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Aquatic ecosystems around the world, lake, estuaries and coastal areas are increasingly impacted by anthropogenic pollutants through different sources such as agricultural, industrial and urban discharges, atmospheric deposition and terrestrial drainage. Lake Victoria is the second largest lake in the world and the largest tropical lake. Bordered by Tanzania, Uganda, and Kenya, it provides a livelihood for millions of Africans in the region. However, the lake is under threat from eutrophication, a huge decline in the number of native fish species caused by several factors including loss of biodiversity, over fishing and pollution has been recently documented. Increasing usage of pesticides and insecticides in the adjacent agricultural areas as well as mercury contamination from processing of gold ore on the southern shores are currently considered among the most emergent phenomena of chemical contamination in the lake. By the application of globally consistent and comprehensive geospatial data-sets based on remote sensing integrated with information on heavy metals accumulation and insecticides exposure in native and alien fish populations, the present study aims at assessing the environmental risk associated to the contamination of the Lake Victoria water body on fish health, land cover distribution, biodiversity and the agricultural area surrounding the lake. By the elaboration of Landsat 7 TM data of November 2002 and Landsat 7 TM 1986 we have calculated the agriculture area which borders the Lake Victoria bay, which is an upland plain. This process has greatly enhanced nutrient loading to the soil, which is subsequently transported to the lake by rain or as dry fall. All the data has been insert in the Geographical information System (ARCGIS) to be upgraded and consulted. Heavy metals in fish fillets showed concentrations rather low except for mercury being higher than others as already described in previous investigations. In the same tissue, cholinesterases activity (ChE) as an indicator of insecticides exposure showed significant differences among fish species in both activity and sensitivity of selected inhibitor insecticides. This integrated approach aims at identifying and quantifying selected aquatic environmental issues which integrated with monitoring techniques such as contaminant concentrations and biological responses to insecticides exposure in fish populations will provide a scientific basis for aquatic zones management and assist in policy formulations at the national and international levels.  相似文献   
Residues of organochlorines and organophosphates were determined by gas chromatography in water and sediment from 26 locations in 17 major rivers, 7 natural springs and 13 wells across Jamaica. Samples were collected on only one occasion between May and July, 1994. Residues of endosulfan were detected in all but three rivers; -endosulfan in 15 samples of sediment (0.9–108.1, mean = 28.93, S.E. = 7.198 g kg-1) and 13 of water (0.01–0.35, mean = 0.11, S.E. = 0.035 g L-1), -endosulfan in 5 sediment (15.29–49.35, mean = 30.56, S.E. = 7.132 g kg-1) and 12 water (0.05–0.31, mean = 0.14, S.E. = 0.031 g L-1) samples, and endosulfan sulphate in waters of three rivers (0.003–0.244 g L-1). Chlorpyrifos was present in 9 sediment (0.423-135.2, mean = 18.38, S.E. = 10.699 g kg-1) and two water (0.001–0.022 g L-1) samples, diazinon and ethoprophos in the sediment of one river each. Mean levels (g L-1) of and isomers and sulphate of endosulfan were 0.16 (S.E. = 0.057), 0.12 (S.E. = 0.036) and 0.15 (S.E. = 0.089), respectively, in four of the seven springs and 0.23 (S.E. = 0.052), 0.11 (S.E. = 0.029) and 0.26 (S.E. = 0.088), respectively, in seven of the thirteen wells monitored.  相似文献   
Impact of triazophos insecticide on paddy soil environment   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
IntroductionRiceisthestapledietaround 3 0 %oftheworldpopulationandaround 60 %oftheAsianpopulation .Thiscropispreferentiallyorgenerallycultivatedundersubmergedsoilconditionsforreasonsofbetteryieldsandtopographicalsituations(Reichardt,1 997) .Theimportanceofsoilm…  相似文献   
针对对氯氰苄生产废水中氰化物浓度较高,提出了次氯酸钠氧化法治理工艺.实践表明,经该工艺处理,废水中COD、氰化物等污染物指标能达到GB8978-1996<污水综合排放标准>一级排放标准要求,除氰效果明显,具有显著的环境和经济效益.  相似文献   
CO2减排和土壤污染修复是我国实现经济和环境可持续发展必须解决的两大难题.基于生物固碳对根际微环境的影响,本研究提出通过增施CO2强化土壤有机污染的植物修复过程,为同时解决CO2减排和土壤污染植物修复面临的困境提供新思路.在模拟的CO2增施环境中,以C3植物菜豆和C4植物玉米为供试植物,以氯氰菊酯为目标污染物,研究增施CO2对C3和C4植物根际氯氰菊酯残留浓度的影响.结果表明,增施CO2可显著增加C3植物菜豆的地上和地下干重,在氯氰菊酯添加浓度为0、20、40 mg.kg-1时地下干重分别比自然CO2水平时增加了54.3%、31.9%和30.0%.增施CO2提高了未添加氯氰菊酯土壤的菜豆根际微生物数量,但降低了添加氯氰菊酯土壤的菜豆根际微生物数量.增施CO2对未添加氯氰菊酯土壤的菜豆根际氯氰菊酯残留浓度没有显著影响,但降低了菜豆根际氯氰菊酯的残留浓度,分别比自然CO2水平时下降24.0%(20mg.kg-1)和16.9%(40 mg.kg-1).然而,对C4植物玉米而言,增施CO2对植物生物量、根际微生物、根际氯氰菊酯残留浓度下降没有明显促进作用,甚至有抑制作用.本实验表明,增施CO2降低了C3植物根际氯氰菊酯残留浓度,可以考虑将增施CO2作为C3植物修复土壤污染的强化措施,但对C4植物的影响还有待进一步研究.  相似文献   
