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震后灾害链生机制及其对汶川地震城镇重建的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
汶川8级大地震对地表产生强烈扰动,导致次生山地灾害极度发育,影响到震后灾害的活动特征及其相应的减灾对策。震后松散固体物质急剧增加、流域微地貌变化明显(沟道堵塞严重)、水文变化利于侵蚀和洪峰,使得灾害群发链生:崩塌、滑坡→泥石流→堰塞湖→溃决洪水(泥石流),8月中旬灾区各地因强降雨而大规模爆发泥石流堵塞河道,洪水冲毁掩埋重建城镇,给地震重灾区造成巨大损失。从以汶川县映秀镇为例,在阐述灾害链研究成果的基础上,分析震后灾害链的形成条件、成灾过程以及对城镇重建居民点的危害特点,进而提出灾害防治措施,为灾后城镇建设防灾减灾提供参考建议。  相似文献   
Contaminated irrigation water may greatly affect not only the quality of produce but also the people exposed to it. In this study, agricultural irrigation waters in Bulacan, Philippines were assessed and found to be contaminated with Escherichia coli (E. coli) ranging from 0.58 to 4.51 log10 CFU/mL. A total of 79 isolates of E. coli were confirmed through polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplifying the uidA gene and were tested for phenotypic resistance using 10 antimicrobials through the Kirby–Bauer disc diffusion method. Forty-six isolates (58.22%) were noted to be multidrug resistant (MDR) with high resistance rate to cephalothin, tetracycline, streptomycin, ampicillin, trimethoprim, nalidixic acid, and chloramphenicol. Moreover, this study also examined the prevalence of Class I and II integrons accounting to 67.39% and 17.39%, respectively, of the MDR E. coli strains using multiplex PCR. The results imply that the agricultural water used in Bulacan is contaminated with the fecal material of man or other animals present in the area, and the presence of MDR bacteria, which pose a potential threat to individuals in these areas, is alarming. In addition, detection of integrons could be a good marker for the identification of MDR isolates. Lastly, this study could develop strategies for the proper management of farming sites leading to the detection of food-borne pathogens and prevention of infectious diseases.  相似文献   
介绍了现有规范中餐厨垃圾处理厂用地标准,分析了现有标准中处理厂分类标准以及综合用地指标等方面存在的问题,结合现状全国餐厨垃圾处理厂建设情况对处理厂处理工艺进行了分析,并重点对影响处理厂用地面积的两个核心因素——设计规模和用地指标进行了研究,从而得出科学合理的处理厂规划用地控制标准.规划新增餐厨垃圾处理厂时应采用先进工艺(如厌氧&好氧协同工艺),经分析表明应依据实际情况并参考现有工程案例的分析结果确定设计规模和用地指标.  相似文献   
为提高乳品工业废水生物处理的去污脱氮能力,以新型螺旋状纤维填料作为载体,采用多级氧化槽内不同种类微生物形成的食物链系统(food chain reactor),详细考察了不同水力停留时间COD、TN、NH4-N、TP等的去除率及其去除机理,并对污泥减量化效果进行了初步探讨.结果表明,当进水COD为842~1 843  mg/L、TN为36.3~92.2  mg/L、NH4-N为30.1~52.1  mg/L,HRT=6 h时,系统COD的平均去除率达到93.3%;TN和NH+4-N的去除效果显著,其平均去除率分别达到73.3%和80.7%,出水COD、TN、NH+4-N平均值分别为79.4 mg/L、9.6  mg/L、6.1 mg/L,均低于《污水综合排放标准》(GB 8978-2002)的一级标准.该系统不仅具有较高的去污脱氮效果,而且产生的剩余污泥量极少,其污泥产率的平均值为7.7%.该系统运行费用低,操作管理方便,长期运行稳定,可应用于城市污水、中高浓度有机废水(如餐厅污水、食品工业废水)等的处理.  相似文献   
经济发达地区土地利用结构变化预测 --以江苏省江阴市为例   总被引:30,自引:1,他引:30  
结构决定功能,把握土地利用结构变化的趋势,调整社会经济发展的策略。优化土地利用结构是土地可持续利用的关键。以经济发达地区江苏省江阴市为例,运用马尔柯夫链的理论与方法,构建土地利用结构转移的概率矩阵,预测江阴市2005年和2010年的土地利用结构,并分析其变化特征,以此来研究经济发达地区近期内可能的土地利用结构变化规律。模拟结果表明,经济发达地区土地利用结构变化存在着非农化趋势加快.农地数量减少加速的现象,如果为保证耕地的数量平衡,则可能导致农地内部结构极其不合理。根据研究结果,提出适当释放农地,促进经济发展;运用经济杆杠,提高非农用地利用效率;重视耕地质量,改善生态环境的政策建议。  相似文献   
唐敏  熊强 《环境科学与管理》2007,32(2):11-13,17
餐厨垃圾对环境的污染和人们身心健康的危害日益显现,重庆市对餐厨垃圾的统一管理与处置基本还处于空白状态.本文介绍了国内外餐厨垃圾管理的政策和措施,剖析重庆城市餐厨垃圾污染的现状及原因,进而提出全市餐厨垃圾管理的总体思路,并着重从健全法律法规体系、转变政府管理职能、建立市场化机制及引导公众参与等方面提出了相应的对策建议.  相似文献   
当前,伴随着餐饮业高度发展,食物浪费现象也十分严重。以2000—2010年、1960—1999年出生,餐饮消费金额低于3 000元/月的在校学生和工薪阶层为消费群体,在传统餐厅、自助餐、快餐(小吃)就餐场所进行问卷调研,分析不同类型餐厅就餐的食物浪费现状及意识因素。利用Excel、SPSS等软件结合数理统计理论,统计分析消费者食物浪费现状及原因,运用结构方程模型结合计划行为理论,针对消费者食物浪费的行为意愿进行分析及预测,并通过接受者操作特性曲线(receiver operating characteristic,ROC)验证影响消费者意识因素的预测概率模型的拟合效果。结果显示:消费者在不同类型餐厅就餐时,食物浪费程度为传统餐厅>自助餐厅>快餐(小吃),公务活动为消费者食物浪费的主要就餐场合,其主要原因为菜不合胃口、菜品分量大等;相较于女性,男性更易浪费食物;2000—2010年、1990—1999年出生的消费者食物浪费程度较高,随着年龄的增长食物浪费程度呈逐渐下降趋势;结构方程模型的分析和预测发现,个人行为态度和感知行为控制间接影响消费者食物浪费的行为意愿,可通过引导和改善消费者的意识和态度减少食物浪费。研究发现,消费者减少食物浪费的途径包括打包剩餐、选择自我偏爱的食物等,餐厅要积极引导消费者勤俭节约和剩餐打包意识,可通过提供精美礼品、建立会员制等方式减少食物浪费。  相似文献   
论我国耕地保护与粮食安全   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
耕地资源关系到国家经济发展、社会稳定和粮食安全。对我国而言,经济飞速增长,人地矛盾十分突出,每寸土地都显得弥足珍贵。在收集我国1997-2005年耕地面积变化的资料,并作相关分析的基础上,研究得出我国耕地资源呈现不断减少的趋势,其中生态退耕和非农建设用地占用耕地是其变化的主要原因。耕地资源的减少引起了粮食总产量和单产量的变化,而耕地复种指数也是影响耕地产量的主要原因之一。在此基础上分析了耕地保护和粮食安全的内在关系,并提出适合我国的耕地资源可持续利用与粮食安全的措施。  相似文献   
