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为提高等离子体氧化CH4的脱除效率,同时避免放电过程中副产物NOx的生成,在模拟天然气 (LNG) 发动机排气中,研究了介质阻挡放电 (DBD) 反应器电极结构参数对CH4脱除效率、CO2选择性及NOx生成的影响及其机理。结果表明:增大电极直径使得气隙中折合场强E/N提高,增加了·O和·OH自由基的生成,促进了CH4的氧化,提高了CO2选择性;内电极直径的增大使E/N在气隙中分布更加集中,抑制了N2(X, v)和N自由基的生成,减少了副反应的发生。与圆杆电极相比,螺纹电极的螺牙顶部附近具有过高的电场强度,从而促进N自由基的生成并抑制·O自由基的产生,故圆杆电极比螺纹电极具有更高的CH4脱除效率及更低的NOx生成。电极长度过长降低了折合场强以及电子平均能量,不利于氧化性活性粒子生成,导致CH4脱除效率和CO2选择性降低,同时增加了N2(X,v) ,也使得NOx增加。本研究可为提高低温等离子体协同催化剂促进甲烷还原NOx系统的脱除效率,降低DBD反应器能耗提高能源利用率提供参考。 相似文献
以传统缺氧-好氧(AO) 工艺为参照,采用磷脂脂肪酸(PLFA)分析技术研究了缺氧-好氧-沉淀-厌氧(A+OSA)污泥减量工艺微生物生物量变化及群落结构分布特征。结果表明,参照工艺及减量工艺PLFAs组成以饱和脂肪酸、支链脂肪酸和单不饱和脂肪酸为主,并含有少量环丙烷脂肪酸和羟基脂肪酸。减量工艺污泥减量主要是源于贮泥池中污泥衰减,好氧菌和革兰氏阴性菌(G-菌)为与污泥衰减相关的微生物类群。真菌含量变化表明,减量工艺有抑制真菌生长的作用。减量工艺由于贮泥池的插入造成其微生物群落结构与参照工艺有显著不同,减量工艺缺氧池与好氧池微生物群落结构相似度提高。 相似文献
安徽省是一个特殊的中强地震区,地震活动呈现华北、华南两大地震区的过渡特征。通过分析安徽省的重力异常及航磁异常资料,认为中强震往往发生于正负重力或航磁异常的交接部位;重力、航磁异常等值线梯级带上,莫霍面、磁性层上界面等深线的梯级带上;重力、航磁异常等值线的拐折部位,莫霍面、磁性层上界面等深浅的拐折部位。对这些结论提出了分析模式,并作了地震构造解释。最后,根据这些结论,预测了未来地震危险区。 相似文献
四川喇叭河自然保护区的两栖爬行动物垂直分布及保护区型式 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
四川省喇叭河自然保护区已知分布有39种两栖爬行动物,本文对在该地区海拔700-2600m的地段划分为19个小带,并对其物种多样性的分布特点和分布规律进行了研究.结果表明:两栖爬行动物在保护区内具有明显的垂直分布现象,海拔900-1099m过渡带和2100-2299m过渡带是该地物种保护的关键地区,该区域具有物种丰富、区系复杂和生态脆弱等特点;因此,在规划建设和旅游开发过程中应避免对该区域的影响,同时保护区的规划应遵循物种多样性的分布规律,合理设计保护区的空间格局,初步提出了多核心、多层次的保护区新型式.图5表2参16 相似文献
微生物群落结构和多样性解析技术研究进展 总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15
微生物群落结构和多样性是微生物生态学和环境科学研究的热点内容,对于开发微生物资源,阐明微生物群落与其生境的关系,揭示群落结构与功能的联系,从而指导微生物群落功能的定向调控具有重要意义。基本按照年代顺序概述了常用的微生物群落结构及多样性解析技术,同时也体现了解析技术由片面向全面、由低分辨水平向高分辨水平的发展过程。20世纪70年代以前,对环境微生物群落结构及多样性的认识依赖传统的培养分离方法,方法的分辨水平低,认识是不全面的和有选择性的;20世纪70年代和80年代,在微生物化学成分分析的基础上建立了生物标记物方法(醌指纹法、磷脂脂肪酸法等),对微生物群落结构和多样性的认识进入到较客观的层次上;在80和90年代,以DNA为目标物的现代分子生物学技术(rRNA基因测序技术、基因指纹图谱等)比较精确地揭示了微生物种类和遗传的多样性,并给出了关于群落结构的直观信息。指出了每种解析技术的功能特点和局限性,并展望了解析技术的发展趋势是原位、快速、灵敏、高通量和准确定量。 相似文献
对含氨氮(NH3-N)的微污染原水,采用自制氧化铁改性石英砂(iron oxide coated sand,IOCS)滤料强化过滤与生物预处理技术联合,进行强化处理与吸附效果研究.结果表明,采用强化挂膜法,生物预处理反应器的生物膜成熟期约为7 d,其对氨氮的去除率为60%~70%,但反应器中存在亚硝酸盐氮积累的现象.IOCS与生物预处理技术联合,对NH3-N的平均去除率为84.67%,出水NH3-N浓度均低于0.5 mg/L,NO2--N含量趋于0;而普通石英砂(RQS)在同等条件下,对氨氮的去除效果不稳定,平均去除率为74.31%,出水NH3-N平均浓度未达标,对NO2--N平均去除率仅有33.29%.在4 m/h滤速工况下,与生物预处理技术联合,IOCS和RQS对NH3-N最高去除率分别为94.3%和82.72%.IOCS与RQS的表面形态结构存在明显差异:前者的表面结构更加复杂多孔,比表面积大,有利于生物牢固附着;后者表面较光滑,比表面积小,挂膜后生物易脱落. 相似文献
Farida Begum Roshan Man Bajracharya Subodh Sharma Bishal K. Sitaula 《国际发展与全球生态学杂志》2013,20(5):438-443
This study assessed the influence of slope aspect and land use on soil physio-chemical and biological properties (soil quality indicators) on contiguous south- and north-facing slopes of the mid hills in central Nepal, having the same climate, vegetation and parent material. In each aspect, two treatments (agriculture and forest) were chosen and four replicates taken for each treatment. Soil sample collection and microarthropod extraction was done according to the standard methodology: soil core samples (10 × 10 × 5 cm) and extraction with the modified Berlese–Tullgren funnel. The investigated soil variables were temperature, moisture, faunal abundance and diversity, organic matter, organic carbon, bulk density and pH. Except in a few cases, all considered soil properties showed significant differences between aspects and land use. Soils of the north-facing slope had higher SOC content, moisture, faunal abundance and diversity, and lower temperature and pH. Variations due to topographic aspect induced varied microclimates, causing differences in faunal abundance and diversity; soil moisture, temperature and organic matter trends affected soil fertility and ultimately soil quality. Further studies are required to clarify the complex interactions between soil properties (physio-chemical and biological), vegetation and slope aspect in Nepal, as well as to develop soil biological indicators as a tool to assist in sustainable land management. 相似文献
