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一种活性污泥总DNA提取方法的优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对3种活性污泥DNA提取方法———传统蛋白酶K-SDS-氯仿异戊醇法(CPSCI法)、液氮研磨法和脱腐处理法进行了对比,并针对CPSCI法从污泥量、保温时间、裂解方式及沉淀时间等4个方面进行了优化。结果表明,优化的蛋白酶K-氯仿-异戊醇法(OPSCI法)采用污泥量0.10 g、37℃静置10 min,加SDS常温旋涡振荡及异丙醇直接离心等条件可获得长度在23.1 kb左右的DNA,OD260nm/OD280nm为1.86,稀释10倍后即可进行16S rDNA PCR。该方法重复性好,提取得率高,纯度好,操作简便,为常规实验室开展活性污泥微生物多样性研究提供了帮助。  相似文献   
玉米芯掺杂对污泥基活性炭性能的影响   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
针对以城市污水厂剩余污泥为原料制备的污泥基活性炭微孔性差、比表面积低的缺陷,将一定比例玉米芯掺杂到污泥中以期改善活性炭性质。通过对活性炭的比表面积、孔结构、碘值、表面官能团测定以及表面电镜分析,探讨了不同比例玉米芯掺杂对活性炭物理化学性质的影响,并以苯酚和硝基苯为目标物,对比考察所制活性炭对有机物的吸附性能。实验结果表明,随着玉米芯掺杂比例的提高,活性炭微孔体积及比表面积明显增大,但活性炭表面官能团种类及数量变化不明显。所制活性炭表面都以酸性基团为主。结果显示苯酚和硝基苯吸附值与活性炭表面酸性基团含量关系密切,因此,玉米芯的掺杂对苯酚和硝基苯的吸附没有明显的促进作用。  相似文献   
通过超声系列实验,对超声法从剩余污泥中提取微生物絮凝剂(MBF)进行了系统研究。从剩余污泥中提取的MBF在碱性条件下表现出较好的絮凝活性。提高污泥浓度有利于提取出较高絮凝活性的MBF。由于超声波的破解作用,超声频率或功率过高均不利于MBF的提取。在20 kHz的超声频率下,连续超声比脉冲为1、4或8 s超声时的提取效果均要好。经过工艺优化,采用20 kHz、120 W的超声波对剩余污泥(19.4 g/L)连续超声30 s,所提取的MBF对高岭土悬浊液的絮凝率接近70%。结果表明,超声法可用于从剩余污泥中直接提取MBF,在降低MBF生产成本的同时实现污泥的资源化利用。  相似文献   
何强  赵俊  柴宏祥  杜俊 《环境工程学报》2012,6(4):1099-1102
以某污水处理厂二沉池好氧污泥为接种污泥,采用逐步提高盐度和稳定盐度2种方法对活性污泥进行耐盐性驯化培养,考察驯化结果表明,前一种方法更有利于耐盐菌的培养。对比不同盐度情况下各项指标的去除效果得出:本实验污泥适宜盐度为1%。使用稳定进水盐度的方法,出水指标及各指标的去除率均低于逐步提高盐度法,且镜检结果表明大量微生物死亡。  相似文献   
污泥转移SBR工艺处理低浓度生活污水   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
污泥转移SBR工艺是一种通过内部污泥回流实现污泥在不同SBR隔室间转移,从而增加污泥利用效率,提高系统除污效能的新工艺。以设计规模为240 m3/d、处理低浓度生活污水的工艺系统为对象,研究了新工艺在不同泥转移量(污泥回流比)下的除污性能,并与系统以传统SBR方式运行的情况进行了对比。结果表明,新工艺可以有效提高SBR反应器的容积利用率;采用30%的污泥回流比进行污泥转移,新工艺的处理能力比传统SBR工艺提高近1/2,除磷效率从46%提升至85%。出水各项水质指标均能达到国家排放标准的要求。  相似文献   
为了研究厌氧折流板反应器在常温下的启动情况,在22.5~30.2℃条件下,对不加填料的5隔室厌氧折流板反应器和加填料的4隔室复合式厌氧折流板反应器同步进行了启动实验。实验用水为高浓度淀粉废水,两反应器采用相同的启动策略,即梯度增加进水COD浓度与降低水力停留时间相结合的方式。两反应器有效容积均为47.8 L,启动初始负荷为0.6 kg COD/(m3.d),逐渐增加到10 kg COD/(m3.d)。实验表明,经过6个阶段87 d的运行,反应器启动完成,并成功培养出颗粒污泥,两反应器对COD的去除率都能达到85%以上。在启动过程中两反应器对COD的去除效率相近。  相似文献   
GOAL, SCOPE AND BACKGROUND: Sweden is meeting prohibition for deposition of organic waste from 2005. Since 1 million tons of sludge is produced every year in Sweden and the capacity for incineration does not fill the demands, other methods of sludge management have to be introduced to a higher degree. Two biological treatment alternatives are anaerobic digestion and composting. Different oxygen concentrations result in different microbial degradation pathways and, consequently, in a different quality of the digestion or composting residue, It is therefore necessary to study sludge treatment during different oxygen regimes in order to follow both degradation of compounds and change in toxicity. In this study, an industrial sludge containing explosives and pharmaceutical residues was treated with anaerobic digestion or composting, and the change in toxicity was studied. Nitroaromatic compounds, which are the main ingredients of both pharmaceutical and explosives, are well known to cause cytotoxicity and genotoxicity. However, little data are available concerning sludge with nitroaromatics and any associated dioxin-like activity. Therefore, we studied the sludge before and after the treatments in order to detect any changes in levels of Ah receptor (AhR) agonists using two bioassays for dioxin-like compounds. METHODS: An industrial sludge was treated with anaerobic digestion or composting in small reactors in a semi-continuous manner. The same volume as the feeding volume was taken out daily and stored at -20 degrees C. Sample preparation for the bioassays was done by extraction using organic solvents, followed by clean up with silica gel or sulphuric acid, yielding two fractions. The fractions were dissolved in DMSO and tested in the bioassays. The dioxin-like activity was measured using the DR-CALUX assay with transfected H4IIE rat hepatoma pGudluc cells and an EROD induction assay with RTL-W1 rainbow trout liver cells. