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To investigate the effect of temperature on effective diffusion coefficients and retardation factors for Zn and Cd, combined diffusion and sequential extraction analyses were conducted at 15 ˚C and 55 ˚C. The effective diffusion coefficients of the metals increased up to ten times according to the increased temperature. On the other hand, the effect of temperature on the retardation factor depended on the retention mechanisms of the metals. The distribution coefficient for Zn, which was mainly partitioned in the carbonate phase, increased up to two times with the increase in temperature. On the other hand, the distribution coefficient for Cd, which was mainly partitioned in the exchangeable phase, was hardly affected by the temperature change. Results of combined diffusion and sequential extraction analysis showed that the effect of temperature on the heavy metals’ (Zn and Cd) migration through the compacted natural clay was influenced by the combined effects of the diffusion coefficient and the retardation factor. Additionally, we could also observe the change in retention mechanism for the metals with the change in pore water concentration.  相似文献   
薛秀玲  袁东星 《环境化学》2006,25(3):310-314
在实验室模拟缢蛏的生长环境,研究乐果和三唑磷对缢蛏的毒性效应.以气相色谱法测定缢蛏体内有机磷农药的含量,并通过光镜观察有机磷农药对缢蛏鳃和消化腺显微结构的影响.结果表明:缢蛏体内乐果和三唑磷的含量随着水体中有机磷农药的增加而增加,有很好的剂量-效应关系,但是无线性相关性.乐果和三唑磷对缢蛏鳃显微结构的影响是:鳃丝变短,鳃丝间隔和基底膜结缔组织增生,鳃孔、血管腔堵塞;不同的是:在乐果胁迫下,上皮细胞纤毛脱落严重,而三唑磷胁迫下,上皮细胞纤毛增生.乐果和三唑磷对缢蛏消化腺显微结构的影响主要表现为腺细胞界限模糊,腺泡水肿变形、部分坏死;结缔组织增生,细胞间质疏松,出现许多空泡;有机磷农药的浓度高时消化腺细胞变性、坏死,细胞质囊泡化.  相似文献   
大气CO2浓度不断增加将以两种方式影响作物的代谢、生长发育和产量的形成:一是通过温室效应“加热”气候,改变降水类型,进而影响作物;二是浓度变化本身对作物生理过程的影响。介绍了国内外近年来在与CO2浓度有关的作物生理实验方面取得的进展及其主要结果。  相似文献   

Interaction of environmental pollution between peripheral areas has become a central topic in the field of resources and environment but little is known about the actual impact on peripheral areas in the current literature. This paper sets out a simultaneous equation model to investigate the spillover effect of environmental pollution between China’s peripheral areas utilizing the panel data of 218 cities in China. Making use of indicators for measuring the impact on environmental pollution, it identifies that environmental pollution between cities of China has a significant two-way spillover effect. After standardization of variables, it is found that the spillover effect of peripheral areas on urban environmental pollution cannot be neglected. Nearly, a third of the environmental pollution level in a city is induced by the environmental pollution in peripheral areas. If the indicator of environmental pollution in peripheral areas is missing, wrong conclusions will be drawn. Therefore, government should shift the emphasis of environmental regulation from local to global, and improve the overall environmental quality through coordinated management of regional environment.  相似文献   
