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The concept of sustainable development has become very much in vogue in the past decade. We have also observed a shift in the interpretation of this concept from a global perspective to a meso perspective—that is, at a local, regional or sectoral level. This paper aims at highlighting the urban dimension of environmental issues. After a sketch of urban pollution problems and of tools for economic analysis, the notion of urban sustainability will be advocated as a meaningful analytical and policy concept. Next, the main focus of this paper will be on a typological approach to urban sustainability issues on the basis of three characteristic angles, viz. strong and weak sustainability, absolute and relative decoupling and the spatial ecological footprint. Various methodological issues will also be discussed, while the paper will conclude with some perspectives on policy issues. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Verma V  Yu QJ  Connell DW 《Chemosphere》2012,89(9):1026-1033
Traditionally in toxicological studies time is not studied as quantifiable variable but as a fixed endpoint. The Reduced Life Expectancy (RLE) model which relates exposure time and exposure concentration with lethal toxic effects was tested previously using fish data. In this current paper the effects of exposure time on aquatic toxicity with zooplanktons and various toxicants were evaluated using the RLE model based on ambient exposure concentration. The model was evaluated by plotting ln LT50 against LC50 using toxicity data with zooplanktons from the literature for metal, metalloid and organic compounds. Most of the experimental data sets can be satisfactorily correlated by use of the RLE model, but deviations occurred for some data sets. Those data sets were satisfactorily fitted by a two stage RLE model. This model was based on two phases: one in the peripheral system and other in the central system. Both the single and two stage RLE model support the hypothesis that toxicity is time dependent and decreases in a systematic way with increasing exposure time. A calculated normal life expectancy (NLT) can be obtained from the single stage model and is in accord with reported NLT but those obtained from the two stage RLE model are in excellent agreement.  相似文献   
Males of most bushcricket species produce acoustic advertisement signals to attract females for mating. These signals can also increase conspicuousness to predators. In the genus Poecilimon (Orthoptera: Phaneropterinae) males are attacked by the parasitoid fly Therobia leonidei (Diptera: Tachinidae: Ormiini) which locates males by their calls. In Greece T.leonidei parasitizes several Poecilimon species with different song structures: we examined whether host choice is related to song structure by comparing parasitism rates in two closely related Poecilimon species. One of these species produces monosyllabic songs, the songs of the other species being polysyllabic. The tachinid fly parasitized the polysyllabic species to a greater extent. We demonstrate in a field-experiment that this preference for the polysyllabic species does not depend on local adaptations of the fly. The most probable explanation for the preference of the fly for the polysyllabic singing species seems to be better detection of longer songs. This result is discussed in the context of male song evolution. Received: 4 November 1997 / Accepted after revision: 22 March 1998  相似文献   
