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粉煤灰非均相催化H2O2氧化S2-的研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
研究了利用电厂粉煤灰作为过氧化氢催化氧化S^2-的非均相催化剂,试验了各种因素对S^2-去除率的影响。结果表明粉煤灰具有良好的催化活性;常温下,当硫化钠和过氧化氢的起始浓度分别为0.26和0.23mol/L时,粉煤灰的用量仅为4%(质量分数,%)就可使S^2-的去除率提高40%左右;与新灰相比,旧灰的活性下降了约20%。  相似文献   
粉煤灰处理含磷废水的研究   总被引:43,自引:0,他引:43  
阎存仙  周红 《上海环境科学》2000,19(1):33-34,36
迷了降低水体富营养化,以粉煤灰作为吸附剂,探讨了含磷为50-120mg/L模拟废水脱磷的一般规律,结果表明,粉煤灰是一种有效的吸附剂,在含P浓度为50-120mg/L,粉煤灰用量每50mL为2-2.5g,粒径范围140-160目,PH中性的实验条件下,磷的去除率最高可达99%以上。  相似文献   
随着垃圾产生量的增加,垃圾处理成为人们十分关注的问题.填埋、焚烧和堆肥是目前普遍采用的三种处理方式.在综合介绍、对比三种方法处理特点的基础上,重点针对垃圾焚烧发电技术的相关问题着重进行了分析.采用垃圾焚烧工艺需要满足可燃物含量、低位发热值和垃圾含水率等基本参数,且选择层燃炉、回转炉、流化床等不同炉型又有其各自的技术特点.同时,把垃圾焚烧发电的焦点问题集中在焚烧处理中产生的有毒物质二恶英、焚烧飞灰和渗滤液几方面,并对其解决对策进行了分析,以解决垃圾焚烧发电技术的瓶颈问题,实现可持续开发利用.  相似文献   
Researches on the hydrothermal treatment of municipal solid waste incineration (MSWI) fly ash were conducted to eliminate dioxins and stabilize heavy metals. In order to enhance decomposing polychlorinated dibenzodioxins (PCDDs) and polychlorinated dibenzo-furans (PCDFs) during hydrothermal process, a strong reductant carbohydrazide (CHZ) is introduced. A hydrothermal reactor was set up by mixing raw MSWI fly ash or the pre-treated fly ash with water and then heated to a pre-set temperature; CHZ was spiked into solution according to specially defined dosage. Experimental results showed that under the temperatures of 518 K and 533 K, the decomposition rates of PCDDs/PCDFs were over 80% and 90%, respectively, by total concentration. However, their toxic equivalent (TEQ) decreased only slightly or even increased due to the rising in concentration of congeners 2, 3, 7, 8-TCDD/TCDF, which might be resulted from the highly chlorinated congeners losing their chlorine atoms and being degraded during the hydrothermal process. Better results of TEQ reduction were also obtained under the higher tested temperature of 533 K and reactor with addition of 0.1%wt CHZ was corresponded to the best results. Good stabilization of heavy metals was also obtained in the same hydrothermal process especially when ferrous sulphate was added as auxiliary agent.  相似文献   
煤矸石-粉煤灰-废石膏烧结陶粒   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
盛兆琪  夏伟根  焦春艳  李军 《环境科学》1995,16(3):28-31,38
采用制粒烧结工艺成功地把煤矸石、粉煤灰及废石膏(或烟气脱硫污泥)制备成建筑用轻质陶粒,实现了对上述固体废物的资源化和稳定化。煤矸石等的配料比以及粉状原料的颗粒尺寸分布是在成球盘中制粒的主要影响因素。烧结过程中的影响因素较多,但烧结温度是影响产品质量的主要因素。煤矸石-粉煤灰-废石膏陶粒烧结过程发生在950—1250℃,最佳烧结温度为1200±50℃,制得的陶位坚硬如岩石,容重等级为900,筒压强度为9—15MPa,超过GB2838-81的筒压强度≥6.5MPa的规定。  相似文献   
