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Annual and monthly-based emission inventories in northern, central and north-eastern provinces in Thailand, where agriculture and related agro-industries are very intensive, were estimated to evaluate the contribution of agricultural activity, including crop residue burning, forest fires and related agro-industries on air quality monitored in corresponding provinces. The monthly-based emission inventories of air pollutants, or, particulate matter (PM), NOx and SO2, for various agricultural crops were estimated based on information on the level of production of typical crops: rice, corn, sugarcane, cassava, soybeans and potatoes using emission factors and other parameters related to country-specific values taking into account crop type and the local residue burning period. The estimated monthly emission inventory was compared with air monitoring data obtained at monitoring stations operated by the Pollution Control Department, Thailand (PCD) for validating the estimated emission inventory. The agro-industry that has the greatest impact on the regions being evaluated, is the sugar processing industry, which uses sugarcane as a raw material and its residue as fuel for the boiler. The backward trajectory analysis of the air mass arriving at the PCD station was calculated to confirm this influence. For the provinces being evaluated which are located in the upper northern, lower northern and northeast in Thailand, agricultural activities and forest fires were shown to be closely correlated to the ambient PM concentration while their contribution to the production of gaseous pollutants is much less.  相似文献   
我国地膜覆盖和残留污染特点与防控技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地膜覆盖技术已成为我国农业应用最为广泛的农艺技术之一,但同时地膜残留污染也成为影响农业可持续发展的一个重大问题,系统分析梳理地膜覆盖种植技术、地膜残留污染的特点及防控技术对于该技术合理利用具有重要意义。本文在已有工作基础上,系统分析了我国地膜覆盖种植技术应用情况、地膜残留污染特点和防治技术。结果表明,20世纪80年代以来,我国地膜用量及覆盖面积一直呈大幅度上升态势,年增长率在8%左右,1991—2011年20年间,地膜使用强度增加了3~10倍,但存在明显区域差异。总体上,北方省区的地膜使用强度大,增长幅度快。地膜覆盖应用作物也从经济作物扩大到粮食作物,应用面积最大作物依次为玉米、蔬菜、棉花、烟草和花生等。地膜覆盖技术的应用产生了巨大效益,但同时也带来了一系列污染危害。长期覆膜农田土壤中都存在程度不同的残膜污染,残留量一般在71.9-259.1kg·hm-2。西北地区是残膜污染最严重的地区,土壤中残膜量远远高于华北和西南地区。残留地膜大小和形态多种多样,主要有片状、蜷缩圆筒状和球状等,在土壤中呈水平、垂直和倾斜状分布。目前,我国地膜残留污染防治技术滞后,人工回收是普遍和主要的回收形式,其他防治技术如机械回收、节约型地膜应用、生物降解地膜尚未较大规模应用。当前,为防止地膜残留污染进一步加剧,急需修订完善地膜标准和加强质量监管,提高可回收性;推广节约型地膜使用技术和残膜回收技术;开展地膜覆盖技术适应性研究,促进技术合理利用。  相似文献   
To estimate the variability of pesticide residue levels present in cauliflower units, a total of 142 samples were collected from a field trial of a cooperative farmer, and 120 samples were collected from different market places in Thessaloniki, Greece. The collected samples were extracted using the quick, easy, cheap, effective, rugged, and safe (QuEChERS) extraction technique, and the residues were determined by liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry. The developed method was validated by evaluating the accuracy, precision, linearity, limit of detection (LOD), and limit of quantification (LOQ). The average recoveries for all the analytes, derived from the data of control samples fortified at 0.01, 0.05, 0.1, and 0.2 mg/kg, ranged from 74 to 110% with a relative standard deviation of ≤8%. The correlation coefficient (R2) was ≥0.997 for all the analytes using matrix-matched calibration standards. The LOD values ranged from 0.001 to 0.003 mg/kg, and the LOQ was determined at 0.01 mg/kg for all the sought analytes. The matrix effect was found to be at a considerable level, especially for cypermethrin and deltamethrin, amounting to +90% and +145%, respectively. For the field samples, the unit-to-unit variability factors (VFs) calculated for cypermethrin and deltamethrin were 2.38 and 2.32, respectively, while the average VF for the market basket samples was 5.11. In the market basket samples, residues of cypermethrin, deltamethrin, chlorpyrifos, and indoxacarb were found at levels ≥LOQ and their respective VFs were 7.12, 5.67, 5.28, and 2.40.  相似文献   
