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ABSTRACT: A synoptic sampling of five surface-water sites in central Nebraska was conducted by the U.S. Geological Survey as part of its National Water-Quality Assessment Program during storm runoff in May 1992 to relate transport, yields, and concentrations of atrazine to environmental setting. Atrazine was the most extensively applied pesticide in the study unit. Atrazine transport was related to the size of contributing drainage area, quantity of atrazine applied, amount of precipitation, and volume of stream-flow. Estimated yields and mean concentrations of atrazine were related to the percentage of cropland in a drainage area. The largest estimated yields and mean concentrations of atrazine in surface water were associated from drainage areas with the highest percentage of cropland, and the smallest was associated with the smallest amount of cropland. Atrazine concentrations increased as streamflow increased but decreased at or near the time of peak streamflows, perhaps due to dilution. Atrazine concentrations then increased and remained elevated far into the stream recession. Atrazine is a regulated contaminant in finished public-water supplies. Large concentrations of atrazine could affect the management of public-water supplies because atrazine remains in solution in contrast to many other pesticides that are more easily removed.  相似文献   
燃煤电厂锅炉烟气中含有SOx和NOx,会氧化腐蚀滤料。试验研究了燃煤电厂布袋除尘器滤料断裂强力与运行时间的关系。结果表明,滤料在酸性环境中会被氧化同时断裂强力下降,但断裂强力下降后均会出现反弹,后处理工艺可提高滤料的抗氧化性能,但会降低滤料的断裂强力。  相似文献   
紫外辐射是模拟环境条件测试的重要组成部分,对紫外辐射强度、剂量等的定标对于老化耐久实验数据的准确性和可靠性具有重要意义。本文通过实验手段对目前常见的定标用紫外标准光源的技术指标进行分析,同时对该类光源的性能指标未来的改进方向进行探讨,并提出了改进设计方案。  相似文献   
为更好地管控和治理绍兴市柯桥区工业园区的挥发性有机物(VOCs),利用柯桥区现有的两工业园区VOCs监测站点(园区1站、园区2站)2019年3月至2020年2月的监测数据分析柯桥区工业园区VOCs污染特征并进行溯源.结果表明:园区1站每月VOCs质量浓度平均值为125μg/m3,园区2站为137μg/m3,都呈现出3月...  相似文献   
驱动电源对浊度仪半导体激光器的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分析了驱动电源及瞬态电压、电流对半导体激光器的影响,提出了防止半导体激光器损坏的措施和建议。  相似文献   
对环太湖丘陵地区农田氮素随地表径流的输出特征进行了研究,结果表明,地表径流中TN浓度随径流量而变化,浓度峰值出现时间滞后于径流量峰值;径流发生前期,NH3 N和NO-3 N浓度水平相当,后期NO-3 N浓度缓慢抬升,而NH3 N含量缓慢下降;NO-2 N浓度相对较低,随时间快速下降;对于TN和NO-3 N而言,溶解态含量高于悬浮态,而溶解态和悬浮态NH3 N的浓度相当;无机氮平均浓度高于有机氮,有机氮尤其是悬浮态有机氮浓度表现出随径流量而变化的特点。  相似文献   
大连石化公司运用标准化法对该厂污染源进行了普查,进而对污染源做出了评价。以二蒸馏装置为例,对总排放口污染源的监测数据进行了标化处理,确定了主要的污染因子及污染源:石油类主要来自减压塔顶分离器;硫化物主要来自减压塔顶油、水分离器和常压塔顶油、水分离器;挥发酚主要来自减压塔顶油、水分离器。  相似文献   
在建立指标体系的基础上,对安徽省市域1991-2002年时段的经济活动进行了实证分析,刻画了20世纪90年代以来安徽省综合实力空间分布格局的动态变化:在时间纬度上,市域差异呈逐步扩大趋势,在空间结构上表现出明显的省城中心性和沿江指向性,并指出今后这种格局还在进一步变动中,市域间的经济实力悬殊加剧的趋势将不可避免。最后提出高梯度区、中梯度区立足于制造业,准低梯度区和低梯度区立足于大农业,实施“东向”战略,尽快融入“长三角”的发展思路。  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: The Watershed Nutrient Transport and Transformation (NTT-Watershed) model is a physically based, energy-driven, multiple land use, distributed model that is capable of simulating water and nutrient transport in a watershed. The topographic features and subsurface properties of the watershed are refined into uniform, homogeneous square grids. The vertical discretization includes vegetation, overland flow, soil water redistribution and groundwater zones. The chemical submodel simulates the nitrogen dynamics in terrestrial and aquatic systems. Three chemical state variables are considered (NO3--, NH4+, and Org-N). The NTT-Watershed model was used to simulate the fate and transport of nitrogen in the Muddy Brook watershed in Connecticut. The model was shown to be capable of capturing the hydrologic and portions of the nitrogen dynamics in the watershed. Watershed planners could use this model in developing strategies of best management practices that could result in maximizing the reductions of nitrogen export from a watershed.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: This paper illustrates a method of using a hydrologic/water quality model to analyze alternative management practices and recommend best management practices (BMPs) to reduce nitrate-nitrogen (NO3--N) leaching losses. The study area for this research is Tipton, an agriculturally intensive area in southwest Oklahoma. We used Erosion Productivity Impact Calculator (EPIC), a field-scale hydrologic/water quality model, to analyze alternative agricultural management practices. The model was first validated using observed data from a cotton demonstration experiment conducted in the Tipton area. Following that, EPIC was used to simulate fertilizer response curves for cotton and wheat crops under irrigated and dryland conditions. From the fertilizer response functions (N-uptake and N-leaching), we established an optimum fertilizer application rate for each crop. Individual crop performances were then simulated at optimum fertilizer application rates and crop rotations for the Tipton area, which were selected based on three criteria: (a) minimum amount of NO3--N leached, (b) minimum concentration of NO3--N leached, and (c) maximum utilization of NO3--M. Further we illustrate that by considering residual N from alfalfa as a credit to the following crop and crediting NO3--N present in the irrigation water, it is possible to reduce further NO3--N loss without affecting crop yield.  相似文献   
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