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论可持续发展观的贯彻与水资源论证制度的完善   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
可持续发展理念要求以环境资源承载力为依据规范人们开发、利用自然资源的行为。水资源论证制度是贯彻、实施可持续发展理念的良好制度形式,对于促进经济社会可持续发展意义重大,但我国现行立法中规定的水资源论证制度还不完善,影响了制度作用的充分发挥。完善相关立法,提高水资源论证制度的法律地位,是在水资源管理与保护方面贯彻可持续发展要求的关键任务。  相似文献   
海洋油气资源开发技术发展战略研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
开辟深水油气勘探开发领域、实现边际油田的高效和经济开发是提高油气后续发展能力。保障油气资源安全的重要途径之一。我国在深水油气勘探开发技术方面基础较薄弱.在“十一五”期间尚不具备开发深水油气的条件。因此“十一五”期间需针对我圈海域特点选择部分关键技术进行重点攻关。实现我国海洋油气开发由近海向深水的技术转移。为实现全海域资源开发提供高技术支撑。本文以海洋油气资源开发技术为对象.从海洋油气资源及其勘探开发状况、国内外技术发展现状和趋势、图象及社会经济需求筹方面进行内外部环境条件分析.提出了我国海洋油气资源技术领域所面临的挑战以及与国际水平的差距。并对制约我国该技术领域和相关油气产业发展的瓶颈技术、国外垄断技术进行了分析.最终提出我国海洋资源开发技术发展的战略目标和战略模式。  相似文献   
本文将农业资源系统理论与农业技术创新学的理论与方法相结合,重点阐述了基于科技价值链的农业资源型技术创新三环模式及链接机制.农业资源型技术创新实质上就是以提高各类农业资源利用率为核心的农业技术改造和技术革新.农业资源型技术创新价值链是指从农业技术创新源到科技成果产业化开发的全过程中,由一系列相互独立、相互联系的创新主体链接起来的,使其科技开发价值不断增值的农业资源型技术创新链条集合体.其技术生命有机体在其发育成长的三个阶段形成了由相关功能节点链接而成的三个关键创新环,即研发创新环、孵化创新环和市场创新环,称为农业资源型技术创新三环模式.在农业资源型技术创新过程中,由各功能节点组配链接成链接单元,再由链接单元链接成关键创新环,进而构成三环模式链条集合体系统网络,这一"点→元→环→链→网"的逐级链接过程,表现出定向有序性、无限多样性、互利共生性和价值递增性等创新价值链接的规律性特性.  相似文献   
火电燃料消费过程对资源环境的影响评估   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国以化石能源为主要燃料的火电生产导致了严重的资源枯竭和环境污染问题,定量评估火电燃料消费对资源环境的影响是区域可持续发展研究的重要内容。在估算火电燃料燃烧及运输、生产过程中排放的主要大气污染物的基础上,利用成分法计算相应的生态足迹,定量评估火电燃料消费过程对资源环境的影响。结果表明:我国1 kW〖DK〗·h火电的燃料消费过程中排放的CO2、CH4、NOx、SO2、烟尘分别为107 kg、993×10-3 kg、646×10-3 kg、260×10-3 kg、202×10-2 kg;全国火电燃料消费占用的生态足迹由2000年的50 67444万hm2,增加到2007年的123 84208万hm2,年均增长1362%;CO2和NOx的生态足迹平均比重高达836%,是影响资源环境的主要因子,SO2、烟尘与CH4三者合计仅164%,对资源环境的冲击相对较小  相似文献   
There is a growing wealth of data capturing the direct-use values of the environment and recognition of forests and wild resources as representing “the poor manȁ9s overcoat”. This focus has however resulted in an emphasis on the utilitarian values of wild resources for rural livelihoods and has for the most part overlooked their cultural values. In tangent to these developments within the field of anthropology there has been increased attention directed towards the relationship between biodiversity and human diversity over the past decade. This has resulted in the recognition of what the Declaration of Belem calls an ȁ8inextricable linkȁ9 between biological and cultural diversity. The term bio-cultural diversity has been introduced as a concept denoting this link. Consequently there is a need for more elaborate assessments of the various ways in which different groups of people find value in biodiversity. The aim of this paper is to demonstrate the cultural significance of wild harvested plant resources for the maintenance of two gender specific cultural artefacts for amaXhosa people in South Africa, to assess the persistence of these practices in rapidly modernizing communities. We demonstrate the endurance of these ancient cultural artefacts in present-day peri-urban communities and suggest that they point to the need for improved understanding of the significance of bio-cultural diversity. The findings of the study should not be interpreted as illustrating stagnation in the traditional past, but rather as pointing at the need for improved understanding of the significance of bio-cultural diversity in a dynamic sense.  相似文献   
人类社会的发展是一个世代发展的过程。因此.代际公平是可持续发展的根本所在。根据“代际”一词有不同的理解。“公平”在不同的社会有不同的含义,尤其是对代际公平的含义、原则进行了探讨。代际公平实现的策略是:基于压力-状态-反应的人力资源可持续开发;基于艾奇沃斯方框图分析的自然资源可持续利用;鉴于客观上当代具有优先权,代际之间在环境污染上则采用非合作博弈。  相似文献   