SUMMARY This paper is concerned with a twenty-five year campaign against the relocation of the Komatsu-Tenmangu shrine as a result of the enlargement of the Kakehashi river. The Komatsu-Tenmangu shrine is an important cultural property of Japan, and was constructed by Toshitsune Maeda, the third dynasty of the Kaga clan in 1657. It is suggested that the primary reason why it took so long to settle this issue is a flaw in our social system for managing public works. It is concluded that preservation of cultural property is not always contrary to land development, and that the proposed procedures or something like them must be put into practice for the real expansion of our culture. 相似文献
Large quantities of herbicides are used on agricultural soils, but the effects of herbicides on the structure of the soil microbial community have not been well investigated. In this study, soil from three soybean fields was investigated. The herbicide imazethapyr was applied in one year to soil 1 and in two sequential years to soil 2. Control soil received no imazethapyr. Microbial biomass and community structure were characterised using chloroform fumigation–extraction and phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) determination. The imazethapyr residue was 1.62 μ g·kg?1 in soil 1 and 1.79 μ g·kg?1 in soil 2. The microbial biomass carbon and total PLFAs for soil 2 were much higher than for the other soils. PLFA profiles showed that fatty acids for Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria, as well as total bacteria and total fungi in soil 2 were higher than in other samples. Principal component analysis of the PLFAs showed that the structure of the microbial community differed substantially among the three different soybean field soils. Application of the herbicide imazethapyr to soybean fields clearly changed the soil microbial biomass and shifted the structure of the microbial community. 相似文献
富营养化水体降磷对浮游植物群落结构特征的影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
浮游植物是水生态系统中物质循环和能量流动的基础,作为初级生产者,浮游植物的群落结构直接影响着水生态系统的结构和功能。在水产养殖生产中,如何根据养殖生物对生活环境的需求开展精准培水、定向培水,培养养殖生物所需要的浮游植物,在维持养殖水域生态平衡的同时又能为养殖生物提供一定的饵料资源,这一直是摆在水产科技工作者面前的重要难题和研究热点。已有的资料大都是通过添加磷的方式研究磷改变对浮游植物生长的影响,而有关富营养化水体降磷对浮游植物群落结构影响的研究尚未见报道。为此,试验通过向取自富营养化湖泊的水体中加入磷去除剂,采用Pielou均匀度指数、Mcnaughton优势度指数和Shannon多样性指数,研究自然水体中的磷被降低后水体浮游植物群落结构的变化情况。结果表明,所取富营养化水体中共检出绿藻(Chlorophyta)、硅藻(Bacillariophyta)、蓝藻(Cyanophyta)、裸藻(Euglenophyta)、隐藻(Cryptophyta)、甲藻(Pyrrophyta)6门29种(包括变种和变型);其中绿藻、蓝藻、硅藻、隐藻、裸藻、甲藻分别有7、4、2、1、1种,分别占总种数的24.13%、13.79%、6.90%、3.45%、3.45%。富营养化水体降磷后,虽然试验组和对照组在浮游植物种类组成上没有差异,但浮游植物群落结构特征发生了很大变化,浮游植物数量明显降低,由13 238.8×104cells·L-1降低至3 997.5×104cells·L-1,下降了69.8%;浮游植物优势种从1门(蓝藻(Cyanophyta))6种增加到3门(绿藻(Chlorophyta)、硅藻(Bacillariophyta)、蓝藻(Cyanophyta))12种,优势度指数从97.29%降低至86.30%,优势种门数和优势种种数远远高于对照组,优势度明显低于对照组;同时,浮游植物多样性指数和均匀度分别从1.85和0.38升高至2.60和0.54,显示出试验组浮游植物多样性和均匀度优于对照组。研究表明富营养化水体降磷对浮游植物群落结构产生了明显影响,使群落结构处于更加复杂、完整和稳定的状态。 相似文献