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主要介绍了工业牌号高强铝合金在供应态或经简单预处理后在通用油压机上超塑成形的实例,并分析探讨了非理想组织材料超塑成形中微观组织的变化。  相似文献   
商用厨房火灾的最主要原因是油锅的持续高温引发食用油自燃起火,食用油极易复燃的火灾行为大大增加了其扑救难度,通过实验表明,细水雾灭火剂极强的冷却作用能够有效扑救食用油火灾.  相似文献   
对安全评价方法在危险废物处置建设项目环境风险评价中的运用进行初步探索。主要用"工艺过程风险因素分析表"对工艺过程潜在风险性识别;用蒙德法进行源项分析;用池火灾模型、蒸气云爆炸伤害模型对易燃、易爆物质的火灾、爆炸等重大事故后果进行计算,得出人员的伤亡半径和财产损失半径等参数,以便于判断风险的可接受水平。分析结果表明:采用安全评价方法对危险废物处置建设项目进行环境风险评价是适用的、可行的。  相似文献   
北方海洋生态站几种经济动物体内5种重金属残留量   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
对北方海洋生态站生态监测海域几种贝类、鱼类体内Hg、Cd、Pb、As、Cu残留量及季节变化进行了调查、分析,并且评价了这些经济动物的生物质量。结果表明:贝类Hg的含量(×10-6湿重以下同)为未检出~0.026,As为0.330~1.361,Cu为0.67~14.04,Pb为0.022~1.02,Cd为0.086~3.90;鱼类的Hg含量为0.001~0.017、As为0.672~0.998、Cu为1 35~5.90、Pb为0.016~0.57、Cd为0.006~0.45。扁玉螺体内重金属残留量季节变化明显;生物体内Hg和Cu的含量均符合中华人民共和国国家标准中关于食品中限量卫生标准,其他重金属含量均有超标现象,Cd最严重。  相似文献   
涂层老化评级方法标准中的问题探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
对新实施的GB/T 1766-2008标准中存在的问题进行了分析与评述,指出起泡等级的数值设置在装饰性涂层综合评级体系中不合理,标准对起泡的要求太低;同时保护性涂层综合评级中对起泡的危害也不够重视。在综合评级的低等级和高等级评价中,对剥落与生锈的要求尺度不统一,低等级对小锈点比较宽容,高等级对大锈点的要求却较严格。标准在确定生锈、开裂、起泡等单项等级时要求不细,给单项等级评定造成困扰。另外,开裂、起泡单项等级的评定指标未量化,不利于提高数据准确性。  相似文献   
利用中流量大气综合采样仪采集太原市工业区和商业区PM10样品,使用GC/IRMS技术分析了PAHs的δ13C值(碳同位素组成),并根据碳同位素质量平衡计算了煤烟尘和机动车尾气对2类功能区的贡献率. 结果表明:工业区PM10中PAHs的δ13C值在-26.0‰~-24.5‰之间,随环数增加呈贫13C趋势,与煤烟尘δ13C值的变化趋势一致,表明煤烟尘是工业区的一个主要污染源;商业区PAHs的δ13C值在-26.6‰~-26.2‰之间,较工业区显著贫13C,商业区与工业区的污染源有明显差异;除机动车尾气和煤烟尘外,工业区和商业区还有其他污染源输入,其中工业区有生物质燃烧排放输入,商业区有机动车曲轴箱润滑油残渣输入;煤烟尘和生物质燃烧对工业区的贡献率分别为59.3%~70.8%和29.2%~40.7%,表明工业区煤烟污染严重;机动车对商业区PAHs的贡献率在86.1%~95.8%之间,是商业区PM10中PAHs的主要排放源,其中润滑油残渣的贡献率(在40.9%~85.3%之间)最大,机动车尾气的贡献率在8.3%~54.9%范围内,而煤烟尘的贡献率(在4.2%~13.9%之间)最小.   相似文献   
Marine spatial planning provides a comprehensive framework for managing multiple uses of the marine environment and has the potential to minimize environmental impacts and reduce conflicts among users. Spatially explicit assessments of the risks to key marine species from human activities are a requirement of marine spatial planning. We assessed the risk of ships striking humpback (Megaptera novaeangliae), blue (Balaenoptera musculus), and fin (Balaenoptera physalus) whales in alternative shipping routes derived from patterns of shipping traffic off Southern California (U.S.A.). Specifically, we developed whale‐habitat models and assumed ship‐strike risk for the alternative shipping routes was proportional to the number of whales predicted by the models to occur within each route. This definition of risk assumes all ships travel within a single route. We also calculated risk assuming ships travel via multiple routes. We estimated the potential for conflict between shipping and other uses (military training and fishing) due to overlap with the routes. We also estimated the overlap between shipping routes and protected areas. The route with the lowest risk for humpback whales had the highest risk for fin whales and vice versa. Risk to both species may be ameliorated by creating a new route south of the northern Channel Islands and spreading traffic between this new route and the existing route in the Santa Barbara Channel. Creating a longer route may reduce the overlap between shipping and other uses by concentrating shipping traffic. Blue whales are distributed more