在相关理论分析和Weber模型的基础上。拓展建立了面向水资源可持续发展的水资源最优配置模型。引入了基于政府管制的影响作用、沿河流域的水用户的实际消耗水量、实际排放水量、河流中可供使用水量及所排放污水水质水平等5个变量函数.通过政府管制下的水质和水量的河道内流量需求等环境约束条件.确保水资源利用始终满足最小基流水量。通过求量优解,计算得出在环境约束下达到最优配置时各个变量函数与对下游地区外部性之间的相关性。接着。本文对陕北黄土高原沿Y河的35家企业进行了实际调查.收集了2个年度共8个季度的观测值,应用计量经济Pand Data模型。对35个节点、8个季度的共280个数据作为混合样本进行经济计量分析。验证了相关结论。最后。还提出一些制定环境约束条件以及水用户间建立水资源环境生态补偿金机制等政策建议。  相似文献   
循环经济的范式研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
发展循环经济是落实科学发展观、实现经济增长方式根本性转变的重要途径。借鉴“范式”理论探讨和研究了循环经济范式替代末端治理范式的变革:①自然资源的价值得到重估。循环经济范式中将自然资源列为最重要的资源形式。认为它是人类社会最大的资源储备,提高资源生产率是解决环境问题的关键。②不同生态伦理得到整合、提升。循环经济的生态伦理基础强调“生态价值”的全面回归.主张在生产领域和消费领域向生态化转向,承认“生态位”的存在和尊重自然权利。它既包含了现代人类中心主义、生命中心主义和生态中心主义兰种生态伦理追求人类道德完善的合理成分。又补充了各自其不完善的方面o③生态阈值的研究得到深化。循环经济范式的基本前提之一是认为生态阈值是客观存在的。强调在生态阈值的范围内合理利用自然资源.从原来的仅对人力生产率的重视转向在根本上提高资源生产率。在尊重自然的基础上切实有力地保护生态系统的自组织能力。实现经济发展和环境保护的目的。④深层生态学的研究得到加强。循环经济范式是一种深层生态学。符合天人调谐的理念。它不仅强调技术进步.而且将制度、体制、管理、文化等因素通盘考虑,注重观念创新和生产、消费方式的变革.树立了人与自然和谐发展的价值观念。  相似文献   
Species composition of fishes was studied in rivers (capture sites) inhabited by the riffle minnow. In some localities, this species proved to occupy a leading position in the ichthyofauna, being obviously dominant. In small rivers, 16 species were caught together with it, including seven species regularly occurring in catches. The relative abundance of riffle minnow showed a moderate positive correlation with that of the gudgeon (0.568) and a nonsignificant negative correlation (?0.399) with that of the bleak. It is probable that the population dynamics of riffle minnow are determined mainly by natural intraspecific mechanisms rather than by water quality, which has changed only slightly in the rivers studied.  相似文献   
Human society consumes resources that it is not able to reproduce. Human activities are still based on “open cycles,” starting from a condition of natural environmental balance and reaching an environmental imbalance. The challenging scope of scientific and technological research towards sustainability appears clear if it is based on this analysis: to find development systems based on “closed cycles” of resources. The challenging objective of realizing closed cycles leads to a definition of sustainability that indicates the path to sustainable development, as well as stating the general principle. It also provides a key to the qualitative measurement of sustainability. This means that the sustainability level of a system can be measured by measuring its capacity to avoid the consumption of resources. Zero consumption is a necessary condition for sustainability, and brings about as a side effect the highly desired “zero-waste” result. Materials entering the proposed endless scheme pass through the process of usefulness without losing their capacity to feed the system again after being used. Thus, the concept of “consumption” itself is replaced by one of “use” when resources are inserted into closed loops capable of feeding human development. The application of the closed cycle sustainability criterion particularly displays its feasibility, and a theoretical guiding role, in the energy sector. Energy vectors such as hydrogen and electricity enable the closure of the energy resources loop by effectively approaching the objective of “zero consumption” (and the side result of “zero waste”) through already demonstrated technological solutions.  相似文献   
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