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实验室发生纳米气溶胶吸湿性表征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
气溶胶吸湿特性对于灰霾的形成、气溶胶对气候变化的影响及人体健康效应具有重要意义. 采用加湿迁移差分分析(HTDMA)法,对实验室发生的8种纳米级无机和有机气溶胶进行吸湿特性定量表征,从而判定影响气溶胶吸湿特性的主要因素. 结果表明,NaCl和(NH4)2SO4气溶胶的潮解点为相对湿度(RH)75%±2%,与理论计算结果相接近,说明测试系统具有一定的可靠性. 对以往研究较少的NaNO3,CaCl2,CaSO4,合成海盐,乙二酸和己二酸气溶胶的测试表明,NaNO3,CaCl2以及合成海盐气溶胶随RH的升高粒径逐渐增大;合成海盐气溶胶在RH为86%时吸湿性生长因子(Gf)达到1.80;CaSO4,乙二酸和己二酸气溶胶随着RH增大未见明显吸湿增长. 通过扫描电镜分析了8种化合物气溶液在不同RH下的形态特征,为掌握各种化学组分对气溶胶吸湿特性的影响提供了微观形态分析的依据.   相似文献   
超大城市SO2排放对硫酸盐区域分布影响的观测与模拟   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
2002年8月14—24日在临安采集气溶胶样品,对气溶胶质往往w量和离子成分的尺度分布进行分析.结果表明:SO42-主要集中在粒径<2.1 μm的细粒子中,约占所有尺度段上SO42-质量总和的94%;细粒子(PM2.1)中,ρ(SO42-)和ρ(NH4+)最高,二者之和占所分析离子质量浓度总和的89%. 利用公共多尺度空气质量模式(CMAQ)的过程分析对影响硫酸盐气溶胶分布特征的主要因子进行定量评估,结果表明:经过云内液相氧化和湿清除形成硫酸盐气溶胶的速率为0.19 μg/(m3·h),其对硫酸盐气溶胶的贡献最大;SO2液相氧化反应中速率最大的是H2O2〔5.26 μg/(m3·h)〕,其次是O2〔4.14 μg/(m3·h)〕和O3〔1.56 μg/(m3·h)〕. 模拟分析证明,采样期间研究区域SO42-主要是由上海及其以南的浙江沿海一带通过SO2云内与H2O2和O2的液相氧化反应生成. 通过模式敏感性试验发现,在个例的风场配置下,上海排放的SO2对临安地区的SO2和硫酸盐的贡献率分别达15%和22%.   相似文献   
随着我国餐饮业的快速发展,餐饮源逐渐成为城市大气非甲烷碳氢(NMHCs)的主要来源之一.因此,深入研究餐饮源NMHCs的排放特征是餐饮业科学减排的重要基础.本研究采集了深圳市6类典型餐馆(西式快餐、茶餐厅、职工食堂、湘菜馆、浙菜馆和家常菜馆)排放的NMHCs,并分析了其相应的排放特征、排放因子(EF)、臭氧生成潜势(OFP)和二次有机气溶胶生成潜势(SOAp).结果显示,6类餐馆排放NMHCs中,茶餐厅、家常菜馆和浙菜馆排放的烷烃浓度最高,而西式快餐和职工食堂排放的烯烃浓度最高,湘菜馆油烟中烷烃和烯烃浓度相近.采用灶台数及用油量作为EF的核算基准,结果显示西式快餐和职工食堂的EF较高.餐饮排放的NMCHs中乙烯、丙烯、1,3-丁二烯、间/对二甲苯、甲苯及癸烷的OFP最高,而环己烷、正庚烷、正辛烷和正癸烷则具有较高的SOA生成潜势.此外,甲苯和苯不仅具有高的O3生成潜势,还对SOA的生成有明显贡献,是油烟中值得重点关注的污染物.  相似文献   
青岛近海不同污染过程下大气颗粒态氮磷浓度分布特征   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
袁刚  祁建华  丁雪 《环境科学》2021,42(3):1280-1297
2018年3月~ 2019年10月在青岛近海连续采集了大气气溶胶样品,测定出样品中溶解无机氮(DIN)、溶解无机磷(DIP)、溶解态总氮(DTN)、溶解态总磷(DTP)、总氮(TN)和总磷(TP)的浓度分别为(7.13±6.59)μg·m-3、(17.42±9.88)ng·m-3、(8.34 ±7.03) μg·m-3...  相似文献   
A mechanism of formation of small-scale inhomogeneities in spatial distributions of aerosols and droplets associated with clustering instability in the atmospheric turbulent flow is discussed. The particle clustering is a consequence of a spontaneous breakdown of their homogeneous space distribution due to the clustering instability, and is caused by a combined effect of the particle inertia and a finite correlation time of the turbulent velocity field. In this paper a theoretical approach proposed in Elperin et al. (2002) Phys Rev E 66:036302 is further developed and applied to investigate the mechanisms of formation of small-scale aerosol inhomogeneities in the atmospheric turbulent flow. The theory of the particle clustering instability is extended to the case when the particle Stokes time is larger than the Kolmogorov time scale, but is much smaller than the correlation time at the integral scale of turbulence. We determined the criterion of the clustering instability for the Stokes number larger than 1. We discussed applications of the analyzed effects to the dynamics of aerosols and droplets in the atmospheric turbulent flow.  相似文献   
Aerosol filter samples have been collected nearby the industrialised basin of Leipzig in Saxony (Germany) at the research station Melpitz of the Institut für Troposphärenforschung e.V. (IfT). Time series (1992–1998) and a three year comparison (1995–1997) of two different aerosol filter sampling systems, the Sierra-Andersen-PM 10 high volume sampler (daily sample, PM 10 inlet) and the Rupprecht and Patashnik Co. Inc. Model Partisol 2000 (weekly sample, PM 10 and PM 2.5 inlet) are presented and discussed. The comparison of the different sampling systems and strategies yields small differences between the daily and weekly samples for mass and different ions, which may be influenced by sampling duration and flow rates. A general trend of change in aerosol composition was observed: Soot and Sulphate concentrations decreased whereas Nitrate and Ammonium concentrations increased. During summers the mass of coarse particles is higher than in other seasons. One reason could be found in the occurence of longer periods of dry ground surfaces enabling reemission of crustal and biological material. The time series have been integrated in a longer historical aerosol mass trend for Saxony and do show a good agreement. Since 1990 a significant downward trend in gravimetric mass concentration was found.  相似文献   