evenly across our study area than humpback and fin whales; thus, risk could not be ameliorated by concentrating shipping traffic in any of the routes we considered. Reducing ship‐strike risk for blue whales may be necessary because our estimate of the potential number of strikes suggests that they are likely to exceed allowable levels of anthropogenic impacts established under U.S. laws. Evaluación del Riesgo de Colisiones de Barcos y Ballenas en la Planificación Marina Espacial  相似文献   
A cross-sectional study was undertaken to determine the prevalence of lower back pain (LBP) and its association with whole-body vibration (WBV) and manual materials handling (MMH). We studied 110 commercial vehicle drivers using a self-administered questionnaire and the VI-400Pro human vibration monitor. Prevalence of LBP was 66.4%. The percentage of drivers who had frequent manual handling of heavy loads was 45.5% and those who handled heavy loads in awkward postures accounted for 86.4%. Daily vibration A(8) averaged on the z axis was 0.25 (0.06) m·s?2 and at vector sum was 0.29 (0.07) m·s?2. Daily vibration exposures on the z axis, frequent manual handling of heavy loads and awkward posture during MMH were significantly associated with LBP. Drivers who are exposed to WBV and frequently handle heavy loads manually and with awkward postures probably have more LBP than drivers who are exposed to only one of these risk factors.  相似文献   
The chemical characteristics of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) emitted from commercial cooking were explored in this study. Three typical commercial restaurants in Shanghai, i.e., a Shanghai-style one (SHS), a Sichuan-style one (SCS) and an Italian-style one (ITS), were selected to conduct PM2.5 sampling. Particulate organic matter (POM) was found to be the predominant contributor to cooking-related PM2.5 mass in all the tested restaurants, with a proportion of 69.1% to 77.1%. Specifically, 80 trace organic compounds were identified and quantified by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS), which accounted for 3.8%–6.5% of the total PM2.5 mass. Among the quantified organic compounds, unsaturated fatty acids had the highest concentration, followed by saturated fatty acids. Comparatively, the impacts of other kinds of organic compounds were much smaller. Oleic acid was the most abundant single species in both SCS and ITS. However, in the case of SHS, linoleic acid was the richest one. ITS produced a much larger mass fraction of most organic species in POM than the two Chinese cooking styles except for monosaccharide anhydrides and sterols. The results of this study could be utilized to explore the contribution of cooking emissions to PM2.5 pollution and to develop the emission inventory of PM2.5 from cooking, which could then help the policymakers design efficient treatment measures and control strategies on cooking emissions in the future.  相似文献   
烹饪操作特点及食用油燃烧特性决定了商用厨房火灾呈现的特定危害规律,因此必须采用专门规范和技术加以防治。针对我国商用厨房消防安全现状,分析其火灾危险特点,探讨商用厨房消防监管的不足,在研究商用厨房灭火技术发展的基础上,提出加强商用厨房消防安全和健全商用厨房法规体系的对策及建议,建议从主动灭火和被动防火两方面,完善现有的灭火系统和厨具设备消防安全规范,加强商用厨房本质型消防安全,为通风系统和排油烟系统等火灾高发区域的消防安全提供了新手段。  相似文献   
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