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A mesoscale vortex structure in the small stratified Lake Stechlin has been revealed by field experiments with satellite-tracked quasi-lagrangian drifters. The vortex with a radius of about 200 m drifted at 300 m/day along the western bight of the lake with nearly constant rotation speed of 3 cpd. Analysis of kinematical properties of the vortex motion demonstrates solid body character of rotation. Extrapolation of the vortex drift trajectory over the period preceding the observations combined with data on local winds and seiche dynamics has allowed tracing the vortex fate from its generation point. The normal modes analysis of the internal seiching in the lake reveals the vortex generation mechanism to be the interaction of certain seiche modes with local bottom topography and suggests generation of the mesoscale vortices to be the a regular feature of the lake circulation. Analysis of vorticity suggests additional energy supply to rotational flow, possibly from inverse cascading of small-scale turbulent motions—a feature typical for quasi-2D turbulence. The vortices can play an important role in the energy transport from basin-scale motions to small-scale boundary mixing. They can also contribute significantly to the horizontal heterogeneity of phyto- and zooplankton distribution as well as to the transport of dissolved matter such as nutrients between littoral and profundal areas. The topographically generated traveling vortices represent an analog of the synoptic eddies in the Ocean and in the Atmosphere, whereas their role in the lake hydrodynamics is practically unknown.  相似文献   
化学品混合物的安全监管技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从分析我国化学品混合物安全监管技术出发,研究对比我国和国外在化学品混合物的危险性鉴别与分类、命名以及名录收入形式等安全监管技术方面的不同做法;指出我国在混合物危险性鉴别与分类、命名以及名录收入形式方面的缺陷和不足;提出完善化学品混合物安全监管技术是提高我国化学品混合物安全监管水平的重要手段;认为借鉴欧盟RAECH、联合国《关于危险货物运输的建议书-规章范本》及GHS的先进做法制定化学品混合物技术名称命名规则、修订现行危险化学品名录中混合物条目、引进混合物健康及环境危害估算方法,对提高我国化学品混合物的安全监管技术水平,促进化学品混合物的安全监管具有重要现实意义。  相似文献   
为更加精准地判定采空区自燃危险区域,对煤自燃极限参数的计算方法进行改进,采用能量守恒微分方程的分析解计算煤自燃所需必要条件的极限值;以内蒙古凯达煤矿为例对该方法进行验证,根据浮煤的物性参数以及采空区环境条件,计算分析46205工作面回风侧采空区煤的自燃危险性;根据采空区漏风条件以及煤自燃所需要的氧浓度值,分析在遗煤较厚...  相似文献   
论文从理论上分析了农村劳动力转移对农户间林地要素流转的作用机制,并运用计量经济学方法和223个农户的调查数据进行了实证检验。得出如下主要结论:农村剩余劳动力的转移对农户林地流出具有显著的促进作用;对农户的林地流入具有限制作用,但是在农村剩余劳动力大量存在的前提下,这种作用并不显著;同时也发现我国当前的林业生产存在一定程度的规模经济;林地仍然承担部分农户的生计保障功能。这将对林区政策的制定具有一定的启示。  相似文献   
利用PM2.5质量浓度、地面气象要素、NCEP、ERSST_V3、GBL等资料,研究了2021年12月7—11日长株潭地区一次重度空气污染过程的特征及成因。结果表明,高空平直环流、无明显槽脊影响,地面弱冷空气活跃是本次重度空气污染过程的主要环流形势特征;地面均压场、小风和升温增湿是此次重度空气污染过程的主要气象要素特征。污染物浓度变化与主导风向和污染通道密切相关,本地风速对混合层的高度、污染物水平扩散影响较大,600~700 hPa逆温层有利于污染物在主导风作用下近距离传输及在低层交换积累。我国中东部污染物积聚是长株潭区域重要的污染来源,长株潭地区存在区域性同步污染现象。低层流入长株潭区域气流轨迹差异及地理条件是长株潭污染物空间分布差异的重要因素。  相似文献   
Abstract: The Chi-Chi earthquake, which occurred on September 21, 1999, and had a magnitude of 7.3 on the Richter scale, resulted in an extensive landslide that blocked the Ching-Shui Creek in Taiwan, forming a large lake with a storage volume of 40 million m3. This paper describes an analytical procedure used to perform flow analysis of the Tsao-Ling watershed, which includes the new landslide dammed lake. In this study, a digital elevation model was applied to obtain the watershed geomorphic factors and stage-area storage function of the landslide dammed lake. Satellite images were used to identify the landslide area and the land cover change that occurred as a result of the earthquake. Two topography-based runoff models were applied for long term and short term streamflow analyses of the watershed because the watershed upstream of the landslide dam was ungauged. The simulated daily flow and storm runoff were verified using limited available measured data in the watershed, and good agreement was obtained. The proposed analytical procedure for flow analysis is considered promising for application to other landslide dammed lake watersheds.  相似文献   
