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Sound stimulates the tympanic membrane (TM) of anuran amphibians through multiple, poorly understood pathways. It is conceivable that interactions between the internal and external inputs to the TM contribute to the nonlinear effects that noise is known to produce at higher levels of the auditory pathway. To explore this issue, we conducted measurements of TM vibration in response to tones in the presence of noise in the frog Eupsophus calcaratus. Laser vibrometry revealed that the power spectra (n = 16) of the TM velocity in response to pure tones at a constant level of 80 dB sound-pressure level (SPL) had a maximum centered at an average frequency of 2,344 Hz (range 1,700–2,990 Hz) and a maximum velocity of 61.1 dB re 1 μm/s (range 42.9–66.6 dB re 1 μm/s). These TM-vibration velocity response profiles in the presence of increasing levels of 4-kHz band-pass noise were unaltered up to noise levels of 90 dB SPL. For the relatively low spectral densities of the noise used, the TM remains in its linear range. Such vibration patterns facilitate the detection of tonal signals in noise at the tympanic membrane and may underlie the remarkable vocal responsiveness maintained by males of E. calcaratus under noise interference.  相似文献   
虽然道南膜技术(DMT)已经成功用于土壤/溶液中多种重金属自由态离子浓度的测定,但DMT技术测定Hg的形态尚未解决.采用DMT测定Ca(NO3)2溶液体系中Hg化学形态.实验结果表明,Hg在阳离子交换膜内的吸附除静电吸附外还存在结合力更强的化学吸附,Hg在阳离子交换膜内扩散成为Hg跨膜传输受阻的主要因素,限制道南膜技术用于Hg形态测定.Hg2+和Hg(OH)2都表现出在阳离子交换膜上的强烈吸附,供端(Donor)Hg损失达50%以上.缩短试验时间至8h以内,可在一定程度上降低Hg吸附.计算结果表明,由于大量的Hg滞留在阳离子交换膜内,在计算受端(Acceptor)Hg浓度时引入滞留系数补偿供端Hg的损失,较好地预测了Ca(NO3)2溶液体系中Hg的化学形态.  相似文献   
用span-80表面活性剂制作的乳状液处理垃圾渗滤液中氨氮,考察了表面活性剂span-80用量、膜内相硫酸浓度、膜增强剂用量、油内比、乳水比、外相水pH值因素对氨氮去除率的影响。结果表明,在最佳反应条件下,用乳状液膜分离法预处理垃圾渗滤液中的氨氮,分离速度快,处理效果达到87%以上。  相似文献   
文章主要研究膜分离-光催化组合工艺中膜污染的控制措施。研究表明,该体系中,膜可逆阻力是造成膜污染的主要因素。通过减小抽吸压力,提高曝气强度,间歇抽吸等措施可以有效地减小膜可逆污染。实验表明:最佳抽吸压力为0.02MPa,经济曝气量为0.4 m3/h,采取抽吸13min、停抽2min的运行模式。膜不可逆污染可通过化学清洗加以去除。  相似文献   
In this study, ultrasound was used to control the membrane fouling online in an anaerobic membrane bioreactor (AMBR). Short-term running experiments were carried out under different operating conditions to explore feasible ultrasonic parameters. The experimental results indicated that when the crossflow velocity was more than 1.0 m/s, membrane fouling could be controlled effectively only by hydrodynamic methods without ultrasound. When ultrasound was applied, an ultrasonic power range of 60–150 W was suitable for the membrane fouling control in the experimental system. The experimental results showed that the membrane fouling was controlled so well that membrane filtration resistance (ΣR) could stay at 5 × 1011 m−1 for more than a week with the crossflow velocity of 0.75 m/s, which equaled the effect of crossflow velocity of more than 1.0 m/s without ultrasound. Translated from Techniques and Equipment for Environmental Pollution Control, 2006, 7(4): 25–29 [译自: 环境污染治理技术与设备]  相似文献   
Fetal akinesia deformation sequence (FADS) is a rare condition characterized by intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR), congenital limb contractures, pulmonary hypoplasia, hydramnios and craniofacial abnormalities. The present report comprises an autopsy study of three fetuses to illustrate the variable clinical manifestations and neuropathological findings. Fetus 1 had arthrogryposis and no movement on fetal ultrasound examination. Aborted at 21 weeks, the fetus showed micrognathia, bilateral joint contracture with pterygia at the elbow and axilla. Growth retardation and pulmonary hypoplasia were not major features. Neuropathologic examination revealed anterior horn cell loss and lateral corticospinal tract degeneration in spinal cord, with marked muscular atrophy. Fetus 2, 20 weeks' gestation, had fetal akinesia, nuchal thickening, left pleural effusion, and Dandy-Walker malformation on ultrasound examination. Autopsy showed low-set ears, ocular hypertelorism, cleft palate, flexion contractures with pterygia over axilla, elbow and groin, pulmonary hypoplasia, Dandy-Walker malformation, unremarkable spinal cord and skeletal muscle. Fetus 3, 21 weeks' gestation, was aborted for fetal akinesia, neck and limb webbing and severe arthrogryposis. At autopsy, similar facial abnormalities, contracture and pterygia in neck and multiple major joints were found. Borderline pulmonary hypoplasia and severe lumbar scoliosis were also present. The brain, spinal cord and muscle were unremarkable. In these three fetuses, the prenatal ultrasound and autopsy findings were characteristic of FADS. Neurogenic spinal muscular atrophy was the basis of fetal akinesia in Case 1. Dandy-Walker malformation was present in Case 2, but the pathogenetic mechanism of fetal akinesia was not clear as spinal cord and muscle histology appeared normal. The etiology of akinesia was undetermined in Case 3; no extrinsic or intrinsic cause was identified. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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