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面向排放量化的低速区间机动车比功率分布特性与模型   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
随着排放建模方法从基于行驶周期和平均速度演变为基于VSP(Vehicle Specific Power)参数,利用VSP分布刻画交通状态成为最新的研究需求.近期研究中,针对城市快速路上大于20 km·h-1的速度区间建立了基于平均行程速度的VSP分布数学模型,却未对低速区间的VSP分布特征作深入研究.基于北京快速路大量逐秒浮动车数据,研究0~20 km·h-1的VSP分布与平均行程速度的关系.通过分析大量逐秒浮动数据的VSP分布与平均速度间关系,发现VSP分布与平均行程速度具有规律性:各VSP分布的峰值出现在VSP Bin=0处,且随速度的增加单调递减.因此,针对VSP分布的正、负区间以及VSP Bin=0处分别建立数学模型,并利用该模型进行机动车油耗/排放测算.对比分析油耗/排放的预测值和实测值得出,所建立的VSP分布模型可以有效用于机动车油耗/排放测算.  相似文献   
中国城市建制及地理边界特征使得国际城市CO2排放的关键问题在中国难以深入研究.例如,城市排放占比,城市与周边区域排放差异等.本文基于天津市CO2排放的1 km网格,分析天津市CO2排放的空间特征,探讨天津市不同城市范围的CO2排放水平,并与纽约市进行对比分析.结果显示,2007年天津市市域内CO2排放总量为12599万吨,人均排放11.30 t.天津市市域CO2排放的空间格局是从中心6个城区向外单位网格排放量逐渐降低.CO2排放在空间上具有显著的正空间自相关性,中心6个城区、滨海新区及郊区县中心镇的CO2排放对其周边区域CO2排放影响显著,天津市狭义城市人均CO2排放量为4.71 t,低于纽约市的6.33t;狭义城市范围1排放占总排放的比例为69.26%,略高于纽约市的59.70%.以狭义城市为城市范围时,天津城市及周边区域人均CO2排放的空间特征与发达国家城市的排放特征研究结论一致,都是从城区—郊区—周边区域,人均排放水平逐渐升高;在此范围下,天津城市CO2排放仅占全市域的14.00%.  相似文献   
A novel system combining sludge drying and co-combustion with coal was applied in disposing sludge and its atmospheric emission characteristics were tested. The system was composed of a hollow blade paddle dryer, a thermal drying exhaust gas control system, a 75 tons/hr circulating fluidized bed and a flue gas cleaning system. The emissions of NH3, SO2, CH4 and some other pollutants released from thermal drying, and pollutants such as NOx, SO2 etc. discharged by the incinerator, were all tested. Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs) in the flue gas from the incinerator were investigated as well. The results indicated that the concentrations of NOx and SO2 in the flue gas from the incinerator were 145 and 16 mg/m^3, respectively, and the I-TEQ concentration of 2,3,7,8-substitued PCDD/Fs was 0.023 ng I-TEQ/Nm^3. All these values were greatly lower than the emission standards of China. In addition, there was no obvious odor in the air around the sludge dryer. The results demonstrated that this drying and co-combustion system is efficient in controlling pollutants and is a feasible way for large-scale treatment of industrial sludge and sewage sludge.  相似文献   
基于调查新中国成立以来炼油行业的发展历史和《炼化一体化》规划,预测了我国炼油行业2020—2030年的发展趋势.根据相关文献测量和调研结果及当前VOCs控制技术和政策,确定了炼油行业不同排放环节的VOCs源成分谱和排放因子.同时,运用排放因子法估算了2020年炼油行业分储罐、无组织、有组织和污水处理等4个环节的分组分VOCs排放量,分析了其时空演变;运用情景模拟法确定了不同地区和排放环节的减排技术、措施及两者之间的差异性、排放因子的减排率,并构建了3个不同情景,量化分析了未来10年内各省(区、市)炼油行业不同环节的VOCs排放量变化趋势和减排责任.研究结果显示,新中国成立以来,我国炼油行业VOCs排放量以年均12.0%的增速增加至2020年的116.59×104 t,山东、辽宁、广东、江苏和浙江是排放量最高的5个省份,占全国炼油行业VOCs排放总量的55%;无组织VOCs排放占炼油厂VOCs排放总量的40.0%~44.0%,其次为有组织(28.4%~31.3%)、储罐(18.3%~25.3%)和废水处理(5.8%~6.6%)排放;烷烃是炼油厂排放量最大的化学组分(60%),其次是烯烃(...  相似文献   
碳排放引起全球气候变暖是各界十分关注的环境问题,对城市碳排放时空演进的动态监测是实现区域"双碳"目标的重要环节.以重庆市主城区为例,基于土地利用和能源消耗数据,在采用碳排放系数法估算出2000~2020年主城区153个乡镇街道碳排放量的基础上,运用ESTDA框架,通过LISA时间路径、时空跃迁以及标准差椭圆模型等方法,从时空交互视角分析了近20年主城区碳排放的时空动态演进及重心迁移.结果表明:①近20年主城区乡域碳排放具有显著的空间正相关性,空间趋同性呈先降后升的趋势.②近20年低、中等相对长度的乡镇街道数共计126个(占比82%),表明主城区乡域碳排放的局部空间结构具有较强的稳定性;低、中等弯曲度的乡镇街道数共计138个(占比90%),说明主城区乡域碳排放在空间依赖方向上的波动性较为稳定;协同增长类型的乡镇街道数共计113个(占比74%),表明主城区乡域碳排放格局具有较强的空间整合性.③近20年时空凝聚指数均大于70%,说明主城区乡域碳排放的局部空间关联模式和集聚特征具有较强的稳定性.④近20年主城区碳排放重心分布于106°30''43″~106°32''42″E,29°33''34″~29°35''56″N之间,重心整体上向东北方向迁移,空间分布由"西北-东南"格局转变为"东北-西南"格局.研究结果可为重庆市绿色低碳可持续发展和制定差异化减排政策提供参考,并为西部其他同类型山地城市提供借鉴.  相似文献   
The objective of this paper on international greenhouse gasemissions trading is to find the conditions, if any, under which internationaldifferences in domestic permit allocation procedures lead to competitivedistortions.The paper finds that grandfathered firms or sectors do not have a costadvantage over identical auctioned firms or sectors abroad, as long asmarkets are perfectly competitive, because they have to include theopportunity costs of using the permits in the product price. However,grandfathered permits are a capital gift to the firm, inducing a windfallprofit, which implies that a similar firm abroad which has to buy its permitshas a higher cash outflow and hence less financial resources. This aspect ofgrandfathering becomes relevant when considering imperfect competitionor equity.Firstly, it is concluded that competitive distortions may arise