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为研究寒旱区湿地包头南海子冰封期的污染物迁移特征,于2015年11月-2016年1月冰封期每月中旬在冰冻的湖面上破冰钻孔采集冰样和冰下水样,对样品的pH、溶解氧(DO)、总氮(TN)、总磷(TP)、硝态氮(NO3-N)、亚硝态氮(NO2-N)、氨氮(NH3-N)、溶解性磷(DP)、化学需氧量(CODCr)、叶绿素a(Chl(a))等指标进行检测,分析各项污染物指标在冰体和水体中的浓度特征及迁移规律,并对TN、TP、Chl(a)进行Pearson相关分析.结果表明,湿地水体在结冰过程中,污染物由冰体向水体迁移,迁移率Chl(a)> TN > CODCr > TP;冰封期水体中各形态氮分布差异较大,而磷元素的赋存均以不溶性磷为主;通过分析湿地冰封期TN、TP、Chl(a)的相关性,得出三者在冰体中的相关性较水体显著;与非冰封期相比,冰封期水体中污染物的含量均高于非冰封期水体中的污染物含量,过长的冰封期使湿地有机污染趋势加重.  相似文献   
With data from in vitro and in situ investigations, we developed a mathematical model to describe cellular uptake of uranium and arsenic in solution by living Lemna gibba under homeostatic regulation. The model considers the ability of healthy cells to resist accumulation of toxic metal species by regulating physicochemical properties of the cell membrane. In the bulk solution, the ratio of the total amounts of bioavailable metal ions to the metal ions uptake by the cells is very high. Consequently, the main rate-limiting processes of uptake are the biosorption kinetics on both external and internal surfaces at the biological interface, and the transport of the metal ions across the cell membrane. The model prediction correlates well with uptake results from field and microcosm experiments for uranium and arsenic by L. gibba, a model ecotoxicological test organism.  相似文献   
Transport infrastructures have been investigated as drivers of tourist demand. Specific attention has been devoted to air transport infrastructure and services. However, the literature on this issue is scanty. Moreover, few studies focus on ex-ante valuation of tourists' preferences for mobility systems. This study contributes to this literature by presenting a case study on the re-organization of the mobility system to access the city of Siena, Italy. A choice experiment is carried out to elicit tourists' preferences for distance, time, cost, travel mode, along with the environmental impact of infrastructure. The latter factor turns out to be particularly relevant in explaining tourists' choices and welfare. Furthermore, the results appear to be robust and not significantly dependent on design settings (specifically the number of alternatives). While these results only refer to a single case study, they seem to suggest that new transportation facilities do not necessarily cause an increase in tourism flows.  相似文献   
Understanding spatial variability in contaminant fate and transport is critical to efficient regional water‐quality restoration. An approach to capitalize on previously calibrated spatially referenced regression (SPARROW) models to improve the understanding of contaminant fate and transport was developed and applied to the case of nitrogen in the 166,000 km2 Chesapeake Bay watershed. A continuous function of four hydrogeologic, soil, and other landscape properties significant (α = 0.10) to nitrogen transport from uplands to streams was evaluated and compared among each of the more than 80,000 individual catchments (mean area, 2.1 km2) in the watershed. Budgets (including inputs, losses or net change in storage in uplands and stream corridors, and delivery to tidal waters) were also estimated for nitrogen applied to these catchments from selected upland sources. Most (81%) of such inputs are removed, retained, or otherwise processed in uplands rather than transported to surface waters. Combining SPARROW results with previous budget estimates suggests 55% of this processing is attributable to denitrification, 23% to crop or timber harvest, and 6% to volatilization. Remaining upland inputs represent a net annual increase in landscape storage in soils or biomass exceeding 10 kg per hectare in some areas. Such insights are important for planning watershed restoration and for improving future watershed models.  相似文献   
