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Hydrogen sulphide, ammonia, nitrogen dioxide, mercaptans and sulphur dioxide (H2S, NH3, NO2, R-SH, SO2) concentrations were measured at the location in the vicinity of the waste dump to determine the air pollution level of these pollutants prior to the operation of the Mobile Thermal Treatment Plant. Samples were collected over one year period. Seasonal differences, and the influence of meteorological parameters (temperature, relative humidity, pressure and wind direction) on the air pollution levels were studied. Results show relatively low concentrations of H2S, NO2, R-SH and SO2, while NH3 levels were higher compared to the guideline values. Good weather conditions (high air pressure and low relative humidity) are connected to long range transport of NO2, while higher temperatures result in elevated NH3 and R-SH concentrations. Because of the predominant northeast wind direction (the same as the waste dump direction), the contribution of air pollution from the direction of the waste dump at the measuring site is significant, but that does not necessarily mean that the pollutants originated from that source.  相似文献   
大气中氯化氢常以气体或盐酸雾状态存在,氯化氢气体和大气中的水蒸气作用形成盐酸雾,具有强酸性,能刺激上呼吸粘膜,可引起气管炎,出现咳嗽、胸闷、头晕等症状。在硫氰酸汞分光光度法测定空气中氯化氢时,其方法灵敏、简便,但选择性差,影响因素较多,本文通过对氯化氢测定中硫氰酸汞浓度、试剂配制的方法、全程序空白测定及操作方法、采样过程等因素进行总结、探讨和分析,确定适合的测定条件,提高测定结果的准确度和精密度。  相似文献   
为研究厨余垃圾堆肥过程中翻堆频率对H2S和NH3排放的影响,以大类粗分后的厨余垃圾为研究对象,玉米秸秆为调理剂,设置4组翻堆频率不同的处理(每周2次,2周1次,2周1次和不翻堆)进行对比研究。结果表明:翻堆频率的变化对H2S的排放影响不大,对NH3的排放有显著的影响,翻堆频率过高会增加NH3的累积排放量,翻堆频率过低虽然能降低NH3的累积排放量,但会影响到堆肥产物的腐熟。综合厨余垃圾堆肥的无害化指标、H2S和NH3的排放以及最终堆肥产品的毒性检验,在实验条件下,翻堆频率设为每周1次在堆料腐熟的基础上对H2S和NH3减排效果最好。  相似文献   
含硫天然气净化厂硫化氢泄漏分析及对策   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
以川东北某含硫天然气净化厂为对象,通过分析该净化厂的处理工艺及可能造成泄漏的各种原因,确定了硫化氢泄漏危险较高的生产单元。通过工艺压力、流量、物料组分的比对,选取了脱硫单元原料气和硫磺回收单元酸性气作为模拟泄漏物料。对该厂所在地的气象条件和厂区的地形地貌进行了调查,净化厂当地近5年风速、云量统计表明低风速和多云为主导天气,将D1.5m/s作为模拟硫化氢泄漏扩散的典型气象条件。采用了美国石油学会(API)推荐地面粗糙度长度。运用PHAST软件计算了在典型气象条件下通过3种不同孔径泄漏1 min,5min和30min,形成的立即危及生命或健康(IDLH)范围。在典型气象条件下IDLH的下风向边界距离在41m至1190m范围内,以硫磺回收单元的大孔径泄漏为最远。以小孔泄漏为例模拟并讨论了风速、大气稳定度对硫化氢扩散的影响。为降低H2S泄漏风险提出了在线监测及联锁系统设置的要求,对避免和减少硫化氢中毒伤亡事故具有指导意义。  相似文献   
为了测定煤层硫化氢(H2S)含量,防治矿井H2S涌出,提出一种通过钻屑法测定煤层H2S含量的方法。在未受采动影响的新鲜煤壁,采用钻屑法取样,通过测定煤样H2S解吸量、取样过程损失量和H2S残存量确定煤层H2S含量。根据溶于水中H2S的p H值和色谱分析解吸气体中H2S体积分数,确定H2S解吸量;根据煤样解吸规律和气样H2S体积分数,确定H2S损失量;根据色谱分析残存气体中H2S体积分数,确定其残存量。用此方法,对山西某矿H2S涌出煤层进行现场和实验室测定。研究表明,该矿H2S含量为(4.465~6.701)×10-3m3/t。钻屑法测定煤层H2S含量是可行的,可以为矿井H2S治理提供基础数据。  相似文献   
Explosion indices and explosion behaviour of Al dust/H2/air mixtures were studied using standard 20 l sphere. The study was motivated by an explosion hazard occurring at some accidental scenarios considered now in ITER design (International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor). During Loss-of-Vacuum or Loss-of-Coolant Accidents (LOCA/LOVA) it is possible to form inside the ITER vacuum vessel an explosible atmosphere containing fine Be or W dusts and hydrogen. To approach the Be/H2 explosion problem, Be dust is substituted in this study by aluminium, because of high toxicity of Be dusts. The tested dust concentrations were 100, 200, 400, 800, and 1200 g/m3; hydrogen concentrations varied from 8 to 20 vol. % with 2% step. The mixtures were ignited by a weak electric spark. Pressure evolutions were recorded during the mixture explosions. In addition, the gaseous compositions of the combustion products were measured by a quadruple mass-spectrometer. The dust was involved in the explosion