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Many substances react with water in such a way that flammable gases are formed. For transport issues this reaction may possess a considerable hazard especially if the cargo is wetted by rain or by water from other sources. In the UN Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods these kinds of problems are addressed. The UN test N.5 “Test method for substances which in contact with water emit flammable gases” corresponds to this hazard. Classification according to the test method is done by measurement of the gas evolution rate of the flammable gas by any suitable procedure. At BAM a gravimetric approach is used to measure the gas evolution rate. In this paper we present the evaluation of the apparatus by means of an absolute calibration routine utilizing a reaction where a known amount of gas is produced as well as the evaluation of important parameters influencing the gas evolution rate using different substances. It can be shown that the apparatus is capable of measuring absolute gas volumes as low as 6 mL with an acceptable error of about 17% as determined from the reaction of Mg with demineralized water.  相似文献   
We review the ecological consequences of N deposition on the five Mediterranean regions of the world. Seasonality of precipitation and fires regulate the N cycle in these water-limited ecosystems, where dry N deposition dominates. Nitrogen accumulation in soils and on plant surfaces results in peaks of availability with the first winter rains. Decoupling between N flushes and plant demand promotes losses via leaching and gas emissions. Differences in P availability may control the response to N inputs and susceptibility to exotic plant invasion. Invasive grasses accumulate as fuel during the dry season, altering fire regimes. California and the Mediterranean Basin are the most threatened by N deposition; however, there is limited evidence for N deposition impacts outside of California. Consequently, more research is needed to determine critical loads for each region and vegetation type based on the most sensitive elements, such as changes in lichen species composition and N cycling.  相似文献   
以Comamonas aquatica LNL3为研究对象,根据其既能短程硝化又能短程反硝化的特性,采用好氧方式富集和固定化菌种,再以厌氧方式驯化,得到具有高效短程反硝化特性的纯种氨氧化菌。采用扫描电镜对固定化前后的载体进行表征,且用正交试验考察了不同环境因子(温度、pH、碳氮比、溶解氧)对Comamonas aquatica LNL3短程反硝化的影响。结果表明,所用载体与Comamonas aquatica LNL3有良好的亲和性,适于微生物的固定化;环境因子对Comamonas aquatica LNL3短程反硝化影响大小顺序为:温度>pH>DO>C/N;在环境条件改变过程中当温度为35℃,pH=8,C/N=3,DO=2.5 mg/L时,Comamonas aquatica LNL3短程反硝化速率达到最大,为32.63 mg/(L.h);研究结果还表明,Comamonas aquatica LNL3具有好氧反硝化特性,适宜处理低碳氮比废水。  相似文献   
