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通过监测和田地区生态修复项目实施后所取得生态效益的结果表明,生态修复项目实施后,由于项目区风速降低,温度和相对湿度的变化减少,提高了植被盖度,降低了风蚀量,促进了成土作用的进行,从而逐渐改善了土壤的理化性质。 相似文献
环境监测预警体系只有依靠计算机信息系统才能发挥其作用,根据预警体系的特点、内容以及要实现的功能,论述了信息系统硬件建设和软件建设的基本要求、系统的组成和系统实现的方法。 相似文献
实验采用经甲苯培养驯化而成的单一假单胞菌菌种,通过分析平板式生物膜反应器内,不同阶段假单胞细菌生物膜干重、厚度、活性生物量和生物种群分布的变化,研究生物膜特性与降解效率之间的关系。实验结果表明,在挂膜初期生物膜迅速生长,生物量以及生物膜干重增长很快,有利于甲苯及营养物质的传输,降解效率也快速提升。随着生物膜的生长,生物量及干重也逐步增加,厚度逐渐增加使传质阻力不断增大,生物膜上层微生物的有机底物供应不足,使生物膜上层结构稀疏,最终维持一个甲苯的总传输量与生化降解量的平衡,生物量的生长与衰亡也达到动态平衡,形成了一个较高且稳定的降解效率。 相似文献
为了揭示颗粒污泥形成过程中氨氧化菌(AOB)群落结构的演替规律,利用变性梯度凝胶电泳(DGGE)、克隆测序和实时定量聚合酶链式反应(real-time PCR)等分子生物学技术对AOB群落的演替进行了研究。DGGE结果表明,污泥接种驯化期,AOB群结构的变化较为剧烈,在外加选择压的作用下,种群多样性迅速下降;但随着污泥颗粒化的完成而趋于稳定。测序结果表明,接种污泥中的大多数亚硝化单胞菌属因可快速适应工艺的淘洗过程而被保留在系统内,而亚硝化螺菌属逐渐被淘汰。real-time PCR结果表明,在经历了运行初期的淘洗后,AOB含量随着污泥浓度的提高而逐渐增长;但污泥的氨氧化活性随着污泥浓度的增长而降低。 相似文献
2组ASBR接种污泥源分别为好氧硝化污泥、好氧硝化污泥和厌氧氨氧化污泥按2:1比例}昆合的混合污泥。在相同条件下,经过驯化培养均实现了厌氧氨氧化的稳定运行。接种好氧硝化污泥的反应器的适应期为29d,经过105d的培养反应器成功启动;接种混合污泥的反应器的适应期为13d,经过49d反应器启动成功。从2组ASBR污泥中提取细菌总DNA,经过厌氧氨氧化菌特异引物Pla46rc/Amx820对污泥样品进行PCR扩增、克隆和测序等分析。实验结果表明,接种不同污泥源条件下的反应器中厌氧氨氧化菌的特性存在差异,接种污泥源为好氧硝化污泥的反应器中存在的厌氧氨氧化菌种为CandidatusKuenenia,而接种混合污泥的反应器中存在的厌氧氨氧化菌种为CandidatusAnammox—oglobus,与最初接种的混合污泥中的厌氧氨氧化菌相同。当接种污泥中存在厌氧氨氧化菌时,该菌株经过长时间的驯化可成为优势菌种,而当接种污泥中无厌氧氨氧化菌存在时,CandidatusKueneniasp.可以在反应器中占主导,具有更强的竞争优势。 相似文献
黄菖蒲和狭叶香蒲根系对氮磷的吸收动力学 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
采用改进的常规耗竭法,研究了黄菖蒲(Iris pseudacorus L.)和狭叶香蒲(Typha angustifolia L.)根系对NH4+、NO3-和H2PO4-的吸收特征及差异。结果表明,这2种植物根系对NH4+、NO3-和H2PO4-的吸收动力学特征均可采用Michaelis-Menten方程描述。2种植物根系对NH4+、NO3-和H2PO4-的亲和力(Km)和最大吸收速率(Vmax)有显著差异。吸收H2PO4-时,黄菖蒲根系具有较高的Vmax值和较低的Km值,说明黄菖蒲具有嗜磷特性,并能够适应广范围浓度的H2PO4-环境,适宜用于污染水体磷的去除;吸收NO3-时,狭叶香蒲根系具有较高的Vmax值和较低的Km值,表明狭叶香蒲可用于广范围浓度NO3-污染的水体修复;吸收NH4+时,黄菖蒲根系具有较低的Vmax值和Km值,而狭叶香蒲根系具有较高的Vmax值和Km值,说明黄菖蒲适宜用于NH4+污染较轻水体的修复,而在NH4+污染较重水体中宜选用狭叶香蒲作为先锋植物。 相似文献
水位波动带氮素迁移转化规律 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
为考察水位波动对非饱和-饱和土层中氮素迁移转化的影响,设计土柱实验装置Ⅰ和Ⅱ分别模拟水位稳定与波动两种情景,测定一个水位波动周期内地下水中NO3--N、NO2--N和NH4+-N浓度变化情况。结果表明,柱Ⅱ水位第1次下降柱内1#,2#,3#,4#采样点NO3--N浓度均增大,增幅分别为6.5%、14.9%、15.33%和19.8%。水位上升时结果相反,分别降低17.3%、26.15%、50.29%和44.61%。第2次水位下降至初始位置4个采样点NO3--N浓度再次增大,幅度分别为7.1%、10.6%、13.89%和7.76%。铵态氮呈相反趋势不同程度的变化。水位波动柱Ⅱ连通水槽内总氮量增加显著高于柱I水槽,即水位波动有利于波动带地下水中氮素垂向迁移,加重波动带以下地下水硝酸盐污染。因此,水位波动对氮素迁移转化的影响不容忽视。 相似文献
虚拟生态工业园(VEIP)是一种基于循环经济的新型的大循环生态工业组织形式,是对实体生态工业园的补充和扩展.而核心企业作为VEIP的组建者,是整个园区日常运营的信息指挥中枢,对VEIP的成功运营至关重要.分析了核心企业的内涵和应具备的特质,然后从核心企业的视角出发,给出了核心企业构建VEIP的一般流程,并阐述了核心企业在VEIP构建过程中的主要职能. 相似文献
