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铊(Tl)是一种在环境水体中广泛存在的痕量重金属,由于其对生物体毒性巨大,国家和地方高度重视铊污染防治,并将其作为优先监测的重金属污染物之一。氧化法是一种常用并且有效的除铊方法,该方法通过将一价铊(Tl (I))预氧化为更容易沉积的三价铊(Tl (Ⅲ))来实现总铊的去除,但容易受到水体中卤素离子的影响。本研究以水处理中常用的次氯酸钠(NaOCl)作为典型氧化剂,通过采用ABTS分光光度法检测生成Tl (Ⅲ)的浓度变化,考察了环境中常见的卤素碘离子对Tl (I)在这种典型氧化过程动力学中的影响,并结合动力学模型对其机理进行了探究。结果表明,在HOCl氧化过程中,碘离子的加入在pH为6.0、7.0和8.0时均表现出了促进Tl (I)氧化的现象,其中碘离子浓度在高于100 μmol/L时才有明显的催化氧化作用,且在100~1 000 μmol/L浓度范围内反应速率随着碘离子浓度升高氧化速率加快。在酸性和中性条件下500 μmol/L碘离子催化HOCl氧化Tl (I)符合假一级动力学过程,且随着pH的升高反应速率常数逐渐降低。推测碘离子的催化氧化作用为碘离子被次氯酸氧化后,产生具有更强氧化性的次碘酸进而继续氧化Tl (I)。本研究探究了在次氯酸氧化Tl (I)过程中,以碘离子为代表的卤素离子的存在对氧化过程的影响,突出了碘离子在影响Tl (I)氧化动力学中的关键作用。这对于完善铊的氧化还原性质以及评估含卤水中铊的去除策略,保障饮用水安全具有重要意义。  相似文献   
Flexible Li‐ion batteries (LIBs) have a strong oncoming consumer market demand for use in wearable electronics, flexible electronics, and implantable medical devices. This market demand necessitates research on flexible LIBs to fulfill the energy requirements of these devices. One of the main areas of research of flexible LIBs is the active and inactive materials used in manufacturing these batteries. Active materials are those used in the battery electrodes to store lithium in their structure. The remaining materials in flexible LIBs, which do not directly contribute to energy storage, are inactive materials. Inactive materials and components—including electrode conductive materials, binders, separator, current collectors, electrolyte, and casing/packaging—make up almost 60% of the total weight of a LIB. Thus, they are important in the determination of energy and power density of flexible LIBs. This study reviews the inactive materials and components of flexible LIBs from two aspects. First, inactive materials and components used in flexible LIBs and their properties are compared. Then, the compatibility and stability of inactive materials and components are discussed. Overall, this article gives an extensive insight to researchers on inactive materials and components employed so far for flexible LIBs.  相似文献   
生活垃圾焚烧飞灰水洗液中氯离子的去除研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
开展了生活垃圾焚烧飞灰水洗液处理的实验研究,先通过加入氢氧化钙(Ca(OH)_2)、偏铝酸钠(NaAlO_2)初步去除水洗液中的Cl~-,再利用反渗透膜分离技术,探究了浓淡比、操作压力、pH、Cl~-浓度对Cl~-去除效果的影响.结果表明,化学沉淀法初步处理能去除水洗液中约50%的Cl~-,膜分离对经初步处理水洗液中Cl~-的去除率高达93.5%.经过两级处理后,飞灰水洗液中Cl~-的去除率高达96.74%,Cl~-的含量满足排放标准的要求.  相似文献   
