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以长江三角洲(以下简称长三角)为研究区,基于2017年10~12月内共16d 94景的晴空静止卫星GOCI L1B图像和6S模型,采用深蓝算法反演长三角地区气溶胶光学厚度(AOD),并利用2个实测站数据进行验证.再通过反演得到的AOD结果进一步模拟计算该区域地表和大气层顶的气溶胶直接辐射效应(ADRE),并结合典型的雾霾天气进行分析.结果表明:利用GOCI数据反演的AOD具有较高拟合精度,北辰楼站点拟合相关性R2为0.68,太湖站点为0.67.空间上,由于气溶胶存在制冷效应,AOD和地表面、大气层顶气溶胶直接辐射强度均呈现出显著的线性关系.时间上,由于气溶胶扩散和风向等因素,早上和下午辐射效应强度较高,中午较低.其中10:00和11:00影像可以较好地模拟日均ADRE的特征,利用ADRE日内变化成功捕捉到一次雾霾爆发并消失的现象,对气象部门监测近地表气温和分析灰霾的形成等具有重要意义.  相似文献   
通过Mie散射理论公式构建目标函数,利用免疫进化算法对气溶胶等效复折射率的实部和虚部进行协同优化,据此创新性地提出了气溶胶等效复折射率反演的新途径.基于成都市2017年9~12月逐时的气溶胶散射系数和吸收系数观测数据以及该时段同时次GRIMM180大气颗粒物监测仪的连续监测资料,研究结果表明,气溶胶等效复折射率反演的免疫进化算法不仅是普适的,而且还具有收敛速度快、计算稳定和求解精度高等特点.通过与其它气溶胶等效复折射率反演方法的对比分析,进一步论证了新方法的优势,这为气溶胶等效复折射率演变机理以及气溶胶吸湿性增长模型的后续研究提供了算法保障.  相似文献   
The impact of air masses motion on marine aerosol properties was investigated using an on-board single particle mass spectrometer(SPAMS) deployed for the determination of single particle size resolved chemical composition over Southeast China Sea. Two aerosol blooms(E1 and E2) were observed during the cruise. High average particle number count occurred in E1(7320), followed by E2(5850), which was more than 100–150 times of the average particle number count during normal periods. Particles were classified as four major sources, including continental source, shipping source, marine source, and transport source based on the mass spectral similarity. Transport source was identified as those particles with high particle number count occurred only during aerosol bloom period. Three sub-types of EC-Ca, OC-Ca, and Al-rich were classified as transport source.EC-Ca was the dominant particles of the transport source, accounting for more than 70%of the total particles in aerosol bloom events. A uni-modal size distribution in the size range of 0.1–2.0 μm was observed during normal period, while a bimodal distribution with a tiny mode(0.3 μm) and a coarse mode between 0.4 and 0.6 μm was present during aerosol bloom. The variation of aerosol source is consistent with air masses back trajectories, for the reason that most of the long-range air trajectories are from the ocean,while short air trajectories originate in the continental regions, which means that air masses have a significant impact on the aerosol physical–chemical properties along their tracks.  相似文献   
Methylglyoxal(CH3COCHO,MG),which is one of the most abundant α-dicarbonyl compounds in the atmosphere,has been reported as a major source of secondary organic aerosol(SOA).In this work,the reaction of MG with hydroxyl radicals was studied in a 500 L smog chamber at(293±3) K,atmospheric pressure,(18±2)% relative humidity,and under different NOx and SO2.Particle size distribution was measured by using a scanning mobility particle sizer(SMPS) and the results showed that the ad...  相似文献   
典型脱硫工艺对燃煤锅炉烟气颗粒物的影响   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
脱硫是燃煤锅炉的重要除污环节,为探究脱硫工艺对烟气颗粒物的影响,选取4台不同脱硫工艺(石灰石/石膏法、炉内喷钙法、氨法和双碱法)的燃煤锅炉,利用再悬浮采样法和稀释通道采样法分别采集脱硫前后烟气颗粒物样品,并测定颗粒物中的水溶性离子、无机元素和碳组分.结果表明,脱硫剂对烟气PM2.5的组分构成产生影响,烟气经过石灰石/石膏法脱硫后,PM2.5中的Ca由5.1%提高至24.8%;经过氨法脱硫后,PM2.5中NH+4的质量分数由0.8%提高到7.3%;双碱法脱硫则使烟气PM2.5中Na由0.9%提高到1.7%.湿法和干法脱硫工艺的作用显著不同,湿法脱硫排放颗粒物的离子含量较高,经过石灰石/石膏法和氨法脱硫,PM2.5中SO4 2-的质量分数分别由2.0%和6.7%提高到9.6%和11.9%,Cl-分别由0.4%和1.2%提高到3.8%和5.2%,而Cr、 Pb、 Cu、 Ti...  相似文献   
利用西安市环境监测站超级站2013年9月1日—2015年5月31日黑碳气溶胶(BC)的监测数据,研究空气中BC浓度特征及其与气象因素和常规污染物相关性。结果表明:BC小时平均浓度均值在春季、夏季和冬季的变化趋势呈"W"型,秋季呈"V"型,且冬季的第一个最低值和峰值比春季和夏季的分别延迟1 h和2~3 h,且20:00~次日6:00秋季BC小时平均浓度均值高于当年冬季。BC浓度在秋季和冬季较高,夏季较低。冬季BC/PM_(2.5)基本最低,秋季BC/PM_(2.5)相对最高。BC日平均浓度与气温、降水和风速的日平均值为极负显著相关,且风速小于1.0 m/s时,其与风速呈最显著的负相关。除O_3外,BC日平均浓度与其他常规空气污染物浓度呈显著相关,表明其同源性很强,且受机动车尾气排放的影响更大。  相似文献   
