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由于地质和地理条件的特殊性,沿海地区生态环境极其脆弱和敏感。水资源短缺、水环境污染、海水入侵、地面沉降、生态环境退化和海平面上升,已构成我国沿海地区实现可持续发展战略面临的重大资源和环境问题。水资源和生态环境的持续利用,已成为我国沿海地区一项极其重要的战略任务。根据可持续发展理论,通过建立适应水资源持续利用的管理体制、政策和运行机制,采取生态环境可持续保护策略,可完全达到水资源和生态环境的持续利用,并有效实现中国沿海地区资源、环境与经济、社会的有机协调及经济、社会的持续、稳定、健康发展  相似文献   
浙江省沿海地区农村房屋抗风情况调研   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对浙江省沿海地区的农村房屋抗风情况进行了调研,总结了被破坏房屋的主要结构特点。在对现有房屋的统计中发现相对不富裕地区高达60%以上的房屋属于抗风能力差和较差的,而一些比较富裕且受过台风袭击有过惨痛教训地区的房屋抗风能力差和较差的仅在20%以下。进一步研究发现抗风能力较好的房屋大都是建造年代不久,多为混凝土现浇板屋盖,上部多为框架或砖混结构,而抗风能力较差和差的大都为建造年代已久,多为小青瓦屋面,上部结构多为砖木结构或构造措施较差的砖混结构。同时对当地村民传统的"砖头压瓦"防护措施进行理论验算,得出当风速超过台风界限风速时,屋面上的砖头将会飞起,该措施应该避免。  相似文献   
江苏沿海地区化工事故时空变化分析与对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
统计汇总了2006—2009年江苏沿海地区发生的化工事故,分析事故发生的时间趋势、空间分布、事故原因、死亡人数以及类型等特点。结果表明:事故发生频次稳定,增长趋势不明显。71%的事故发生于园区内,29%的事故发生在分散企业。连云港事故主要发生于沿海化工区密集带,盐城事故主要分布于沿海化工区域,少数发生在内陆地区,南通事故发生地点较为分散。总体来看,江苏沿海地区化工事故具有数量多,影响广,造成的环境经济损失较大的特点。  相似文献   
New particle formation (NPF) event at multi rural sites in China Identifying the characteristics of NPF event Comparing NPF event between clean and polluted conditions Quantifying contribution to the cloud condensation nuclei Implication of climate and air quality Long-term continuous measurements of particle number size distributions with mobility diameter sizes ranging from 3 to 800 nm were performed to study new particle formation (NPF) events at Shangdianzi (SDZ), Mt. Tai (TS), and Lin’an (LAN) stations representing the background atmospheric conditions in the North China Plain (NCP), Central East China (CEC), and Yangtze River Delta (YRD) regions, respectively. The mean formation rate of 3-nm particles was 6.3, 3.7, and 5.8 cm−3·s−1, and the mean particle growth rate was 3.6, 6.0, and 6.2 nm·h−1 at SDZ, TS, and LAN, respectively. The NPF event characteristics at the three sites indicate that there may be a stronger source of low volatile vapors and higher condensational sink of pre-existing particles in the YRD region. The formation rate of NPF events at these sites, as well as the condensation sink, is approximately 10 times higher than some results reported at rural/urban sites in western countries. However, the growth rates appear to be 1–2 times higher. Approximately 12%–17% of all NPF events with nucleated particles grow to a climate-relevant size (>50 nm). These kinds of NPF events were normally observed with higher growth rate than the other NPF cases. Generally, the cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) number concentration can be enhanced by approximately a factor of 2–6 on these event days. The mean value of the enhancement factor is lowest at LAN (2–3) and highest at SDZ (~4). NPF events have also been found to have greater impact on CCN production in China at the regional scale than in the other background sites worldwide.  相似文献   
秦皇岛褐潮暴发敏感海域细菌种群特征   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
为了掌握细菌种群在褐潮生消过程中的作用,于2013年4—8月采用高通量测序技术调查了秦皇岛近岸海域褐潮暴发敏感海域细菌种群的结构特征. 结果表明:研究区域内细菌种群丰度和多样性在8月最高、5月最低;不同月份水体中细菌种群种类组成及其丰度均存在明显差异,其中第一优势门为变形菌门(Proteobacteria),2013年4月、5月、6月、7月和8月相对丰度分别为46.26%、41.11%、49.69%、38.48%和40.55%;第一优势科为α-变形菌(α-proteobacteria),相对丰度分别为42.20%、34.36%、44.68%、32.17%和28.79%;4月、5月和7月第一优势属为Chloroplast_norank,相对丰度分别为21.48%、16.44%和11.66%;6月第一优势属为Roseobacter_clade_DC5-80-3_lineage,相对丰度为17.85%;8月第一优势属为Candidatus_pelagibacter,相对丰度为15.55%. 典范相关分析(CCA)结果显示,ρ(NO3-N)、ρ(Chla)和富营养化指数(卡尔森指数,TLI)是研究区域内影响细菌种群结构的主要因素,表明细菌种群结构特征与水体富营养化状态、藻类生物量及其特征密切相关,细菌对研究区域有害赤潮暴发的调节作用还有待进一步研究.   相似文献   
滩涂围垦与开发是海岸带地区特有的土地利用模式,揭示新中国成立以来滩涂已开发围垦区土地利用类型结构能够为该地区未来土地利用与规划提供一个标尺。论文以江苏省如东县为例,从土地利用类型结构与土地利用类型综合指数两部分探讨新中国成立以来不同围垦年限滩涂围垦区土地利用类型结构变化特征,揭示土地利用变化过程,对该地区土地可持续利用具有重要意义。结果表明:新中国成立以来,如东县不同年限围垦区土地利用类型变化存在阶段性特征。从围垦时间序列来看,农用地占比在30 a 围垦区最高,其变化呈现“S”型特征;建设用地呈现间歇性增长,周期为20 a,其中村庄用地在围垦10 a 逐步出现;未利用地一直下降,在40 a 围垦区保持稳定,主要类型为河流用地。滩涂围垦区土地利用强度在30 a 围垦区达到最高,呈现“S”型变化特征。土地利用多样性指数在30 a 围垦区达到最高值,呈现倒“U”型特征。滩涂围垦区土地利用类型演变存在三个阶段。江苏省沿海滩涂淤长为滩涂围垦奠定了自然基础条件,围垦初期,受到盐分的限制,只有耐盐植物和改良作物能够在滩涂土壤上生存,随着土壤不断脱盐,滩涂围垦区土地利用类型逐步多样化,在未来滩涂资源开发利用过程中,需要重点开展滨海盐土的开发复垦工作,严格审批新增建设用地,积极保护自然生态环境,实现沿海滩涂地区可持续发展。  相似文献   