硝酸盐异化还原成铵(Dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium,DNRA)过程,是将易损失的NO3--N转化为NH4+-N,而被植物或微生物重新吸收利用,从而有助于湿地沉积物的氮保留.本研究选取石臼漾人工湿地冬、夏两季沟壕中心、边缘表层沉积物,采用高通量测序等分析方法,研究了DNRA细菌群落结构特征.研究结果表明:在空间尺度上,沟壕中心DNRA细菌丰度高于沟壕边缘,分别为(2.26±1.19)×109和(1.22±1.46)×109 copies·g-1.在时间尺度上,冬夏两季样品中DNRA细菌丰度具有显著性差异(p<0.05).多样性分析表明,沟壕中心沉积物的DNRA群落丰富度高于沟壕边缘.所有样品中占比最高的DNRA属为Caldilinea(69.75%±3.64%)、Anaeromyxobacter(66.41%±1.19%).Caldilinea属在夏季样品的占比(39.78%±5.15%)高于冬季样品(29.98%±0.57%),而Anaeromyxobacter属在沟壕中心的占比(35.14%±0.83%)高于沟壕边缘(31.28%±0.76%),且小沟(34.33%±1.40%)高于大沟(32.08%±1.33%).主坐标分析(PcoA)结果表明,DNRA细菌群落结构具有明显的时间异质性.DNRA细菌丰度与有机质(TOM)、碳氮比(C/N)和含水率(MC)显著相关.本研究揭示了人工湿地沉积物中DNRA细菌的丰度、群落组成、多样性及其与环境因子的关系.  相似文献   
为了揭示柳州城区春冬季PM2.5的来源及其潜在源区分布和贡献,利用2018年24h自动监测数据和气象数据对柳州市大气污染物浓度变化特征进行了分析,并且使用后向轨迹模型(HYSPLIT)对春冬季柳州市PM2.5逐日72h气流后向轨迹和前向轨迹进行聚类分析,同时结合潜在源贡献因子分析法(WPSCF)和轨迹浓度权重法(WCWT)对其潜在源区和浓度贡献进行了分析.结果显示,(1)在研究期内,不利的主导风向和工业区布局导致研究区PM2.5在春冬季污染较严重,且工业源和交通源是其主要本地来源;(2)春冬季PM2.5高值主要来源于西北和东南方向,其中,西北向PM2.5主要来源于本地排放,且浓度在空间上呈现西高东低的趋势;(3)春季后向轨迹PM2.5浓度整体大于冬季,春冬季中对柳州市PM2.5影响最大轨迹均来自东部的短距离输送,而来自西北的气流轨迹输对PM2.5贡献最低.春冬季柳州市大气PM2.5通过气流传...  相似文献   
三峡库区非点源污染氮磷负荷时空变化及其来源解析   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:5  
三峡库区是我国重要水源保护区,也是长江流域经济迅速发展区域之一.非点源污染是库区水环境恶化的主要原因,因此研究库区非点源污染状况对于区域的生态安全以及可持续发展具有重要意义.研究采用改进输出系数模型,估算库区1990~2015年的非点源氮磷污染负荷总量,分析非点源氮磷污染的时空变化特征,并通过计算各污染源的贡献率确定主...  相似文献   
不同退耕年限下菜子湖湿地土壤铁形态变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选取菜子湖区不同退耕年限(3、5、7、9、11、21 a)湿地为研究对象,以仍耕作油菜地和原始湿地为参照,分别采用王水消解法和Tessier连续提取法,分析了退耕还湖后湿地土壤全铁和铁的赋存形态特征,探讨退耕还湖后湿地土壤铁组分特征变化规律.结果表明:研究区土壤铁各形态含量大小顺序为:残渣态(RES-Fe:17.09~30.84 g·kg-1)铁锰氧化态(RED-Fe:3.66~4.48 g·kg-1)有机结合态(OM-Fe:0.87~3.09g·kg-1)碳酸盐结合态(CARB-Fe:0.01~0.37 g·kg-1)可交换态(EXC-Fe:0.01~0.15 g·kg-1).占全铁均小于1.5%的EXC-Fe和CARB-Fe均在退耕3 a和5 a期间含量快速升高,而后降低再升高,最低值出现在退耕11 a;RED-Fe在退耕3~9 a比较稳定,随后缓慢增加;而OM-Fe随退耕年限增加整体上呈增加趋势;占土壤铁形态总量73.91%~85.42%的RES-Fe在退耕3a时含量下降,在3~9 a间呈现逐渐增加的趋势,9~21 a又逐渐下降;研究区全铁(Tot-Fe)平均含量在18.50~38.41 g·kg-1之间,变化趋势与RES-Fe基本一致.讨论结果表明退耕还湖后水文条件和植被状况的改变导致了土壤环境发生变化,从而不仅影响退耕后湿地土壤全铁含量变化,也影响土壤铁形态组分特征,进而影响土壤铁的有效性.  相似文献   
徐曼  高明  余泺  朱浩宇  邓华  王子芳 《环境科学》2022,43(5):2758-2769
