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以兰州市西固区土地利用格局为例,利用2005年SPOT5遥感影像和正射航空影像数据,选取14个常用的景观指数,从景观水平和类型水平2个方面分析景观指数随尺度变化的基本规律,采用200m×200m正方形将研究区土地利用数据切分成规则格网,计算每个格网的多样性指数,通过半方差分析研究西固区多样性空间结构特征。结果表明:10m是西固区土地利用景观的本征观测尺度;研究区景观类型和景观格局特征随尺度增大变化显著,体现出一定的尺度依赖性;各乡(镇、街道)的景观指数呈现出城市中心—城乡交错带—乡村的分异特征,梯度变化明显;西固区多样性空间分布属于中等强度空间相关,高值区主要分布于黄河沿岸。  相似文献   
淮南市城区地表灰尘重金属分布特征及生态风险评价   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
城市地表灰尘中重金属会对人体健康和生态环境产生危害,为研究城市中不同功能区地表灰尘重金属的含量和潜在生态危害水平,以典型煤炭资源型城市淮南市的地表灰尘为研究对象,采集工业区、商业区、交通区、文教区、居住区和公园绿地等6种功能用地共40个点位的地表灰尘。采用电感耦合等离子体发射光谱(ICP-OES)和DMA-80直接测汞仪测定Zn、Pb、Cu、Cr、Cd、Ni、Co、V、Hg的含量,分析其在不同功能区地表灰尘中的分布特征、相关性及可能的来源;并应用潜在生态危害指数法对重金属在不同功能区的潜在生态危害进行评价。结果表明:1)淮南市地表灰尘中 Zn、Pb、Cu、Cr、Cd、Ni、Co、V、Hg的平均质量分数分别是202.59、74.63、62.74、110.69、0.57、35.82、12.18、50.95和0.105 mg·kg-1,其中Zn、Pb、Cu、Cr、Cd、Ni、Hg的平均含量分别是淮南市土壤背景值的3.47、3.17、2.04、1.21、9.50、1.12、2.56倍,是中国土壤背景值的2.73、2.87、2.78、1.81、5.88、1.33、1.62倍。2)9种重金属中,Zn和V的含量在不同功能区分布相对均匀,其他重金属在不同功能区含量均表现出较明显的空间异质性。3)不同功能区中,Zn、Pb、Cu、Ni、Co、V、Hg的平均含量在工业区最高,Cr 和 Cd 的平均含量在交通区最高。4)不同重金属的相关性表明,Zn、Pb、Cu、Cd、Ni 等5种元素有同一来源,Co 和 V 有同一来源。5)单项潜在生态危害系数大小为 Cd〉Hg〉〉Pb〉Cu〉Ni〉Co〉Zn〉Cr〉V。不同功能区9种重金属复合生态危害均处于强生态危害水平(300≤RI〈600),其中工业区和交通区潜在生态危害水平最高。  相似文献   
Urban ecology is emerging as an integrative science that explores the interactions of people and biodiversity in cities. Interdisciplinary research requires the creation of new tools that allow the investigation of relations between people and biodiversity. It has been established that access to green spaces or nature benefits city dwellers, but the role of species diversity in providing psychological benefits remains poorly studied. We developed a user‐friendly 3‐dimensional computer program (Virtual Garden [ www.tinyurl.com/3DVirtualGarden ]) that allows people to design their own public or private green spaces with 95 biotic and abiotic features. Virtual Garden allows researchers to explore what elements of biodiversity people would like to have in their nearby green spaces while accounting for other functions that people value in urban green spaces. In 2011, 732 participants used our Virtual Garden program to design their ideal small public garden. On average gardens contained 5 different animals, 8 flowers, and 5 woody plant species. Although the mathematical distribution of flower and woody plant richness (i.e., number of species per garden) appeared to be similar to what would be expected by random selection of features, 30% of participants did not place any animal species in their gardens. Among those who placed animals in their gardens, 94% selected colorful species (e.g., ladybug [Coccinella septempunctata], Great Tit [Parus major], and goldfish), 53% selected herptiles or large mammals, and 67% selected non‐native species. Older participants with a higher level of education and participants with a greater concern for nature designed gardens with relatively higher species richness and more native species. If cities are to be planned for the mutual benefit of people and biodiversity and