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为了解长江上游低山丘陵区马尾松(Pinus massoniana)人工林生态系统的C、N、P分配格局及化学计量特征,本文采用时空互代的方法,在宜宾高县来复林区选取三种不同林龄(5年生幼龄林、14年生中龄林、39年生成熟林),但立地条件相近、样地情况基本一致的马尾松(Pinus massoniana)人工林作为研究对象,对马尾松针叶、凋落物及土壤中的C、N、P含量及 w(C)?w(N)?w(P)化学计量特征进行测定和分析。结果表明,(1)C、N、P 含量均表现为针叶〉凋落物〉土壤,且在三个库之间差异显著;(2)林龄对针叶、凋落物、土壤的 C、N、P 及 w(C)?w(N)、w(C)?w(P)计量比均有显著影响。(3)土壤 C、N、P含量在成熟林中最高;针叶和凋落物的C含量在成熟林中最低,N、P含量则在中龄林中最高。(4)随林龄增加马尾松对N、P的利用效率降低,针叶、凋落物及土壤的w(C)?w(N)与 w(C)?w(P)均表现为下降。(5)马尾松针叶w(N)?w(P)比值在14.37~15.53之间,说明该地区马尾松人工林受N和P的共同限制,但林龄对N、P养分限制的影响不显著。为提高该区马尾松人工林的生产力,建议在人工林的抚育管理中要适当增加N肥和P肥,同时也可在马尾松人工林引入豆科固氮植物以提高地力。该研究将马尾松针叶、凋落物及土壤结合起来探究随林龄增长C、N、P养分元素的分配格局及化学计量特征的变化,有助于全面、系统地揭示马尾松人工林生态系统的养分循环,对指导马尾松人工林生产,调节和改善林木生长环境,提高系统的养分利用效率及林地生产力具有重要意义。  相似文献   
选取广西合山的一座煤矸石堆,研究其周边土壤中多环芳烃(PAHs)的空间分布特征。沿西南、东北、东南3个方向,采集距煤矸石堆不同距离不同深度的土壤样品。结果表明:在该研究区域内16种优先控制PAHs均有检出,5~15、45~55和85~95 cm深度土壤PAHs总含量范围分别为1 152.0~11 146.4、241.8~4 867.7和116.4~2 666.0μg·kg-1,存在严重的生态风险;平面上,随距矸石堆距离由近及远,土壤中PAHs含量由大到小变化,垂向上,由浅到深,PAHs含量也呈递减变化,且沿程与垂向上的变化趋势都是先急后缓;土壤中PAHs含量的平面分布主要受控于风向和坡度,垂向分布受控于PAHs本身的水溶性和土壤性质;通过相关分析认为Nap、Phe、Fle、Bbf、Chr和Fla这6种化合物是研究区煤矸石堆周边土壤中PAHs的特征化合物类型,重环PAHs相较于轻环PAHs受除煤矸石堆以外的其他污染源的影响较小。  相似文献   
淮南市城区地表灰尘重金属分布特征及生态风险评价   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
城市地表灰尘中重金属会对人体健康和生态环境产生危害,为研究城市中不同功能区地表灰尘重金属的含量和潜在生态危害水平,以典型煤炭资源型城市淮南市的地表灰尘为研究对象,采集工业区、商业区、交通区、文教区、居住区和公园绿地等6种功能用地共40个点位的地表灰尘。采用电感耦合等离子体发射光谱(ICP-OES)和DMA-80直接测汞仪测定Zn、Pb、Cu、Cr、Cd、Ni、Co、V、Hg的含量,分析其在不同功能区地表灰尘中的分布特征、相关性及可能的来源;并应用潜在生态危害指数法对重金属在不同功能区的潜在生态危害进行评价。结果表明:1)淮南市地表灰尘中 Zn、Pb、Cu、Cr、Cd、Ni、Co、V、Hg的平均质量分数分别是202.59、74.63、62.74、110.69、0.57、35.82、12.18、50.95和0.105 mg·kg-1,其中Zn、Pb、Cu、Cr、Cd、Ni、Hg的平均含量分别是淮南市土壤背景值的3.47、3.17、2.04、1.21、9.50、1.12、2.56倍,是中国土壤背景值的2.73、2.87、2.78、1.81、5.88、1.33、1.62倍。2)9种重金属中,Zn和V的含量在不同功能区分布相对均匀,其他重金属在不同功能区含量均表现出较明显的空间异质性。3)不同功能区中,Zn、Pb、Cu、Ni、Co、V、Hg的平均含量在工业区最高,Cr 和 Cd 的平均含量在交通区最高。4)不同重金属的相关性表明,Zn、Pb、Cu、Cd、Ni 等5种元素有同一来源,Co 和 V 有同一来源。5)单项潜在生态危害系数大小为 Cd〉Hg〉〉Pb〉Cu〉Ni〉Co〉Zn〉Cr〉V。不同功能区9种重金属复合生态危害均处于强生态危害水平(300≤RI〈600),其中工业区和交通区潜在生态危害水平最高。  相似文献   
不同类型竹种光合特性的比较研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
光合作用是植物生长和物质积累的基础,其光合特性是高光效竹种选育的重要生理指标。为了更好开发利用我国丰富的竹种资源,确定不同类型竹种的光合性能,掌握其合成有机同化物的能力是必须探索的一个重要问题。文章采用Li-6400光合测定仪,通过对不同地下茎类型的6个竹种光合参数和光响应的测定分析,进一步探讨不同类型竹种存在差异的生理基础,以期对不同类型竹种的选育和经营管理提供依据。试验结果表明:不同竹种净光合速率(Pn)差异显著,大木竹Bambusa wenchouensis(Wen)Q.H.Dai的净光合速率最高,Pn值平均达到8.379μmol·m-2·s-1,毛竹Phyllostachys heterocycla cv.pubescens和雷竹P.praecox cv.prevernalis次之,斑苦竹Arundinaria oleosa和苦竹Pleioblastus amarus最低,总体呈现丛生竹>散生竹>混生竹的趋势,1~2 a生竹净光合速率高于3~4 a生竹,但没有显著差异。气孔导度(Cond)、胞间C02浓度(Ci)、蒸腾速率(Tr)综合说明丛生竹的光合固碳能力最强,其中蒸腾速率与气孔导度与净光合速率关系最为紧密,是影响净光合速率的主导因子。光响应曲线表明当光强刚开始增强时,各竹种间差异较小,但随着光强的继续增加,不同竹种出现很大的差异,其中绿竹Dendrocalamus.oldhami(Munro)Keng的潜在光合能力最高,远高于其他竹种,同样表现为丛生竹>散生竹>混生竹,进一步说明丛生竹种较强的光合固碳能力,从而为今后不同类型竹种,尤其是优良丛生竹种的筛选和开发利用提供理论参考。  相似文献   
为分析济南市PM2.5中二次组分的时空变化和影响因素,对济南市春季(2019年5月16—25日)、秋季(2019年10月15—24日)和冬季(2019年12月17—2020年1月16日)4个典型点位的PM2.5样品进行连续采样,并测定了PM2.5中水溶性离子、有机碳(OC)和元素碳(EC)的含量。结果表明:物流交通区的二次组分质量浓度最高(56.13μg·m?3),钢铁工业区的二次组分浓度比城市市区高,但是二次组分占比较城市市区低,清洁对照点的浓度和占比最低;济南市4个功能区SO42?和NO3?转化率均高于0.1,除清洁对照点外,城市市区、钢铁工业区和物流交通区的SO42?转化率明显高于NO3?转化率;济南市春季、秋季和冬季的ρ(NO3?)/ρ(SO42?)分别为0.67、2.57和1.98,春季PM2.5浓度以固定源贡献为主,秋季和冬季以移动源贡献为主;运用ISORROPIA热力学模型分析了含水量和pH对二次组分生成的影响,含水量会随着污染增大而增大,酸度和含水量对二次无机组分的转化机理产生影响,酸度会抑制二次无机组分的生成,而含水量会促进二次组分的生成;后向轨迹聚类分析结果表明,占比最高的轨迹(29.2%)来自东北方向的滨州和东营,基于潜在源贡献因子(WPSCF)和浓度权重轨迹(WCWT)分析PM2.5中二次组分质量浓度的潜在污染源区域,SO42?的主要贡献源区在济南市区北部的济阳区和东北方向的滨州、东营等,NO3?和NH4+的主要贡献源区在济南市区北方向的济阳区、东北方向的章丘区和南方向的莱芜区等。该研究结果可为中国北方城市细颗粒物进一步的治理和防控提供数据支撑和理论依据。  相似文献   