A fluvial geomorphological methodology for designing natural stable channels is being widely applied for river restoration. It is an analogue procedure, as the W/d ratio and sinuosity from a reference reach are scaled to determine the restoration design. The choice of reference reach is crucial and published criteria specify that it should be stable, correspond to the stream type at the restoration site, have the same valley type, and be from the same hydrophysiographic region. For stable, meandering gravel cobble bed rivers flowing through alluvial flood plains (C3 and C4 stream types), UK regime equations are used to evaluate the procedure. Successful design requires particular combinations of the ratios of bankfull discharge, bed material size and load, valley slope, and bank vegetation category between the reference and restoration sites. These critical ratios, which are confirmed by U.S. field data, provide guidelines for selecting a suitable reference reach for C3‐C4 stream types. They also indicate that the reference reach can be in any valley type or hydrophysiographic region. The geomorphological procedure will apply to all stable stream types, provided the reference reach is correctly identified. Specific guidelines for each stream type await the development of additional regime equations.  相似文献   
在调查研究的基础上 ,首先分析了皖东地区中药材资源的优势 ,建立了包括利用价值系数、利用现状系数、濒危系数、栽培系数、分布系数、蕴藏系数 6个评价指标的“中药材优先开发”指标体系 ,据此将皖东地区国家和省规定普查的 2 37种中药材确定为一级优先开发的有 6种、二级优先开发的有 79种、三级优先开发的有 96种、暂缓开发的有 5 6种。最后 ,以中药材资源的开发利用与保护为目的 ,将皖东地区划分为低山丘陵药材保护区、浅丘岗地药材开发区、沿湖河药材利用区以及沿淮洼地药材扩大区  相似文献   
郑连勇  李鸣 《四川环境》1993,12(3):25-28
针对煤碳工业的环境污染现状及目前治理方式,提出了今后的任务与治理对策。  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: Crystal Lake, a small urban lake in Robbinsdale, MN, had been artificially circulated for 12 years before a detailed water quality evaluation was undertaken. In 1986, the circulation system was shut off for a two-year assessment. Although the lake remained hypereutrophic, the use of the lake, which included shoreline fishing and feeding ducks and geese, did not appear to be seriously impaired by the absence of artificial circulation. The circulation system was returned to service in October 1987 (there are 16 diffusers in this 0.31 km?2 lake). Continuous limnological data from October 1987 through October 1988, plus several sampling dates in 1989, compares to the two non-circulation years (1986 and 1987) as follows: there was a two- to three-fold increase in the lake's concentration of total phosphorus, total Kjeldahl nitrogen, and chlorophyll and a similar decrease in Secchi disk transparency. The surface oxygen concentration was reduced and the deep waters were nearly anoxic. In fact, following a wind storm in 1988, the entire lake became anoxic due to the mixing of high BOD throughout the water column, and a summertime fish-kill resulted. All of these occurrences are related to the artificial circulation of the lake.  相似文献   
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