明确三峡库区紫色土旱坡地氮流失的年际变化特征,为库区的施肥管理措施和面源污染治理提供参考.依托中国科学院成都山地灾害与环境研究所三峡库区试验站,于2018~2020年连续3 a设置不施肥(CK)、常规施肥(F)、优化施肥(OF)、化肥减量配施生物炭(BF)和化肥减量配施秸秆覆盖(SF)5种处理,研究紫色土旱坡地在油菜-玉米轮作模式下氮流失的年际变化特征.结果表明:(1)三峡库区紫色土旱坡地地表径流主要发生在5月和8月,壤中流主要发生在6~10月. 2018~2020年降雨量逐年增加,各处理地表径流产流量逐年减少,壤中流产流量大致呈逐年增加的趋势,年尺度下,壤中流产流量和产流次数均高于地表径流.(2)2018~2020年每年各形态氮的最高流失浓度出现时间大概一致,地表径流全氮、铵态氮和硝态氮最高流失浓度分别出现在5、 8~10和7月,壤中流各形态氮最高流失浓度分别出现在10、 10和5~7月.(3)地表径流各形态氮流失通量呈逐年降低趋势,壤中流各形态氮流失通量大致逐年增加.(4)生物炭和秸秆还田第一年降低氮流失通量的效果较好,但后续两年还田反而加剧了氮素流失通量.因此,三峡库区紫色土旱坡...  相似文献   
•Bacterially-mediated coupled N and Fe processes examined in incubation experiments. •NO3 reduction was considerably inhibited as initial Fe/N ratio increased. •The maximum production of N2 occurred at an initial Fe/N molar ratio of 6. •Fe minerals produced at Fe/N ratios of 1–2 were mainly easily reducible oxides. The Fe/N ratio is an important control on nitrate-reducing Fe(II) oxidation processes that occur both in the aquatic environment and in wastewater treatment systems. The response of nitrate reduction, Fe oxidation, and mineral production to different initial Fe/N molar ratios in the presence of Paracoccus denitrificans was investigated in 132 h incubation experiments. A decrease in the nitrate reduction rate at 12 h occurred as the Fe/N ratio increased. Accumulated nitrite concentration at Fe/N ratios of 2–10 peaked at 12–84 h, and then decreased continuously to less than 0.1 mmol/L at the end of incubation. N2O emission was promoted by high Fe/N ratios. Maximum production of N2 occurred at a Fe/N ratio of 6, in parallel with the highest mole proportion of N2 resulting from the reduction of nitrate (81.2%). XRD analysis and sequential extraction demonstrated that the main Fe minerals obtained from Fe(II) oxidation were easily reducible oxides such as ferrihydrite (at Fe/N ratios of 1–2), and easily reducible oxides and reducible oxides (at Fe/N ratios of 3–10). The results suggest that Fe/N ratio potentially plays a critical role in regulating N2, N2O emissions and Fe mineral formation in nitrate-reducing Fe(II) oxidation processes.  相似文献   
长期不同施肥方式对江南稻田系统生产力与抗逆性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
依据29 a的田间施肥小区试验和4 a的养分耗竭盆栽试验,比较分析了不同施肥方式对江南丘陵稻田生产力及抗逆性的综合影响。结果表明,有机无机肥配施(NPK+OM处理)方式下,双季稻各季和周年生产力最高,其周年平均生物量和籽粒产量比化肥氮磷钾配施(NPK处理)高24.5%和20.2%。与单施氮肥相比,化肥氮磷钾配施显著提高了双季稻的氮素利用效率,而适量增施有机氮能够进一步提高氮素利用效率。化肥单施方式(N和NPK处理)下水稻周年籽粒产量呈递减趋势,下降幅度分别为43.7和1.8 kg.hm-2.a-1,而有机无机肥配施方式下水稻周年籽粒产量呈递增趋势,上升幅度为6.9 kg.hm-2.a-1。平衡施肥方式(NPK和NPK+OM处理)下,水稻各季及周年籽粒产量的年际变异较小,可持续性产量指数和系统生产力稳定性较高。养分耗竭试验4 a后,各处理水稻各季及周年生物量和籽粒产量高低基本表现为NPK+OM>NPK>N,试验期内周年籽粒平均产量以有机无机肥配施处理最高,说明有机无机肥配施的稻田土壤耐瘠能力高于其他施肥处理。可见,有机无机肥配施不仅能使稻田系统持续保持较高的生产力,而且能够提升系统的抗逆性,有利于江南丘陵稻田系...  相似文献   
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