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To estimate air pollution snow samples were collected in March 2001 at six sites in the vicinity of the Kostomuksha factory in Karelia. Seventy-two chemical elements and more than 200 individual organic compounds were identified by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) and gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC-MS). It was found that the levels of Li, B, Al, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, Hg, Mn, Mo as well as hydrocarbons, phthalates and phenols exceeded the existing maximum allowable concentrations. A list of toxicants emitted with the factory exhausts and a list of priority pollutants for Kostomuksha were compiled. The impact of the exhausts of the Kostomuksha factory on the environment in Finland is relatively small. Electronic Publication  相似文献   
采集西南某碳酸锶生产企业不同年份下碳酸锶生产过程中产生的锶盐废渣(下称“锶渣”),分析其重金属浓度、浸出浓度及遇酸反应生成的H2S浓度,研究锶渣的危险特性。结果表明:锶渣中Sr浓度最高,最大值为175 000 mg/kg,均值为112 000 mg/kg;其次是Ba浓度,最大值和均值分别为6 020和3 420 mg/kg;其他重金属如As、Cr、Cu、Ni、Pb、Be和Cd浓度均低于100 mg/kg;锶渣中Sr的浸出浓度最高,其最大值和均值分别为360和180 mg/L,Ba、Pb和As的浸出浓度均较低;锶渣中的硫化物遇酸反应生成H2S,其浓度均值为0.23 mg/kg,最大值为0.45 mg/kg;锶渣中重金属的浸出浓度和遇酸生成H2S的浓度总体上随着堆存时间延长而降低。  相似文献   
80年代是我国城市社会经济发展最快的时期,城市化水平由1981年的14.3%提高到1990年的21%,城市规模结构趋向合理,形成了以大城市为中心,中等城市为骨干和小城市为纽带的城市结构。但应该清醒的是,我国绝大部分城市的经济发展水平与工业  相似文献   
电化学工艺处理有机废水的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
聂春红  王宝辉 《化工环保》2011,31(4):327-331
综述了目前国内外学者在二维电极和三维电极的开发和改进方面的研究成果,指出了电化学氧化技术和电极材料的主要研究方向和发展趋势.提出为解决电化学水处理技术中提高电催化效率和延长电极寿命的问题,当前研究的主要方向应集中在阳极材料、反应器结构和处理工艺方面.  相似文献   
郝广才  张全  赵由才 《环境污染与防治》2006,28(11):834-836,858
分析了上海市区生活垃圾收运处理现状与问题,借鉴国外特大城市生活垃圾收运处理管理经验和教训,提出了将现有垃圾水运系统升级改造为集装化水陆联运系统、将现有老港废弃物处置场扩建为生活垃圾分类、生化处理、焚烧发电、填埋等多种技术有机组合的综合型处理基地的方案,为改善上海市生活垃圾收运与处理处置系统提出可行的对策建议.  相似文献   
大连石化公司运用标准化法对该厂污染源进行了普查,进而对污染源做出了评价。以二蒸馏装置为例,对总排放口污染源的监测数据进行了标化处理,确定了主要的污染因子及污染源:石油类主要来自减压塔顶分离器;硫化物主要来自减压塔顶油、水分离器和常压塔顶油、水分离器;挥发酚主要来自减压塔顶油、水分离器。  相似文献   
对卫星遥感技术在小城镇发展规划中的应用进行了分析,包括小城镇空间布局信息分析、小城镇区位分析和小城镇环境污染分析,介绍了遥感技术在小城镇变化监测中的应用。分析表明,遥感技术能为小城镇发展规划提供众多基础数据,具有广阔的应用前景,但不能完全取代地面调查。  相似文献   
本文介绍了我国表面处理业发展现状、特点及普遍存在的问题,探讨了以专业园区(表面处理工业园)的形式实施表面处理行业集群化发展的必要性和措施,提出将涉及表面处理工艺的企业纳入园区统一管理,对规范表面处理行业的几个基本要素,即运营模式、收费模式等进行了分析。  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: Concern over the pollution of our lakes and streams has become a major issue in the United States. Sedimentation from sigricultural lands has been identified as a significant factor in water pollution. Some citizens suggest that government should force compliance with soil loss standards, while others suggest that we ask farmers to voluntarily comply. Related questions are “DO farmers think government should be involved in controlling erosion and protecting water quality?”“To what extent should government be involved?” What level of government should be involved? Federal? State? Local?“Why should pay for water quality projects?” Farmers from a small watershed in northeastern Indiana were interviewed before and after a major demonstration project. Their responses suggest that farmers feel that individual landowners should be responsible for controlling erosion and agricultural nonpoint source water pollution. However, over 60 percent of the study fanners indicated that the federal government should play an important role, in terms of both technical and financial assistance.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: Medical geography studies both areal patterns of human health and disease and the environmental and cultural factors that contribute to such conditions. In such studies water resources are of major importance, not only because they are essential for life and their scenic beauty is of inspirational value, but also because they are involved, directly or indirectly, in more than 80 percent of all disease. The direct involvements result from various disease causing agents sometimes found in surface or ground water organic ones such as bacteria, worms, etc., which are known as pathogens, and inorganic ones such as trace elements and synthetic toxic chemicals. Surface waters may have indirect effects also, for they may serve as habitats or breeding places for organisms that do not themselves cause human disease but that serve as vectors or hosts for such pathogens. This paper will discuss these various roles of water resources in both endemic and epidemic disease occurrences and ways in which various human activities domestic, economic, recreational, or religious — increase or reduce our exposure to such diseases.  相似文献   
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