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Levels of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs) and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs) were measured in the breast milk of mothers living in Giugliano (Campania, Italy), an area at increased risk of PCDD and PCDF exposure caused by recent and serious open-air waste-combustion accidents. Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in milk samples were also studied. Breast milk was also monitored in two cities in northern Italy, Milan and Piacenza, which were selected as controls. Other variables, such as diet and age of the mothers, were also studied. PCDD/F and PCB levels and congener profiles in breast-milk samples were similar in all these cities, though total PCDD/F and DL-PCB TEQs in samples from Giugliano were significantly lower than those in Milan and Piacenza (8.65 pg WHO-TEQ in Giugliano vs. 11.0 and 9.94 pg WHO-TEQ in Milan and Piacenza respectively). Thus no direct correlations were found between PCDD/F and PCB levels in breast milk and the suspected increased exposure through open-air waste combustion in Giugliano. Diet did not seem to affect PCDD/F and PCB levels, whereas a significant correlation was observed between the mother’s age and an increased concentration of PCDDs/Fs and PCBs in milk. Comparison of these findings with those of previous surveys in Italy in 2000-2001 showed a marked reduction of PCDD/F (about 60%) and DL-PCB (about 20%) levels in breast milk occurring over the last 10 years. This might well be a result of well functioning legislation, for example European Directives on of the reduction of the emission limits of PCDDs/Fs and PCBs from waste incineration set by EU Directive 2000/76/EC implemented in 2000, or Commission Regulations such as (EC) No. 466/2001 and 1881/2006 setting maximum levels for certain contaminants in foodstuffs.  相似文献   
为了给污水处理厂微生物气溶胶的健康风险评价提供定量依据,于2011年6—7月利用Andersen 6级撞击式空气微生物采样仪对西安市第三污水处理厂氧化沟单元内不同距离处的细菌气溶胶进行现场采样,利用平皿培养和菌落计数对细菌进行分析。选用适于我国国情的暴露因子参数,建立暴露风险评价模型,对污水处理厂的工人及周围居民的健康风险进行评价。评价点的细菌气溶胶浓度采用修正的高斯模型计算。结果表明,呼吸吸入是人体(儿童和成人)摄入微生物气溶胶的主要途径,暴露非致癌风险商随距离的增加而逐渐降低。同种途径在同样位置,儿童的风险商是成年男性或成年女性的2~3倍。经呼吸途径的风险商从大到小为儿童、成年男性、成年女性,经皮肤接触途径的风险商从大到小为儿童、成年女性、成年男性。  相似文献   
This risk assessment on 1,1,2-trichloroethane (T112) was carried out specifically for the marine environment, according to the methodology laid down in the EU risk assessment Regulation (1488/94) and the Guidance Document of the EU New and Existing Substances Regulation (TGD, 1997). The study consists of the collection and evaluation of data on effects and environmental concentrations from analytical monitoring programs in large rivers and estuaries in the North Sea area. The risk is indicated by the ratio of the "predicted environmental concentrations" (PEC) and the "predicted no effect concentrations" (PNEC) for the marine aquatic environment. In total, 22 studies for fish, 45 studies for invertebrates and 9 studies for algae have been evaluated. Both acute and chronic toxicity studies have been taken into account and the appropriate assessment factors have been used to define a PNEC value of 300 µg/l. Most of the available monitoring data apply to rivers and estuaries and were used to calculate PECs. The most recent data (1991-1995) support a typical PEC of 0.01 µg T112/l water and a worst case PEC of 5 µg T112/l water. The calculated PEC/PNEC ratios give a safety margin of 60 to 30,000 between the predicted no effect concentration and the exposure concentration. Additional evaluation of environmental fate and bioaccumulation characteristics showed that no concern is expected for food chain accumulation.  相似文献   