超补偿理论及其在虫害控制中的意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文较为系统地阐述了作物对虫害损伤的超补偿理论,表明超补偿广泛存在于各种作物中,并对超补偿所需条件、基本原因以及与害虫控制的关系作进一步讨论。  相似文献   
Despite burgeoning multilevel research in organizational behavior over the past two decades, our understanding of dyadic relationships at work remains underdeveloped. Focusing on leader–member exchange, we discuss conceptual and methodological challenges that have hampered research at this level and illustrate how and why such analysis might provide new insights. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
工业的快速发展,给资源环境带来了前所未有的压力,于是人们纷纷探讨绿色发展之路.工业绿色发展评价指标体系的研究旨在发现工业绿色转型升级中的薄弱环节,设计评估工业的绿色发展状况的指标,引导工业绿色转型升级,从而实现工业发展与资源环境的和谐统一.文章借鉴脱钩理论的核心理念,分析资源环境的特征指标,利用工业资源消耗或污染物排放变化对工业产值的弹性脱钩值作为考察工业绿色转型升级的动态指标,建立包括工业资源环境压力、工业资源环境弹性脱钩和工业发展绿化度3个方面的工业绿色发展评价指标体系,并应用于广东省21个地级以上城市的评价分析.研究表明,该指标体系对于评价工业绿色发展具有实际可操作性,结果合理、可靠.对广东各地的实证评价分析显示,广东省工业总体绿色发展水平不断提升,在高压力水平下,逐步向资源节约型、环境友好型的新型工业化道路转型.但由于各地工业发展水平不同、资源环境约束目标不同,工业绿色发展的进程也存在较大区域差异.资源环境约束严格的珠三角核心区工业绿色发展情况相对其他地区较好,属高绿化度高资源环境压力的绿色发展模式.资源环境约束较严格的粤北山区工业转型升级也有明显进展.而在资源环境约束管理不大的珠三角非核心区与粤西地区中,江门和湛江工业绿色发展相对较好,肇庆和茂名一般,惠州和阳江工业呈粗放发展,粤东地区除汕头外,工业粗放发展趋势明显.因此,各地应制定针对性措施,促进工业结构调整,限制高消耗、重污染型行业发展,加大工业污染防治力度,推进高消耗、重污染型行业的生态化转型,推动工业绿色转型升级加快.  相似文献   
河岸带地下水和河水存在复杂的交互作用,地下水和地表水存在明显的补排关系,洪水事件是影响河岸带地下水水质波动的重要水文过程. 以黄河湿地国家级自然保护区孟津湿地为研究对象,通过河岸带地下水营养元素指标(特别是小浪底水库调水调沙期间)野外定位观测,深入分析了河岸带地下水水质变化及其与洪水的响应关系. 结果表明,河岸滩区的农业开发存在明显的氮、磷下渗流失风险. 临近河岸的农耕旱作区,是河流与人工湿地之间一个特殊的氮污染物控制单元,对地下水和河流之间的氮迁移隔离起着极为重要的作用. 在人工湿地,农家粪作为底肥加入可能是磷下渗流失的重要源头,进入地下水中的磷顺着水力坡度还发生着显著的横向迁移,尤其在调水期横向迁移更加明显. 河岸滩区的开发类型及其耕作制度对地下水的硝氮含量产生重要的影响. 在鱼塘区,常年的土壤厌氧环境加重了氮的下渗迁移和积累;在荷塘区,春夏季节,土壤淹没呈厌氧环境,氮迁移和硝化作用显著,在秋冬季节,土壤呈好氧环境,氮硝化作用显著发生,全年氮达到相对平衡的状态;距离河岸50~200 m之间氮的硝化-反硝化作用强烈,是一个高效的微生物氮净化单元. 人工湿地施用的农家粪是有机物流失的重要源头,河岸滩区土壤质地呈沙性,渗透能力强,土壤保水保肥能力差,在此区进行农业活动,尤其是人工湿地开发中大量施用肥料,容易造成土壤表层有机质和氮磷养分因灌溉而导致的下渗流失,进而污染地下水与河水,较由降雨引起的地表径流流失显得更为突出. 距离河道50~200 m的范围是重要的污染净化单元,为典型的滩区地下水-河流的水陆交错带. 该区域的合理保护,对于保护河流水质和地下水水质十分重要.  相似文献   
目的 获取异种金属焊接接头母材和热影响区局部拉伸应力-应变关系。方法 对压水堆机组蒸汽发生器接管安全端异种金属焊接接头(20MND 5-INCONEL 52-Z2 CND 18.12控氮)进行研究,通过金相检验和显微硬度测试,研究DMWJ母材、热影响区、焊缝熔合线位置的金相组织和维氏硬度分布。采用等直圆棒拉伸试验获得DMWJ低合金钢(20MND 5)母材的应力-应变关系,采用基于能量等效理论的平面压入技术获得DMWJ低合金钢母材、热影响区和焊缝局部材料应力-应变关系。结果 DMWJ材料组织、力学性能不均匀,等直圆棒拉伸试验得到的低合金钢母材拉伸应力-应变关系与平面压入技术测得结果较为吻合。结论 基于能量等效理论的平面压入技术可精确测得DMWJ低合金钢母材、热影响区和焊缝局部材料应力-应变关系,对压水堆核电站DMWJ在役检测及结构完整性评价具有重要意义。  相似文献   
冬小麦吸收重金属特征及与影响因素的定量关系   总被引:4,自引:8,他引:4  
冬小麦是我国主要粮食作物之一,保障农产品质量安全是农业生产的重要环节.冬小麦吸收重金属受多种因素的影响,为明确田间条件下冬小麦吸收重金属特征及小麦籽粒中重金属含量与土壤理化性质及土壤重金属含量的定量关系,在小麦收获时通过对我国华北小麦主产区50个不同重金属污染程度田块的土壤和小麦进行点对点采样,分析土壤重金属含量、土壤pH、土壤有机质(OM)、土壤阳离子交换量(CEC)、小麦籽粒和秸秆中重金属的含量,研究小麦吸收重金属特征及土壤理化性质对小麦吸收重金属的影响,并通过多元回归分析研究土壤重金属和理化性质与小麦籽粒重金属间的定量关系.结果表明,所采麦田土壤Cd含量范围为0.150~2.66 mg·kg-1,其对应的小麦籽粒Cd含量范围为0.033~0.39 mg·kg-1;土壤Pb含量范围为4.68~371 mg·kg-1,其对应的小麦籽粒Pb含量范围为0.27~2.4 mg·kg-1;土壤As含量范围为3.00~21.3 mg·kg-1,其对应的小麦籽粒As含量范围为0.044~...  相似文献   
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