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选取广西合山的一座煤矸石堆,研究其周边土壤中多环芳烃(PAHs)的空间分布特征。沿西南、东北、东南3个方向,采集距煤矸石堆不同距离不同深度的土壤样品。结果表明:在该研究区域内16种优先控制PAHs均有检出,5~15、45~55和85~95 cm深度土壤PAHs总含量范围分别为1 152.0~11 146.4、241.8~4 867.7和116.4~2 666.0μg·kg-1,存在严重的生态风险;平面上,随距矸石堆距离由近及远,土壤中PAHs含量由大到小变化,垂向上,由浅到深,PAHs含量也呈递减变化,且沿程与垂向上的变化趋势都是先急后缓;土壤中PAHs含量的平面分布主要受控于风向和坡度,垂向分布受控于PAHs本身的水溶性和土壤性质;通过相关分析认为Nap、Phe、Fle、Bbf、Chr和Fla这6种化合物是研究区煤矸石堆周边土壤中PAHs的特征化合物类型,重环PAHs相较于轻环PAHs受除煤矸石堆以外的其他污染源的影响较小。  相似文献   
针对煤矿安全生产多套监控系统并存的现状,通过将煤矿系统模块化,形成了基于安全信息管理数据库的安全生产协同监控系统.该系统能够以工作场所为单位综合分析各类安全信息,协调各部门的安全生产工作,为其提供参考,同时节约资源,减少操作人员,提高危险源辨识准确性,预测事故并将其消灭在萌芽状态,形成闭环安全管理.  相似文献   
煤田自燃在中国北方非常普遍,每年都给中国的煤炭资源以及生态环境造成重大损失。为控制和监测煤田自燃,须对其自燃边界进行圈定。煤层自燃后产生“热剩磁”,基于这一理论,运用高精度磁测圈定了西北某煤田自燃区的边界范围,并建立了“倾斜磁化有限延伸的板状体”模型进行正演。由钻孔验证的结果来看,高精度磁测圈定煤田自燃区边界范围的应用效果良好。  相似文献   
通过对煤炭资源开发利用特征及其对生态环境破坏的现状分析,说明煤炭开采造成的生态破坏已成为我国可持续发展的制约因素.分析了煤炭行业推行清洁生产的必要性,并根据当前煤炭行业清洁生产中存在的问题,提出相应的对策.  相似文献   
湿式电除尘技术及其在电厂的应用前景探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
作为大气复合污染物控制系统的终瑞精处理技术装备,湿式电除尘器可用于控制PM2.5、酸雾、气溶胶、亚微米颗粒物、汞、重金属及二恶英等污染物的排放。论述了湿式电除尘器的工作原理、技术特点、结构及设计形式,探讨了湿式电除尘器在我国燃煤电厂的应用前景。  相似文献   
Aromatic amines (AAs) are used in a variety of chemical industries and consequently they are the object of great attention in occupational hygiene owing to the carcinogenic effects that many of them have shown. This work outlines a procedure for the determination of occupational exposure to airborne AAs in the rubber industry and the application of this method in a tyre manufacturing plant using p‐phenylenediamines as antiozonants. Samples were collected on a glass fibre filter followed by a silica gel tube and analyzed by GC‐MS/SIM using a capillary column coated with methyl silicone. p‐Phenylendiamines and other AAs probably formed as thermodegradation products were found in concentrations of up to 10 μg/m3 during rubber vulcanization.  相似文献   
The water leaching of diazinon (O,O‐diethyl‐O‐2‐isopropyl‐6‐methylpyrirnidin‐4‐yl phosphoroth‐ioate) through soil columns, was studied after column amendments with two well characterized humic acids (HA), in both liquid and solid state, and with the original raw organic materials, an oxidized coal and a leonardite, from which the HA were extracted. The percolation curves and the pesticide distribution over the soil columns showed that the addition of the raw organic materials and the solid HAs reduced significantly the mobility of the pesticide along the soil column. The oxidized coal was more effective than the leonardite original material; the different origin of the two carbon‐rich materials had an influence on the diazinon movement along the soil columns and such difference was enhanced with increasing addition rates. Moreover, incubation at field capacity for two months of the soil columns treated with raw oxidized coal and leonardite, largely enhanced the described effects on pesticide behaviour. A complete adsorption of diazinon on columns and a practical absence of leaching was observed when the HA from both materials were added in dissolved form. These results were explained with the swelling of the humic micelles in water and the enhanced availability of inner hydrophobic surfaces for the strong adsorption of diazinon. The water diffusion into the solid humic materials after two months incubation, also explains their high pesticide retention capacity. This work indicates the usefulness of either solid o dissolved humic substances, with the proper hydrophobic character, in preventing the vertical leaching of non‐polar organic pesticides in soils.  相似文献   
1980—2007年我国燃煤大气汞、铅、砷排放趋势分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
基于文献调研,对1980—2007年我国汞、铅、砷3种主要燃煤大气重金属排放清单进行归纳,计算了3种重金属的逐年平均排放量,并分析排放量与燃煤量的相关性、单位煤耗大气重金属污染物排放量的变化趋势及原因. 结果表明:1980—2007年我国燃煤大气汞、铅、砷排放量与燃煤量增长趋势基本一致,均呈显著正相关(R2分别为0.911、0.971、0.996),但燃煤大气汞排放量与燃煤量间的相关性却比铅、砷排放量与燃煤量的相关性小很多,这主要是燃煤电厂对汞协同脱除能力比对铅、砷强,以及电厂汞排放所占比例较大所致. 燃煤大气汞排放量在2005年后趋于稳定,而铅、砷排放量在2000年后快速增长,年均增速均超过10%,其中电厂和工业锅炉是重金属排放的重点行业. 在燃煤量不断增长的背景下,单位煤耗的大气汞、铅排放量均呈下降趋势,其中汞排放量在2005—2007年年均降低5.0%,铅排放量在1996—2007年年均降低1.7%. 这与我国主要燃煤行业除尘、脱硫、脱硝等大气污染控制装置对重金属的协同脱除能力不断增强有密切关系.   相似文献   
为了研究超细水雾对煤燃烧的抑制效果,基于小尺寸空间抑制燃烧实验平台,研究了超细水雾对煤燃烧的抑制效果,计算在超细水雾作用下实验空间内部氧气、二氧化碳、一氧化碳体积分数的变化情况以及燃烧空间内不同部位的温度变化情况,并且与煤自由燃烧的情况做对比。研究表明超细水雾对煤燃烧的火灾发展过程有很好的抑制作用。研究结论对超细水雾应用于熄灭矿井煤炭火灾具有一定的指导意义  相似文献   
Eichhornia crassipes (Ec) and Lemna minor (Lm) are aquatic plants. They are considered as weeds of the water and approach being a scourge in many parts of the world, choking waterways and hindering transport upon them. At the same time they are known to readily remove heavy metal ions from water. This paper considers the use of non-living plants as novel and inexpensive biosorbent for the removal of As(V) from watersheds. In the first place they were conditioned and characterised to determine their physicochemical and surface properties and in the second place their adsorption properties for As(V) from aqueous solution were evaluated considering the toxicity of this metalloid in the environment. It describes the methodology to prepare the non-living biomasses; the physicochemical characterisation by SEM, XRD, FTIR, TGA analyses and surface characterisation of Ec and Lm by specific surface, hydration kinetic, point of zero charge determination by mass titration, active site density and XPS analysis are described. Both studied biomasses were found to be potential bio-sorbents for arsenic ions from aqueous solution. According to their efficiency to remove arsenic, they can be used in a very low cost metalloid ions removal system.  相似文献   
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