process at all hydrogen and dust concentrations even at the combination ‘8%/100 g/m3’. In all the other tests the explosion overpressures and the pressure rise rates were noticeably higher than those relevant to pure H2/air mixtures and pure Al dust/air mixtures. At lower hybrid fuel concentrations the mixture exploded in two steps: first hydrogen explosion followed by a clearly separated Al dust explosion. With rising concentrations, the two-phase explosion regime transits to a single-phase regime where the two fuel components exploded together as a single fuel. In this regime both the hybrid explosion pressures and pressure rise rates are higher than either H2 or Al ones. The two fuels compete for the oxygen; the higher the dust concentration, the more part of O2 it consumes (and the more H2 remains in the combustion products). The test results are used to support DUST3D CFD code developed at KIT to model LOCA or LOVA scenarios in ITER.  相似文献   
Electronic tags (both biotelemetry and biologging platforms) have informed conservation and resource management policy and practice by providing vital information on the spatial ecology of animals and their environments. However, the extent of the contribution of biological sensors (within electronic tags) that measure an animal's state (e.g., heart rate, body temperature, and details of locomotion and energetics) is less clear. A literature review revealed that, despite a growing number of commercially available state sensor tags and enormous application potential for such devices in animal biology, there are relatively few examples of their application to conservation. Existing applications fell under 4 main themes: quantifying disturbance (e.g., ecotourism, vehicular and aircraft traffic), examining the effects of environmental change (e.g., climate change), understanding the consequences of habitat use and selection, and estimating energy expenditure. We also identified several other ways in which sensor tags could benefit conservation, such as determining the potential efficacy of management interventions. With increasing sensor diversity of commercially available platforms, less invasive attachment techniques, smaller device sizes, and more researchers embracing such technology, we suggest that biological sensor tags be considered a part of the necessary toolbox for conservation. This approach can measure (in real time) the state of free‐ranging animals and thus provide managers with objective, timely, relevant, and accurate data to inform policy and decision making.  相似文献   
不同来源腐殖酸的光解及过氧化氢对其影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
为探讨腐殖酸在环境中的行为及光解除去腐殖酸的可能性,利用大于290nm的模拟日光辐照,探讨了大骨节病病区、非病区腐殖酸和泥炭腐殖酸的光解过程和光解机理及过氧化氢对其光解的影响,发现随着光照时间的延长,腐殖酸水体系的总有机碳(TOC)含量降低,pH值下降,过氧化氢可以促进腐殖酸的光解,其光解过程遵循一级动力学规律。计算了不同来源腐殖酸光解的速率及光解半衰期,发现土壤和泥炭腐殖酸比大骨节病病区饮水中腐  相似文献   
为探究关中平原降水氢氧稳定同位素特征及其水汽来源,本研究选取关中腹地的杨凌站点次降水为研究对象,利用当地2015~2018年间的98场次降水样品及同期气象资料,分析该地区降水氢氧稳定同位素(δ~2H、δ~(18)O和δ~(17)O)组成特征及其影响因素,建立当地大气降水线和三氧同位素大气降水线方程,并利用δ~(18)O、d-excess和~(17)O-excess指标尝试探讨当地可能存在的降水水汽来源,定量描述海洋和内陆源水汽对区域降水的贡献.结果表明,杨凌地区降水氢氧稳定同位素存在明显的季节性变化,同位素组成雨季(5~10月)贫化,旱季(11月~次年4月)富集;当地大气降水线的斜率和截距分别为7.7和9.1,说明研究区降水受到一定程度的蒸发分馏影响;三氧同位素大气降水线斜率为0.528,介于海水平衡分馏斜率(0.529)与水汽扩散斜率(0.518)之间,表明研究区处于海洋气团向内陆干旱区迁移的路径上.综合分析δ~(18)O、d-excess和~(17)O-excess,发现研究区降水受到来自东南季风的暖湿气团和来自西风的干冷气团的共同贡献,其中约有55%~79%的降水水汽来源于海洋,主要集中于6~8月; 21%~45%的水汽来源于内陆和局地蒸发,主要集中于10月~次年4月. 5月和9月降水水汽来源复杂,可能受海洋水汽和内陆水汽的共同补给.  相似文献   
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