to provide people meaningful experiences with urban nature, it is important to investigate people's relations with biodiversity further. Virtual Garden offers a standardized tool with which to explore these relations in different environments, cultures, and countries. It can also be used by stakeholders (e.g., city planners) to consider people's opinions of local design. Programa de Computadora de Jardín Virtual para Uso en la Exploración de los Elementos de Biodiversidad que la Gente Desea en las Ciudades  相似文献   
铜陵矿区土壤中镉存在形态及生物有效性   总被引:16,自引:3,他引:16  
采取Tessier连续提取法,研究铜陵矿区不同功能区表层土壤中镉的化学形态分布和生物有效性。结果表明,各种土壤中的镉含量全部高于地区背景值,主要来源与矿业活动有关,部分样品还有矿体的风化富集叠加,土壤镉污染指数PCd为1.15~79。镉含量依次为矿体风化土壤→废矿堆下垫土→市郊菜地土→矿区铜草土、路边土和稻田土→其它土壤。其形态分布,酸性土壤中以Fe-Mn氧化态和可交换态为主,其余三态相对较低;碱性土壤中有机态和残渣态比例较高,碳酸盐态和可交换态所占的比例低。土壤中生物可利用态镉的含量较高,占土壤总镉的60.20%-98.3%,生物不可利用态仅占1.7%-39.2%。  相似文献   
城市雨水问题与可持续发展对策   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
城市化的快速发展带来了一系列的雨水问题,如雨水径流污染、水资源严重短缺、洪灾风险加大等,雨水是城市可持续发展的关键问题之一。通过对近年来北京城区雨水水质与水量的监测和分析,根据城市可持续发展的总体要求,提出了解决城市雨水问题的指导思想和对策。  相似文献   
焦作市区大气污染状况与防治措施   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
根据“九五”期间焦作市区的大气污染监测资料,对市区大气污染状况进行了分析和评价,并对其成因进行了分析,提出了一些具体的防治措施。  相似文献   
平顶山市湛河水污染现状及防治对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以“九五”期间平顶山市湛河水质例行监测结果为依据,分析了湛河水污染现状、特征及原因,并提出综合性湛河污染防治对策。  相似文献   
惠州农业土壤、灌溉水和农产品中有机氯农药的残留   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用气相色谱法(GC-ECD)对惠州市51个农业土壤样品、12个灌溉水样品和21个农产品样品中的HCHs和DDTs残留量进行了测定.HCHs平均含量分别为土壤1.66μg/kg、灌溉水5.86ng/L、农产品24.74μg/kg;DDTs平均含量分别为土壤4.98μg/kg、灌溉水2.06ng/L、农产品41.72μg/kg,土壤中有机氯农药通过多种方式进入到水体及农产品中.从HCHs和DDTs异构体组成可以看出,环境中绝大多数农药残留是由于历史上使用造成的,个别地区可能还有新的污染输入.同其它地区相比,惠州农业土壤和灌溉水中的有机氯农药残留水平较低,但农产品尤其是蔬菜中DDTs富集程度较高.  相似文献   
The concentration of trace metals (Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn) in a total of 144 samples of grass, soil and lower animal (earthworm, Lybrodrilus violaceous) were collected and analysed for their metallic content. Levels of cadmium ranged from 0.01–0.07 g g–1; 0.01–0.12 g g–1 and from trace–0.05 g g–1 dry weight for plant, soil and animal samples respectively. Mean concentration of copper ranged 0.10–1.48 g g–1; 0.10–2.90 g g–1 and 0.01–0.08 g g–1 for samples in similar order as above. The levels of Pb varied from 0.01–0.14 g g–1; 0.02–0.23 g g–1 and from trace–0.07 g g–1 while that of Zn ranged from 0.19–1.80 g g–1; 0.51–3.35 g g–1and 0.01–0.08 g g–1 also in the same order of samples as mentioned above. Levels of metals in soil samples were higher than the background levels with the exception of Zn but lower than European Union (EU) limits. The results generally revealed the presence of metals in plant and animal samples and metal dynamics up the food chain is highly possible. Acceptable recoveries of the spiking experiment validate the experimental protocol.  相似文献   
城市区域光热资源特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用昆明城内外辐射、风湿产测资料,分析了昆明地区光温的日变化规律、城内外差异等特征,获得了昆明市有丰富的可利用光热资源的结论。  相似文献   
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