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利用连续分级提取方法,对天津汉沽海域表层沉积物中P的含量水平、赋存形态、及其生物有效性进行了分析。结果表明:表层沉积物中TP的含量在525.68×10-6~688.39×10-6之间,平均含量约为618.18×10-6,其中86.98%以IP的形式存在;而在IP中,FA-P是其主要的赋存形态,平均约占TP的59.54%;IP含量范围为48.52×10-6~146.72×10-6,平均约占TP的13.02%。P的生物有效性分析结果显示,潜在的生物有效P主要包括Ads-P、Fe-P和OP等3种赋存形态,而天津汉沽海域表层沉积物中潜在的生物有效P含量约为465.87×10-6~609.79×10-6,平均约占沉积物TP的89.14%,表明研究区域内沉积物具有很强的释P潜力。  相似文献   
The combined mark-recapture and line transect sampling methodology proposed by Alpizar-Jara and Pollock [Journal of Environmental and Ecological Statistics, 3(4), 311–327, 1996; In Marine Mammal Survey and Assessment Methods Symposium. G.W. Garner, S.C. Amstrup, J.L. Laake, B.F.J. Manly, L.L. McDonald, and D.C. Robertson (Eds.), A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam, Netherlands, pp. 99–114, 1999] is used to illustrate the estimation of population size for populations with prominent nesting structures (i.e., bald eagle nests). In the context of a bald eagle population, the number of nests in a list frame corresponds to a pre-marked sample of nests, and an area frame corresponds to a set of transect strips that could be regularly monitored. Unlike previous methods based on dual frame methodology using the screening estimator [Haines and Pollock (Journal of Environmental and Ecological Statistics, 5, 245–256, 1998a; Survey Methodology, 24(1), 79–88, 1998b)], we no longer need to assume that the area frame is complete (i.e., all the nests in the sampled sites do not need to be seen). One may use line transect sampling to estimate the probability of detection in a sampled area. Combining information from list and area frames provides more efficient estimators than those obtained by using data from only one frame. We derive an estimator for detection probability and generalize the screening estimator. A simulation study is carried out to compare the performance of the Chapman modification of the Lincoln–Petersen estimator to the screening estimator. Simulation results show that although the Chapman estimator is generally less precise than the screening estimator, the latter can be severely biased in presence of uncertain detection. The screening estimator outperforms the Chapman estimator in terms of mean squared error when detection probability is near 1 wheareas the Chapman estimator outperforms the screening estimator when detection probability is lower than a certain threshold value depending on particular scenarios.  相似文献   
磷矿废弃地的形成在破坏植被和景观的同时,还导致水土流失和水体富营养化等不良环境影响.本文通过控制实验研究了铺地榕Ficus tikoua对不同土壤磷营养水平的生理生态学响应,以求在揭示植物对高磷条件生态响应的机理上,为磷矿弃地的生态恢复筛选适宜的先锋物种.结果显示,在磷处理质量浓度为0~360 mg·L~(-1)范围内,铺地榕的净光合速率、蒸腾速率、气孔导度、叶绿素质量分数、可溶性糖和根系生长的相关参数随着磷处理质量浓度的增加而增加,其后则显示出逐渐减少的趋势.植物的光饱和曲线和二氧化碳饱和曲线显示,该物种的光饱和点和二氧化碳饱和点分别为800 μmol·m~(-2)·s~(-1)和1 000 μmol·mol~(-1),表明该物种具有较强的光合性能,且是一种喜阳植物.该物种各器官对磷的吸收能力依次为根>茎>叶,实验中植物体的磷质量分数最高达到植物干物质量的1.13%左右.综合分析表明,铺地榕对土壤磷营养的适应范围较广,吸收固定能力强,是一种潜在的可用于磷矿废弃地治理的先锋物种.  相似文献   
唐山工业新区冬季采暖期大气污染变化特征研究   总被引:6,自引:5,他引:6  
为研究唐山工业新区采暖期大气污染变化状况,2009~2010年冬季唐山工业新区的唐山市、迁安市和曹妃甸3个地区观测研究表明,唐山工业新区冬季采暖期间大气污染严重,NO、NO2、SO2、CO、PM2.5和PM10区域平均日均值分别达到(26±28)、(52±27)、(72±53)、(3 500±3 600)、(82±65...  相似文献   
以辽宁沿海地区陆域水环境风险调查为基础,借鉴了国际海事组织《73/78防污公约》和《IBC规则》等相关管理要求及技术规定,构建了风险识别及评估体系,并对辽宁近岸海域的水环境风险状况进行了调查评估.共识别出近岸海域水环境风险源128个,其中以大连地区近岸海域水环境风险源分布最为集中,风险行业主要集中在石化加工、化学原料制造,以及原油码头、储油罐区等行业企业.  相似文献   