The semiarid Carson River — Lahontan Reservoir system in Nevada, United States is highly contaminated with mercury (Hg) from historic mining with contamination dispersed throughout channel and floodplain deposits. Work builds on previous research using a fully dynamic numerical model to outline a complete conceptualization of the system that includes transport and fate of both sorbed and dissolved constituents. Flow regimes are defined to capture significant mechanisms of Hg loading that include diffusion, channel pore water advective flux, bank erosion, and overbank deposition. Advective flux of pore water is required to reduce dilution and likely represents colloidal‐mediated transport. Fluvial concentrations span several orders of magnitude with spatial and temporal trends simulated within 10‐24% error for all modeled species. Over the simulation period, 1991‐2008, simulated loads are 582 kg/yr (THg2+), 4.72 kg/yr (DHg2+), 0.54 kg/yr (TMeHg), and 0.07 kg/yr (DMeHg) with bank erosion processes the principal mechanism of loading for both total and dissolved species. Prediction error in the reservoir is within one‐order of magnitude and considered qualitative; however, simulated results indicate internal cycling within the receiving reservoir accounts for only 1% of the reservoir's water column contamination, with river channel sediment sources more influential in the upper reservoir and bank erosion processes having greater influence in the lower reservoir.  相似文献   
The U.S. Geological Survey's New Jersey and Iowa Water Science Centers deployed ultraviolet‐visible spectrophotometric sensors at water‐quality monitoring sites on the Passaic and Pompton Rivers at Two Bridges, New Jersey, on Toms River at Toms River, New Jersey, and on the North Raccoon River near Jefferson, Iowa to continuously measure in‐stream nitrate plus nitrite as nitrogen (NO3 + NO2) concentrations in conjunction with continuous stream flow measurements. Statistical analysis of NO3 + NO2 vs. stream discharge during storm events found statistically significant links between land use types and sampling site with the normalized area and rotational direction of NO3 + NO2‐stream discharge (N‐Q) hysteresis patterns. Statistically significant relations were also found between the normalized area of a hysteresis pattern and several flow parameters as well as the normalized area adjusted for rotational direction and minimum NO3 + NO2 concentrations. The mean normalized hysteresis area for forested land use was smaller than that of urban and agricultural land uses. The hysteresis rotational direction of the agricultural land use was opposite of that of the urban and undeveloped land uses. An r2 of 0.81 for the relation between the minimum normalized NO3 + NO2 concentration during a storm vs. the normalized NO3 + NO2 concentration at peak flow suggested that dilution was the dominant process controlling NO3 + NO2 concentrations over the course of most storm events.  相似文献   
山西晋中焦化基地多环芳烃排放对周边大田卷心菜的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
饮食摄入是多环芳烃(PAHs)人体暴露的主要途径之一,探究PAHs污染对农产品安全和人体健康的影响具有重要意义。山西晋中拥有大型焦化企业,也是北方重要的大田蔬菜种植基地,当地PAHs污染的特征和影响具有相当的典型性。研究选取修文工业基地周边的大田蔬菜基地作为研究区域,分别采集大气(含气相和颗粒相)、菜地表土和卷心菜菜心样品,确定各类样品中母体PAHs的浓度水平、组成比例和分布特征。结果表明,蔬菜基地周边大气中母体PAHs的平均浓度为301 ng·m-3。大气母体PAHs主要存在于气相,低环(2~3环)组分占据优势。利用同分异构体特征比值和主成分分析对大气PAHs进行初步源解析,炼焦、燃煤和生物质燃烧、以及交通尾气排放是当地PAHs的主要排放源。菜地表土母体PAHs的中位数浓度为236ng·g-1,范围为130~703 ng·g-1,以中、高环(4~6环)组分为主,菜地表土母体PAHs浓度与土壤总有机碳(TOC)分数呈现显著正相关关系。当地大田种植卷心菜菜心的PAHs中位数浓度为12.9 ng·g-1,范围为0.9~47.6 ng·g-1,低环组分所占比例最大,其组分谱分布与大气相似。偏相关分析显示周边大气PAHs对卷心菜菜心PAHs的传输贡献要大于表土PAHs。  相似文献   
巢湖生态系统中微量有机污染物的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文综述了目前巢湖生态系统中微量有机污染物研究的主要进展。巢湖微量有机污染物研究起步较晚,但发展较快。目前已研究的微量有机污染物包括有机氯农药、多氯联苯、多环芳烃、多溴联苯醚、邻苯二甲酸酯、全氟烷基酸类物质、四溴双酚A、抗生素和有机磷农药。研究内容主要包括水、大气、降尘、沉积物、悬浮物、水生生物等多介质分布、来源解析、跨界面迁移、归趋模拟与风险评估等方面。期望本文的综述,可以为巢湖微量有机污染物风险管理和水质改善提供重要决策支撑,对于在其他湖泊开展此类研究有所裨益。  相似文献   
为研究东南亚生物质燃烧对我国的影响,利用NAQPMS(嵌套网格空气质量预报模式系统)模拟分析了2013年3月我国及东南亚污染物质量浓度分布,以及东南亚国家生物质燃烧对我国ρ(PM2.5)的贡献. 结果表明:NAQPMS模式可较好地再现ρ(PM2.5)的时空演变规律. 在我国西南部分地区,东南亚生物质燃烧贡献与当地人为源相当,并且在ρ(PM2.5)较高时尤为明显. 东南亚生物质燃烧对我国的影响主要有两个路径:第一个路径是缅甸向云南等地的输送,对云南ρ(PM2.5)的月均贡献达到20 μg/m3(贡献率为30%),是云南本地生物质燃烧贡献的2倍左右,日均贡献甚至可达到34 μg/m3(贡献率为43%),高于我国人为源贡献(28 μg/m3)和贡献率(36%);第二个路径是老挝和越南向云南与广西交界的输送, 对南宁ρ(PM2.5)的月均贡献为10 μg/m3,日均贡献高值区间为20~40 μg/m3. 我国人为源对东南亚的影响较小,对ρ(PM2.5)月均贡献率在10%以内,主要集中在越南和东南亚南部沿海城市. 东南亚人为源对我国的影响也较小,ρ(PM2.5)月均贡献在2 μg/m3以下. 研究显示,东南亚生物质燃烧对我国特别是西南地区产生的影响不可忽视.   相似文献   
为探索快速评价重金属对污泥活性抑制情况的方法,通过投加不同体积的重金属溶液进行活性污泥培养试验,研究Cd2+、Zn2+和Cr6+对活性污泥降解NH4+-N和CODCr的影响,并分别采用INT-ETS(碘硝基四氮唑脱氢酶)活性、AUR(氨摄取速率)和SOUR(比耗氧速率)3个指标分析污泥活性受重金属抑制的情况. 结果表明:重金属对活性污泥去除NH4+-N的抑制作用比去除有机物的抑制作用更加显著,说明硝化细菌比异养菌对重金属的毒害作用更为敏感,并且NH4+-N去除率比CODCr去除率更能反映出重金属对污泥活性的影响. 通过NH4+-N去除率的抑制情况对比发现,AUR是最能有效地用于表征重金属对微生物活性毒害作用的指标. 对于Cd2+,INT-ETS活性的EC50最小,为19.164 mg/L,灵敏度最高,是表征Cd2+抑制污泥活性的最佳指标;对于Zn2+和Cr6+,AUR的EC50最小,分别为40.691和27.117 mg/L,灵敏度最高,是表征Zn2+和Cr6+抑制污泥活性的最佳指标. 由3种重金属的EC50可以判断其毒性大小为Cd2+>Cr6+>Zn6+.   相似文献   
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