn and Pb are slightly labile. The variations of AVS concentrations in sediment cores indicate that metal sulfides in deeper layers are easily diffused into surface sediments.  相似文献   
钼矿区农业土壤重金属污染调查与评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用单因子污染指数法和多因子综合指数法对葫芦岛市钼矿区的农业土壤重金属污染情况进行评价。评价结果,土壤的主要污染因子为Zn、Cd和Mo,土壤环境质量属严重污染,建议对污染土壤进一步做适宜性评价,采取合理有效的利用保护开发途径。  相似文献   
东莞市不同产业类型城镇周边菜地土壤重金属污染研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
文章为了分析东莞市在快速工业化和城市化情况下城镇周边菜地重金属积累现状、污染程度及其分布特点,对东莞市6个镇区46个菜地样地土壤重金属进行了调查、检测和分析。结果发现Zn、Cu、Cd和Pb检测值大都超过广东省背景值,而cd污染最重,67.4%的样地综合污染已经超过了警戒水平。研究发现菜地土壤重金属污染虽然有某种复合型,但程度较弱,检测元素大多没有关联性,结果也表明Zn、Cu、Cd和Cr的分布不受镇区位置的影响,而可能更多是受采样点微环境的影响。  相似文献   
104国道江苏段公路两侧重金属污染现状调查   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对104国道江苏段(南京至宜兴段)公路两侧土壤、大气、农作物(水稻)中的主要重金属(铅、镉、铬、铜、锌、镍)含量进行调查与评价,结果显示:国道两侧土壤已受到重金属污染,水稻受重金属铅轻微污染.  相似文献   
Accumulation of heavy metals from various oxides with adsorbed cadmium by wetland plant Phragmites australis was studied to evaluate the fate of heavy metals in the sediment of constructed wetlands. Hoagland solution was used as nutrition supply, and single metal oxide with adsorbed cadmium was applied as contaminant to study the accumulation characteristics of cadmium and the substrate metals by P. australis. After 45-d treatment, the bioaccumulation degree in root followed the order: Al(OH)3 > Al2O3 > Fe3O4 > MnO2 > FeOOH. Heavy metals absorbed by P. australis were largely immobilized by the roots with little translocation to aboveground parts.  相似文献   
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