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H酸生产过程中排出的废液中含有大量萘的衍生物,对生物具有毒性,是目前最难处理的废水之一。本研究采用亚铁-过氧化氢氧化法对该废液进行处理,以改善它的可生化性能,降低水中有机物的溶解性,提高混凝处理效率。结果表明,最佳pH值为2~4,亚铁的适宜投加量为200mg/L,当H2O2投加量为30g/L时,COD去除率为50%,废水已具有可生化性。经亚铁-过氧化氢氧化处理(H2O2的投加量为3g/L)后的废液,再用FeCl3进行两级混凝处理(FeCl3的量分别为15和5g/L),COD的去除率达90%,H酸氧化过程中,HO先和萘环上的钝化基团发生置换反应,使萘环活化,进一步氧化,萘环裂解,最终转化为无机物。研究结果对提高该种废水生物处理效率有实用意义。 相似文献
采用“机械加速澄清—重力式过滤—离子交换—除碳—高效反渗透” 工艺处理某电厂废水,将反渗透产水作为冷却塔补水。运行结果表明:弱酸阳离子交换器出水碱度≤0.10 mmol/L、硬度≤0.02 mmol/L、浊度≤0.2 NTU,满足高效反渗透对进水水质的要求;高效反渗透产水浊度<0.1 NTU,CODMn≤0.08 mg/L,硬度≤1.12 mg/L,碱度≤8.40 mg/L,ρ(总铁)<10 μg/L,ρ(总硅)<0.5 mg/L,电导率<45 μS/cm,出水水质满足回用要求。针对该系统存在的自用水率高、过滤器污堵以及水量不平衡等问题提出了相应的建议。 相似文献
Aluminum flocculant can enhance the flocculating performance of activated sludge.However,the binding mechanism of aluminum ion(Al 3+) and extracellular polymeric substances(EPS) in activated sludge is unclear due to the complexity of EPS.In this work,threedimensional excitation emission matrix fluorescence spectroscopy(3DEEM),fluorescence quenching titration and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy(FT-IR) were used to explore the binding behavior and mechanism between Al 3+ and EPS.The results showed that two fluorescence peaks of tyrosineand tryptophan-like substances were identified in the loosely bound-extracellular polymeric substances(LB-EPS),and three peaks of tyrosine-,tryptophanand humic-like substances were identified in the tightly boundextracellular polymeric substances(TB-EPS).It was found that these fluorescence peaks could be quenched with Al 3+ at the dosage of 3.0 mg/L,which demonstrated that strong interactions took place between the EPS and Al 3+.The conditional stability constants for Al 3+ and EPS were determined by the Stern-Volmer equation.As to the binding mechanism,the-OH,N-H,C=O,C-N groups and the sulfurand phosphorus-containing groups showed complexation action,although the groups in the LB-EPS and TB-EPS showed different behavior.The TB-EPS have stronger binding ability to Al 3+ than the LB-EPS,and TB-EPS play an important role in the interaction with Al 3+. 相似文献
Liu Zhenzhong Deng Huiping Zhan Jian 《中国人口.资源与环境(英文版)》2007,5(3):23-30
Superfluous arsenic in drinking water can do harm to human health. In this paper, a broad overview of the available technologies for arsenic removal has been presented on the basis of literature survey. The main treatment methods included coagu- lation-sedimentation, adsorption separation and ion exchange, membrane technique, which have both advantages and disadvan- tages. It concluded that the selection of treatment process should be site specific and prevailing conditions and no process can serve the purpose under diverse conditions as each technology has its own limitations. In order to gain good results, some methods should be improved. 相似文献
采用中温焙烧/钠化氧化法从电镀污泥中回收铬.结果表明,影响铬浸出率的最主要因素为焙烧温度.电镀污泥与碳酸钠质量比、焙烧时间、水浸时间对铬浸出率的影响较接近,在水浸水固比为10.0 ; 1.0(质量比)、室温、焙烧温度为650℃、焙烧时间为2.0h、电镀污泥与碳酸钠质量比为1:1、水浸时间为60 min的最佳浸出条件下,铬浸出率为99.3%;去除氢氧化铝、氢氧化锌的最佳反应温度和pH分别为90~95℃和7.5;去除硫酸钠晶体的最佳pH为4.0,在最佳试验条件下,铬回收率为90.57%. 相似文献
为了有效地控制铅污染,利用序批式反应器(sequencing batch reactor,SBR)培养的以醋酸钠为碳源的好氧颗粒污泥作为吸附剂,进行生物吸附含铅废水的效能和机理的研究。通过考察酸度、接触时间和Pb2+初始浓度等因素的影响,验证好氧颗粒污泥吸附模型,并利用不同的脱附剂,进一步解析其生物吸附的Pb2+。实验结果表明, 酸度是影响好氧颗粒污泥生物吸附Pb2+的关键因素,当初始pH为5时,好氧颗粒污泥对含铅废水生物吸附效果最好。对低浓度(0~20 mg/L)含铅废水, 10 min后可快速达到吸附平衡。好氧颗粒污泥对Pb2+的实测饱和吸附量为101.97±9.00 mg/g,符合朗缪尔(Langmuir)模型。好氧颗粒污泥生物吸附Pb2+的过程,伴随着pH值的升高和K+、 Ca2+、 Mg2+的释放,此现象揭示离子交换作用是好氧颗粒污泥生物吸附Pb2+的机理之一。此外,脱附剂HNO3、EDTA和CaCl2能实现Pb2+的回收和好氧颗粒污泥的重复利用。 相似文献