以浮游生物为指示生物的苏州河生态安全评价   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用斜生栅藻,羊角月牙藻和大水蚤对苏州河主要几种重金属以及不同河段河水及底泥进行了生态影响实验,得到了以大水蚤EC50为指标的苏州河主要几种重金属生态安全阈值。同时结果还表明,与郊区黄渡段相比,苏州河市区河段河水对供试浮游生物呈现了一定的抑制作用,某些点位的生态影响甚至达到统计学显著性水平。黑泥层底泥抑制作用大于浮泥层底泥。因此,尽管苏州河经过二期整治后,水环境质量的景观指标有明显改善,但市区段河水和底泥对生物定居仍有一定的抑制作用,对苏州河生态安全构成一定的影响。  相似文献   
红壤稻田系统有机物循环再利用潜力及增产作用   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
10年田间试验结果表明:红墩妥田系统有机养分循环再利用潜力大,水稻收获,年均从稻田系统中输出NPK的总量最大可达到224.7,53.0和271.4kg/hm^2,有机物循环再利用,年均可归N,P,K量最大分别为115.1,35.8和231.5kg/hm^2,占系统输总量的51.2%,67.5%g和85.3%,保持稻田系统内有机物循环再利用可提高系统生产力,在不施化肥的情况下,增产3056kg/hm^2,增施N肥,增产2753kg/hm^2,增施N,P肥,增产1543kg/hm^2;NPK配合,增产984kg/hm^2;有机物循环再利用还可增强稻田系统的稳产性能,降低稻谷产量的年际变异系数;有机物循环再利用对水稻的增产有着明显的残效叠加作用,在施用N,P,K化肥基础上圾机物养分循环再利用水稻增产率在试验期间的前5年为7.2%,后5年平均为9.4%。  相似文献   
This study suggests a methodology for enhancing accuracy in evaluating amenity by the contingent valuation method when household's willingness to pay (WTP) is dependent to its income and the distance between a respondent's residence and the location of a target facility. Using a linear city model, this study demonstrates the influences of income and distance-decay effects on WTP. Simulations are performed to check the validity of the model, as well as to predict consequences when income and distance-decay effects are not properly treated. Finally, the suggested methodology is applied to two real cases. The estimation results from a structural model show that the calculated total benefit varies largely when income and distance-decay effects exist and are ignored. Also, an ad hoc model generates significantly different estimates from the utility difference model this study adopted. The difference in estimates suggests that the total benefit has to be estimated by a structural model.  相似文献   
介绍了环境试验数据管理系统的功能及组成,阐述了系统建设的目的和达成的目标,并对其在企业内部的应用效果进行了分析。  相似文献   
当前中国资源环境约束日益凸显,依靠全要素生产率成为解决这些问题的共识。然而仅仅依靠全要素生产率不能转变生产方式,关键在于区分绿色与非绿色偏向。研究使用中国省际面板数据,运用面板与动态空间面板模型方法,对比分析绿色全要素生产率、绿色"软技术"、绿色"硬技术"的影响机制。研究发现:1依靠全要素生产率驱动发展需要区别绿色与非绿色偏向;2必须注重绿色全要素生产率对绿色发展的作用及其运行机制;3不同偏向的绿色全要素生产率的省际空间学习效应不同;4绿色"软技术"对绿色发展贡献不充分。这就意味着,在当前中国资源环境约束日趋收紧的背景下,要区别绿色与非绿色全要素生产率的不同作用,否则将不能促进生产方式转变,实现绿色可持续发展。推动绿色可持续发展,一方面需要重视提升绿色全要素生产率的作用,另一方面需要重视绿色管理技术等绿色"软技术"对绿色发展的贡献。提升绿色全要素生产率,既要重视研发投入、人力资本投入,又要考虑技术市场、劳动智力结构、劳动者年龄结构的影响。提升绿色"软技术"的贡献率,改善绿色技术效率变动的吸纳能力。通过绿色全要素生产率的省际空间学习效应,实现中国省际区域间绿色可持续协同发展。此外,在引进吸收国外先进绿色技术时,既要重视对绿色"硬技术"的吸收,又要重视对绿色"软技术"的再学习。总之,"打铁还需自身硬",中国要继续鼓励支持绿色"硬技术"自主研发,巩固提升绿色"硬技术"对绿色发展的贡献。  相似文献   
环境分权、市场分割与碳排放   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国有着庞大的环境管理队伍以及巨大的国内市场,科学的环境管理制度以及高度一体化的国内市场将深刻改变碳排放格局,然而,已有研究对于这些影响碳排放的体制性因素既缺乏足够的理论分析也缺乏实证检验。有鉴于此,本文首先分析了环境分权和市场分割影响碳排放的理论机理,并提出了三个理论假设,进一步地,本文以环境管理人员在不同层级政府的配置衡量环境分权度,以相对价格法衡量市场分割程度,基于1995-2012年的省际面板数据,从实证层面检验了环境分权和市场分割对碳排放的影响效应。结果显示:环境分权和市场分割都显著地加剧了碳排放,原因在于分权的环境管理体制安排扭曲了激励,无法对碳排放形成真实有效的约束,而市场分割则恶化了碳排放在区域间的配置效率。同时,环境分权与市场分割对碳排放的共同影响作用上存在互补效应,即环境分权程度越高,市场分割对碳排放的负面影响效应越大,反之,市场分割程度越高,环境分权对碳排放的负面影响效应也越大。这主要是由于环境分权与市场分割是地方政府一对互补的策略行为,在环境分权较高的地区,地方政府进行市场分割的能力越强,而在市场分割较高的地区,地方政府争取环境事务管理权的动力越强。因此,在既定的碳排放约束下,中央政府一方面需要适度集中环境事务管理权限,进一步优化环境事务管理机构设置以及人员队伍在不同层级政府间的配置,提高对碳排放的管控效率,另一方面需要打通省际壁垒,加快区域市场一体化建设,优化碳排放的区域配置,提高碳排放效率。  相似文献   
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