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In spring 2011, an unprecedented flood hit the complex eastern United States (U.S.)–Canada transboundary Lake Champlain–Richelieu River (LCRR) Basin, destructing properties and inducing negative impacts on agriculture and fish habitats. The damages, covered by the Governments of Canada and the U.S., were estimated to C$90M. This natural disaster motivated the study of mitigation measures to prevent such disasters from reoccurring. When evaluating flood risks, long‐term evolving climate change should be taken into account to adopt mitigation measures that will remain relevant in the future. To assess the impacts of climate change on flood risks of the LCRR basin, three bias‐corrected multi‐resolution ensembles of climate projections for two greenhouse gas concentration scenarios were used to force a state‐of‐the‐art, high‐resolution, distributed hydrological model. The analysis of the hydrological simulations indicates that the 20‐year return period flood (corresponding to a medium flood) should decrease between 8% and 35% for the end of the 21st Century (2070–2099) time horizon and for the high‐emission scenario representative concentration pathway (RCP) 8.5. The reduction in flood risks is explained by a decrease in snow accumulation and an increase in evapotranspiration expected with the future warming of the region. Nevertheless, due to the large climate inter‐annual variability, short‐term flood probabilities should remain similar to those experienced in the recent past.  相似文献   
Armstrong, William H., Mathias J. Collins, and Noah P. Snyder, 2012. Increased Frequency of Low‐Magnitude Floods in New England. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 48(2): 306‐320. DOI: 10.1111/j.1752‐1688.2011.00613.x Abstract: Recent studies document increasing precipitation and streamflow in the northeastern United States throughout the 20th and early 21st Centuries. Annual peak discharges have increased over this period on many New England rivers with dominantly natural streamflow – especially for smaller, more frequent floods. To better investigate high‐frequency floods (<5‐year recurrence interval), we analyze the partial duration flood series for 23 New England rivers selected for minimal human impact. The study rivers have continuous records through 2006 and an average period of record of 71 years. Twenty‐two of the 23 rivers show increasing trends in peaks over threshold per water year (POT/WY) – a direct measure of flood frequency – using the Mann‐Kendall trend test. Ten of these trends had p < 0.1. Seventeen rivers show positive trends in flood magnitude, six of which had p < 0.1. We also investigate a potential hydroclimatic shift in the region around 1970. Twenty‐two of the 23 rivers show increased POT/WY in the post‐1970 period when comparing pre‐ and post‐1970 records using the Wilcoxon rank‐sum test. More than half of these increases have p < 0.1, indicating a shift in flow regime toward more frequent flooding. Region wide, we found a median increase of one flood per year for the post‐1970 period. Because frequent floods are important channel‐forming flows, these results have implications for channel and floodplain morphology, aquatic habitat, and restoration.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: This paper considers the distribution of flood flows in the Upper Mississippi, Lower Missouri, and Illinois Rivers and their relationship to climatic indices. Global climate patterns including El Niño/Southern Oscillation, the Pacific Decadal Oscillation, and the North Atlantic Oscillation explained very little of the variations in flow peaks. However, large and statistically significant upward trends were found in many gauge records along the Upper Mississippi and Missouri Rivers: at Hermann on the Missouri River above the confluence with the Mississippi (p = 2 percent), at Hannibal on the Mississippi River (p < 0.1 percent), at Meredosia on the Illinois River (p = 0.7 percent), and at St. Louis on the Mississippi below the confluence of all three rivers (p = 1 percent). This challenges the traditional assumption that flood series are independent and identically distributed random variables and suggests that flood risk changes over time.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: The U.S. Geological Survey has collected flood data for small, natural streams at many sites throughout Georgia during the past 20 years. Flood-frequency relations were developed for these data using four methods: (1) observed (log-Pearson Type HI analysis) data, (2) rainfall-runoff model, (3) regional regression equations, and (4) map-model combination. The results of the latter three methods were compared to the analyses of the observed data in order to quantify the differences in the methods and determine if the differences are statistically significant. Comparison of regression-estimates with observed discharges for sites having 20 years (1966 to 1985) and 10 years (1976 to 1985) of record at different sites of annual peak record indicate that the regression-estimates are not significantly different from the observed data. Comparison of rainfall-runoff-model simulated estimates with observed discharges for sites having 10 years and 20 years of annual peak record indicated that the model-simulated estimates are significantly and not significantly different, respectively. The biasedness probably is due to a “loss of variance” in the averaging procedures used within the model and the short length of record as indicated in the 10 and 20 years of record. The comparison of map-model simulated estimates with observed discharges for sites having 20 years of annual-peak runoff indicate that the simulated estimates are not significantly different. Comparison of “improved” map-model simulated estimates with observed discharges for sites having 20 years of annual-peak runoff data indicate that the simulated estimates are different. The average adjustment factor suggested by Lichty and Liscum to calculate the “improved” map-model overestimates in Georgia by an average of 20 percent for three recurrence intervals analyzed.  相似文献   