• Hg bioaccumulation by phytoplankton varies among aquatic ecosystems. • Active Hg uptake may exist for the phytoplankton in aquatic ecosystems. • Impacts of nutrient imbalance on food chain Hg transfer should be addressed. The bioaccumulation of mercury (Hg) in aquatic ecosystem poses a potential health risk to human being and aquatic organism. Bioaccumulations by plankton represent a crucial process of Hg transfer from water to aquatic food chain. However, the current understanding of major factors affecting Hg accumulation by plankton is inadequate. In this study, a data set of 89 aquatic ecosystems worldwide, including inland water, nearshore water and open sea, was established. Key factors influencing plankton Hg bioaccumulation (i.e., plankton species, cell sizes and biomasses) were discussed. The results indicated that total Hg (THg) and methylmercury (MeHg) concentrations in plankton in inland waters were significantly higher than those in nearshore waters and open seas. Bioaccumulation factors for the logarithm of THg and MeHg of phytoplankton were 2.4–6.0 and 2.6–6.7 L/kg, respectively, in all aquatic ecosystems. They could be further biomagnified by a factor of 2.1–15.1 and 5.3–28.2 from phytoplankton to zooplankton. Higher MeHg concentrations were observed with the increases of cell size for both phyto- and zooplankton. A contrasting trend was observed between the plankton biomasses and BAFMeHg, with a positive relationship for zooplankton and a negative relationship for phytoplankton. Plankton physiologic traits impose constraints on the rates of nutrients and contaminants obtaining process from water. Nowadays, many aquatic ecosystems are facing rapid shifts in nutrient compositions. We suggested that these potential influences on the growth and composition of plankton should be incorporated in future aquatic Hg modeling and ecological risk assessments.  相似文献   
西南岩溶山区景观生态特征与景观生态建设   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
探讨了西南岩溶山区景观生态结构与功能以及景观生态过程的不同于其他区域的基本特征,尝试从景观角度认识西南岩溶区生态空间特性与演化过程。受地质地貌和土地利用的影响。西南岩溶山区景观基质脆弱、景观格局分异明显,具破碎化与景观结构粗粒化、景观动态变化范围大且速度快、整体退化明显的特点,以石漠化为特征的景观演化削弱了岩溶生态系统的生态服务功能。岩溶山区的景观生态建设须充分认识岩溶山区资源环境优势,充分利用当地的适生植物资源,协调生态效应和水文效应,促进水土资源的有效保持向高效利用发展,形成新的高效、和谐的人工自然景观。今后应把景观格局与生态过程结合起来、与人文因子和地学背景结合起来,加强小尺度的景观变化研究。  相似文献   
Continuous visibility monitoring has been carried out inKwangju, Korea since May 1999. The total light extinctioncoefficient b ext measured by a transmissometer andreveals seasonal trends in urban visual air quality,especially under hazy conditions with a visual range of lessthan 15 km. Seasonal atmospheric visibility under lowrelative humidity during the winter was observed to be betterthan during any other seasons. Summertime visibility wasseverely degraded due to highly increased light scattering byhygroscopic particles under high humidity atmosphericconditions. Visibility during spring and fall was alsomoderate. However, yellow sand in spring caused the lowestvisibility conditions over the measurement area for a fewdays. With continuous monitoring using the transmissometer,the daily average seasonal visual range was measured to be13.1, 9.2, 11.0, and 13.9 km in spring, summer, falland winter, respectively. Under the atmospheric humiditycondition less than 60%, visual range was observed tobe 16.1, 13.9, 15.1, and 16.6 km in spring, summer,fall, and winter, respectively. The mean light extinctionbudget by sulfate and nitrate aerosols was determined to bethe highest value of 63.71% during the summer and thelowest value of 27.08% during spring. During the `yellow sand dust' period, a mean light extinction budget by soil particles was estimated to be at an unusually high value of 44.22%.  相似文献   