Incorporating the missing heterogeneous oxidation of S(IV) by NO2 into the WRF-Chem model. Sulfate production is not sensitive to increase in SO2 emission. The newly added reaction reproduces sulfate concentrations well during winter haze. We implemented the online coupled WRF-Chem model to reproduce the 2013 January haze event in North China, and evaluated simulated meteorological and chemical fields using multiple observations. The comparisons suggest that temperature and relative humidity (RH) were simulated well (mean biases are -0.2K and 2.7%, respectively), but wind speeds were overestimated (mean bias is 0.5 m?s−1). At the Beijing station, sulfur dioxide (SO2) concentrations were overpredicted and sulfate concentrations were largely underpredicted, which may result from uncertainties in SO2 emissions and missing heterogeneous oxidation in current model. We conducted three parallel experiments to examine the impacts of doubling SO2 emissions and incorporating heterogeneous oxidation of dissolved SO2 by nitrogen dioxide (NO2) on sulfate formation during winter haze. The results suggest that doubling SO2 emissions do not significantly affect sulfate concentrations, but adding heterogeneous oxidation of dissolved SO2 by NO2 substantially improve simulations of sulfate and other inorganic aerosols. Although the enhanced SO2 to sulfate conversion in the HetS (heterogeneous oxidation by NO2) case reduces SO2 concentrations, it is still largely overestimated by the model, indicating the overestimations of SO2 concentrations in the North China Plain (NCP) are mostly due to errors in SO2 emission inventory.  相似文献   
The interaction of HCH (50 mg/kg) and dietary protein levels on microsomal drug metabolizing enzymes system and liver lipids were studied in the rats for 90 days. The results indicated that rats fed a lower protein diet and HCH has a higher rate of mortality, lower rate of growth and an increased liver weight. A significant induction in the hepatic microsomal aminopyrine‐N‐demethylase, p‐nitroanisole‐O‐dealkylase, benzo(a)pyrene hydroxylase and glutathione‐S‐transferase activity was observed in pesticide treated animals as compared to control animals. The pathological changes observed in liver of HCH treated animals consisted mainly of necrosis and fatty degeneration of hepatocytes. HCH also induced the significant accumulation of cholesterol, triglycerides, phospholipid and total lipid in liver in low protein diet animals. Protein accelerates the metabolism of HCH, resulting in a decrease of HCH concentration with the increase of dietary protein level. A close correlation existed between lipid accumulation, induction of drug metabolizing enzyme system and deposition of HCH in liver.  相似文献   
Erisman  J. W.  Hensen  A.  Fowler  D.  Flechard  C. R.  Grüner  A.  Spindler  G.  Duyzer  J. H.  Weststrate  H.  Römer  F.  Vonk  A. W.  Jaarsveld  H. v. 《Water, Air, & Soil Pollution: Focus》2001,1(5-6):17-27
Between 1993 and 1999 two EU funded projects wereexecuted aimed at (i) the development of drydeposition monitoring methods for core sites andlarge scale application, (ii) the installation andrunning of three core sites in Europe and (iii) the improvement and validation of models used forregional application. This article provides anoverview of the development of depositionmonitoring stations and the main results of thethree core sites, which were operated between1995 and 1998. Furthermore, the results of thedevelopment of a low cost monitoring system arepresented. Continuous measurements were made ofboth wet and dry deposition of sulphur andnitrogen components and base cations. The 4 yearsof data show a decrease in sulphur loads and notrend for the other components. It is shown thatthe surface affinities for sulphur depositionalso changed during the years, underpinning theneed for dry deposition monitoring. A conditionaltime average gradient system was successfullydeveloped and tested and provides a good meansfor low cost monitoring of dry deposition fluxes.The costs can be reduced by a factor of 3–4 without losing the accuracy of the annual average gas fluxes.  相似文献   
气溶胶中抗生素抗性基因研究进展:以养殖场和医院为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
抗生素在医药和养殖业的大量使用导致耐药菌的出现,加速了抗生素抗性基因(antibiotic resistance genes,ARGs)在不同环境介质中的传播扩散,抗生素耐药性已成为目前全球卫生、食品安全和发展的最大威胁之一。气溶胶作为ARGs的潜在储存库缺乏系统的研究数据,而通过空气传播具有较高抗生素抗性水平的细菌可能是引起重要疾病的主要传播途径。本文针对养殖场和医院2个抗生素大量使用的典型场所,对气溶胶中ARGs的污染现状、样品采集与检测技术进行综述,并探讨了这一环境污染的潜在风险,表明开展气溶胶中ARGs研究的必要性,并为以后需开展的工作提出几点建议。  相似文献   
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