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Permeable reactive barriers (PRBs) are now an established approach for groundwater remediation. However, one concern is the deterioration of barrier material performance due to pore clogging. This study sought to quantify the effect of pore clogging on the alteration of the physical porous architecture of two novel potential PRB materials (clinoptilolite and calcified seaweed) using image analysis of SEM-derived images. Results after a water treatment contaminated with heavy metals over periods of up to 10 months identified a decrease in porosity from c. 22% to c. 15% for calcified seaweed and from c. 22% to c. 18% for clinoptilolite. Porosity was reduced by as much as 37% in a calcified seaweed column that clogged. The mean pore size (2D) of both materials slightly decreased after water treatment with c. 11% reduction in calcified seaweed and c. 7% reduction in clinoptilolite. An increase in the proportion of crack-shaped pores was observed in both materials after the contaminated water treatment, most noticeably in the bottom of columns where contaminated water first reacted with the material. The distribution of pores (within a given image) derived from the distance transform indicated the largest morphological differences in materials was recorded in calcified seaweed columns, which is likely to impact significantly on their performance as barrier materials. The magnitude of porosity reduction over a short time period in relation to predicted barrier longevity suggest these and similar materials may be unsuited for barrier installation in their present form.  相似文献   
利用核辐射法治理生物堵塞地下水井,在众多有希望的辐射净水技术中被证明是成功的和具有明显经济效益的工艺方法。描述了此项技术在德国、捷克、美国和俄国的应用和获得的经验.利用核辐射水力屏障法成功地就地净化了被氰化物污染的地下水,使出水中的氰化物浓度降低了一数量级。  相似文献   
地下式人工快速渗滤系统的室内砂柱试验研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
人工快速渗滤系统,其经济、高效、适于分散点源污水处理的特点,已在我国南方得到广泛的应用。为了解决应用于北方的“过冬问题”,没想采用地下构建来维持系统的正常运行。采用室内砂柱试验的方法对地下式构建人工快滤系统进行模拟,测定了系统的COD、NH4^+-N、TN、TP等水质指标,验证了系统的出水水质情况。针对试验中出现的复氧、堵塞问题,分别提出了对系统增加预曝气和多级并联反冲洗的改进意见。同时,从出水水质的角度给出了水力负荷周期的推荐值由于该系统是一种新型的水处理技术,所以将之与曝气生物滤池进行了对比,指出了各自的优缺点,以增强对地下式CRI系统的认识。  相似文献   
人工湿地堵塞机制及其模型化的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从物理、化学、生物三方面分析了人工湿地堵塞的机理,对几个与人工湿地堵塞有关的数学模型作了介绍和分析,并探讨了一些预防人工湿地堵塞的措施及今后的研究方向。  相似文献   
The accumulation of organic matter in substratum pores is regarded as an important factor causing clogging separately in the subsurface flow constructed wetlands. In this study, the developing process of clogging caused by biofilm growth or organic particle accumulation instead of total organic matter accumulation was investigated in two groups of lab-scale vertical flow constructed wetlands (VFCWs), which were fed with glucose (dissolved organic matter) and starch (particulate