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: The bioassays showed that the sludge contained AhR agonists at levels of TCDD equivalents (TEQs) higher than other sludge types in Sweden. In addition, the TEQ values for the acid resistant fractions increased considerably after anaerobic digestion, resulting in an apparent formation of acid resistant TEQs in the anaerobic reactors. Similar results have been reported from studies of fermented household waste. There was a large difference in effects between the two bioassays, with higher TEQ levels in the RTL-W1 EROD assay than in the DR-CALUX assay. This is possibly due to a more rapid metabolism in rat hepatocytes than in trout hepatocytes or to differences in sensitivities for the AhR agonists in the sludge. It was also demonstrated by GC/FID analysis that the sludge contained high concentrations of nitroaromatics. It is suggested that nitroaromatic metabolites, such as aromatic amines and nitroanilines, are possible candidates for the observed bioassay effects. It was also found that the AhR agonists in the sludge samples were volatile. CONCLUSIONS: The sludge contained fairly high concentrations of volatile AhR agonists. The increase of acid resistant AhR agonist after anaerobic digestion warrants further investigations of the chemical and toxic properties of these compounds and of the mechanisms behind this observation. RECOMMENDATION AND OUTLOOK: This study has pointed out the benefits of using different types of mechanism-specific bioassays when evaluating the change in toxicity by sludge treatment, in which measurement of dioxin-like activity can be a valuable tool. In order to study the recalcitrant properties of the compounds in the sludge using the DR-CALUX assay, the exposure time can be varied between 6 and 24 hours. The properties of the acid-resistant AhR agonists formed in the anaerobic treatment have to be investigated in order to choose the most appropriate method for sludge management.  相似文献   
城市污水污泥发酵制园林营养土中微生物的变化分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过桶装发酵装置,进行城市污水污泥发酵制园林营养土过程中微生物的变化研究,测试不同好氧-厌氧交替组的发酵温度以及细菌、真菌、放线菌数量等的变化,探讨发酵温度与微生物变化的规律.结果表明,夏季不同发酵方式的发酵温度在50℃以上的持续时间均长于冬季,且夏季好氧-厌氧交替发酵的发酵温度在55℃以上的持续时间长于好氧发酵;冬季与夏季的好氧、好氧-厌氧交替发酵后,堆料中的粪大肠菌群数量均达到了《城镇污水处理厂污泥处置园林绿化用泥质》(CJ 248-2007)的卫生学指标要求;夏季好氧-厌氧交替发酵过程中,厌氧后发酵温度有所下降,好氧后发酵温度又有所回升;无论好氧还是好氧~厌氧交替发酵中,细菌均为优势种群,真菌、放线菌数量比细菌数量低2~6个数量级.  相似文献   
改良剂对Cd污染土壤中小白菜品质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过小白菜盆栽试验,以啤酒污泥、草木灰及其混合物作为土壤改良剂,以生物量、可溶性糖、维生素C和叶绿素含量为指标,研究了改良剂对小白菜品质的影响,并分析了土壤中Cd赋存形态的变化。结果表明,不同改良剂在性质和改良机制上存在差异,因此改良效果各不相同,其中啤酒污泥和草木灰的混合物的改良效果最好,其次是啤酒污泥,最后是草木灰。虽然3种改良剂均能降低小白菜茎叶中Cd含量和土壤中有效态(水溶态和可交换态)Cd含量,提高小白菜品质,但小白菜茎叶中Cd含量仍超过《食品中污染物限量》(GB 2762—2005)规定的蔬菜中Cd限量值。  相似文献   
研究硫酸铝渣和硫铁矿烧渣制聚硅酸硫酸铁的工艺流程及其主要参数.提取硫酸铝渣中的SiO2得到Na2SiO3溶液,提取硫铁矿烧渣中铁得到FeSO4结晶.用FeSO4结晶制备聚合硫酸铁.用含3.5% SiO2的Na2SiO3溶液,控制pH=4.0,制得聚硅酸,将聚合硫酸铁加入聚硅酸制得聚硅酸硫酸铁絮凝剂.红外光谱分析表明,聚硅酸硫酸铁结合了SO2-4.检测了聚硅酸硫酸铁对模拟浊水和垃圾填埋场渗滤液的絮凝效果,用铁和硅物质的量比为0.5、用量0.5 mL/L的聚硅酸硫酸铁,处理模拟浊水,除浊率可达90%以上.用铁和硅物质的量比为1.5、用量4.0 mL/L的聚硅酸硫酸铁处理垃圾填埋场渗滤液生化处理尾水,CODCr去除率可达60%.  相似文献   
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