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Reactive properties of aquifer solid phase materials play an important role in solute fate and transport in the natural subsurface on time scales ranging from years in contaminant remediation to millennia in dynamics of aqueous geochemistry. Quantitative tools for dealing with the impact of natural heterogeneity in solid phase reactivity on solute fate and transport are limited. Here we describe the use of a structural variable to keep track of solute flux exposure to reactive surfaces. With this approach, we develop a non-reactive tracer model that is useful for determining the signature of multi-scale reactive solid heterogeneity in terms of solute flux distributions at the field scale, given realizations of three-dimensional reactive site density fields. First, a governing Eulerian equation for the non-reactive tracer model is determined by an upscaling technique in which it is found that the exposure time of solution to reactive surface areas evolves via both a macroscopic velocity and a macroscopic dispersion in the artificial dimension of exposure time. Second, we focus on the Lagrangian approach in the context of a streamtube ensemble and demonstrate the use of the distribution of solute flux over the exposure time dimension in modeling two-dimensional transport of a solute undergoing simplified linear reversible reactions, in hypothetical conditions following prior laboratory experiments. The distribution of solute flux over exposure time in a given case is a signature of the impact of heterogeneous aquifer reactivity coupled with a particular physical heterogeneity, boundary conditions, and hydraulic gradient. Rigorous application of this approach in a simulation sense is limited here to linear kinetically controlled reactions. 相似文献
结合姜堰市城市生活污水处理厂的设计,在CAS工艺中,进行了曝气时间对COD和NH3-N去除率影响的探讨。实验研究表明,延长曝气时间对于COD和NH3-N的去除是有利的,曝气时间控制在3h较为适宜。 相似文献
为降低污水污泥中药理活性化合物(PhACs)产生的环境风险,利用生物方法强化污泥厌氧消化,提高其去除效果.以CFA(氯贝酸)、TCS(三氯生)、DCF(双氯芬酸)、CBZ(卡马西平)4种典型的PhACs为目标污染物,利用气相色谱-质谱联用仪(GC-MS)定量分析污泥中的目标物,探究外加生物酶联合污泥厌氧消化法强化对PhACs的作用效果.结果表明,随着SRT(污泥停留时间)的增大,目标物的去除率有一定程度的增大,特别是在高温条件下,当SRT由7 d增至20 d时,CFA的去除率增长了45%;木瓜蛋白酶对中高温系统中CBZ的去除效果最佳,分别为63.8%和67.5%,同时对4种目标物总的去除率最高,分别为57.3%和61.8%;添加溶菌酶试验中,4种目标物去除效果差异较大,中温、高温系统中对TCS的去除效果最佳为81.7%和80.9%,去除效果最差的是CBZ,去除率为40.4%和33.5%;纤维素酶处理中,4种目标物的去除率均小于60%.混合生物酶试验中,高温条件下更易去除PhACs.研究显示,生物酶强化污泥厌氧消化能有效去除污水污泥中的PhACs. 相似文献
由于降水的随机性,处理农业或城市径流的人工湿地通常在进水水量波动的非稳态条件下工作.为研究在非稳态条件下人工湿地的水流规律,在基于时间轴的多点示踪剂试验的基础上,利用RTD(水力停留时间分布)探讨了单峰和双峰两种水力冲击非稳态条件下水平潜流人工湿地中的水流规律.结果表明,非稳态过程的水量变化对不同时刻流入人工湿地的液体的RTD影响明显.用基于出水流量的非线性无量纲时间变量(φ)对原始RTD进行归一化处理,所得的RTD浓度曲线[C'(φ)]在整个非稳态过程中相对稳定,具有相似的倾斜度、峰值时间(单峰冲击下为0.83~1.00,双峰冲击下为0.87~1.08)、重心位置(单峰冲击下为1.08~1.25,双峰冲击下为1.05~1.25)及相关统计学参数,表现出一种独立于流量变化之外的相对稳定的特征水流规律.与稳态基流量下的tmean(平均停留时间)相比,水力冲击使人工湿地tmean呈冲击前持续缩短、冲击后又快速回升的趋势(单峰、双峰冲击下最大值与最小值相差分别约为30和32 h);而tmean'(归一化平均停留时间)在非稳态过程中却相对稳定(单峰、双峰冲击下最大值与最小值相差分别约为0.15和0.20),适合作为非稳态下表征人工湿地水流规律和停留时间的特征参数.研究显示,归一化RTD易于模拟,可用其描述非稳态下人工湿地的水流规律以及水流规律对污染物接触反应时间的影响. 相似文献
为解决村镇建筑抗震设防水平低和施工不规范等问题,以陕西关中地区的村镇建筑为研究对象,提出适用于村镇建筑的新型砌块型式及整体式配筋砌体结构。首先根据所提出砌块的材料特性,对比分析了新型装配整体式砌块墙体与传统砖砌块墙体的承载能力和刚度退化能力,发现新型砌块墙体的整体性好、刚度退化率小及变形能力强;其次对典型村镇装配整体式配筋砌体结构开展了非线性时程反应分析,并与普通砖砌体结构进行了对比,根据二者周期值、底部剪力、层间位移角和损伤值等计算结果可知,所提出的村镇装配整体式配筋砌体结构具有刚度及应力均匀、层间位移较小、损伤程度小、承载能力大等特点,具有良好的抗震性能,加之该类装配式砌体结构砌筑方式简便,有利于在村镇建筑中大力推广使用。 相似文献
Kai Duan Ge Sun Peter V. Caldwell Steven G. McNulty Yang Zhang 《Journal of the American Water Resources Association》2018,54(3):694-707