For the indigenous populations of Amazonia, invertebrates constitute an important component of the diet. We have information on entomophagy for 39 ethnic groups, about 21,4 per cent of the 182 groups known in the Amazon Basin, but the use of this non conventional food resource is probably much more widespread. We present here a data-base of all the information available for each ethnic group regarding the species included in the diet, the scientific and the ethno name if known, the stage of life-cycle consumed, the manner of preparation and, when known, the host plant. This data-base lists 115 species scientifically identified and 131 ethno names. In addition, we have information about other 384 ethno names, with unsecure link to the Linnean taxonomy suggesting that local knowledge is very extensive. The data-base represents not only an easy to consult resource, but also a support for further research. The knowledge of the relations between indigenous populations and ecosystem is indeed the base for the natural and cultural biodiversity preservation.  相似文献   
Background, aim, and scope  Ionic liquids are regarded as essentially “green” chemicals because of their insignificant vapor pressure and, hence, are a good alternative to the emissions of toxic conventional volatile solvents. Not only because of their attractive industrial applications, but also due to their very high stability, ionic liquids could soon become persistent contaminants of technological wastewaters and, moreover, break through into natural waters following classical treatment systems. The removal of harmful organic pollutants has forced the development of new methodologies known as advanced oxidation processes (AOPs). Among them, the Fenton and Fenton-like reactions are usually modified by the use of a higher hydrogen peroxide concentration and through different catalysts. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of hydrogen peroxide concentration on degradation rates in a Fenton-like system of alkylimidazolium ionic liquids with alkyl chains of varying length and 3-methyl-N-butylpyridinium chloride. Materials and methods  The ionic liquids were oxidized in dilute aqueous solution in the presence of two different concentrations of hydrogen peroxide. All reactions were performed in the dark to prevent photoreduction of Fe(III). The concentrations of ionic liquids during the process were monitored with high-performance liquid chromatography. Preliminary degradation pathways were studied with the aid of 1H NMR. Results  Degradation of ionic liquids in this system was quite effective. Increasing the H2O2 concentration from 100 to 400 mM improved ionic liquid degradation from 57–84% to 87–100% after 60 min reaction time. Resistance to degradation was weaker, the shorter the alkyl chain. Discussion  The compound omimCl was more resistant to oxidation then other compounds, which suggests that the oxidation rates of imidazolium ionic liquids by OH· are structure-dependent and are correlated with the n-alkyl chain length substituted at the N-1-position. The level of degradation was dependent on the type of head group. Replacing the imidazolium head group with pyridinium increased resistance to degradation. Nonetheless, lengthening the alkyl chain from four to eight carbons lowered the rate of ionic liquid degradation to a greater extent than changing the head group from imidazolium to pyridinium. 1H-NMR spectra show, in the first stage of degradation, that it is likely that radical attack is nonspecific, with any one of the carbon atoms in the ring and the n-alkyl chain being susceptible to attack. Conclusions  The proposed method has proven to be an efficient and reliable method for the degradation of imidazolium ionic liquids by a Fenton-like reagent deteriorated with lengthening n-alkyl substituents and by replacing the imidazolium head group with pyridinium. The enhanced resistance of 1-butyl-3-methylpyridinium chloride when the resistance of imidazolium ionic liquids decreases with increasing H2O2 concentration is probably indicative of a change in the degradation mechanism in a vigorous Fenton-like system. H-NMR spectra showed, in the first stage of degradation, that radical attack is nonspecific, with any one of the carbon atoms in the ring and the n-alkyl chain being susceptible to attack. Recommendations and perspectives  Since ionic liquids are now one of the most promising alternative chemicals of the future, the degradation and waste management studies should be integrated into a general development research of these chemicals. In the case of imidazolium and pyridinium ionic liquids that are known to be resistant to bio- or thermal degradation, studies in the field of AOPs should assist the future structural design as well as tailor the technological process of these chemicals  相似文献   
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