organic matter) influent. Results showed that the growth of biofilms within the substratum pores certainly caused remarkable reduction of e ective porosity, especially for the strong organic wastewater, whereas its influence on infiltration rate was negligible. It was implied that the most important contribution of biofilm growth to clogging was accelerating the occurrence of clogging. In comparison with biofilm growth, particles accumulation within pores could rapidly reduce infiltration rate besides e ective porosity and the clogging occurred in the upper 0–15 cm layer. With approximately equal amount of accumulated organic matter, the e ective porosity of the clogged layer in starch-fed systems was far less than that of glucose-fed systems, which indicated that composition and accumulation mode in addition to the amount of the accumulated organic matter played an important role in causing clogging.  相似文献   
潜流人工湿地具有操作简单,建设和运行成本低,环境效益好等优点,但在长期运行过程中普遍存在脱氮效率降低的问题。阐述了潜流人工湿地脱氮机理,提出湿地复氧能力降低和基质堵塞是造成人工湿地长期运行脱氮效率降低的主要原因。基于文献分析,综述了潜流人工湿地长期运行提高脱氮效率的方法,分别从提高湿地复氧能力,选择合适的基质粒径和级配及优化潜流人工湿地工艺等方面阐述了提高脱氮效率的措施及其效果。  相似文献   
垂直潜流人工湿地堵塞及其运行效果影响研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在净化猪场沼液中开展了垂直潜流人工湿地堵塞过程及其运行效能变化的研究.结果表明,人工湿地堵塞的主要成因是由于填料层中不可滤过性物质的积累所致.不可滤过性物质是由有机物和无机物组成,且大部分不可滤过性物质的粒径均超过5.00 μm.填料层的孔隙率和水力传导系数均随系统运行时间的延长而减小,而填料层中被截留物质的含量则随系统运行时间的延长而增大,其空间变化特征均受到了系统中水力流态的影响;当系统HLR为0.02m3/(m2·d)时,VSSF在运行1380d后对猪场沼液的净化开始恶化,系统对COD、TSS、TN、NH4+-N和TP的去除率分别降至37.31%、57.82%、20.80%、32.13%和51.18%.  相似文献   
潜流人工湿地堵塞程度的原位测定研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
人工湿地因其生态友好、运行费用低廉、处理效果好而被广泛运用于污水处理中,然而潜流人工湿地在运行过程中会发生填料堵塞,导致其利用率下降、寿命缩短,但目前还缺乏简单有效的原位测定人工湿地堵塞程度的方法和仪器.为了客观地评价湿地的堵塞程度,以渗透系数法为测定原理构建了人工湿地堵塞程度原位测定法,结合压力探测和数据处理模块开发了人工湿地堵塞程度原位测定仪,并进行了实验室试验和原位测量以检验方法和仪器的可行性.实验室试验中测量了利用砂土和砾石模拟的不同程度的堵塞.结果表明:当填料砂土与砾石的质量比为2:1、4:1、8:1时,堵塞系数分别为0.69、0.84、0.91 km/d,测得的堵塞系数和填料比例显著相关,能够准确地反映堵塞程度.原位测量选择运行了1~5 a的4个潜流人工湿地(A、B、C、D湿地)进行,运行一段时间后,潜流人工湿地入口处、湿地管道破损处和使用时间较长的湿地堵塞系数较高,最高达0.998 km/d,而运行情况良好的D湿地堵塞系数在0.5 km/d以下.研究显示,原位测定结果能很好地反映湿地的堵塞情况.   相似文献   
污水渗滤土地处理系统中的堵塞问题   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25       下载免费PDF全文
堵塞问题是污水渗滤土地处理系统经常遇到的.从理论方面对悬浮物截留、吸附及微生物生长所造成的堵塞进行了讨论,并用实例进行了验证.结果表明,不管是悬浮物截留、吸附,还是微生物的生长,所造成的堵塞状况都呈现出随滤层厚度增加按负指数形式递减的趋势.系统内部是否会发生堵塞与原水的成分组成、渗滤介质的有关参数、微生物的活性等都密切相关.对于污水渗滤土地处理系统来说,微生物的生长一般不会导致系统内部产生堵塞,而悬浮物的截留、吸附常常会造成系统表层比较严重的堵塞.  相似文献   
污泥经预处理达到入场标准后与生活垃圾混合填埋是我国现阶段污泥处理的主要方式。由于污泥与生活垃圾特性差异较大,会影响渗滤液物理、化学、生物特性,进而对填埋场渗滤液导排系统产生不利影响。通过柱实验对比了污泥与生活垃圾混填前后产生的渗滤液水质变化,结果表明:污泥与生活垃圾混填后渗滤液中颗粒物浓度及大颗粒物占比均有显著提升;采用生石灰对污泥预处理提高了污泥自身有机质(VFAs等)的释放速率;8%的生石灰预处理污泥(10%混合比例)掺加量会提高生活垃圾产生的渗滤液中Ca2+浓度31.6%。通过分析可知,结合填埋场导排系统堵塞的影响因素有微细颗粒物沉淀、微生物膜生长及钙基化合物沉积,从减缓填埋场导排系统堵塞、延长填埋场使用年限的角度出发,污泥宜单独分区填埋,生石灰预处理污泥不宜与生活垃圾混填。  相似文献   
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