东北强降水时空变化的特征和原因分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用东北地区近45 a(1961-2005年)4-9月逐日降水量资料计算了强降水集中度和集中期,分析了强降水集中度和集中期时空变化特征,讨论了影响强降水集中度和集中期的环流特征变化。结果发现,东北强降水集中度与强降水有很好的相关性,对于强降水有着很好的指示作用。从空间分布上看东北雨季强降水集中度由东向西趋于集中。从时间变化方面来看,1960年代中期到1980年代初,强降水集中度处于低值区,而在1991年之后东北地区强降水集中度大多处于高值区。强降水集中期仅在1970年代处于低值偏多的时期。对于东北不同区域大部分地区(除东北西北部外)在1990年代之后集中度都有所增加,集中度大值年出现的频率增加,而东北西北部的变化正好相反。东北地区强降水集中度偏高时,东北地区整层处于低压中心,在东北东部海面上有高压存在。东北地区存在着偏西气流和东南暖湿气流的交汇,在40~50°N纬度范围内高度场呈"+-+"波动。集中度偏高时东北东部地区有上升的垂直速度中心,并且上升速度随高度升高(300 hPa以下)而增强。东北地区水汽主要来源于鄂霍次克海冷湿空气。在东北地区存在着水汽通量散度的负距平中心,形成水汽异常辐合区,有利于强降水的出现。  相似文献   
Sediment cores, obtained in 2004–2005 and in 2008 from seven coastal lagoons of Central Vietnam (Lang Co, Nuoc Man, Nuoc Ngot, Thi Nai, O Loan, Thuy Trieu and Dam Nai), were analysed to assess changes in 210Pb, porosity, grain size, and depth distributions of selected major and trace elements (Al, As, Ni, and Zn). The aim was to trace sedimentary processes in areas periodically subject to extreme events. The occurrence of lateral sedimentary inhomogeneities has been hypothesised to explain the differences observed at depth for some tracer profiles, whereas topmost levels present evidence that accounts for the loss of a sediment layer (from 2.0 to 7.5 cm thick) between the two samplings. These losses might be attributed to major typhoons that impacted the coasts of Central Vietnam during the study period.  相似文献   
Background levels of metals (Ag, Cd, Cu, Cr, Hg, Ni, Pb and Zn) in biomonitors (Mytilus galloprovincialis mussels and Crassostrea gigas oysters), in estuarine waters within the Basque Country (south-east Bay of Biscay) are estimated using non-parametric statistical tools and data are presented graphically, with the aim of being used in assessing the ecological status, within the European Water Framework Directive (WFD). The basis for this study was the statistical analysis of data compiled from monitoring programmes undertaken along the Basque coast, between 1990 and 2008. For this analysis, a heuristic method was adapted and used. Results showed different metal background ranges throughout the year for both mussels and oysters. Values corresponding to the upper limit of the background range (i.e. value of the upper whisker of the box-plot) are proposed as the ‘high/good’ status boundary, according to the WFD.  相似文献   
The first incident of green oysters (Crassostrea gigas) was reported in Taiwan in the Charting coastal area in January, 1986 and mortality was reported three months later. the cause of the greened oysters was identified as copper pollution. the copper content of the green oysters was extremely high - 2100 ppm, 2225 ppm, and 4400 ppm dry weight, in January, 1986, February 1987, and January 1989, respectively. in this paper we summarize the seasonal and regional distributions of copper species (complexed by inorganic and organic ligands, labile and non-labile, polar and non-polar) and forms (dissolved and particulate) and the hydrographic and biomass parameters (mainly particulate organic carbon, chloropyll -α, adenosine triphosphate and primary production) in sea water in the Erhjin Chi coastal area. in general, high concentrations of particulate material (0.24 to 724 ppb) and non-labile organic copper (0.03 to 21.5 ppb) were observed. Low values of polar organic copper (<0.02 to 16.5 ppb) indicated that non-polar organic complexes (0.3 to 20.4 ppb) from man-made organic pollutants were the major complexes in the area studied. On the basis of this data, the cause of greening and mortality in oysters is evaluated in relation to the bioavailable copper (sum of particulate and labile copper) and copper assimilative capacity (detoxicant). Finally, the correlations between the species and forms of copper, hydrographic and biomass parameters are also discussed.  相似文献   
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