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The present study describes an association between adverse outcome in the twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS) and pulmonary stenosis or reactive right ventricular hypertrophy. Six discordant monozygotic twin pregnancies with TTTS are described. Ventricular hypertrophy and atrioventricular valvular regurgitation occurred in all the recipient twins with pulmonary valvular stenosis in three cases and infundibular stenosis in one case. The recipient twin in one pair and both twins in another pregnancy died as a consequence of immaturity but the remaining twins all survived. Surgical intervention was required in one baby for valvular pulmonary stenosis. Our observations suggest that elevated blood pressure in the transfusion recipient may play an important role in pathogenesis. We hypothesise that both pulmonary stenosis and right chamber hypertrophy are secondary to hemodynamic changes. Although we have found valvular pulmonary stenosis in three recipients and infundibular stenosis in only one, this (obstruction to outflow) could be due to right chamber hypertrophy. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
We report three siblings from consecutive pregnancies affected with restrictive dermopathy (RD). During the second pregnancy, fetal behavioural development and growth were studied extensively using ultrasound at 1–4 week intervals. Dramatic and sudden changes occurred in fetal body movements and growth but not until the end of the second trimester of pregnancy. Prominent at that time were prolonged periods of fetal quiescence and very low heart rate variability, together with abnormally executed body movements of short duration. Retarded femoral development and jerky abrupt fetal body movements (abnormal movement quality) were already present in the early second trimester of pregnancy. Facial anomalies emerged despite the presence of fetal mouth movements. The clinical features of RD were only partly explained by present knowledge of skin development and the fetal akinesia deformation sequence hypothesis. Quantitative assessment of fetal movements proved to be a poor early marker for antenatal diagnosis of this disorder. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
在进行矿井水中油类分析时,用正己烷作为萃取剂,以工作曲线代替标准曲线,从而使油平均回收率增加到96%以上。并在正己烷用量、水样预处理等测试参数选择上做了条件试验。  相似文献   
源强确定在突发污染事故的预警与应急过程中极为重要。本文针对树状河流的特性,将污染源搜索和源强反算的方法结合起来构建了树状河流突发污染事故源强确定的一般方法,并利于假设的突发污染事故情形对方法就行了评估。结果表明,监测数据的误差对计算结果的影响很大,源强的计算结果相比事故的地点与发生时间更为敏感。  相似文献   
浅谈水体中硫化物保存、分离和测定方法的选择   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
水体中的硫化物是环境监测和工厂验收监测的一个重要参数.由于水中硫化物的不稳定性和水体中的干扰物质较多,保存常用技术为醋酸锌-氢氧化钠保存技术,但由于测定的手段不同,可根据不同的测定方法选用不同的保存和分离技术.比色法和碘量法时选用锌盐保存技术,分离技术有吹气分离、负压抽气分离或酸性溶液加锌产生氢气分离,选用不同的吸收液后测量;用间接测定技术时,可选用不同的金属盐进行沉淀后测定金属离子;选用电化学方法测定时,可选用使用于电化学的保存技术.为了准确地测定水体中的硫化物,宜选择最好的保存技术、分离技术和测定方法,并且必须使保存技术和测定方法相匹配,获得完善的监测技术和准确的监测结果.  相似文献   
稳定的矿井通风系统是实现矿井安全高效生产的前提,但是随着采掘工作面的推进,通风网络结构的变化,巷道的冒顶变形等,通风系统的稳定性也随之变化.基于矿井通风系统稳定性的重要性、非线性和时变性,运用Lyapounov(李雅普诺夫)稳定性理论和灵敏度,提出了定量分析判定矿井通风系统稳定性的方法.方法以Lyapounov稳定性分...  相似文献   
以水华蓝藻为研究对象,用基质辅助激光解吸电离飞行时间质谱(MALDI-TOF MS)技术对其进行测定分析并获得了蛋白质指纹图谱。对铜绿微囊藻标准株(NIES-843)样品通过3种前处理方法得到的质谱图进行对比,确定了质谱分析的样品前处理方法,建立了利用MALDI-TOF MS技术简便、快速检测水华蓝藻的方法。对在水华中出现的4种不同蓝藻进行MALDI-TOF MS分析,结果表明各种蓝藻具有其特征性波谱,可据此对水华蓝藻进行区分和鉴定。该方法快速、简便、精确、可程序化,具有广泛的应用前景。  相似文献   
蔬菜样品的H_2SO_4-H_2O_2快速消化方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文报道了使用硫酸 -过氧化氢对蔬菜样品进行快速消化的方法。其消化时间比常规消化方法大为缩短。重金属元素镉、铬、铜、镍、锌含量测定的结果 ,与用常规消化方法 (硝酸 -高氯酸 )相吻合。  相似文献   
In a case of fetal heart failure caused by endocardial fibroelastosis, prenatal echocardiography clearly demonstrated; a thickened endocardium. We therefore suggest that an abnormal endocardium may be detected in utero by ultrasound, thus representing an important clue in the differential diagnosis of fetal nonimmune hydrops and in the evaluation of pregnancies at risk for endocardial fibroelastosis.  相似文献   
We studied the validity of mid-trimester amniotic fluid testosterone and FSH in the diagnosis of fetal sex in abnormal fetuses and in twins. It was found that the testosterone/FSH ratio, but not the level of the individual hormones, was an excellent criterion for fetal sex diagnosis. In a control group of 32 female and 34 male fetuses, the testosterone/FSH ratio was diagnostic. In two cases the values were indeterminate and fetal sex could not be predicted, but there were no false diagnoses. The abnormalities of the fetuses were diagnosed by karyotype analyses or raised levels of α-fetoprotein. It was found that neither autosomal trisomies nor X-chromosome aneuploidy or neural tube defect interfered with the diagnostic value of the hormonal approach. The twin study included 14 pairs, three of whom were discordant for sex. In all twins the fetal sex diagnosis was appropriate. In co-twins of the same sex the hormone levels were very close to each other.  相似文献   
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