This paper explores the concept of homegardens and their potential functions as strategic elements in land-use planning, and adaptation and mitigation to climate change in Sri Lanka. The ancient and locally adapted agroforestry system of homegardens is presently estimated to occupy nearly 15 % of the land area in Sri Lanka and is described in the scientific literature to offer several ecosystem services to its users; such as climate regulation, protection against natural hazards, enhanced land productivity and biological diversity, increased crop diversity and food security for rural poor and hence reduced vulnerability to climate change. Our results, based on a limited sample size, indicate that the homegardens also store significant amount of carbon, with above ground biomass carbon stocks in dry zone homegardens (n = 8) ranging from 10 to 55 megagrams of carbon per hectare (Mg C ha−1) with a mean value of 35 Mg C ha−1, whereas carbon stocks in wet zone homegardens (n = 4) range from 48 to 145 Mg C ha−1 with a mean value of 87 Mg C ha−1. This implies that homegardens may contain a significant fraction of the total above ground biomass carbon stock in the terrestrial system in Sri Lanka, and from our estimates its share has increased from almost one-sixth in 1992 to nearly one-fifth in 2010. In the light of current discussions on reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD+), the concept of homegardens in Sri Lanka provides interesting aspects to the debate and future research in terms of forest definitions, setting reference levels, and general sustainability. 相似文献
Salmon aquaculture has emerged as a successful economic industry generating high economic revenues to invest in the development of Chiloe region, Southern Chile. However, salmon aquaculture also consumes a substantial amount of ecosystem services, and the direct and indirect impacts on human wellbeing are still unknown and unexplored. This paper identifies the synergies and trade-offs caused by the salmon industry on a range of ecosystem services. The results show that large economic benefits due to the increase of provisioning ecosystem services are also causing a reduction on regulating and cultural services. Despite the improvement on average income and poverty levels experienced in communities closely associated with the sector, this progress is not large enough and social welfare did not improve substantially over the last decade. The rest of human wellbeing constituents in Chiloe region have not changed significantly compared to the development in the rest of the country. 相似文献