Although it is well established that the availability of upstream flow (AUF) affects downstream water supply, its significance has not been rigorously categorized and quantified at fine resolutions. This study aims to fill this gap by providing a nationwide inventory of AUF and local water resource, and assessing their roles in securing water supply across the 2,099 8‐digit hydrologic unit code watersheds in the conterminous United States (CONUS). We investigated the effects of river hydraulic connectivity, climate variability, and water withdrawal, and consumption on water availability and water stress (ratio of demand to supply) in the past three decades (i.e., 1981–2010). The results show that 12% of the CONUS land relied on AUF for adequate freshwater supply, while local water alone was sufficient to meet the demand in another 74% of the area. The remaining 14% highly stressed area was mostly found in headwater areas or watersheds that were isolated from other basins, where stress levels were more sensitive to climate variability. Although the constantly changing water demand was the primary cause of escalating/diminishing stress, AUF variation could be an important driver in the arid south and southwest. This research contributes to better understanding of the significance of upstream–downstream water nexus in regional water availability, and this becomes more crucial under a changing climate and with intensified human activities. 相似文献
Ismael Moya‐Clemente Gabriela Ribes‐Giner Odette Pantoja‐Díaz 《Sustainable Development》2020,28(4):572-584
This paper examines sustainable entrepreneurship over time by focusing on the identification of the combinations of environmental factors (clean water and sanitation, affordable clean energy, urgent action to combat climate change, and life on land) and economic development factors (decent work and economic growth). Based on data from 50 countries, it examines the causal configurations behind the manifestations of these factors using fuzzy‐set qualitative comparison analysis. The variables and data were derived from the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor and the Sustainable Development Goals Index. Our key finding is that protecting and sustainably using terrestrial ecosystems always have a sufficiently positive effect to ensure a high level of sustainable entrepreneurship. Also, high levels of sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems and sustainable growth and decent work, plus good access to affordable and sustainable energy and clean water are related to promote sustainable entrepreneurship. 相似文献
S. P. Tsonis 《毒物与环境化学》2013,95(2-4):77-84
Organic carbon and COD balances in a system of 12 anaerobic units operating at organic loading levels 0.4–0.8 kg COD/m3.d and hydraulic detention times 8–20 d resulted in a mean CH4 production of 341 ml/g COD converted and a mean CH4 + CO2 production 1815 ml/g OC converted. The gas retained in the liquid anaerobic effluent was mainly carbon dioxide (94–98%). 相似文献
有机合成杀虫剂有显著的杀虫除害效果,已广泛用于农业和家庭园艺等领域,但也给环境带来了污染,对其中的生物生存甚至人类健康构成了威胁. 因此,以3种常见的有机合成杀虫剂:敌百虫 (dipterex,DIP)、残杀威 (propoxur,PRO)、杀线威 (oxamyl,OXA) 作为研究对象,以蛋白核小球藻 (Chlorella pyrenoidosa,C.pyrenoidosa) 为指示生物,采用直接均分和均匀设计射线法分别设计了 3 个二元及 1 个三元混合物体系,应用时间毒性微板分析法 (the time-dependent microplate toxicity analysis method,t-MTA) 考察了3种杀虫剂及其混合物对C. pyrenoidosa在不同暴露时间(12、24、48、72、96 h)的毒性,并采用浓度加和 (concentration addition, CA ) 以及与绝对残差 (deviation from CA, dCA) 模型结合的dCA三维曲面图定性定量分析各种混合物毒性相互作用规律;并应用丙酮萃取法和分光光度计等同步测定分析C. pyrenoidosa中的叶绿素 (a和b) 含量、蛋白质含量、超氧化物歧化酶 (superoxide dismutase,SOD) 活性和脂质过氧化物丙二醛 (malondialdehyde,MDA)含量. 研究结果表明,杀虫剂对C.pyrenoidosa的单一毒性具有浓度和时间依赖性,而二元(OXA-PRO、OXA-DIP和PRO-DIP) 及三元(OXA-PRO-DIP)混合物体系的毒性具有时间和组分浓度比依赖性;3种杀虫剂在暴露时间96 h的毒性大小为: OXA >PRO >DIP;混合物体系的毒性相互作用主要以拮抗作用为主,且拮抗作用强度随着暴露时间的延长而增强;杀虫剂及其混合物造成藻细胞内过氧化物的过量累积,降低藻细胞的抗氧化能力,一方面破坏叶绿素的生理功能,抑制了叶绿素和蛋白质的合成;另一方面过氧化物的积累直接破坏细胞膜的完整性,使蛋白质溶出,最终均导致藻细胞的死亡. 相似文献