Lagerstroemia speciosa bark (LB) embedded magnetic nanoparticles were prepared by co-precipitation of Fe2+ and Fe3+ salt solution with ammonia and LB for Cr(VI) removal from aqueous solution. The native LB, magnetic nanoparticle (MNP), L. speciosa embedded magnetic nanoparticle (MNPLB) and Cr(VI) adsorbed MNPLB particles were characterized by SEM–EDX, TEM, BET-surface area, FT-IR, XRD and TGA methods. TEM analysis confirmed nearly spherical shape of MNP with an average diameter of 8.76 nm and the surface modification did not result in the phase change of MNP as established by XRD analysis, while led to the formation of secondary particles of MNPLB with diameter of 18.54 nm. Characterization results revealed covalent binding between the hydroxyl group of MNP and carboxyl group of LB particles and further confirmed its physico-chemical nature favorable for Cr(VI) adsorption. The Cr(VI) adsorption on to MNPLB particle as an adsorbent was tested under different contact time, initial Cr(VI) concentration, adsorbent dose, initial pH, temperature and agitation speed. The results of the equilibrium and kinetics of adsorption were well described by Langmuir isotherm and pseudo-second-order model, respectively. The thermodynamic parameters suggest spontaneous and endothermic nature of Cr(VI) adsorption onto MNPLB. The maximum adsorption capacity for MNPLB was calculated to be 434.78 mg/g and these particles even after Cr(VI) adsorption were collected effortlessly from the aqueous solution by a magnet. The desorption of Cr(VI)-adsorbed MNPLB was found to be more than 93.72% with spent MNPLB depicting eleven successive adsorption–desorption cycles.  相似文献   
复合污染条件下共存的有机物可能对水溶液中重金属的吸附去除产生抑制作用,作为天然水体中有机物的代表,腐殖酸(Humic acid,HA)对水体中重金属的迁移转化等具有极其重要的影响.采用表面印迹法合成了巯基功能化离子印迹聚合物ⅡP-MPTS/SiO2,利用扫描电镜(SEM)、X射线能谱仪(EDS)、傅里叶红外光谱仪(FT-IR)、X射线衍射仪(XRD)等方法对其进行了表征.以HA作为共存有机物,以ⅡP-MPTS/SiO2作为吸附剂,研究HA对ⅡP-MPTS/SiO2吸附去除水体中Cd2+的影响.HA与Cd2+相互作用的紫外吸收光谱表明,基于Cd2+浓度的HA分子聚合增强作用,增大了分子体系的共轭程度,使紫外光谱吸收峰红移;溶液离子强度的增大也促进紫外光谱吸收带的红移和吸收强度的增大.吸附实验表明,Cd2+在ⅡP-MPTS/SiO2上的吸附容量随溶液pH值(2.00-8.00)的升高而逐渐增大;共存HA对Cd2+在ⅡP-MPTS/SiO2上的吸附具有增效作用,但降低了吸附反应速率;吸附行为符合拟二级动力学模型,吸附等温线可以用Langmuir模型描述;吸附过程为自发吸热反应,HA的存在增大了吸附反应的自发程度,吸附能垒降低.结合XPS分析结果,推断共存HA促进Cd2+吸附的原因是,HA作为配位体桥梁而形成ⅡP-MPTS/SiO2-HA-Cd2+稳定的三元配位化合物,通过富集而促进Cd2+的吸附.  相似文献   
铬的工业用途很广,主要用于金属加工、电镀、制革等行业,这些行业排放的三废导致了环境铬污染,对环境生态和人体健康造成危害。为探究铬对动物的毒性作用,选择昆明种纯系小白鼠作为受试生物,研究六价铬在小鼠体内的蓄积效应及毒性。结果显示,饮用水中一定浓度的六价铬(15~70 mg·L-1)可抑制小鼠体重的正常增长,染毒30 d后,小鼠肝脏和肾脏脏器系数下降,脾脏和脑的脏器系数提高;总铬含量在心脏和脾脏中增高,其他脏器中无明显蓄积效应;铬染毒组小鼠骨髓细胞活性氧水平提高,骨髓嗜多染红细胞微核率显著增高。结果表明,通过饮水摄入六价铬可造成小鼠肝肾损伤,心脏和脾脏内铬蓄积,并通过活性氧损伤效应破坏机体的遗传稳定性。  相似文献   
