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高文丽  沈芳  车越 《环境工程学报》2021,15(8):2821-2830
综合高分辨率卫星观测具有时空连续覆盖和水质动力模型具有高时间分辨率的优势,对感潮河段的水质进行监测。通过Lansat8/OLI卫星数据定量反演了感潮河段-黄浦江的叶绿素a质量浓度,反演结果与地面实测数据的均方根误差为4.82 mg·m−3,决定系数R2为0.68。通过水质动力模型Delft3D,模拟了黄浦江水质参数(溶解氧(DO)、氨氮(NH3-N)和高锰酸钾指数(CODMn))。结果表明:模拟水位与实测水位的均方根误差为0.22 m;水质参数DO、NH3-N、CODMn的验证均方根误差分别为0.53、0.16、0.27 mg·L−1。进一步分析后发现,2013年8月—2014年7月随着黄浦江叶绿素a质量浓度的增大,DO与NH3-N也相应增大,CODMn则相应减小。通过叶绿素a质量浓度与水质参数所构建的关系式,利用Lansat8/OLI卫星数据反演了不同时期的黄浦江DO、NH3-N、CODMn,发现感潮河段水质参数存在季节性变化。卫星观测与水质动力模型相结合的方法可为海岸带感潮河流时空快速变化的水质监测提供参考。  相似文献   
Pools of Zn, Cu, Cd and Co in leaf, stem and root tissues of Sarcocornia fruticosa, Sarcocornia perennis, Halimione portulacoides and Spartina maritima were analyzed on a bimonthly basis, in a Tagus estuary salt marsh. All the major concentrations were found in the root tissues, being the concentrations in the aboveground organs neglectable for sediment budget proposes, as seen by the low root-aboveground translocation. Metal annual accumulation, root turnovers and cycling coefficients were also assessed. S. maritima showed the higher root turnovers and cycling coefficients for most of the analyzed metals, making this a phytostabilizer specie. By contrast the low root turnover, cycling coefficient and low root necromass generation makes S. perennis the most suitable specie for phytoremediation processes. Although the high amounts of metal return to the sediments, due to root senescence, salt marshes can still be considered sinks of heavy metals, cycling heavy metals mostly between sediment and root.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: This paper reports an analysis of the water budgets of 10 small (5–6 ha) diked areas (cells) within the Delta Marsh in southcentral Manitoba, Canada. The important terms in the water budget equation in this study were precipitation (P), water pumped in (SWI), evapotranspiration (ET), seepage in (GWI) and out (GWO), and change in storage (ΔS). P, SWI, and S were measured directly, and the sum of ET and GWO determined by difference. Estimating ET as 0.7 pan evaporation gave a seepage loss of 2.9 mm/day from the most intensively studied cell. Other methods of estimating ET produced estimates of GWO ranging from 2.4 to 3.8 mm/day. Water budgets for less intensively studied cells indicated seepage loss increased as perimeter available for seepage increased, but not proportionately. Efforts to measure seepage directly or estimate it from measured hydraulic gradients and hydraulic conductivity produced estimates much lower than the estimates from the water budget equation. Hydraulic conductivities were very heterogeneous, reflecting the sorting of water deposited sediments. Comparison of the hydraulic conductivities with seepage estimates from the water budget strongly suggests water movement downward as well as laterally from these diked areas.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: Artificial and natural marshes were studied to determine changes in quality of polluted water passing through them. Phosphorus removal ranged from zero to 64%. Removals in the 35% range were common, however. Much of the phosphorus went into sediments and unharvestable plant parts. Harvesting vegetation removed 6% of the phosphorus put into the system. Accumulation of phosphorus during the growing season was about 20 g*m?2, much of which was flushed out after the onset of freezing weather. The amount of phosphorus flushed out can be prevented from entering a lake or stream by handling the marsh discharge in one of three ways; irrigate on land, lagoon to recycle later, treat conventionally if facilities are available.  相似文献   