The drivers for increasing incineration of sewage sludge and the characteristics of the resulting incinerated sewage sludge ash (ISSA) are reviewed. It is estimated that approximately 1.7 million tonnes of ISSA are produced annually world-wide and is likely to increase in the future. Although most ISSA is currently landfilled, various options have been investigated that allow recycling and beneficial resource recovery. These include the use of ISSA as a substitute for clay in sintered bricks, tiles and pavers, and as a raw material for the manufacture of lightweight aggregate. ISSA has also been used to form high density glass–ceramics. Significant research has investigated the potential use of ISSA in blended cements for use in mortars and concrete, and as a raw material for the production of Portland cement. However, all these applications represent a loss of the valuable phosphate content in ISSA, which is typically comparable to that of a low grade phosphate ore. ISSA has significant potential to be used as a secondary source of phosphate for the production of fertilisers and phosphoric acid. Resource efficient approaches to recycling will increasingly require phosphate recovery from ISSA, with the remaining residual fraction also considered a useful material, and therefore further research is required in this area.  相似文献   
Industrial firms that kill and process chickens generate wastewater that contains fat, oil, and grease (FOG). The FOGs are located in the fatty waste that is collected by floatation in grease traps. Chemical and physical characterisation of FOGs would provide useful information that would help in the development of methods designed to decrease the extent of pollution caused by disposal of the waste and to utilise commercially some of its lipid constituents. Employing these methods would enhance the profitability and competitive potential of these commercial organisations. Samples of grease trap waste from 14 firms in central Thailand have been examined. Due to the very different schemes of waste management employed by these firms, the physical appearance of their fatty wastes showed considerable variation. The chemical and physical properties of the FOGs present in these wastes showed considerable variation also. Large amounts of free fatty acids (10–70% as oleic acid) were detected in most of the 14 wastes and palmitic, cis-9-oleic, cis,cis-9,12-linoleic, stearic, and palmitoleic acids were the predominant species of free and esterified acids. Most of the FOGs were solid at temperatures below 40 °C. Many of them contained traces of heavy metals (Cu and Pb) and some contained traces of the pesticides dimethoate and cypermethrin. The content of these potentially hazardous substances would have to be considered very carefully before discarding the fatty wastes and during the development of methods designed to isolate their potentially profitable lipid constituents.  相似文献   
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