underimperfect competition, mainly because the grandfathered firms can outlastthe auctioned firms abroad in a price war. Secondly, it appears thatcompetition (or: the level playing field) is distorted in terms of equity,because the mere process of permit allocation gives the grandfathered firmsa stronger financial position and thus an unfair competitive advantage overtheir auctioned competitors abroad.In legal terms, these findings imply that grandfathering is WTO compatibleif one is only willing to consider efficiency and assume perfect competition.However, grandfathering constitutes an actionable subsidy under WTO lawif one also considers equity or if competition is imperfect, which couldnecessitate some level of international harmonization of domestic permitallocation rules.  相似文献   
In this paper, we present an overview of guidelinesdeveloped for the monitoring, evaluation, reporting,verification, and certification (MERVC) ofenergy-efficiency projects for climate changemitigation. The monitoring and evaluation ofenergy-efficiency projects is needed to determine moreaccurately their impact on greenhouse gas (GHG)emissions and other attributes, and to ensure that theglobal climate is protected and that countryobligations are met. Reporting, verification andcertification will be needed for addressing therequirements of the Kyoto Protocol. While the cost ofmonitoring and evaluation of energy-efficiencyprojects is expected to be about 5–10% of a project'sbudget, the actual cost of monitoring and evaluationwill vary depending on many factors, including thelevel of precision required for measuring energy andGHG reductions, type of project, and amount of fundingavailable.  相似文献   
This paper estimates the future greenhousegas (GHG) and local pollutant emissions forIndia under various scenarios. Thereference scenario assumes continuation ofthe current official policies of the Indiangovernment and forecasts of macro-economic,demographic and energy sector indicators.Other scenarios analyzed are the economicgrowth scenarios (high and low), carbonmitigation scenario, sulfur mitigationscenario and frozen (development) scenario.The main insight is that GHG and localpollutant emissions from India, althoughconnected, do not move in synchronizationin future and have a disjoint under variousscenarios. GHG emissions continue to risewhile local pollutant emissions decreaseafter some years. GHG emission mitigationtherefore would have to be pursued for itsown sake in India. National energy securityconcerns also favor this conclusion sincecoal is the abundant national resource whilemost of the natural gas has to be imported.The analysis of contributing factors tothis disjoint indicates that sulfurreduction in petroleum oil products andpenetration of flue gas desulfurisationtechnologies are the two main contributorsfor sulfur dioxide (SO2) mitigation.The reduction in particulate emissions ismainly due to enforcing electro-staticprecipitator efficiency norms in industrialunits, with cleaner fuels and vehicles alsocontributing substantially. These policytrends are already visible in India.Another insight is that high economicgrowth is better than lower growth tomitigate local pollution as lack ofinvestible resources limits investments incleaner environmental measures. Ouranalysis also validates the environmentalKuznets' curve for India as SO2emissions peak around per capita GDP ofUS$ 5,300–5,400 (PPP basis) under variouseconomic growth scenarios.  相似文献   
魏军晓  耿元波  王松 《环境科学学报》2016,36(11):4234-4244
作为水泥生产大国和CO_2排放大户,中国水泥行业的CO_2排放在国际上受到越来越广泛的重视,然而不同的研究结果之间存在不同程度的差异.为了定量研究中国水泥碳排放测算的影响因素,对碳排放因子的测算、运营边界的界定及水泥熟料或水泥成品的产量这3个影响因素做了详细分析,并对碳排放因子的不确定度做了定量计算.结果发现,影响中国水泥碳排放测算的最主要因素是碳排放因子,而该因素又与生产工艺、燃料和熟料水泥比等密切相关.本研究结果比IPCC、EDGAR、CDIAC和WBCSD/CSI等研究结果均低,并且差异逐年显著,以水泥碳排放来自碳酸盐分解的部分为例,2000年相差约65 Mt,而2012年差值接近450 Mt.计算表明,中国水泥碳排放不确定度为12%~22%.因此,水泥碳排放测算的影响因素较多,在计算中国水泥碳排放量时不可照搬国外研究的参数.  相似文献   
国务院环保部近年来出台了多项环保政策和排放标准,根据最新的钢铁工业水污染物排放标准,某不锈钢厂首先对废酸水处理站排水进行生物脱氮预处理,然后与循环水站排污水混合后,采用混凝沉淀-砂滤-超滤-反渗透组合工艺进行减排回用处理,出水达到工业水标准后回用,对反渗透浓水采用生物脱氮-混凝沉淀-电催化氧化-砂滤工艺进行处理,处理后出水达到《钢铁工业水污染物排放标准》(GB 13456-2012)直接排放标准后外排.  相似文献   
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