代森锰锌在柑橘橘肉、橘皮及土壤中的残留分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
确立了柑橘橘肉、橘皮及土壤中代森锰锌残留量的气相色谱分析方法,采用反应后恒温处理以及代森锰锌工作曲线法进行测定并计算,消除了由于CS2-代森锰锌的质量转换系数不确定所带来的困难.结果表明,柑橘样品中代森锰锌平均回收率为86.46%~95.82%,变异系数为1.04%~7.69%,最小检出量为1.8×1010g,最低检测浓度为0.025mg/kg.  相似文献   
白泥复合衬层防渗稳定性的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为考察白泥复合防渗衬层的防渗稳定性和对污染物的阻滞去除能力,利用自制击实渗透仪对白泥和亚粘土防渗衬层进行了对比研究. 结果表明:白泥/亚粘土“夹层结构"复合衬层能保持低于国家防渗规范(10-7 cm/s)的防渗性,并对渗滤液中的重金属,CODCr和NH4+-N具有较强的阻滞去除能力,可以与常用的亚粘土防渗衬层相媲美,不过其淋滤出水ρ(Cl-)高,因此其长期防渗稳定性需进一步研究;60%白泥+40%亚粘土“混合式"复合衬层和白泥防渗衬层在渗滤液渗透作用下,其防渗性能不好,渗透系数超过国家防渗规范要求,因此不宜用于填埋场防渗.   相似文献   
为克服厌氧发酵沼渣中碳氮磷比严重失调、可生化性差、总氮和总磷浓度高等难以直接资源化利用的难题,同时为北方秋冬季节低温条件下海绵城市建设过程中推广绿色屋顶提供技术支撑,通过调节基质中本地砂质壤土与厌氧发酵沼渣的比例,在北方秋冬季节室外培育佛甲草并研究其生长状态。结果表明:沼渣显著降低了基质的容重,减轻了屋顶的承受负荷;增大了基质的孔隙度,更适宜佛甲草根系下扎生长。基质中添加沼渣改善了低温条件下佛甲草的生长状况,增加了佛甲草的株高和覆盖度,提高了其分蘖能力及叶绿素总量;品质评价得分均高于6分,表明佛甲草的生长基本正常;低温条件下,沼渣和砂质壤土按4:5混配后的基质培育出的佛甲草综合品质最优。  相似文献   
对白洋淀几种不同食性鱼体内六六六和DDT残留量分析表明,草食性鱼体内农药残留量最少,六六六含量为59.3μg/kg,DDT含量为29.6μg/kg;其次是杂食性鱼类,六六六含量为90.4μg/kg,DDT含量为108.5μg/kg;肉食性鱼体内农药残留量最高,六六六含量为110.7μg/kg,DDT含量为124.4μg/kg。鱼体对DDT的浓缩因子为311~1244,明显高于六六六的177~368。鱼体内BHC4种异构体的残留顺序为δ>α>γ>β,与其在水体中的比例α>γ>δ>β略有不同。鱼体内DDT主要以代谢物p,p'-DDE的形式存在,但个别样品中少量的p,p'-DDD及o,p'-DDT的检出,表明白洋淀水生生态系统最近受到DDT的轻度污染。本项研果与1975~1977年检测结果进行比较;白洋淀鱼体内六六六残留量显著下降,下降率为15.8%~79.2%;DDT残留量却明显增加(草食性鱼类除外),增加率约为47.8%~97.8%。  相似文献   
结合大港石化实际情况,在详细介绍柴油碱渣应用QBR高效生物处理技术取得成功的基础上,提出酸化回收粗酚或环烷酸并配套QBR、QBF等高效生物处理技术处理各种碱渣的新型工艺路线。经QBR处理后,出水COD去除率可达97%以上,石油类和挥发酚的去除率可达98%以上,硫化物去除率在99%以上。该技术的成功应用解决了困扰石化公司多年的碱渣废水处理的老大难问题,为炼厂碱渣废水乃至高浓度有机废水的处理开辟了一条新的途径。  相似文献   
Lignocellulosic materials are good precursors for the production of activated carbon. In this work, coffee residue has been used as raw material in the preparation of powder activated carbon by the method of chemical activation with zinc chloride for the sorption of Pb(II) from dilute aqueous solutions.The influence of impregnation ratio (ZnCl2/coffee residue) on the physical and chemical properties of the prepared carbons was studied in order to optimize this parameter. The optimum experimental condition for preparing predominantly microporous activated carbons with high pore surface area (890 m2/g) and micropore volume (0.772 cm3/g) is an impregnation ratio of 100%. The developed activated carbon shows substantial capability to sorb lead(II) ions from aqueous solutions and for relative impregnation ratios of 75 and 100%, the maximum uptake is practically the same. Thus, 75% represents the optimal impregnation ratio.Batch experiments were conducted to study the effects of the main parameters such as contact time, initial concentration of Pb(II), solution pH, ionic strength and temperature. The maximum uptake of lead(II) at 25 °C was about 63 mg/g of adsorbent at pH 5.8, initial Pb(II) concentration of 10 mg/L, agitation speed of 200 rpm and ionic strength of 0.005 M. The kinetic data were fitted to the models of pseudo-first order and pseudo-second order, and follow closely the pseudo-second order model. Equilibrium sorption isotherms of Pb(II) were analyzed by the Langmuir, Freundlich and Temkin isotherm models. The Freundlich model gives a better fit than the others.Results from this study suggest that activated carbon produced from coffee residue is an effective adsorbent for the removal of lead from aqueous solutions and that ZnCl2 is a suitable activating agent for the preparation of high-porosity carbons.  相似文献   
在分析浮选渣理化性能的基础上,对新鲜浮选渣及常温硝化后的浮选渣分别进行了脱水试验研究。结果表明,浮选渣经硝化后,其脱水性能明显改善。  相似文献   
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