Toxicities were assessed for a pyrethroid (cypermethrin) and an organophosphate insecticide (chlorpyrifos) individually and in combination. A series of tests were conducted on di erent responses (acute, chronic, behavioral) of earthworms of species Eisenia fetida andrei in the ecological risk assessment of these pesticides. The results showed that the toxicity of the mixture of cypermethrin and chlorpyrifos was significantly higher than either of these pesticides individually, especially on the earthworm’s chronic responses. At a concentration of 5 mg/kg, the mixture caused significant reductions on the growth and reproduction rates of earthworms, but did not cause any significant e ect when the individual was tested. The increase in toxicity of the pesticide mixture means that the use of toxicity data obtained exclusively from single-pesticide experiments may underestimate the ecological risk of pesticides that actually present in the field.  相似文献   
Arora, Kapil, Steven K. Mickelson, Matthew J. Helmers, and James L. Baker, 2010. Review of Pesticide Retention Processes Occurring in Buffer Strips Receiving Agricultural Runoff. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 46(3):618-647. DOI: 10.1111/j.1752-1688.2010.00438.x Abstract: Review of the published results shows that the retention of the two pesticide carrier phases (runoff volume and sediment mass) influences pesticide mass transport through buffer strips. Data averaged across different studies showed that the buffer strips retained 45% of runoff volume (ranging between 0 and 100%) and 76% of sediment mass (ranging between 2 and 100%). Sorption (soil sorption coefficient, Koc) is one key pesticide property affecting its transport with the two carrier phases through buffer strips. Data from different studies for pesticide mass retention for weakly (Koc < 100), moderately (100 < Koc < 1,000), and strongly sorbed pesticides (Koc > 1,000) averaged (with ranges) 61 (0-100), 63 (0-100), and 76 (53-100) %, respectively. Because there are more data for runoff volume and sediment mass retention, the average retentions of both carrier phases were used to calculate that the buffer strips would retain 45% of weakly to moderately sorbed and 70% of strongly sorbed pesticides on an average basis. As pesticide mass retention presented is only an average across several studies with different experimental setups, the application of these results to actual field conditions should be carefully examined.  相似文献   
汞和农药安绿宝对四膜虫的毒性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用梨形四膜虫为实验生物评价了汞离子和安绿宝农药的毒性。结果表明,随着H~(2+)和安绿宝浓度的增高,梨形四膜虫细胞的增长繁殖明显降低。24b最低影响浓度Hg~(2+)为0.001mg/L,安绿宝为0.01mg/L,48h最低影响浓度同24h。在高浓度下,四膜虫的毒性效应为细胞变形,缩小和运动异常,甚至仑部致死。用个体计数法和透光度法判断Hg~(2+)和女绿宝的毒性结果一致。梨形四膜虫是一种非常好的实验生物。  相似文献   
Cypermethrin induced significant alterations in protein metabolic profiles in the central nervous system (CNS) and pedipalpal muscle (PM) of crab, Oziotelphusa senex senex, following ambient exposure. While total and soluble proteins decreased in CNS and PM, free amino acids, protease, alanine and aspartate aminotransferase (AlAT and AAT) were elevated at 24 h after exposure. These results thus confirm the prevailing protein hydrolysis and transamination in these tissues of crab, as a consequence of cypermethrin intoxication. Restoration of normalcy by 48 h demonstrates the importance of these metabolic events in counteracting the effects of cypermethrin. the results also suggests the safer utilization potential and ecological compatibility of cypermethrin.  相似文献   
Changes in carbohydrate metabolism in hepatopancreas and muscle of the crab, Oziotelphusa senex senex exposed to a sublethal concentration (0.2 ppm) of fenvalerate, a pyrethroid insecticide, were studied. the glycogen and total carbohydrate levels decreased significantly in the tissues of crab exposed to fenvalerate. an increase in phosphorylase 'a' and decrease in aldolase activity levels suggested increased glycogenolysis, and decreased glycolysis during fenvalerate toxicity. Krebs cycle enzymes such as NAD-isocitrate dehydrogenase, succinate dehydrogenase and malate dehydrogenase were decreased, suggesting reduced mitochondrial oxidative metabolism. Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase activity was increased significantly, indicating enhanced oxidation of glucose through the hexose monophosphate shunt pathway. Lactate dehydrogenase activity was elevated indicating the development of anaerobic conditions at tissue level in the stressed crab. Cytochrome C oxidase and Mg2+ ATPase activity levels were also decreased, indicating the impaired energy synthesis and prevalence of energy crisis. These results suggest that fenvalerate has a profound effect on the glucose metabolism of crab.  相似文献   
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