Understanding the formation mechanisms of secondary air pollution is very important for the formulation of air pollution control countermeasures in China. Thus, a large-scale outdoor atmospheric simulation smog chamber was constructed at Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences (the CRAES Chamber), which was designed for simulating the atmospheric photochemical processes under the conditions close to the real atmospheric environment. The chamber consisted of a 56-m3 fluorinated ethylene propylene (FEP) Teflon film reactor, an electrically-driven stainless steel alloy shield, an auxiliary system, and multiple detection instrumentations. By performing a series of characterization experiments, we obtained basic parameters of the CRAES chamber, such as the mixing ability, the background reactivity, and the wall loss rates of gaseous compounds (propene, NO, NO2, ozone) and aerosols (ammonium sulfate). Oxidation experiments were also performed to study the formation of ozone and secondary organic aerosol (SOA), including α-pinene ozonolysis, propene and 1,3,5-trimethylbenzene photooxidation. Temperature and seed effects on the vapor wall loss and SOA yields were obtained in this work: higher temperature and the presence of seed could reduce the vapor wall loss; SOA yield was found to depend inversely on temperature, and the presence of seed could increase SOA yield. The seed was suggested to be used in the chamber to reduce the interaction between the gas phase and chamber walls. The results above showed that the CRAES chamber was reliable and could meet the demands for investigating tropospheric chemistry.  相似文献   
Long range trans-Pacific transport and deposition of Asian dust aerosols   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The deposition of Asian dust aerosols during their trails-Pacific Uansport might cause significant marine phytoplankton biomass increases.However,the knowledge of the trans-Pacific dust transport,deposition,and spatial distribution is still poor due to a lack of continuous and simultaneous observations in the Asian subcontinent,the north Pacific Ocean,and North America.The severe Asian dust storm during 6 to 9 April 2001 provided an opportunity to gain a better understanding of trans-Pacific dust transport and deposition,using a comprehensive set of observations from satellites,ground-based light detection and ranging,aircraft,and surface observation networks.The observations and model simulations outline the general pattern of dust transport,deposition,vertical profile,and spatial distribution.The following points were observed(1)the surface dust concentrations decreased exponentially with the increasing dust transport distance from 80°E to 120°W along the transport pathway;(2)the altitude of the dust concentration peak increased with increasing transport distance in the north Pacific region;and (3) the spatial distribution of dust deposition mainly depended on the trans-Pacific transport route.  相似文献   
硫酸盐、铵盐等水溶性无机盐粒子是大气气溶胶的重要组成部分,为进一步提高高效过滤器性能测试实验的精度,提出了过滤器测试标准要求外的新的人工尘气溶胶发生液(NH4)2SO4,并通过一系列实验,从相关性、粒谱分布、分散度等方面对其气溶胶粒子能否满足测试气溶胶的要求进行验证分析。实验结果表明,(NH4)2SO4和KCl间的相关系数R2为0.994 78,相关性很好;NaCl、KCl和(NH4)2SO4气溶胶的几何标准差分别为0.88、0.85和0.87,呈单分散且分散程度接近,可很好的满足测试气溶胶要求。还获得了可控参数喷气压力与发生溶液质量浓度对(NH4)2SO4气溶胶粒谱分布的影响规律:随喷气压力的增加,气溶胶粒子的粒径减小,分布集中;而随发生溶液质量浓度的增加,粒径增大,导致分散度增加。质量浓度和喷气压力对(NH4)2SO4和KCl气溶胶粒径和分散度作用规律的一致性进一步表明(NH4)2SO4作为测试气溶胶的可行性。  相似文献   


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