本文从微珠、粉煤灰和粘土相近的化学成分出发 ,分析了混合料的结合和反应机理 ,在这个基础上研究了各种配方情况下的保温砖的成型工艺 ,指出烧结法工艺品有良好的性能 ,掺入较多的粉煤灰将有更好的环境效益和经济效益。为了简化工艺 ,节约能源 ,便于推广 ,初步研究了用化学方法粘结的非烧结工艺———这是一种有前途的保温砖成型工艺。  相似文献   
粉煤灰资源化特性及路面工程应用技术研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
对粉煤灰的各项技术参数进行了试验研究,揭示出粉煤灰的不同成分和形貌对其资源化特性的影响规律,初步完成了消除不利于粉煤灰资源化的有害成分炭的优化实验工作,进行了脱炭粉煤灰混凝土配合比等试验研究,并在路面修复工程中予以应有,结果表明,经脱炭处理的粉煤灰应用于混凝土工程可以明显改善混凝土的工作性能,实际道路运营和技术性能符合路面工程的要求,具有重大的经济效益和环境效益。  相似文献   
采用正交实验 ,研究了水合制备高效钙基烟气脱硫剂时各制备条件对产物的影响。结果表明 ,水合时间、水合温度Ca(OH) 2 /CaSO4的质量比 ,以及飞灰 / (Ca(OH) 2 +CaSO4)质量比四个条件对脱硫剂比表面积的形成有显著的影响 ;从而由单因素实验得出一最佳钙基脱硫剂制备条件组合。此外 ,通过XDR分析 ,测定了脱硫剂的物相组成 ,扫描电镜观察显示飞灰和水合吸收剂具有不同的表面形态  相似文献   
以粉煤灰为原料,采用改进的水热合成法制备了粉煤灰沸石,并将粉煤灰和粉煤灰沸石用于高浓度氨氮的吸附去除。实验结果表明:在粉煤灰和粉煤灰沸石的投加量分别为0.10 g/m L和0.04 g/m L、反应体系p H为5~7、初始氨氮质量浓度为500 mg/L的条件下,分别吸附660 min和60 min,粉煤灰和粉煤灰沸石对氨氮的去除率分别约为20.1%和50.7%左右,粉煤灰沸石对高浓度氨氮的去除效果明显优于粉煤灰;粉煤灰和粉煤灰沸石对氨氮的吸附动力学行为符合准二级动力学方程;Langmuir和Freundlich等温吸附模型能较好地描述粉煤灰对氨氮的等温吸附过程,而粉煤灰沸石对氨氮的等温吸附过程则更适宜用线性模型和Freundlich模型描述。  相似文献   
Zeolite synthesized from fly ash (ZFA) without modification is not efficient for the purification of NH4+ and phosphate at low concentrations that occur in real effluents, despite the high potential removal capacity. To develop an effective technique to enhance the removal efficiency of ammonium and phosphate at low concentrations, ZFA was modified with acid treatment and the simultaneous removal of ammonium and phosphate in a wide range of concentration was investigated. It was seen that when compared with untreated ZFA, only the treatment by 0.01 mol/L of H2SO4 significantly improved the removal efficiency of ammonium at low initial concentrations. The behavior was well explained by the pH effect. Treatment by more concentrated H2SO4 led to the deterioration of the ZFA structure and a decrease in the cation exchange capacity. Treatment by 0.01 mol/L H2SO4 improved the removal efficiency of phosphate by ZFA at all initial P concentrations, while the treatment by concentrated H2SO4 (≥0.9 mol/L) resulted in a limited maximum phosphate immobilization capacity (PIC). It was concluded that through a previous mild acid treatment (e.g. 0.01 mol/L of H2SO4), ZFA can be used in the simultaneous removal of NH4+ and P at low concentrations simulating real effluent.  相似文献   
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