污染场地土壤通用评估基准建立的理论和常用模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
污染场地土壤通用评估基准的建立与每个国家的经济水准及社会发展紧密相关.从国际相关领域的发展趋势来看,场地基准的建立基于风险基础之上.我国正在颁布污染场地风险评估技术导则(C-RAG),表明我国已选择风险基础上的污染场地管理模式.文章回顾了污染场地土壤通用评估基准建立的理论、方法及通用模型,并推荐污染场地评估的模型框架,...  相似文献   
针对焦化企业开展的研究多关于企业工艺流程、污染物排放特征、周边环境有机物污染特征等方面,鲜有关注企业周边人群的重金属暴露及其健康风险的问题,本研究以我国北方某焦化企业为案例区,以当地儿童为研究对象,基于环境暴露行为模式问卷调查和现场实地样品的采集分析,探讨饮用水、土壤和食物介质中5种重金属(Pb、Cd、Cr、Ni和As)的污染特征,并分析儿童经口途径对饮用水、土壤和食物中重金属的暴露和健康风险水平.研究结果表明,焦化企业周边环境污染尚不突出,但儿童经口综合暴露的非致癌风险水平为0.74~6.30,是可接受风险水平的1~6倍,非致癌风险主要来自食物As暴露.儿童致癌风险水平为1.76×10-4~7.75×10-3,是可接受最高风险水平(1.0×10-4)的几倍至几十倍,且主要归因于Cr经食物的暴露.本研究表明食物的经口暴露是各重金属经口综合暴露的主要途径,占经口综合暴露量的90%以上;焦化企业周边环境重金属污染虽不严峻,但可能会当地儿童带来严重的健康风险,需引起重视.  相似文献   
目的研究5类典型飞机表面涂层南海大气环境试验与实验室环境试验的相关性。方法在南海域环境开展5类典型飞机表面基材及涂层的户外暴露试验,试验时间为3年,同时在实验室开展太阳辐射-湿热-盐雾组合试验。通过测试外观、光泽度、色差研究两种试验环境的相关性。结果将失光率、色差、老化评级为基准得出的秩相关系数进行平均,计算得出平均秩相关系数为0.96,说明涂层样品的试验实验室加速试验和自然暴露试验为极强相关。结论通过秩相关系数法证明了表面涂层在南海大气环境试验和实验室环境试验的极强相关性,可为后续南海环境试验的加速处理提供依据。  相似文献   
A Health Index/Risk Evaluation Tool (HIRET) has been developed for the integration of risk assessment and spatial planning using GIS capabilities. The method is meant to assist decision makers and site owners in the evaluation of potential human health risk with respect to land use. Human health risk defined as the potential adverse effects on human life or health is generally accepted as the most important aspect for site assessment and planning of remediation strategies. It concerns polluted sites that endanger human health on one hand and derelict land that does not cause the immediate risk on the other hand. In current state-of-the-art risk-assessment, long-term spatial and temporal changes of risks, in relation to changes in contamination patterns and land use functions, are not taken into account. The aim of this paper is to demonstrate the methodology developed for human health risk assessment in aspect of spatial and temporal domain. HIRET was developed as an extension for ESRI software ArcView 3.2 and allows performing dynamic human health risk assessment in long-term period, which is relevant for land use planning. The paper illustrates how such methodology can assist in environmental decision-making to enhance the efficiency of contaminated land management. A case study of contaminated site is given showing how data can be used within a GIS framework to produce maps indicating areas of potential human health risk.  相似文献   
抗生素通过动物粪便或生物固体的施用、再生水灌溉进入农业土壤后可以被蔬菜和粮食作物吸收,从而引起人体的被动暴露。为了评估抗生素对人体暴露的健康风险,需要基于植物样品,发展灵敏、稳定且针对性强的分析方法。本文综述了植物样品中抗生素残留分析的研究进展,重点介绍了样品提取、净化等前处理方法及其仪器分析方法,并对植物样品中抗生素分析的研究方向进行了展望。  相似文献   
上海市典型家庭室内空气中PCBs与PBDEs初步研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
于2008年12月─2009年3月用PUF被动采样器采集了上海市6个典型家庭室内的空气样本,利用GC-EI-MS和GC-NCI-MS法分别测定了样本中14种多氯联苯(PCBs)和7种多溴联苯醚(PBDEs)的质量浓度,采用GC-ECD法测定了ρ(BDE-209). 结果表明:ρ(PCBs)为313.84 ~ 753.79 pg/m3,平均值为442.09 pg/m3;ρ(PBDEs)为0.62 ~83.35 pg/m3,平均值为21.83 pg/m3;ρ(BDE-209)为114.9~ 221.19 pg/m3,平均值为185.58 pg/m3. 与文献报道相比,上海市家庭室内空气中ρ(PCBs)处于中等水平,ρ(PBDEs)略低,但ρ(BDE-209)明显高于其他地区. 儿童和成人对PCBs的日均暴露量达到1 980和4 772 pg/d,对PBDEs的日均暴露量达到930和2 241 pg/d. PCBs和PBDEs能够引起人体生物毒性效应,因此,作为在室内空气中普遍存在的有机污染物,其持续低剂量的暴露应引起重视.   相似文献   
城市街道灰尘中重金属铅是血铅的一个重要的潜在污染源,由于校园学生过于集中,校园室内外灰尘的重金属铅对学生身体健康影响尤为严重。本文选择宝鸡市代表性区域的中小学校园,包括市区、郊区城镇、农村及铅锌冶炼厂区域室内外灰尘为研究对象,在对灰尘中铅含量测试的基础上,采用潜在生态危害指数法和地积累指数法对灰尘中铅污染进行对比评价。研究结果表明:宝鸡市中小学校园室内外灰尘重金属铅含量总体均较高,显著高于国内外城市灰尘中铅的含量,是陕西省表层土壤铅背景值(21.4 mg?kg?1)的10—154倍。除农村灰尘铅含量稍微低一些,其他地区灰尘铅含量均达到陕西表层土壤背景值的30倍以上。市区灰尘的铅含量比十年前的408.41 mg?kg?1增加了约40%。铅锌冶炼厂周围的灰尘铅含量和前人的研究数据基本持平。两种评价方法显示:宝鸡市中小学校园室内外灰尘中铅污染程度和潜在生态风险均达到严重水平。该研究结果可为区域环境保护、治理及居民健康防护提供科学依据。  相似文献   
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