The redox flow battery with a zinc–cerium (Zn–Ce) chemistry has been developed for about 10 years. Under the traditional battery development principle, a Zn–Ce cell has to be operated with an acidic electrolyte to sustain the redox reactions of Ce compounds (Ce(IV) ↔ Ce(III)) at the positive electrode. However, the use of an acidic electrolyte poses a serious corrosion issue on Zn and limits the electrochemical potential of the Zn electrode. Here, a novel Zn–Ce battery is presented with an alkaline electrolyte at the negative electrode side (anolyte) and an acidic electrolyte at the positive electrode side (catholyte). The two different‐pH liquid electrolytes are separated by a sodium‐ion (Na+‐ion) solid‐electrolyte separator. The Na+‐ion, shuttling through the solid electrolyte, is not involved in the redox reactions but rather acts as an ionic mediator to sustain the redox reactions at the negative and positive electrodes. Use of an alkaline anolyte not only eliminates the Zn corrosion problem but also enhances the cell voltage of the Zn–Ce system. In addition, the use of a solid electrolyte prevents the crossover of the liquid electrode materials (Ce(IV) or Ce(III)) and circumvents the concerns of Zn dendrite penetration.  相似文献   
砷(Ⅲ)离子印迹聚合物的制备及吸附性能研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
以磁性氧化石墨烯为载体,砷离子(As(Ⅲ))为模板离子,3-巯基丙基三甲氧基硅烷(MPTS)为功能单体,正硅酸乙酯(TEOS)为交联剂合成了As(Ⅲ)离子印迹磁性氧化石墨烯纳米材料(MGO-IIP),并使用扫描电子显微镜、傅里叶变换红外光谱(FTIR)、X-射线衍射仪(XRD)和振动样品磁强计对合成材料进行了表征.同时,考察了MGO-IIP对As(Ⅲ)的吸附特性.结果表明:318 K下MGO-IIP对As(Ⅲ)的最大吸附量为148.1 mg·g~(-1),仅20 min即可达到吸附平衡,印迹因子为2.35;吸附过程服从Langmuir模型和准二级动力学模型,说明是自发的吸热过程;在其他干扰离子存在的情况下,MGO-IIP对As(Ⅲ)仍然具有良好的吸附效果,且能够重复使用4次,在含砷废水处理中具有应用价值.MGO-IIP材料对As(Ⅲ)的吸附机制为表面络合作用及物理吸附.  相似文献   
为了寻找植物-微生物联合治理Cr(VI)污染的合适微生物,分析了一株植物根际促生菌——嗜根寡养单胞菌DSM 14405TStenotrophomonas rhizophila DSM 14405T)对不同浓度Cr(VI)的还原能力、Cr(VI)还原最适培养条件、对连续投加Cr(VI)的还原能力及高浓度Cr(VI)处理不同时间的转录组变化.结果表明,嗜根寡养单胞菌DSM 14405T在24 h内对10、50、200和500 mg·L-1 Cr(VI)的还原率分别为100%、92.4%、26.2%和16.5%,且在30℃、pH=7.5、转速180 r·min-1条件下培养能最经济、高效地还原Cr(VI).该菌能在64 h内完全还原2次所投加的50 mg·L-1的Cr(VI),第3次投加后仅能还原55.2%左右.比较转录组学分析可得,200 mg·L-1Cr(VI)作用下,嗜根寡养单胞菌DSM 14405T细胞表现出显著的抗性.具体表现为:大幅度上调胞内消除有毒自由基的相关基因、DNA修复相关基因以防止DNA因自由基受损,同时下调细胞组分及蛋白代谢等与细胞抗性相关性低的通路.并且,随着Cr(VI)的还原和细胞对环境的适应,Cr(VI)抗性相关基因及通路的调节在长时暴露中明显少于短时暴露.本研究为Cr(VI)污染的原位植物-微生物联合治理提供了可选菌株和理论依据.  相似文献   
为了提高剩余污泥降解效能和废水中六价铬还原效能,研究了CaO2对微生物燃料电池同步处理剩余污泥和六价铬废水的影响,考察了不同CaO2投加量下微生物燃料电池阳极剩余污泥的降解效能、阴极六价铬的还原效能及产电效能.结果表明,当阳极室CaO2投加量分别为0,0.1,0.2,0.4,0.6,0.8gCaO2/gVSS时,运行120h后,阴极六价铬还原率分别为73.38%,78.91%,99.47%,97.70%,97.04%,96.37%,运行30d后,阳极剩余污泥TCOD降解率分别为72.4%,76.9%,81.0%,78.2%,75.7%,74.2%.证明投加CaO2后,六价铬还原率和TCOD降解率都有提高.当投加量为0.2gCaO2/gVSS时处理效能最好,输出电压最大为1.15V.六价铬还原率提高了36.08%,TCOD降解率提高了11.88%.此外,投加CaO2后微生物燃料电池电化学活性有所提高,表明CaO2投加对电池电子传递过程有促进作用.结果说明CaO2有利于提高对微生物燃料电池同步处理剩余污泥和六价铬废水效能.  相似文献   
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