针对国家重大项目施工和运营中规避台风大风灾害风险的特殊需求,以国家重点工程苏通大桥为例,研究了工程区局地环境下台风大风灾害风险的分析评估方法。利用1949~2007年桥位地区影响台风资料,用气候统计学方法分析了苏通大桥桥位工程区影响台风的时空分布,并用蒙特卡罗模拟方法对8级以上台风大风对桥位区可能造成的灾损指数进行计算。结果表明:①影响桥位区的台风年均2.5个,其中出现8级以上阵风的严重影响台风年均0.78个,工程区从5月下旬~11月下旬均可能受台风袭击,7月上旬~9月中旬是桥位区影响台风的多发期,而8月份几率最大,台风大风主要出现在偏东南和偏北方向;②蒙特卡罗方法模拟的桥位区8级以上台风大风的期望灾损指数达到0.282 1,约占全省台风灾害期望灾损指数的48%,潜在的经济损失达到20 675万元。采用气候统计学原理和蒙特卡罗模拟方法,可以满足局部特殊环境下的对工程区气象灾害风险分析的需要,其结果可以作为施工管理和规避灾害风险的依据。  相似文献   
铅冶炼区土壤重金属总量和有效态含量的函数分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采集铅冶炼企业周边3 000 m范围内220个表层土壤样品,测定了有毒有害元素铅、镉、砷和汞的总量和有效态含量,探讨了它们之间的关系。结果表明:研究区土壤受到汞、砷、铅、镉的污染依次明显严重,土壤重金属的总量和有效态含量的变异系数均大于100%,土壤镉、铅、汞、砷的生物有效性系数平均值分别为25.9%、17.2%、0.58%、0.11%。土壤铅、镉和砷的总量与其有效态含量呈显著正相关(P0.001),而汞的总量与其有效态含量的相关性不显著(P0.05)。土壤铅和镉的总量和有效态含量可以用直线函数和幂函数表达,函数反推的有效态值和对应统计值的变异系数不大于10%。  相似文献   
High spatial and temporal resolution airborne imagery were acquired for the Ribble Estuary, North West England in 1997 and 2003, to assess the application of time-series airborne remote sensing to quantify total suspended sediment and radionuclide fluxes during a flood and ebb tide sequence. Concomitant measurements of suspended particulate matter (SPM) and water column turbidity were obtained during the time-series image acquisition for the flood and ebb tide sequence on the 17th July 2003 to verify the assumption of a vertically well mixed estuary and thus justifying the vertical extrapolation of spatially integrated estimate of surface SPM. The 137Cs activity concentrations were calculated from a relatively stable relationship between SPM and 137Cs for the Ribble Estuary. Total estuary wide budgets of sediment and 137Cs were obtained by combining the image-derived estimates of surface SPM and 137Cs with estimates of water volume from a two-dimensional hydrodynamic model (VERSE) developed for the Ribble Estuary. These indicate that around 10,000 tonnes of sediment and 2.72 GBq of 137Cs were deposited over the tidal sequence monitored in July 2003. This compared favourably with bed height elevation change estimated from field work. An uncertainty analysis on the total sediment and 137Cs flux yielded a total budget of the order of 40% on the final estimate. The results represent a novel approach to providing a spatially integrated estimate of the total net sediment and radionuclide flux in an intertidal environment over a flood and ebb tide sequence.  相似文献   
目的研究高温受热条件下纳米复合隔热材料的结构转变特征及热稳定性。方法采用扫描电镜、X射线衍射仪、红外光谱仪及热重仪等检测方法。结果纤维增强气凝胶材料从室温到650℃存在连续的质量损失,从室温到放热前,质量损失为1.66%;365℃开始出现放热,温度升至398℃时达到峰值,整个放热过程对应质量损失约为1.3%;从435℃放热结束开始到650℃的质量损失为1.46%。经过400℃热处理后,试样比表面积从268m~2/g增加到437m~2/g;当试样热处理温度达到600℃时,试样的比表面积明显随之降低至198m~2/g。结论 SiO_2气凝胶复合材料以无定形结构为主,存在少量的二氧化钛晶体。在400℃左右,SiO_2气凝胶结构中硅甲基Si—CH_3发生氧化,产生明显的放热峰,之后硅羟基Si—OH之间发生缩聚反应,使600℃热处理后气凝胶中Si—O—Si网络骨架强度有所提高。未处理的纤维增强气凝胶材料试样上气凝胶纳米颗粒构成的块体较为良好地包裹在玻璃纤维表面,而经过600℃的高温热处理1 h后,块体气凝胶脱离了光滑的纤维表面,气凝胶纳米粒子发生收缩,致使材料比表面积下降。  相似文献   
程宏  陈荣 《环境科学》2022,43(11):4924-4930
河口区域普遍存在微塑料(MPs)和抗生素抗性基因(ARGs)污染,同时微塑料还可能富集ARGs,从而扩大ARGs的传播范围.本研究以福建省九龙江口为调查区域,首次分析了九龙江口不同采样点水样以及沉积物中的MPs分布特征,同时测定各样品中8种常见的ARGs丰度,并对二者之间的丰度进行相关性分析.结果表明:①九龙江河口水环境中微塑数浓度范围为2~66 n ·L-1,沉积物中含量范围(以dw计)为8~85 n ·kg-1,85%以上的微塑料粒径在1 mm以下,微塑料材质主要为聚乙烯(PE)、聚丙烯(PP)和聚苯乙烯(PS);②九龙江河口优势的ARGs为四环素类抗性基因tetCtetG以及磺胺类抗性基因sul2,水中ARGs丰度随盐度增加呈递减趋势;③九龙江水体中MPs浓度、ARGs相对丰度和一类整合子基因intI1丰度呈两两正相关性,说明微塑料可能促进了水体中ARGs的传播和水平基因转移(HGT).  相似文献   
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