Macroinvertebrates were examined on an impounded valley marsh in Stonington, Connecticut, that has changed from aTypha-dominated system to one with typical salt-marsh vegetation during 13 years following the reintroduction of tidal exchange. Animal populations on this restored impounded marsh were evaluated by comparing them with populations on a nearby unimpounded valley marsh of roughly the same size. Populations of the high marsh snail,Melampus bidentatus Say, were quantitatively sampled along transects that extended from the water-marsh edge to the upland; those of the ribbed mussel,Geukensia demissa Dillwyn, were sampled in low marsh areas on transects along the banks of creeks and mosquito ditches. The occurrence of other marsh invertebrates also was documented, but their abundance was not measured. The mean density ofMelampus was 332±39.6 SE/m2 on the restored impounded marsh and 712±56.0 SE/m2 on the unimpounded marsh. However, since snails were larger on the restored impounded marsh, the difference in snail biomass was less pronounced than the difference in snail density. MeanMelampus biomass was 4.96±0.52 SE g dry wt/m2 on the restored impounded marsh and 6.96±0.52 SE g dry wt/m2 on the unimpounded marsh. On the two marshes, snail density and biomass varied in relation to plant cover and other factors. The density and biomass ofGeukensia at the edge of the marsh were comparable on the restored impounded and unimpounded marshes. Mean mussel densities ranged from 80 to 240/m2 and mean mussel biomass varied from 24.8–64.8 g dry wt/m2 in different low marsh areas. In contrast, below the impoundment dike, meanGeukensia density was 1100±96.4 SE/m2 and meanGeukensia biomass was 303.6±33.28 SE g dry wt/m2. A consideration of all available evidence leads to the conclusion that the impounded marsh is in an advanced phase of restoration.  相似文献   
长江河口潮区界溶解态无机氮磷的通量   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
利用长江河口潮区界大通站的水质资料探讨了溶解态无机氮、磷浓度和通量的变化。结果表明:NO3^-,NH4^ ,DIN的浓度随季节变化不明显,而NO2^-,PO4^3-的浓度是枯季较高、洪季较低:1963-1984年间,NO3^-,NO2^-,NH4^ 、DIN和PO4^3-的年平均浓度分别为17.1、0.43、7.1、24.7、0.19μmol/L,平均通量分别为33.1、0.51、3.67、10.5和0.54kg/s,平均年通量分别为104.44,1.61,11.56,33.1和1.70万t;溶解态无机氮、磷的通量由于受到流量的影响而在年内分配不均匀,其中NO3^-,NO^-,NH4^ DIN和PO4^3-在洪季的通量分别为全年的72.9%,58.1%、69.2%、71%和68.3%;NO3^-,NO2^-,DIN年通量的总变化趋势是稳步上升,且与氮肥使用量成高度显著的正线性相关。1998年,NO3^-,NO2^-,NH4^ 和PO4^3-的年通量分别为477.3,1.356、3.097和2.296万t。  相似文献   
崇明东滩湿地沉积物重金属污染的磁诊断   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对取自崇明东滩的高潮滩、中潮滩和低潮滩的沉积物柱样进行了磁学、粒度、重金属含量等指标的分析、比较与综合研究. 结果表明:在以粉砂为主的崇明东滩,通过污染负荷指数法进行评价,除低潮滩无污染外,中潮滩和高潮滩均有中度的重金属污染. 选取中度重金属污染的高潮滩沉积物柱样进行粒度、重金属含量以及磁性参数的相关性分析显示,χfdARM/SIRM与重金属含量和粘土(粒径<4 μm)之间有较高的相关性,并以此建立了磁诊断线性回归模型;χfd和χARM/SIRM可作为重金属含量的替代指标.   相似文献   
对葫芦岛市沿海潮间带常见无脊椎生物的种类、种群密度和生物量进行了调查分析,采用生物多样性指数和均匀度指数两项指标对近岸海域环境进行了评价。研究了环境污染对沿海潮间带常见无脊椎生物生存状况的影响,并根据当地情况提出了保护水质的建议。  相似文献   
李彤  李适宇 《环境科学学报》2012,32(6):1424-1435
基于拉格朗日油粒子模型、溢油风化模型以及三维水动力、泥沙和吸附质模型构建了溢油双层数学模型.模型不仅能够模拟油膜的运动轨迹、岸边吸附与冲刷、油品性质变化过程,而且通过耦合泥沙吸附及沉积动力学过程,能够更加客观地模拟溢油从水体向底泥环境的迁移过程,更全面地反映溢油在环境中的归宿.此外,本文以假设溢油事故为背景,模拟和分析了洪、枯季节条件下珠江广州段溢油事故对河网陆地边界、河网水质及底泥环境的影响.  相似文献   

针对阳澄湖某入湖河口复合生态净化系统实际工程,在探究各净化单元水体浮游植物群落季节性构成特征的基础上,采用综合营养状态指数和浮游植物多样性指数对水质健康状况进行综合评价及分析。结果表明:复合生态净化系统中共鉴定浮游植物8门97属143种,种类组成以硅藻门、绿藻门和蓝藻门为主;系统进、出水浮游植物密度分别为5.81×105 ~1.76×107、4.96×105 ~1.65×107 个/L,进、出水生物量分别为0.292~5.21、0.194~4.66 mg/L,净化系统对水体浮游植物生长具有较好的控制效应;按照浮游植物功能群(functional group,FG)分类方法,净化系统浮游植物可划分为26个功能群,其中B、D、MP、P、S1、W1、X2、Y、G、J、LO和M为优势功能群;各单元优势功能群的演替与水温、CODMn、DO和TN等水质指标具有良好相关性。研究期间复合生态净化系统水体处于中营养到轻度富营养状态,净化系统有效地提升了入湖水体的生态健康水平。

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