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我国各地区能源效率存在明显的差距,如何缩小地区能源效率差距成为了能源经济领域的热点问题.本文依据2000-2010年中国30省面板数据,运用空间误差条件β收敛模型分析了技术扩散对全社会能源效率收敛的影响,研究结果表明:①2000-2010年间,全社会能源效率呈现2000-2002、2002-2005和2005-2010的三阶段特征,经历上升、下降、再上升的变化过程,其中,2005-2010年提升速度最快,其经验值得借鉴;②全社会能源效率的绝对β收敛呈现由收敛至发散的三阶段变化过程;③全社会能源效率存在显著的空间滞后现象,其增长率的空间相依性不显著,但空间因素对全社会能源效率β收敛的正面影响有加强的趋势;④技术扩散从总体上使全社会能源效率的收敛速度提高1.8倍以上,且影响程度逐渐增强;⑤外商直接投资有助于提升全社会能源效率及其收敛速度;⑥不同时段的技术扩散对全社会能源效率的影响不同,且技术引进和国内技术市场技术流入对收敛的作用不显著.因此,引进外资是缩小地区间全社会能源效率差距的重要措施.  相似文献   
中国西部能源及矿业开发与环境保护协调发展研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
中国西部地区自然环境脆弱且恶劣,但能源及矿产资源分布相对集中,能源及矿业开发已经成为其经济社会发展的支柱产业.本文力图从西部能源及矿业开发与环境保护协调发展、促进资源开发与生态保护的视角,综合辨析出西部地区能源及矿业开发引发的地质环境及生态环境恶化问题,主要包括土壤污染与土地破坏、水资源污染与短缺、矿区大气污染、噪声污染以及采矿诱发的各类地质灾害和生态环境破坏等.文章认为:西部地区矿产资源和能源开发等人为因素引发的地质环境及生态环境恶化问题日益突出,增强西部地区可持续发展能力,确保资源开发与环境保护的协调发展是西部地区提高能源资源保障能力的现实选择,也是转变发展方式、建设“两型”社会的必然要求.为此,本文对西部地区能矿资源开发与环境保护的协调发展提出了相关建议,主要包括:大力推行绿色发展,极开发绿色新能源;加强资源管理与污染控制,建立、健全矿产资源开发环境保护相关法律法规和体系,健全生态补偿机制;通过市场准入制度设立绿色门槛,继续整合小矿山;加强西部资源型城市与沿海地区的区域融合,减少资源开发的负外部性,破除“资源诅咒”;借鉴国际上“责任矿产开发倡议”,提高能源及矿产资源开发利益相关者的参与能力;统筹协调资源税费、地方发展基金,明确资源税的调节作用,健全利益分配机制,设立绿色发展基金;加强能矿资源开发全过程的第三方独立监管,在能源及矿产资源开发过程中实行有效透明的监管等.  相似文献   
The East Asian economy has been growing fast in recent years, and environmental stresses are building up rapidly. Transboundary air pollution, water shortages, drinking water contamination, freshwater and marine pollution, deforestation, climatic disasters, and other environmental problems are becoming serious threats to the well-being of people in this densely populated region. The ESI (environmental sustainability index) reported by the World Economic Forum in 2005 is a good indicator of the environmental status of the region; most East Asian countries ranked at the bottom. East Asia is not moving toward a sustainable society, and the environment will not sustain the current rate of economic development for long. The traditional culture of East Asia used to be sustainable, so we can learn much from our traditions. Land use should be planned from an ecological point of view so as to best preserve the land’s productivity and stability. There should be definite goals as to where and how much to preserve the three important ecological bases: forests, coastal wetlands and agricultural farms. The forest is the base for the terrestrial ecosystem, including flood control, water resources, and climate; the coastal wetland is the base for the marine ecosystem; farmland is the base for producing food. Within these defined goals, limits should be set on how much land can be utilized for activities like urban development, manufacturing, and recreation. Limits on the pollution load resulting from such activities should be set so as not to irreversibly damage the environment. Economic development should be planned to allow the use of energy and resources only after satisfying these constraints.