基于历史文献法收集整理了《四川两千年洪水史料汇编》中嘉陵江清代洪水碑刻的碑文记录,并利用Gibbs-Mirtin多样化指数法分析洪水碑刻记录的空间分布特征。结果发现:清朝时期,嘉陵江流域共有洪水碑刻记录55通,月份明确可辨的有36通。空间上整体分布不均,下游多于中上游,其中嘉陵江干流28通(20通有明确月份;Gibbs-Mirtin多样化指数为0.46,上游仅有零星分布,相对集中于中下游),渠江16通(10通有明确月份;Gibbs-Mirtin多样化指数为0.71,各河段均有分布),涪江11通(6通有明确月份;Gibbs-Mirtin多样化指数为0,仅集中于下游的重庆市)。洪水碑刻记录在年内主要分布于6、7、8、9四个月,洪水碑刻清晰记录了清代1679年(2通)、1840年(3通)、1870年(17通)、1903年(2通)4次特大洪水,洪水碑刻记录的嘉陵江流域清代洪水的发生频率为7 a一洪。清代嘉陵江洪水碑刻记录反映了流域夏秋季洪水较多,这与嘉陵江流域的亚热带湿润季风气候、多洪齐发的扇状水系、低山丘陵-谷坝地形、松散的土壤质地以及"湖广填川"时期毁林垦荒导致的水土流失与河道淤积有关。  相似文献   
The dominant paradigm in disaster risk reduction (DRR) policies has been seriously contested because of its reliance on interventions based on technocratic expertise. In the Mexican context, the influence of informal practices such as clientelism and cartelisation of the political system produces environmental degradation and vulnerability to disasters within the communities in the study site. This paper contributes to understanding of failed institutional processes and parallel practices that intensify vulnerability to disasters by contrasting the discourses of agents within a peri‐urban community in central Mexico. Employing the Situational Analysis Approach as a methodological framework, the study identifies divergent views and practices within the community, leading to different responses to disasters and to different perceptions regarding institutional performance. In addition, it finds that institutional decision‐making, based only on scientific and technical expertise, has resulted in unintended consequences that influence ongoing vulnerability to floods in the site under review.  相似文献   
Extreme weather events such as floods and droughts can have devastating consequences for individual well being and economic development, in particular in poor societies with limited availability of coping mechanisms. Combining a dynamic computable general equilibrium model of the Yemeni economy with a household‐level calorie consumption simulation model, this paper assesses the economy‐wide, agricultural and food security effects of the 2008 tropical storm and flash flood that hit the Hadramout and Al‐Mahrah governorates. The estimation results suggest that agricultural value added, farm household incomes and rural food security deteriorated long term in the flood‐affected areas. Due to economic spillover effects, significant income losses and increases in food insecurity also occurred in areas that were unaffected by flooding. This finding suggests that while most relief efforts are typically concentrated in directly affected areas, future efforts should also consider surrounding areas and indirectly affected people.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. This paper describes the meteorological patterns that produced the combination of heavy rains in August 1971 that resulted in record floods in New Jersey. Daily and hourly precipitation data and selected recurrence frequencies of rainfall amounts are tabulated. History of previous heavy rainfalls in New Jersey indicates that occurrences of very heavy rains are frequently associated with tropical disturbances. Flood damages, fatalities, warnings issued and areas of record river stages are summarized.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: Runoff Routing model (RORB) is a general model applicable to both rural and urban catchments. The performance of the model is illustrated through its simulation of flood runoff hydrographs in an urban catchment in Singapore. The essential feature of the model is the routing of rainfall excesses on subareas through some arrangement of concentrated storage elements, which represent the distribution of temporary storage of flood runoff on the watershed. This nonlinear routing procedure of the storage elements has two common parameters, kc and m. With the limited data available, these two parameter values were determined through calibration runs. The same set of values of kc and m were then used in the model to determine the runoff hydrographs of five other storms selected from the rainfall events between 1979 and 1981. It was found that the simulated runoff hydrographs matched reasonably well with the recorded hydrographs.  相似文献   
The Hydrologic Engineering Center (HEC-1) model was used to construct synthetic hydrographs for isolated interior urban floods. Flood peak and lag time were very well preserved in simulated flows. Total volume was not adequately expressed. Lag time varied inversely with both urban development and storm intensity. Peak discharge varied with storm intensity, but this variability was well defined only at very high urbanization levels. An 175% increase in storm intensity produced a change of about 15% in peak discharge. Claims for flood damage correlated well with estimates of peak flow and lag time combined. Other measures of flood experience also correlated with the two features. Within the range of storms utilized, urban development factors consistently outranked storm intensity as a determining factor in flood damage.  相似文献   
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