Jung Wk KimEmail: Phone: +82-2-8805653Fax: +82-2-8876905
本文从我国农村地区发展清洁能源对于保护环境和促进农村社会经济可持续发展的现实意义入手,首先描述了当前阶段我国农村地区的能源消费结构和生产方式,分析了清洁能源在我国城市和农村地区发展不平衡的问题,进一步阐述了农村地区发展清洁能源在改变能源消费结构,合理利用能源,促进节能减排,改善农村生产生活条件,促进社会和谐发展等方面的重要性.随后介绍了现阶段我国农村清洁能源发展的基础设施和政策法规环境以及适合不同地区的清洁能源技术和发展情况.本文认为农村清洁能源可以分为三种主要发展模式,即自给自足的分散模式、可规模化生产的集中模式和与生态经济结合的循环模式,并从不同模式的表现形式、技术特点、地域特征、用能环境、基础设施、能源性质、发展阶段、投资规模、服务要求、创新侧重点等方面进行了比较分析.文章最后就当前农村地区清洁能源发展所面临的问题提出了有针对性的政策建议,并指出农村要基于当地当前生产生活条件,因地制宜地选取适合的清洁能源发展模式.  相似文献   
中国省际能源效率差异及其影响因素分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国省际能源效率存在较大的差异.要进一步促进能源综合利用,需要在区域层面对能源效率差异形成的因素作更加全面深入的研究,以寻求更加合理有效的促进宏观能源效率改进的理论与方法.本文基于2007年的截面数据,运用能很好地消除各因素间多重共线性的偏最小二乘回归建模,选取了14个变量来代表经济发展水平、产业结构、工业结构、能源消费结构、对外开放程度、投资水平、政府影响力、制度因素、能源价格和地理因素这10个因素,分析了各因素对能源效率地区差异的影响方向和影响程度.研究结果表明,各地区固定资产投资中外商投资比重、工业增加值中高耗能产业比重以及煤炭消费比重的差异是造成能源效率地区差异显著的主要原因.这说明投资水平、工业结构和能源消费结构是造成能源效率地区差异显著的主要因素.要在短期内缩小地区间的能源效率差距,必须严格限制某些地区高耗能行业的过快发展,加强高耗能行业的结构调整,加快淘汰落后产能,大力提升煤炭的使用效率.  相似文献   
本文运用1998-2007年中国工业32个行业面板数据,将工业各行业研发总支出划分为自主研发、国外技术引进和国内技术转移三个部分,在估算自主研发存量和技术引进存量的基础上,研究了自主研发、技术引进对工业能源消耗强度的影响,并考察了能源相对价格、FDI的进入程度以及工业内部行业结构等因素.研究表明,自主研发和国外技术引进对能源强度的影响存在行业差异.自主研发对全工业行业和高能源强度行业的能源强度有显著负效应,对低能源强度行业的影响不显著;国内技术转移对全工业行业和低能源强度行业的能源强度有显著负的影响,对高能源强度行业的影响不显著;国外技术引进在所有样本中对能源强度的影响均不显著.研究还发现,在低能源强度行业中,自主研发并没有与国外技术引进互为补充共同促进能源强度的下降;在高、低能源强度行业样本中,自主研发没有与国内技术转移形成互补优势,有助于能源强度的下降.  相似文献   
改革开放以来中国能源效率不断地提高,但是在某些年份存在波动现象.采用非线性分形理论及分形分析R/S方法,科学定量地描述了中国以及各个地区能源效率的演变趋势.首先采用分形理论对1978-2008年的中国能源效率时间序列数据进行研究,结果显示,中国能源效率发展演变存在Hurst现象,具有明显的分形特征.并依照“五年计划”来划分时间序列样本为研究区间,结合“五年计划”详尽地解释说明了中国能源效率变动的原因.然后将数据扩大为样本期为1995-2008年29地区的面板数据,采用面板变系数模型进一步对各个地区的能源效率进行分析,发现除海南外其他地区的能源效率演变过程中具有明显的持续性规律,各个地区能源效率将继续保持增长.西部6个地区以及东北三省的能源效率演变趋势高于全国水平,说明“西部大开发”战略和“振兴东北”战略都已经显效.  相似文献   
提高能源效率已成为我国节能减排政策的重点,但是由于经济系统内在的调整机制作用,在宏观层面所能实现的节能效果可能不及微观技术层面能源效率提高的程度,甚至还会诱发更多的能源消耗,该现象被称为“宏观能耗回弹”效应.本文通过构建一个中国环境资源CGE模型,测算生产部门提高能源效率的宏观能耗回弹效应.结果显示,能源效率提高5%后,短期回弹效应为52.38%,节能效果仅达到技术层面预期的一半左右;长期回弹效应达178.61%,在高耗能部门竞争力提高、耗能产品出口扩张和经济增长的推动下,节能效果不但被完全抵消,总能耗还进一步增加.因此,生产部门提高能源效率在短期内确实能够降低我国能源消耗,但是由于回弹效应的存在,长期来看,在技术层面“产量相同投入更少”的努力反映到宏观经济层面则转变成“生产更多投入更多”,并且加剧了我国经济高耗能的偏好,提高能源效率所引发的产出增长和结构调整对能耗增加的刺激作用可能最终会抵消或者超过提高能源效率的节能效果.  相似文献   
Either from the perspective of the finite supply capacity of global resources and energy,or from the perspective of global environment restrictive conditions,developing countries can not repeat the old development road of developed countries,either in view of the international pressure China is currently facing,or in view of China’s own resources endowment and stages of development,we must actively face such a challenge of climate change.We must recognize that the issue of climate change may be a great restraint to the present and future eco-social development,and may also be an important driving force and new opportunity to push forward the transformation of development pattern,to take a new road of industrialization and to realize sustainable development.This demands us,on the one hand,to take the Scientific Outlook of Development as the guide to make efforts to control the emission of greenhouse gases and continuously increase the capability of adapting to climatic change,and set up the overall plan to respond to climate change of our country,and on the other hand,we should unswervingly take the road of sustainable development,save energy,optimize energy structure and strengthen biological protection in slowing and adapting to climate change.  相似文献   
In this paper,the authors have analyzed the relationship between energy intensity gap and GDP per worker gap of China’s western and eastern provinces over the period 1997-2006.Using panel data model with lag adjustment,taking the above provinces and six industrial sectors (agriculture,forestry,animal husbandry,and fisheries,industry,construction industry,transport,storage and post & telecommunications,wholesale and retail trades & catering industry,and other sectors of tertiary industry.) as the investigated subjects,the authors have conducted empirical study on the convergence of GDP per worker gap and the convergence of energy intensity gap with respect to the variation of GDP per worker gap,and have concluded that:First,the GDP per worker gap of the six industrial sectors and provinces are convergent,and of this,the convergence rate of GDP per worker gap of Construction Industry is the fastest,while that of Industry is the slowest.Second,the overall energy intensity gap between eastern and western provinces is convergent,that is,with the narrowing of GDP per worker gap between eastern and western provinces,the energy intensity gap converges,but its convergence rate is slower than that of GDP per worker gap.Third,energy intensity gap between various industrial sectors of the east and the west is either convergent or divergent,and there are differences.The energy intensity gap of agriculture,forestry,animal husbandry,and fisheries,industry,and construction industry is convergent,while that of the other three industrial sectors is divergent.Fourth,the convergence of the overall energy intensity of the western provinces is not in conformity with the convergence of the various industrial sectors,and there are significant differences,indicating that the western provinces and autonomous regions should take measures to more effectively improve their overall energy utilization efficiency at the industrial sector level.  相似文献   
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